Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

t3lib_parsehtml Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for t3lib_parsehtml:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 getSubpart ($content, $marker)
 substituteSubpart ($content, $marker, $subpartContent, $recursive=1, $keepMarker=0)
 splitIntoBlock ($tag, $content, $eliminateExtraEndTags=0)
 splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc ($tag, $content, &$procObj, $callBackContent, $callBackTags, $level=0)
 splitTags ($tag, $content)
 getAllParts ($parts, $tag_parts=1, $include_tag=1)
 removeFirstAndLastTag ($str)
 getFirstTag ($str)
 getFirstTagName ($str, $preserveCase=FALSE)
 get_tag_attributes ($tag, $deHSC=0)
 split_tag_attributes ($tag)
 checkTagTypeCounts ($content, $blockTags='a, b, blockquote, body, div, em, font, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, i, li, map, ol, option, p, pre, select, span, strong, table, td, textarea, tr, u, ul', $soloTags='br, hr, img, input, area')
 HTMLcleaner ($content, $tags=array(), $keepAll=0, $hSC=0, $addConfig=array())
 bidir_htmlspecialchars ($value, $dir)
 prefixResourcePath ($main_prefix, $content, $alternatives=array(), $suffix='')
 prefixRelPath ($prefix, $srcVal, $suffix='')
 cleanFontTags ($value, $keepFace=0, $keepSize=0, $keepColor=0)
 mapTags ($value, $tags=array(), $ltChar='<', $ltChar2='<')
 unprotectTags ($content, $tagList='')
 stripTagsExcept ($value, $tagList)
 caseShift ($str, $flag, $cacheKey='')
 compileTagAttribs ($tagAttrib, $meta=array(), $xhtmlClean=0)
 get_tag_attributes_classic ($tag, $deHSC=0)
 indentLines ($content, $number=1, $indentChar="\t")
 HTMLparserConfig ($TSconfig, $keepTags=array())
 XHTML_clean ($content)
 processTag ($value, $conf, $endTag, $protected=0)
 processContent ($value, $dir, $conf)

Public Attributes

 $caseShift_cache = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 106 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Member Function Documentation

t3lib_parsehtml::getSubpart ( content,

Returns the first subpart encapsulated in the marker, $marker (possibly present in $content as a HTML comment)

string Content with subpart wrapped in fx. "###CONTENT_PART###" inside.
string Marker string, eg. "###CONTENT_PART###"

Definition at line 123 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by tslib_cObj::getSubpart().

t3lib_parsehtml::substituteSubpart ( content,
recursive = 1,
keepMarker = 0 

Substitutes a subpart in $content with the content of $subpartContent.

string Content with subpart wrapped in fx. "###CONTENT_PART###" inside.
string Marker string, eg. "###CONTENT_PART###"
array If $subpartContent happens to be an array, it's [0] and [1] elements are wrapped around the content of the subpart (fetched by getSubpart())
boolean If $recursive is set, the function calls itself with the content set to the remaining part of the content after the second marker. This means that proceding subparts are ALSO substituted!
boolean If set, the marker around the subpart is not removed, but kept in the output
string Processed input content

Definition at line 156 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by tslib_cObj::substituteSubpart().

t3lib_parsehtml::splitIntoBlock ( tag,
eliminateExtraEndTags = 0 

Returns an array with the $content divided by tag-blocks specified with the list of tags, $tag Even numbers in the array are outside the blocks, Odd numbers are block-content. Use ->getAllParts() and ->removeFirstAndLastTag() to process the content if needed.

string List of tags, comma separated.
string HTML-content
boolean If set, excessive end tags are ignored - you should probably set this in most cases.
array Even numbers in the array are outside the blocks, Odd numbers are block-content.
See also:
splitTags(), getAllParts(), removeFirstAndLastTag()

Definition at line 247 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::trimExplode().

Referenced by splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_db(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_rte(), and t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_reglinks().

t3lib_parsehtml::splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc ( tag,
&$  procObj,
level = 0 

Splitting content into blocks *recursively* and processing tags/content with call back functions.

string Tag list, see splitIntoBlock()
string Content, see splitIntoBlock()
object Object where call back methods are.
string Name of call back method for content; "function callBackContent($str,$level)"
string Name of call back method for tags; "function callBackTags($tags,$level)"
integer Indent level
string Processed content
See also:

Definition at line 308 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References getFirstTag(), getFirstTagName(), removeFirstAndLastTag(), and splitIntoBlock().

t3lib_parsehtml::splitTags ( tag,

Returns an array with the $content divided by tag-blocks specified with the list of tags, $tag Even numbers in the array are outside the blocks, Odd numbers are block-content. Use ->getAllParts() and ->removeFirstAndLastTag() to process the content if needed.

string List of tags
string HTML-content
array Even numbers in the array are outside the blocks, Odd numbers are block-content.
See also:
splitIntoBlock(), getAllParts(), removeFirstAndLastTag()

Definition at line 344 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::trimExplode().

