Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

tx_dbal_module1 Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for tx_dbal_module1:
Collaboration diagram for tx_dbal_module1:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 menuConfig ()
 main ()
 printContent ()
 printSqlCheck ()
 createFieldsValuesArray ($in)
 printCachedInfo ()
 printLogMgm ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file index.php.

Member Function Documentation

tx_dbal_module1::menuConfig (  ) 

Adds items to the ->MOD_MENU array. Used for the function menu selector.


Reimplemented from t3lib_SCbase.

Definition at line 56 of file index.php.

tx_dbal_module1::main (  ) 

Main function of the module. Write the content to $this->content


Definition at line 72 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncMenu(), t3lib_BEfunc::getModuleData(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), printCachedInfo(), printLogMgm(), and printSqlCheck().

tx_dbal_module1::printContent (  ) 

Prints out the module HTML

string HTML output

Definition at line 124 of file index.php.

tx_dbal_module1::printSqlCheck (  ) 

Displays a form to check DBAL SQL methods and parse raw SQL.

string HTML output

Definition at line 137 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), and createFieldsValuesArray().

Referenced by main().

tx_dbal_module1::createFieldsValuesArray ( in  ) 

Parses a very simple text format into an array.

Each line is seen as a key/value pair that is exploded at =. This is used in the simple SQL check to input values for INSERT and UPDATE statements.

string $in String to parse into key/value array.
array Array created from the input string.

Definition at line 279 of file index.php.

Referenced by printSqlCheck().

tx_dbal_module1::printCachedInfo (  ) 

Prints out the cached information about the database.

The DBAL caches a lot of information, e.g. about auto increment fields, field types and primary keys. This method formats all this into a HTML table to display in the BE.

string HTML output

Definition at line 299 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP().

Referenced by main().

tx_dbal_module1::printLogMgm (  ) 

Printing the debug-log from the DBAL extension

To enabled debugging, you will have to enabled it in the configuration!

string HTML content

Definition at line 353 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP().

Referenced by main().

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