Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
00001 <?php 00002 /*************************************************************** 00003 * Copyright notice 00004 * 00005 * (c) 1999-2005 Kasper Skaarhoj ( 00006 * All rights reserved 00007 * 00008 * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 00009 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00010 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00011 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00012 * (at your option) any later version. 00013 * 00014 * The GNU General Public License can be found at 00015 * 00016 * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 00017 * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. 00018 * 00019 * 00020 * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00022 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00023 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00024 * 00025 * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! 00026 ***************************************************************/ 00083 class recordHistory { 00084 00085 // External, static: 00086 var $maxSteps=20; // Maximum number of sys_history steps to show. 00087 00088 // Internal, dynamic: 00089 var $listType = 0; // This value determines the kind of list build. The variable is used as a parameter from some functions. 00090 00091 // Internal, static. GPvars: 00092 var $sh_uid; // sh_uid is the id-number of the sys_history log item to SHOW 00093 var $element; // Element reference, syntax [tablename]:[uid] 00094 var $saveState; // Saving states: Points to a sys_history UID which should be saved. 00095 var $returnUrl; // Return URL - kept in links, used to link back to calling module. 00096 var $revert; // String identifying mode of reverting: Either all fields or only a single field to revert. See function revertToPreviousValues() 00097 var $sumUp; // Generally used as a pointer to a sys_history uid as a state. 00098 var $doReturn; // If set, function revertToPreviousValues() will perform a redirect to returnUrl 00099 00100 00106 function recordHistory() { 00107 00108 // GPvars: 00109 $this->sh_uid = t3lib_div::_GP('sh_uid'); 00110 $this->element = t3lib_div::_GP('element'); 00111 $this->saveState = t3lib_div::_GP('saveState'); 00112 $this->returnUrl = t3lib_div::_GP('returnUrl'); 00113 $this->revert = t3lib_div::_GP('revert'); 00114 $this->sumUp = t3lib_div::_GP('sumUp'); 00115 $this->doReturn = t3lib_div::_GP('doReturn'); 00116 } 00117 00124 function main() { 00125 00126 $content=''; 00127 00128 // If link from sys log: 00129 // sh_uid is the id-number of the sys_history log item 00130 if ($this->sh_uid) { 00131 $content.=$this->displaySysHistoryEntry($this->sh_uid); 00132 } 00133 00134 // If link to element: 00135 if ($this->element) { 00136 if ($this->revert && $this->sumUp) { 00137 $content.=$this->revertToPreviousValues($this->element,$this->revert); 00138 } 00139 if ($this->saveState) { 00140 $content.=$this->saveState($this->element,$this->saveState); 00141 } 00142 $content.=$this->displayHistory($this->element); 00143 } 00144 00145 // Return content variable: 00146 return $content; 00147 } 00148 00155 function displaySysHistoryEntry($sh_uid) { 00156 global $SOBE, $LANG, $TCA; 00157 00158 // Select the entry from the table: 00159 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_history', 'uid='.intval($sh_uid)); 00160 $newRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res); 00161 00162 // If an entry was found: 00163 if (is_array($newRow)) { 00164 00165 // Init: 00166 $this->listType=0; 00167 $lines=array(); 00168 00169 // Create header: 00170 $recIdentString = $LANG->sL($TCA[$newRow['tablename']]['ctrl']['title']).'/'.$newRow['recuid']; 00171 $recIdentString = $this->linkPage(htmlspecialchars($recIdentString),array('sh_uid'=>'','element'=>$newRow['tablename'].':'.$newRow['recuid']),'uid_'.