Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 /***************************************************************
00003 *  Copyright notice
00004 *
00005 *  (c) 2003-2006 Stanislas Rolland <stanislas.rolland(arobas)>
00006 *  All rights reserved
00007 *
00008 *  This script is part of the Typo3 project. The Typo3 project is
00009 *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012 *  (at your option) any later version.
00013 *
00014 *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
00015 *
00016 *
00017 *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00018 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00020 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00021 *
00022 *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
00023 ***************************************************************/
00032 require_once(PATH_tslib.'class.tslib_pibase.php');
00034 class tx_rtehtmlarea_pi1 extends tslib_pibase {
00035         var $cObj;  // The backReference to the mother cObj object set at call time
00036         var $prefixId = 'tx_rtehtmlarea_pi1';  // Same as class name
00037         var $scriptRelPath = 'pi1/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_pi1.php';  // Path to this script relative to the extension dir.
00038         var $extKey = 'rtehtmlarea'; // The extension key.
00039         var $conf = array();
00040         var $siteUrl;
00041         var $charset = 'utf-8';
00042         var $parserCharset = 'utf-8';
00043         var $result;
00044         var $text;
00045         var $misspelled = array();
00046         var $suggestedWords;
00047         var $wordCount = 0;
00048         var $suggestionCount = 0;
00049         var $suggestedWordCount = 0;
00050         var $pspell_link;
00051         var $pspellMode = 'normal';
00052         var $dictionary;
00053         var $AspellDirectory;
00054         var $pspell_is_available;
00055         var $forceCommandMode = 0;
00056         var $filePrefix = 'rtehtmlarea_';
00057         var $uploadFolder = 'uploads/tx_rtehtmlarea/';
00058         var $userUid;
00059         var $personalDictsArg = '';
00068         function main($conf) {
00069                 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $TYPO3_DB;
00071                 $this->conf = $conf;
00072                 $this->tslib_pibase();
00073                 $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults();
00074                 $this->pi_loadLL();
00075                 $this->pi_USER_INT_obj = 1;  // Disable caching
00076                         // Setting start time
00077                 $time_start = microtime(true);
00078                 $this->pspell_is_available = in_array('pspell', get_loaded_extensions());
00079                 $this->AspellDirectory = trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['AspellDirectory'])? trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['AspellDirectory']) : '/usr/bin/aspell';
00080                 $this->forceCommandMode = (trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['forceCommandMode']))? trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['forceCommandMode']) : 0;
00081                 $safe_mode_is_enabled = ini_get('safe_mode');
00082                 if($safe_mode_is_enabled && !$this->pspell_is_available ) echo('Configuration problem: Spell checking cannot be performed');
00083                 if($safe_mode_is_enabled && $this->forceCommandMode) echo('Configuration problem: Spell checking cannot be performed in command mode');
00084                 if(!$safe_mode_is_enabled && (!$this->pspell_is_available || $this->forceCommandMode)) {
00085                         $AspellVersionString = explode('Aspell', shell_exec( $this->AspellDirectory.' -v'));
00086                         $AspellVersion = substr( $AspellVersionString[1], 0, 4);
00087                         if( doubleval($AspellVersion) < doubleval('0.5') && (!$this->pspell_is_available || $this->forceCommandMode)) echo('Configuration problem: Aspell version ' . $AspellVersion . ' too old. Spell checking cannot be performed in command mode');
00088                 }
00090                         // Setting the list of dictionaries
00091                 if(!$safe_mode_is_enabled && (!$this->pspell_is_available || $this->forceCommandMode)) {
00092                         $dictionaryList = shell_exec( $this->AspellDirectory.' dump dicts');
00093                         $dictionaryList = implode(',', t3lib_div::trimExplode(chr(10), $dictionaryList, 1));
00094                 }
00095                 if( empty($dictionaryList) ) {
00096                         $dictionaryList = trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['dictionaryList']);
00097                 }
00098                 if( empty($dictionaryList) ) {
00099                         $dictionaryList = 'en';
00100                 }
00101                 $dictionaryArray = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $dictionaryList, 1);
00103                 $defaultDictionary = trim($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF'][$this->extKey]['defaultDictionary']);
00104                 if(!$defaultDictionary || !in_array($defaultDictionary, $dictionaryArray)) {
00105                         $defaultDictionary = 'en';
00106                 }
00108                         // Get the defined sys_language codes
00109                 $languageArray = array();
