Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

tx_indexedsearch_pihook Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 initialize_postProc ()
 prepareResultRowTemplateData_postProc ($tmplContent, $row, $headerOnly)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 59 of file class.pihook.php.

Member Function Documentation

tx_indexedsearch_pihook::initialize_postProc (  ) 

EXAMPLE of how you can post process the initialized values in the frontend plugin. The example reverses the order of elements in the ranking selector box. You can modify other values like this or add / remove items.

This hook is activated by this key / value pair in ext_localconf.php 'initialize_postProc' => 'EXT:indexed_search/example/class.pihook.php:&tx_indexedsearch_pihook',


Definition at line 72 of file class.pihook.php.

tx_indexedsearch_pihook::prepareResultRowTemplateData_postProc ( tmplContent,

Example of how the content displayed in the result rows can be post processed before rendered into HTML. This example simply shows how the description field is wrapped in italics and the path is hidden by setting it blank.

array Template Content (generated from result row) being processed.
array Result row
boolean If set, the result row is a sub-row.
array Template Content returned.

Definition at line 95 of file class.pihook.php.

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