$sh_uid); 00172 $theTime = t3lib_BEfunc::datetime($newRow['tstamp']).', '.t3lib_BEfunc::calcAge(time()-$newRow['tstamp'],$GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.minutesHoursDaysYears')); 00173 $lines[]=' 00174 <tr class="bgColor5"> 00175 <td colspan="4"> 00176 <strong>'.$LANG->getLL('tableUid',1).':</strong> '.$recIdentString.'<br /> 00177 <strong>'.$LANG->getLL('time',1).':</strong> '.htmlspecialchars($theTime).'<br /> 00178 </td> 00179 </tr>'; 00180 00181 // Add header to accumulation: 00182 $lines[]=$this->listHeader(); 00183 00184 // Get the entry data and add it: 00185 $historyData = unserialize($newRow['history_data']); 00186 $lines = array_merge($lines,$this->renderEntry($historyData,$newRow['tablename'])); 00187 00188 // Combine all content into a table for layout: 00189 $theCode=' 00190 00191 <!-- 00192 History for item: 00193 --> 00194 <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" id="typo3-history-item"> 00195 '.implode('',$lines).' 00196 </table>'; 00197 00198 $theCode.=' 00199 <br /><img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/icon_note.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />'.$LANG->getLL('differenceMsg').'<br /><br />'; 00200 00201 // Add CSH: 00202 $theCode.= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'history_entry', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'],''); 00203 00204 // Create the module section: 00205 $content.=$SOBE->doc->section($LANG->getLL('changes'),$theCode,0,1); 00206 } 00207 00208 // Return content: 00209 return $content; 00210 } 00211 00219 function revertToPreviousValues($element,$field) { 00220 $sumUp = $this->sumUp; // sys_history uid from which to get previous values 00221 00222 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00223 $redirect = intval($this->doReturn); 00224 if ($sumUp==-1) { // Undo/Redo 00225 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00226 'uid', 00227 'sys_history', 00228 'sys_history.tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($elParts[0], 'sys_history').' 00229 AND sys_history.recuid='.intval($elParts[1]), 00230 '', 00231 'uid DESC', 00232 '1' 00233 ); 00234 if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00235 $sumUp=$row['uid']; 00236 } 00237 $redirect = 1; 00238 } 00239 if ($sumUp!=-1) { 00240 $changeRec=$this->compareChangesWithCurrent($element,$this->getChangesSinceRecord($element,$sumUp)); 00241 00242 $data =array(); 00243 if (t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($elParts[0],$elParts[1])) { 00244 00245 // Fields field(s) to restore: 00246 if ($field=='ALL_FIELDS') { 00247 $data=$changeRec['oldRecord']; 00248 } elseif(substr($field,0,6)=='field:') { 00249 $data[substr($field,6)]=$changeRec['oldRecord'][substr($field,6)]; 00250 } 00251 // Removing fields: 00252 $data = $this->removeFilefields($elParts[0],$data); 00253 00254 // If there are fields to write: 00255 if (count($data)) { 00256 00257 // Setting data right: 00258 $inData=array(); 00259 $inData[$elParts[0]][$elParts[1]]=$data; 00260 00261 // Writes the data: 00262 $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain'); 00263 $tce->stripslashes_values=0; 00264 $tce->debug=0; 00265 $tce->dontProcessTransformations=1; 00266 $tce->start($inData,array()); 00267 $tce->process_datamap(); 00268 } 00269 } 00270 } 00271 00272 if ($redirect) { 00273 Header ('Location: '.t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl($this->returnUrl)); 00274 exit; 00275 } 00276 } 00277 00285 function saveState($element,$sumUp) { 00286 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00287 00288 // Find the changes since $sumUp sys_history uid 00289 $changeRec = $this->getChangesSinceRecord($element,$sumUp); 00290 00291 // Select most recent sys_history record for the element: 00292 $lastestData = array(); 00293 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00294 'history_data', 00295 'sys_history', 00296 'sys_history.tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($elParts[0], 'sys_history').' 