00110                 $tableA = 'sys_language';
00111                 $tableB = 'static_languages';
00112                 $selectFields = $tableA . '.uid,' . $tableB . '.lg_iso_2,' . $tableB . '.lg_country_iso_2';
00113                 $table = $tableA . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $tableB . ' ON ' . $tableA . '.static_lang_isocode=' . $tableB . '.uid';
00114                 $whereClause = '1=1 ';
00115                 $whereClause .= ' AND ' . $tableA . '.hidden != 1';
00116                 $res = $TYPO3_DB->exec_SELECTquery($selectFields, $table, $whereClause);
00117                 while($row = $TYPO3_DB->sql_fetch_assoc($res))    {
00118                         $languageArray[] = strtolower($row['lg_iso_2']).($row['lg_country_iso_2']?'_'.$row['lg_country_iso_2']:'');
00119                 }
00120                 if(!in_array($defaultDictionary, $languageArray)) {
00121                         $languageArray[] = $defaultDictionary;
00122                 }
00123                 foreach ($dictionaryArray as $key => $dict) {
00124                         $lang = explode('-', $dict);
00125                         if( !in_array(substr($dict, 0, 2), $languageArray) || !empty($lang[1])) {
00126                                 unset($dictionaryArray[$key]);
00127                         } else {
00128                                 $dictionaryArray[$key] = $lang[0];
00129                         }
00130                 }
00131                 uasort($dictionaryArray, 'strcoll');
00132                 $dictionaryList = implode(',', $dictionaryArray);
00134                         // Setting the dictionary
00135                 $this->dictionary = t3lib_div::_POST('dictionary');
00136                 if( empty($this->dictionary) || !in_array($this->dictionary, $dictionaryArray)) {
00137                         $this->dictionary = $defaultDictionary;
00138                 }
00139                 $dictionaries = substr_replace($dictionaryList, '@'.$this->dictionary, strpos($dictionaryList, $this->dictionary), strlen($this->dictionary));
00141                 //$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $this->dictionary);
00143                         // Setting the pspell suggestion mode
00144                 $this->pspellMode = t3lib_div::_POST('pspell_mode')?t3lib_div::_POST('pspell_mode'): $this->pspellMode;
00145                         // Now sanitize $this->pspellMode
00146                 $this->pspellMode = t3lib_div::inList('ultra,fast,normal,bad-spellers',$this->pspellMode)?$this->pspellMode:'normal';
00147                 switch($this->pspellMode) {
00148                         case 'ultra':
00149                         case 'fast':
00150                                 $pspellModeFlag = PSPELL_FAST;
00151                                 break;
00152                         case 'bad-spellers':
00153                                 $pspellModeFlag = PSPELL_BAD_SPELLERS;
00154                                 break;
00155                         case 'normal':
00156                         default:
00157                                 $pspellModeFlag = PSPELL_NORMAL;
00158                                 break;
00159                 }
00161                         // Setting the charset
00162                 if( t3lib_div::_POST('pspell_charset') ) $this->charset = trim(t3lib_div::_POST('pspell_charset'));
00163                 if(strtolower($this->charset) == 'iso-8859-1') $this->parserCharset = strtolower($this->charset);
00164                 $internal_encoding = mb_internal_encoding(strtoupper($this->parserCharset));
00165                 //$regex_encoding = mb_regex_encoding (strtoupper($this->parserCharset));
00166                         // However, we are going to work only in the parser charset
00167                 if($this->pspell_is_available && !$this->forceCommandMode) {
00168                         $this->pspell_link = pspell_new($this->dictionary, '', '', $this->parserCharset, $pspellModeFlag);
00169                 }
00171                         // Setting the path to user personal dicts, if any
00172                 if (t3lib_div::_POST('enablePersonalDicts') == 'true' && $GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin) {
00173                         $this->userUid = 'BE_' . $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'];
00174                         if ($this->userUid) {
00175                                 $this->personalDictPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($this->uploadFolder . $this->userUid);
00176                                 if (!is_dir($this->personalDictPath)) {
00177                                         t3lib_div::mkdir($this->personalDictPath);
00178                                 }
00179                                         // escape here for later use
00180                                 $this->personalDictsArg = ' --home-dir=' . escapeshellarg($this->personalDictPath);
00181                         }
00182                 }
00184                 $cmd = t3lib_div::_POST('cmd');
00185                 if ($cmd == 'learn' && !$safe_mode_is_enabled) {
00186                                 // Only availble for BE_USERS, die silently if someone has gotten here by accident
00187                         if(!$GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin) die('');
00188                                 // Updating the personal word list
