Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

ADODB_vfp Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ADODB_vfp:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ADODB_vfp:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ADODB_vfp ()
 Time ()
 BeginTrans ()
 qstr ($s, $nofixquotes=false)
SelectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)

Public Attributes

 $databaseType = "vfp"
 $fmtDate = "{^Y-m-d}"
 uppercase function
 $fmtTimeStamp = "{^Y-m-d, h:i:sA}"
 used by DBDate() as the default date format used by the database
 $replaceQuote = "'+chr(39)+'"
 string that represents FALSE for a database
 $true = '.T.'
 used by DBTimeStamp as the default timestamp fmt.
 $false = '.F.'
 string that represents TRUE for a database
 $hasTop = 'top'
 supports affected rows for update/delete?
 $_bindInputArray = false
 A boolean variable to state whether its a persistent connection or normal connection. */.
 $sysTimeStamp = 'datetime()'
 name of function that returns the current date
 $sysDate = 'date()'
 cache for 1 hour
 $ansiOuter = true
 operator to use for right outer join in WHERE clause
 $hasTransactions = false
 can generate sequences using GenID();
 $curmode = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file

Member Function Documentation

ADODB_vfp::BeginTrans  ) 

Begin a Transaction. Must be followed by CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans().

true if succeeded or false if database does not support transactions

Reimplemented from ADODB_odbc.

Definition at line 47 of file

ADODB_vfp::qstr s,
nofixquotes = false

Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. We prefix and append to the string single-quotes. An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother",magic_quotes_runtime());

s the string to quote
[magic_quotes] if $s is GET/POST var, set to get_magic_quotes_gpc(). This undoes the stupidity of magic quotes for GPC.
quoted string to be sent back to database

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 50 of file

& ADODB_vfp::SelectLimit sql,
nrows = -1,
offset = -1,
inputarr = false,
secs2cache = 0

Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows. This simulates the MySQL "select * from table limit $offset,$nrows" , and the PostgreSQL "select * from table limit $nrows offset $offset". Note that MySQL and PostgreSQL parameter ordering is the opposite of the other. eg. SelectLimit('select * from table',3); will return rows 1 to 3 (1-based) SelectLimit('select * from table',3,2); will return rows 3 to 5 (1-based)

Uses SELECT TOP for Microsoft databases (when $this->hasTop is set) BUG: Currently SelectLimit fails with $sql with LIMIT or TOP clause already set

[offset] is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
[nrows] is the number of rows to get
[inputarr] array of bind variables
[secs2cache] is a private parameter only used by jlim
the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 58 of file

References ADOConnection::SelectLimit().

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