00297 AND sys_history.recuid='.intval($elParts[1]), 00298 '', 00299 'uid DESC', 00300 '1' 00301 ); 00302 if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00303 $lastestData = unserialize($row['history_data']); 00304 } 00305 00306 // Create forged history data from the most recent state and the previous state to save: 00307 $historyRecords=array(); 00308 $historyRecords['oldRecord'] = $changeRec['changes']; 00309 $historyRecords['newRecord'] = array(); 00310 00311 reset($historyRecords['oldRecord']); 00312 while(list($kk)=each($historyRecords['oldRecord'])) { 00313 $historyRecords['newRecord'][$kk]=$lastestData['newRecord'][$kk]; 00314 } 00315 00316 // Update log: 00317 $updateID = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->writelog(3,1,0,1,'Saved state',''); 00318 00319 // Create query for inserting into sys_history table: 00320 $fields_values = array( 00321 'history_data' => serialize($historyRecords), 00322 'fieldlist' => implode(',',array_keys($historyRecords['oldRecord'])), 00323 'tstamp' => time(), 00324 'tablename' => $elParts[0], 00325 'recuid' => $elParts[1], 00326 'sys_log_uid' => $updateID, 00327 'snapshot' => 1 00328 ); 00329 // Save state by executing this query: 00330 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('sys_history', $fields_values); 00331 } 00332 00339 function displayHistory($element) { 00340 global $SOBE, $LANG, $TCA; 00341 00342 // Initialize: 00343 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00344 $table = $elParts[0]; 00345 00346 // If table is found in $TCA: 00347 if ($TCA[$table]) { 00348 00349 // Counting number of states: 00350 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00351 'COUNT(*)', 00352 'sys_history,sys_log', 00353 'sys_history.sys_log_uid=sys_log.uid 00354 AND sys_history.tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($table, 'sys_history').' 00355 AND sys_history.recuid='.intval($elParts[1]) 00356 ); 00357 list($Rcount) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res); 00358 00359 // Selecting the $this->maxSteps most recent states: 00360 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00361 'sys_history.*,sys_log.userid', 00362 'sys_history,sys_log', 00363 'sys_history.sys_log_uid=sys_log.uid 00364 AND sys_history.tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($table, 'sys_history').' 00365 AND sys_history.recuid='.intval($elParts[1]), 00366 '', 00367 'sys_log.uid', 00368 t3lib_div::intInRange($Rcount-$this->maxSteps,0).','.$this->maxSteps 00369 ); 00370 00371 // Traversing the result, building up changesArray / changeLog: 00372 $changesArray=array(); 00373 $changeLog=array(); 00374 while ($newRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00375 $hisDat = unserialize($newRow['history_data']); 00376 if (is_array($hisDat['newRecord']) && is_array($hisDat['oldRecord'])) { 00377 // If intermedia changes: 00378 $intermediaChanges = $this->cmp($changesArray,$hisDat['oldRecord']); 00379 if (count($intermediaChanges) && !$newRow['snapshot']) { 00380 $changeLog[]=$intermediaChanges; 00381 } 00382 00383 // Add hisDat to the changeLog 00384 $hisDat['uid']=$newRow['uid']; 00385 $hisDat['tstamp']=$newRow['tstamp']; 00386 $hisDat['user']=$newRow['userid']; 00387 $hisDat['snapshot']=$newRow['snapshot']; 00388 $changeLog[]=$hisDat; 00389 00390 // Update change array 00391 // This is used to detect if any intermedia changes has been made. 00392 $changesArray = array_merge($changesArray,$hisDat['newRecord']); 00393 } else { 00394 debug('ERROR: [displayHistory]'); 00395 } 00396 } 00397 00398 00399 $lines=array(); 00400 $darkerBgColor_interM = '#cccccc'; 00401 if ($this->sumUp) { // Show details for a single point in the list: 00402 00403 // Initialize: 00404 $changeLog=array(); // array is reset here because we want to show only one item (and therefore we will build it all over again...) 