00189                         $to_p_dict = t3lib_div::_POST('to_p_dict');
00190                         $to_p_dict = $to_p_dict ? $to_p_dict : array();
00191                         $to_r_list = t3lib_div::_POST('to_r_list');
00192                         $to_r_list = $to_r_list ? $to_r_list : array();
00193                         header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . strtoupper($this->parserCharset));
00194                         header('Pragma: no-cache');
00195                         //print_r($to_r_list);
00196                         if($to_p_dict || $to_r_list) {
00197                                 $tmpFileName = t3lib_div::tempnam($this->filePrefix);
00198                                 if($filehandle = fopen($tmpFileName,'wb')) {
00199                                         foreach ($to_p_dict as $personal_word) {
00200                                                 $cmd = '&' . $personal_word . "\n";
00201                                                 echo $cmd;
00202                                                 fwrite($filehandle, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
00203                                         }
00204                                         foreach ($to_r_list as $replace_pair) {
00205                                                 $cmd = '$$ra ' . $replace_pair[0] . ' , ' . $replace_pair[1] . "\n";
00206                                                 echo $cmd;
00207                                                 fwrite($filehandle, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
00208                                         }
00209                                         $cmd = "#\n";
00210                                         echo $cmd;
00211                                         fwrite($filehandle, $cmd, strlen($cmd));
00212                                         fclose($filehandle);
00213                                                 // $this->personalDictsArg has already been escapeshellarg()'ed above, it is an optional paramter and might be empty here
00214                                         $AspellCommand = 'cat ' . escapeshellarg($tmpFileName) . ' | ' . $this->AspellDirectory . ' -a --mode=none' . $this->personalDictsArg . ' --lang=' . escapeshellarg($this->dictionary) . ' --encoding=' . escapeshellarg($this->parserCharset) . ' 2>&1';
00215                                         print $AspellCommand . "\n";
00216                                         print shell_exec($AspellCommand);
00217                                         t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile($tmpFileName);
00218                                         echo('Personal word list was updated.');
00219                                 } else {
00220                                         echo('SpellChecker tempfile open error.');
00221                                 }
00222                         } else {
00223                                 echo('Nothing to add to the personal word list.');
00224                         }
00225                         flush();
00226                         exit();
00227                 } else {
00228                                 // Check spelling content
00229                                 // Initialize output
00230                         $this->result = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $this->parserCharset . '"?>
00231 <!DOCTYPE html
00232      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
00233      "">
00234 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="' . substr($this->dictionary, 0, 2) . '" lang="' . substr($this->dictionary, 0, 2) . '">
00235 <html>
00236 <head>
00237 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $this->parserCharset . '" />
00238 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="spell-check-style.css" />
00239 <script type="text/javascript">
00240 /*<![CDATA[*/
00241 <!--
00242 ';
00244                                 // Getting the input content
00245                         $content = t3lib_div::_POST('content');
00247                                 // Parsing the input HTML
00248                         $parser = xml_parser_create(strtoupper($this->parserCharset));
00249                         xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
00250                         xml_set_object($parser, &$this);
00251                         if( !xml_set_element_handler( $parser, 'startHandler', 'endHandler')) echo('Bad xml handler setting');
00252                         if( !xml_set_character_data_handler ( $parser, 'spellCheckHandler')) echo('Bad xml handler setting');
00253                         if( !xml_set_default_handler( $parser, 'defaultHandler')) echo('Bad xml handler setting');
00254                         if(! xml_parse($parser,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $this->parserCharset . '"?><spellchecker> ' . mb_ereg_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $content) . ' </spellchecker>')) echo('Bad parsing');
00255                         if( xml_get_error_code($parser)) {
00256                                 die('Line '.xml_get_current_line_number($parser).': '.xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)));
00257                         }
00258                         xml_parser_free($parser);
00259                         if($this->pspell_is_available && !$this->forceCommandMode) {
