Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

t3lib_iconWorks Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 getIconImage ($table, $row=array(), $backPath, $params='', $shaded=FALSE)
 getIcon ($table, $row=array(), $shaded=FALSE)
 skinImg ($backPath, $src, $wHattribs='', $outputMode=0)
 makeIcon ($iconfile, $mode, $user, $protectSection, $absFile, $iconFileName_stateTagged)
 imagecopyresized (&$im, $cpImg, $Xstart, $Ystart, $cpImgCutX, $cpImgCutY, $w, $h, $w, $h)
 imagecreatefrom ($file)
 imagemake ($im, $path)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 85 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

Member Function Documentation

t3lib_iconWorks::getIcon table,
row = array(),
shaded = FALSE

Creates the icon for input table/row Returns filename for the image icon, relative to PATH_typo3 Usage: 24

string The table name
array The table row ("enablefields" are at least needed for correct icon display and for pages records some more fields in addition!)
boolean If set, the icon will be grayed/shaded
string Icon filename
See also:

Definition at line 118 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

Referenced by t3lib_TCEforms::addSelectOptionsToItemArray(), t3lib_TCEforms::foreignTable(), getIconImage(), TBE_browser_recordList::linkWrapItems(), and TBE_PageTree::wrapTitle().

t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage table,
row = array(),
params = '',
shaded = FALSE

Returns an icon image tag, 18x16 pixels, based on input information. This function is recommended to use in your backend modules. Usage: 60

string The table name
array The table row ("enablefields" are at least needed for correct icon display and for pages records some more fields in addition!)
string The backpath to the main TYPO3 directory (relative path back to PATH_typo3)
string Additional attributes for the image tag
boolean If set, the icon will be grayed/shaded
See also:

Definition at line 100 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

References getIcon().

Referenced by mod_web_dmail::cmd_displayMailGroup(), mod_web_dmail::cmd_stats(), SC_browse_links::expandPage(), SC_mod_tools_log_index::exportData(), local_beUserAuth::ext_getReadableButNonmounted(), localPageTree::ext_tree(), SC_mod_tools_dbint_index::func_records(), template::getHeader(), tx_cms_layout::getIcon(), t3lib_treeView::getIcon(), t3lib_BEfunc::getListOfBackendModules(), tx_cms_layout::getPageInfoBox(), t3lib_positionMap::getRecordHeader(), t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField_typeGroup(), tx_cms_layout::getTable_tt_content(), tx_cms_layout::getTableMenu(), tx_cms_webinfo_lang::main(), SC_db_new_content_el::main(), SC_move_el::main(), tx_version_cm1::moduleContent(), SC_mod_web_perm_index::notEdit(), t3lib_clipboard::printContentFromTab(), clickMenu::printDBClickMenu(), clickMenu::printNewDBLevel(), tx_systodos::printUserGroupName(), SC_db_new::regularNew(), tx_cms_webinfo_lang::renderL10nTable(), SC_mod_web_ts_index::renderList(), localRecordList::renderListRow(), t3lib_TCEforms::replaceTableWrap(), recordList::showSysNotesForPage(), tx_systodos::todos_printStatus(), and localRecordList::writeTop().

t3lib_iconWorks::imagecopyresized &$  im,

The necessity of using this function for combining two images if GD is version 2 is that GD2 cannot manage to combine two indexed-color images without totally spoiling everything. In class.t3lib_stdgraphic this was solved by combining the images onto a first created true color image However it has turned out that this method will not work if the indexed png-files contains transparency. So I had to turn my attention to ImageMagick - my 'enemy of death'. And so it happend - ImageMagick is now used to combine my two indexed-color images with transparency. And that works. Of course it works only if ImageMagick is able to create valid png-images - which you cannot be sure of with older versions (still 5+) The only drawback is (apparently) that IM creates true-color png's. The transparency of these will not be shown by MSIE on windows at this time (although it's straight 0/100% transparency!) and the file size may be larger.

