Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

tx_tstemplateinfo Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for tx_tstemplateinfo:
Collaboration diagram for tx_tstemplateinfo:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 modMenu ()
 tableRow ($label, $data, $field)
 procesResources ($resources, $func=0)
 resourceListForCopy ($id, $template_uid)
 initialize_editor ($pageId, $template_uid=0)
 main ()

Detailed Description

Kasper Skĺrhřj <>

Definition at line 33 of file class.tx_tstemplateinfo.php.

Member Function Documentation

tx_tstemplateinfo::modMenu (  ) 

Dummy function - but is used to set up additional menu items for this submodule. For an example see the extension 'cms' where the 'web_info' submodule is defined in cms/web_info/class.tx_cms_webinfo.php, tx_cms_webinfo_page::modMenu()

array A MOD_MENU array which will be merged together with the one from the parent object
See also:
init(), tx_cms_webinfo_page::modMenu()

Reimplemented from t3lib_extobjbase.

Definition at line 34 of file class.tx_tstemplateinfo.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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