00260                                 pspell_clear_session ($this->pspell_link);
00261                         }
00262                         $this->result .= 'var suggested_words = {' . $this->suggestedWords . '};
00263 ';
00265                                 // Calculating parsing and spell checkting time
00266                         $time = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_start, 2, ',', ' ');
00268                                 // Insert spellcheck info
00269                         $this->result .= 'var spellcheck_info = { "Total words":"'.$this->wordCount.'","Misspelled words":"'.sizeof($this->misspelled).'","Total suggestions":"'.$this->suggestionCount.'","Total words suggested":"'.$this->suggestedWordCount.'","Spelling checked in":"'.$time.'" };
00270 // -->
00271 /*]]>*/
00272 </script>
00273 </head>
00274 ';
00275                         $this->result .= '<body onload="window.parent.finishedSpellChecking();">';
00276                         $this->result .= preg_replace('/'.preg_quote('<?xml').'.*'.preg_quote('?>').'['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13).chr(32)).']*/', '', $this->text);
00277                         $this->result .= '<div id="HA-spellcheck-dictionaries">'.$dictionaries.'</div>';
00279                                 // Closing
00280                         $this->result .= '
00281 </body></html>';
00283                                 // Outputting
00284                         echo $this->result;
00285                 }
00287         }  // end of function main
00289         function startHandler($xml_parser, $tag, $attributes) {
00290                 switch($tag) {
00291                         case 'spellchecker':
00292                                 break;
00293                         case 'br':
00294                         case 'BR':
00295                         case 'img':
00296                         case 'IMG':
00297                         case 'hr':
00298                         case 'HR':
00299                         case 'area':
00300                         case 'AREA':
00301                                 $this->text .= '<'. mb_strtolower($tag) . ' ';
00302                                 foreach( $attributes as $key => $val) {
00303                                         $this->text .= $key . '="' . $val . '" ';
00304                                 }
00305                                 $this->text .= ' />';
00306                                 break;
00307                         default:
00308                                 $this->text .= '<'. mb_strtolower($tag) . ' ';
00309                                 foreach( $attributes as $key => $val) {
00310                                         $this->text .= $key . '="' . $val . '" ';
00311                                 }
00312                                 $this->text .= '>';
00313                                 break;
00314                 }
00315                 return;
00316         }
00318         function endHandler($xml_parser, $tag) {
00319                 switch($tag) {
00320                         case 'spellchecker':
00321                                 break;
00322                         case 'br':
00323                         case 'BR':
00324                         case 'img':
00325                         case 'IMG':
00326                         case 'hr':
00327                         case 'HR':
00328                         case 'input':
00329                         case 'INPUT':
00330                         case 'area':
00331                         case 'AREA':
00332                                 break;
00333                         default:
00334                                 $this->text .= '</' . $tag . '>';
00335                                 break;
00336                 }
00337                 return;
00338         }
00340         function spellCheckHandler($xml_parser, $string) {
00341                 $incurrent=array();
00342                 $stringText = $string;
00343                 $words = mb_split('\W+', $stringText);
00344                 while( list(,$word) = each($words) ) {
00345                         $word = mb_ereg_replace(' ', '', $word);
00346                         if( $word && !is_numeric($word)) {
00347                                 if($this->pspell_is_available && !$this->forceCommandMode) {
00348                                         if (!pspell_check($this->pspell_link, $word)) {
00349                                                 if(!in_array($word, $this->misspelled)) {
00350                                                         if(sizeof($this->misspelled) != 0 ) {
00351                                                                 $this->suggestedWords .= ',';
00352                                                         }
00353                                                         $suggest = array();
00354                                                         $suggest = pspell_suggest($this->pspell_link, $word);
00355                                                         if(sizeof($suggest) != 0 ) {
00356                                                                 $this->suggestionCount++;
00357                                                                 $this->suggestedWordCount += sizeof($suggest);
00358                                                         }