For parameters, see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"

pointer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
pointer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()"
void private

Definition at line 444 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

t3lib_iconWorks::imagecreatefrom file  ) 

Create new image pointer from input file (either gif/png, in case the wrong format it is converted by t3lib_div::read_png_gif())

string Absolute filename of the image file from which to start the icon creation.
mixed If success, image pointer, otherwise "-1" private
See also:

Definition at line 474 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

References t3lib_div::read_png_gif().

t3lib_iconWorks::imagemake im,

Write the icon in $im pointer to $path

pointer Pointer to GDlib image resource
string Absolute path to the filename in which to write the icon.
void private

Definition at line 491 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

Referenced by makeIcon().

t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon iconfile,

Creates the icon file for the function getIcon()

string Original unprocessed Icon file, relative path to PATH_typo3
string Mode string, eg. "deleted" or "futuretiming" determining how the icon will look
integer The number of the fe_group record uid if applicable
boolean Flag determines if the protected-section icon should be applied.
string Absolute path to file from which to create the icon.
string The filename that this icon should have had, basically [icon base name]_[flags].[extension] - used for part of temporary filename
string Filename relative to PATH_typo3 private

Definition at line 328 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

References t3lib_div::gif_compress(), and imagemake().

t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg backPath,
wHattribs = '',
outputMode = 0

Returns the src=... for the input $src value OR any alternative found in $TBE_STYLES['skinImg'] Used for skinning the TYPO3 backend with an alternative set of icons Usage: 336

string Current backpath to PATH_typo3 folder
string Icon file name relative to PATH_typo3 folder
string Default width/height, defined like 'width="12" height="14"'
integer Mode: 0 (zero) is default and returns src/width/height. 1 returns value of src+backpath, 2 returns value of w/h.
string Returns ' src="[backPath][src]" [wHattribs]'
See also:

Definition at line 254 of file class.t3lib_iconworks.php.

Referenced by tx_taskcenterrecent::_renderRecent(), t3lib_recordList::addElement(), t3lib_TCEforms::addSelectOptionsToItemArray(), clickMenu::DB_changeFlag(), clickMenu::DB_copycut(), clickMenu::DB_db_list(), clickMenu::DB_delete(), clickMenu::DB_edit(), clickMenu::DB_editAccess(), clickMenu::DB_editPageHeader(), clickMenu::DB_history(), clickMenu::DB_info(), clickMenu::DB_moveWizard(), clickMenu::DB_new(), clickMenu::DB_newWizard(), clickMenu::DB_paste(), clickMenu::DB_perms(), clickMenu::DB_tempMountPoint(), clickMenu::DB_view(), recordHistory::displayHistory(), local_beUserAuth::ext_printOverview(), localPageTree::ext_tree(), clickMenu::FILE_copycut(), clickMenu::FILE_delete(), clickMenu::FILE_launch(), clickMenu::FILE_paste(), t3lib_admin::genTree(), t3lib_folderTree::getBrowsableTree(), t3lib_folderTree::getFolderTree(), t3lib_TCEforms::getPaletteFields(), t3lib_treeView::getRootIcon(), t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField(), fileList::getTable(), t3lib_treeView::getTree(), clickMenu::linkItem(), recordHistory::listHeader(), tx_impexp_clickmenu::main(), SC_alt_menu::main(), tx_version_cm1::moduleContent(), SC_mod_web_perm_index::notEdit(), t3lib_positionMap::positionTree(), t3lib_clipboard::printClipboard(), t3lib_clipboard::printContentFromTab(), clickMenu::printDBClickMenu(), clickMenu::printItems(), clickMenu::printNewDBLevel(), SC_db_new::regularNew(), recordHistory::renderEntry(), localRecordList::renderListHeader(), SC_db_layout::renderQuickEdit(), t3lib_arrayBrowser::tree(), tx_cms_layout::tt_board_getTree(), and fileList::writeTop().

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