00405 $changeLog[]=$this->compareChangesWithCurrent($element,$this->getChangesSinceRecord($element,$this->sumUp)); 00406 $this->listType=2; 00407 $lines[]=$this->listHeader(); 00408 $be_users = t3lib_BEfunc::getUserNames(); 00409 00410 // Get the previous/next uids: 00411 list($prevHisUid,$nextHisUid) = $this->nextHisUid($element,$this->sumUp); 00412 00413 // Create the set of navigation links: 00414 $linkPack = 00415 ($prevHisUid ? $this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/pilup.gif','width="14" height="14"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('prev',1).'" alt="" />', array('sumUp'=>$prevHisUid)) : ''). // previous 00416 ($nextHisUid ? $this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/pildown.gif','width="14" height="14"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('next',1).'" alt="" />', array('sumUp'=>$nextHisUid)) : ''). // next 00417 '<br />'.$this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/history2.gif','width="13" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('historyList',1).'" alt="" />', array('sumUp'=>''), 'uid_'.$this->sumUp). // back to list 00418 $this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/savesnapshot.gif','width="17" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('saveState',1).'" alt="" />', array('saveState'=>$this->sumUp,'sumUp'=>''), 'latest'); // save state 00419 00420 // Traverse changelog array: 00421 foreach($changeLog as $entry) { 00422 00423 // Set user-names: 00424 if (!is_array($entry['userList'])) $entry['userList']=array(); 00425 foreach($entry['userList'] as $uLk => $uV) { 00426 $entry['userList'][$uLk]=$be_users[$uV]['username']; 00427 } 00428 00429 // Add the header: 00430 $theTime = t3lib_BEfunc::datetime($entry['tstamp']).', '.t3lib_BEfunc::calcAge(time()-$entry['tstamp'],$GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.minutesHoursDaysYears')); 00431 $lines[]=' 00432 <tr class="bgColor4-20"> 00433 <td valign="top">'.$linkPack.'</td> 00434 <td colspan="4"><b>'.$LANG->getLL('time',1).':</b> '.htmlspecialchars($theTime).' - <b>'.$LANG->getLL('changeCount',1).':</b> '.$entry['counter'].'<br /> 00435 <b>'.$LANG->getLL('users',1).':</b> '.implode(', ',$entry['userList']).' 00436 </td> 00437 </tr>'; 00438 00439 // Add content: 00440 if (isset($entry['oldRecord']) && isset($entry['newRecord'])) { // If there ARE differences to show, then add lines for each changed field: 00441 $lines = array_merge($lines,$this->renderEntry($entry,$table)); 00442 } else { // Otherwise, if no changes - show a message about that! 00443 $lines[]=' 00444 <tr class="bgColor4"> 00445 <td colspan="5" align="center"><br /><b>'.$LANG->getLL('similar',1).'</b><br /><br /></td> 00446 </tr>'; 00447 } 00448 } 00449 } else { // Show the full change Log: 00450 00451 // Initialize: 00452 $this->listType=1; 00453 $be_users = t3lib_BEfunc::getUserNames(); 00454 $lines[]=$this->listHeader(); 00455 00456 // Traverse changelog array: 00457 foreach($changeLog as $c => $entry) { 00458 00459 // Add spacer line: 00460 $lines[]=' 00461 <tr> 00462 <td colspan="3"> </td> 00463 </tr>'; 00464 00465 // Anchor to latest entry: 00466 $lastAnchor = ($c+1==count($changeLog)?'<a name="latest"></a>':''); 00467 00468 // Render state header: 00469 if ($entry['uid']) { // This state was made by the backend: 00470 $theTime = $this->linkPage(t3lib_BEfunc::datetime($entry['tstamp']),array('sh_uid'=>$entry['uid'],'element'=>'')); 00471 $theAge = ', '.t3lib_BEfunc::calcAge(time()-$entry['tstamp'],$GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.minutesHoursDaysYears')); 00472 $bgColorClass = $entry['snapshot'] ? 'bgColor2' : 'bgColor4-20'; 00473 $lines[]=' 00474 <tr class="'.$bgColorClass.'"> 00475 <td colspan="2">'. 00476 $lastAnchor. 00477 '<a name="uid_'.$entry['uid'].'"></a>'. 00478 ($entry['snapshot'] ? '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/snapshot.gif','width="12" height="12"').' alt="" />':''). 00479 '<b>'.$LANG->getLL('time',1).':</b> '.$theTime.htmlspecialchars($theAge).' - <b>'.$LANG->getLL('user',1).':</b> '.$be_users[$entry['user']]['username']. 00480 '</td> 00481 <td>'. 