00359                                                         $this->suggestedWords .= '"'.$word.'":"'.implode(',',$suggest).'"';
00360                                                         $this->misspelled[] = $word;
00361                                                         unset($suggest);
00362                                                 }
00363                                                 if( !in_array($word, $incurrent) ) {
00364                                                         $stringText = mb_ereg_replace('\b'.$word.'\b', '<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">'.$word.'</span>', $stringText);
00365                                                         $incurrent[] = $word;
00366                                                 }
00367                                         }
00368                                 } else {
00369                                         $tmpFileName = t3lib_div::tempnam($this->filePrefix);
00370                                         if(!$filehandle = fopen($tmpFileName,'wb')) echo('SpellChecker tempfile open error');
00371                                         if(!fwrite($filehandle, $word)) echo('SpellChecker tempfile write error');
00372                                         if(!fclose($filehandle)) echo('SpellChecker tempfile close error');
00373                                         $AspellCommand = 'cat ' . escapeshellarg($tmpFileName) . ' | ' . $this->AspellDirectory . ' -a check --mode=none --sug-mode=' . escapeshellarg($this->pspellMode) . $this->personalDictsArg . ' --lang=' . escapeshellarg($this->dictionary) . ' --encoding=' . escapeshellarg($this->parserCharset) . ' 2>&1';
00374                                         $AspellAnswer = shell_exec($AspellCommand);
00375                                         $AspellResultLines = array();
00376                                         $AspellResultLines = t3lib_div::trimExplode(chr(10), $AspellAnswer, 1);
00377                                         if(substr($AspellResultLines[0],0,6) == 'Error:') echo("{$AspellAnswer}");
00378                                         t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile($tmpFileName);
00379                                         if(substr($AspellResultLines['1'],0,1) != '*') {
00380                                                 if(!in_array($word, $this->misspelled)) {
00381                                                         if(sizeof($this->misspelled) != 0 ) {
00382                                                                 $this->suggestedWords .= ',';
00383                                                         }
00384                                                         $suggest = array();
00385                                                         $suggestions = array();
00386                                                         if (substr($AspellResultLines['1'],0,1) == '&') {
00387                                                                 $suggestions = t3lib_div::trimExplode(':', $AspellResultLines['1'], 1);
00388                                                                 $suggest =  t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $suggestions['1'], 1);
00389                                                         }
00390                                                         if (sizeof($suggest) != 0) {
00391                                                                 $this->suggestionCount++;
00392                                                                 $this->suggestedWordCount += sizeof($suggest);
00393                                                         }
00394                                                         $this->suggestedWords .= '"'.$word.'":"'.implode(',',$suggest).'"';
00395                                                         $this->misspelled[] = $word;
00396                                                         unset($suggest);
00397                                                         unset($suggestions);
00398                                                 }
00399                                                 if (!in_array($word, $incurrent)) {
00400                                                         $stringText = mb_ereg_replace('\b'.$word.'\b', '<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">'.$word.'</span>', $stringText);
00401                                                         $incurrent[] = $word;
00402                                                 }
00403                                         }
00404                                 unset($AspellResultLines);
00405                                 }
00406                                 $this->wordCount++;
00407                         }
00408                 }
00409                 $this->text .= $stringText;
00410                 unset($incurrent);
00411                 return;
00412         }
00414         function defaultHandler($xml_parser, $string) {
00415                 $this->text .= $string;
00416                 return;
00417         }
00419 } // end of class
00421 if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/rtehtmlarea/pi1/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_pi1.php']) {
00422         include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/rtehtmlarea/pi1/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_pi1.php']);
00423 }
00425 ?>

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