00482 $this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/history.gif','width="13" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('revertAllFields',1).'" alt="" />', array('revert'=>'ALL_FIELDS','sumUp'=>$entry['uid'],'doReturn'=>1)). 00483 $this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/history_details.gif','width="12" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('sumUpChanges',1).'" alt="" />', array('sumUp'=>$entry['uid'])). 00484 '</td> 00485 </tr>'; 00486 } else { // This state must have been some external change: 00487 $lines[]=' 00488 <tr bgcolor="'.$darkerBgColor_interM.'"> 00489 <td colspan="3"><strong>'.$LANG->getLL('externalChange',1).'</strong></td> 00490 </tr>'; 00491 } 00492 // Merge state header with all entries in the state: 00493 $lines = array_merge($lines,$this->renderEntry($entry,$table)); 00494 } 00495 } 00496 00497 // Finally, put it all together: 00498 $theCode=' 00499 00500 <!-- 00501 Item history (either list or single): 00502 --> 00503 <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" id="typo3-history"> 00504 '.implode('',$lines).' 00505 </table>'; 00506 00507 // Add message about the difference view. 00508 $theCode.= '<br /><img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/icon_note.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />'.$LANG->getLL('differenceMsg').'<br /><br />'; 00509 00510 // Add CSH: 00511 $theCode.= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'history_'.($this->sumUp ? 'sum' : 'log'), $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'],''); 00512 00513 // Add the whole content as a module section: 00514 return $SOBE->doc->section($LANG->getLL('changes'),$theCode,0,1); 00515 } 00516 } 00517 00518 00519 00520 00521 00522 00523 00524 00525 00526 /******************************* 00527 * 00528 * Various helper functions 00529 * 00530 *******************************/ 00531 00540 function nextHisUid($element,$hisUid) { 00541 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00542 00543 // Prev: 00544 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00545 'uid', 00546 'sys_history', 00547 'tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($elParts[0], 'sys_history').' 00548 AND recuid='.intval($elParts[1]).' 00549 AND uid<'.intval($hisUid), 00550 '', 00551 'uid DESC', 00552 '1' 00553 ); 00554 if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00555 $prevUid = $row['uid']; 00556 } 00557 00558 // Next: 00559 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00560 'uid', 00561 'sys_history', 00562 'tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($elParts[0], 'sys_history').' 00563 AND recuid='.intval($elParts[1]).' 00564 AND uid>'.intval($hisUid), 00565 '', 00566 'uid', 00567 '1' 00568 ); 00569 if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00570 $nextUid = $row['uid']; 00571 } 00572 00573 // Return next and previous ids: 00574 return array($prevUid,$nextUid); 00575 } 00576 00586 function compareChangesWithCurrent($element,$changeRec) { 00587 global $TCA; 00588 00589 // Initialize: 00590 $sumChangesArray=array(); 00591 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00592 $newChangeRec=array(); 00593 00594 // If tablename is found in $TCA: 00595 if ($TCA[$elParts[0]]) { 00596 00597 // Select current record content of element: 00598 $currentRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($elParts[0],$elParts[1]); 00599 00600 // If that is found and the "changes" entry of the $changeRec is an array, then proceed: 00601 if (is_array($currentRecord) && is_array($changeRec['changes'])) { 00602 00603 // For each entry in "changes" we compare the field content with the current and if there is a difference, it is tracked in the array $newChangeRec 00604 foreach($changeRec['changes'] as $fN => $fV) { 00605 if (strcmp($fV,$currentRecord[$fN])) { 00606 $newChangeRec['oldRecord'][$fN]=$fV; 00607 $newChangeRec['newRecord'][$fN]=$currentRecord[$fN]; 00608 } 00609 } 00610 // Finally, setting some general information fields: 00611 $newChangeRec['tstamp']=min($changeRec['tstamp']); 00612 $newChangeRec['counter']=$changeRec['counter']; 00613 $newChangeRec['userList']=array_unique($changeRec['userList']); 00614 } else { 00615 return false; // No arrays, possibly no record 00616 } 00617 } 00618 00619 // Returns the array of changes detected: 00620 return $newChangeRec; 00621 } 00622 00631 function readFieldTypes($table,$id) { 00632 00633 // Select record: 00634 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', $table, 'uid='.intval($id)); 00635 00636 // Fetch the types of the fields. 00637 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)) { 00638 $currentRecord = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res); 00639 $c=0; 00640 $cRecTypes=array(); 00641 foreach($currentRecord as $col => $val) { 00642 //$cRecTypes[$col] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_field_type($table,$col); 00643 // DBAL 00644 $cRecTypes[$col] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_field_type($res,$c); 00645 $c++; 00646 } 00647 } 00648 00649 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); 00650 00651 return array($currentRecord,$cRecTypes); 00652 } 00653 00662 function cmp($changeStatus,$oldRecord) { 00663 00664 // Initialize: 00665 $changes=array(); 00666 00667 // Traverse $oldRecord 00668 foreach($oldRecord as $fN => $fV) { 00669 if (isset($changeStatus[$fN]) && strcmp($fV,$changeStatus[$fN])) { 00670 $changes['oldRecord'][$fN]=$changeStatus[$fN]; 00671 $changes['newRecord'][$fN]=$fV; 00672 } 00673 } 00674 return $changes; 00675 } 00676 00685 function removeFilefields($table,$dataArray) { 00686 global $TCA; 00687 00688 if ($TCA[$table]) { 00689 t3lib_div::loadTCA($table); 00690 00691 foreach($TCA[$table]['columns'] as $field => $config) { 00692 if ($config['config']['type']=='group' && $config['config']['internal_type']=='file') { 00693 unset($dataArray[$field]); 00694 } 00695 } 00696 } 00697 return $dataArray; 00698 } 00699 00708 function renderEntry($entry,$table) { 00709 global $SOBE, $LANG, $TCA; 00710 00711 $lines=array(); 00712 if (is_array($entry['newRecord'])) { 00713 00714 $t3lib_diff_Obj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_diff'); 00715 00716 $fieldsToDisplay = array_keys($entry['newRecord']); 00717 foreach($fieldsToDisplay as $fN) { 00718 t3lib_div::loadTCA($table); 00719 if (is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'][$fN]) && $TCA[$table]['columns'][$fN]['config']['type']!='passthrough') { 00720 00721 // Create diff-result: 00722 $diffres = $t3lib_diff_Obj->makeDiffDisplay( 00723 t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['oldRecord'][$fN],0,1), 00724 t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['newRecord'][$fN],0,1) 00725 ); 00726 00727 // Depending on list type, we make the row: 00728 switch($this->listType) { 00729 case 1: 00730 $lines[]=' 00731 <tr class="bgColor4"> 00732 <td><em>'.$LANG->sl(t3lib_BEfunc::getItemLabel($table,$fN),1).'</em></td> 00733 <td>'.nl2br($diffres).'</td> 00734 <td> </td> 00735 </tr>'; 00736 break; 00737 case 2: 00738 $lines[]=' 00739 <tr class="bgColor4"> 00740 <td><em>'.$LANG->sl(t3lib_BEfunc::getItemLabel($table,$fN)).'</em></td> 00741 <td>'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['oldRecord'][$fN])).'</td> 00742 <td>'.$this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/history.gif','width="13" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('revertField',1).'" alt="" />', array('revert'=>'field:'.$fN)).'</td> 00743 <td>'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['newRecord'][$fN])).'</td> 00744 <td>'.nl2br($diffres).'</td> 00745 </tr>'; 00746 break; 00747 default: 00748 $lines[]=' 00749 <tr class="bgColor4"> 00750 <td><em>'.$LANG->sl(t3lib_BEfunc::getItemLabel($table,$fN)).'</em></td> 00751 <td>'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['oldRecord'][$fN])).'</td> 00752 <td>'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$entry['newRecord'][$fN])).'</td> 00753 <td>'.nl2br($diffres).'</td> 00754 </tr>'; 00755 break; 00756 } 00757 } 00758 } 00759 } 00760 return $lines; 00761 } 00762 00769 function listHeader() { 00770 global $SOBE, $LANG; 00771 00772 switch($this->listType) { 00773 case 1: 00774 $out=' 00775 <tr class="bgColor5 c-head"> 00776 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('fieldName',1).':</td> 00777 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('difference',1).':</td> 00778 <td> </td> 00779 </tr>'; 00780 break; 00781 case 2: 00782 $out=' 00783 <tr class="bgColor5 c-head"> 00784 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('fieldName',1).':</td> 00785 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('oldValue',1).':</td> 00786 <td>'.$this->linkPage('<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg('','gfx/history.gif','width="13" height="12"').' title="'.$LANG->getLL('revertAllFields',1).'" alt="" />', array('revert'=>'ALL_FIELDS')).'</td> 00787 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('currentValue',1).':</td> 00788 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('difference',1).':</td> 00789 </tr>'; 00790 break; 00791 default: 00792 $out=' 00793 <tr class="bgColor5 c-head"> 00794 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('fieldName',1).':</td> 00795 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('oldValue',1).':</td> 00796 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('newValue',1).':</td> 00797 <td>'.$LANG->getLL('difference',1).':</td> 00798 </tr>'; 00799 break; 00800 } 00801 return $out; 00802 } 00803 00813 function linkPage($str,$inparams=array(),$anchor='') { 00814 00815 // Setting default values based on GET parameters: 00816 $params['sh_uid']=$this->sh_uid; 00817 $params['sumUp']=$this->sumUp; 00818 $params['element']=$this->element; 00819 $params['returnUrl']=$this->returnUrl; 00820 00821 // Mergin overriding values: 00822 $params = array_merge($params,$inparams); 00823 00824 // Make the link: 00825 $Ahref = 'show_rechis.php?'.t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$params).($anchor?'#'.$anchor:''); 00826 $link = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($Ahref).'">'.$str.'</a>'; 00827 00828 // Return link: 00829 return $link; 00830 } 00831 00841 function getChangesSinceRecord($element,$hisUid=0,$hisUid_Stop=0) { 00842 global $TCA; 00843 00844 // Init: 00845 $sumChangesArray=array(); 00846 $sumChangesArray['changes']=array(); 00847 $elParts = explode(':',$element); 00848 00849 // If there is a table by the requested name: 00850 if ($TCA[$elParts[0]]) { 00851 $times = array(); 00852 00853 // Create query for selecting sys_history records in time interval: 00854 $addWhere = ' AND sys_history.uid>='.$hisUid; 00855 if ($hisUid_Stop) $addWhere.= ' AND sys_history.uid<='.$hisUid_Stop; 00856 // Make query: 00857 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 00858 'sys_history.*,sys_log.userid', 00859 'sys_history,sys_log', 00860 'sys_history.sys_log_uid=sys_log.uid 00861 AND sys_history.tablename='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($elParts[0], 'sys_history').' 00862 AND sys_history.recuid='.intval($elParts[1]).$addWhere, 00863 '', 00864 'uid DESC' 00865 ); 00866 00867 // Travese results: 00868 while ($newRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00869 $hisDat = unserialize($newRow['history_data']); 00870 if (is_array($hisDat['newRecord']) && is_array($hisDat['oldRecord'])) { 00871 $sumChangesArray['changes']=array_merge($sumChangesArray['changes'],$hisDat['oldRecord']); 00872 $sumChangesArray['counter']++; 00873 $sumChangesArray['tstamp'][]=$newRow['tstamp']; 00874 $sumChangesArray['userList'][]=$newRow['userid']; 00875 } else { 00876 debug('ERROR!'); 00877 } 00878 00879 } 00880 } 00881 return $sumChangesArray; 00882 } 00883 } 00884 00885 if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['typo3/']) { 00886 include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['typo3/']); 00887 } 00888 ?>