Referenced by t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_images_db(), and t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_images_rte().

t3lib_parsehtml::getAllParts ( parts,
tag_parts = 1,
include_tag = 1 

Returns an array with either tag or non-tag content of the result from ->splitIntoBlock()/->splitTags()

array Parts generated by ->splitIntoBlock() or >splitTags()
boolean Whether to return the tag-parts (default,true) or what was outside the tags.
boolean Whether to include the tags in the tag-parts (most useful for input made by ->splitIntoBlock())
array Tag-parts/Non-tag-parts depending on input argument settings
See also:
splitIntoBlock(), splitTags()

Definition at line 378 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References removeFirstAndLastTag().

t3lib_parsehtml::removeFirstAndLastTag ( str  ) 

Removes the first and last tag in the string Anything before the first and after the last tags respectively is also removed

string String to process

Definition at line 396 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by getAllParts(), splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_db(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_rte(), and t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_reglinks().

t3lib_parsehtml::getFirstTag ( str  ) 

Returns the first tag in $str Actually everything from the begining of the $str is returned, so you better make sure the tag is the first thing...

string HTML string with tags

Definition at line 412 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_db(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_rte(), and t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_reglinks().

t3lib_parsehtml::getFirstTagName ( str,
preserveCase = FALSE 

Returns the NAME of the first tag in $str

string HTML tag (The element name MUST be separated from the attributes by a space character! Just *whitespace* will not do)
boolean If set, then the tag is NOT converted to uppercase by case is preserved.
string Tag name in upper case
See also:

Definition at line 426 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by splitIntoBlockRecursiveProc().

t3lib_parsehtml::get_tag_attributes ( tag,
deHSC = 0 

Returns an array with all attributes as keys. Attributes are only lowercase a-z If a attribute is empty (shorthand), then the value for the key is empty. You can check if it existed with isset()

string Tag: $tag is either a whole tag (eg '<TAG option="" attrib="VALUE>">') or the parameterlist (ex ' OPTION ATTRIB=VALUE>')
boolean If set, the attribute values are de-htmlspecialchar'ed. Should actually always be set!
array array(Tag attributes,Attribute meta-data)

Definition at line 445 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::htmlspecialchars_decode(), and split_tag_attributes().

Referenced by HTMLcleaner().

t3lib_parsehtml::split_tag_attributes ( tag  ) 

Returns an array with the 'components' from an attribute list. The result is normally analyzed by get_tag_attributes Removes tag-name if found

string The tag or attributes
array private
See also:

Definition at line 486 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by get_tag_attributes().

t3lib_parsehtml::checkTagTypeCounts ( content,
blockTags = 'a,
blockquote  ,
body  ,
div  ,
em  ,
font  ,
form  ,
h1  ,
h2  ,
h3  ,
h4  ,
h5  ,
h6  ,
li  ,
map  ,
ol  ,
option  ,
pre  ,
select  ,
span  ,
strong  ,
table  ,
td  ,
textarea  ,
tr  ,
ul'  ,
soloTags = 'br,
hr  ,
img  ,
input  ,

Checks whether block/solo tags are found in the correct amounts in HTML content Block tags are tags which are required to have an equal amount of start and end tags, eg. "<table>...</table>" Solo tags are tags which are required to have ONLY start tags (possibly with an XHTML ending like ".../>") NOTICE: Correct XHTML might actually fail since "<br></br>" is allowed as well as "<br/>". However only the LATTER is accepted by this function (with "br" in the "solo-tag" list), the first example will result in a warning. NOTICE: Correct XHTML might actually fail since "<p/>" is allowed as well as "<p></p>". However only the LATTER is accepted by this function (with "p" in the "block-tag" list), the first example will result in an ERROR! NOTICE: Correct HTML version "something" allows eg.

and to be NON-ended (implicitly ended by other tags). However this is NOT accepted by this function (with "p" and "li" in the block-tag list) and it will result in an ERROR!

string HTML content to analyze
string Tag names for block tags (eg. table or div or p) in lowercase, commalist (eg. "table,div,p")
string Tag names for solo tags (eg. img, br or input) in lowercase, commalist ("img,br,input")
array Analyse data.

Definition at line 524 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::HTMLcleaner ( content,
tags = array(),
keepAll = 0,
hSC = 0,
addConfig = array() 

Function that can clean up HTML content according to configuration given in the $tags array.

Initializing the $tags array to allow a list of tags (in this case ,,<U> and ), set it like this: $tags = array_flip(explode(',','b,a,i,u')) If the value of the $tags[$tagname] entry is an array, advanced processing of the tags is initialized. These are the options:

$tags[$tagname] = Array( 'overrideAttribs' => '' If set, this string is preset as the attributes of the tag 'allowedAttribs' => '0' (zero) = no attributes allowed, '[commalist of attributes]' = only allowed attributes. If blank, all attributes are allowed. 'fixAttrib' => Array( '[attribute name]' => Array ( 'set' => Force the attribute value to this value. 'unset' => Boolean: If set, the attribute is unset. 'default' => If no attribute exists by this name, this value is set as default value (if this value is not blank) 'always' => Boolean. If set, the attribute is always processed. Normally an attribute is processed only if it exists 'trim,intval,lower,upper' => All booleans. If any of these keys are set, the value is passed through the respective PHP-functions. 'range' => Array ('[low limit]','[high limit, optional]') Setting integer range. 'list' => Array ('[value1/default]','[value2]','[value3]') Attribute must be in this list. If not, the value is set to the first element. 'removeIfFalse' => Boolean/'blank'. If set, then the attribute is removed if it is 'false'. If this value is set to 'blank' then the value must be a blank string (that means a 'zero' value will not be removed) 'removeIfEquals' => [value] If the attribute value matches the value set here, then it is removed. 'casesensitiveComp' => 1 If set, then the removeIfEquals and list comparisons will be case sensitive. Otherwise not. ) ), 'protect' => '', Boolean. If set, the tag <> is converted to < and > 'remap' => '', String. If set, the tagname is remapped to this tagname 'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => '', Boolean. If set, then the tag is removed if no attributes happend to be there. 'nesting' => '', Boolean/'global'. If set true, then this tag must have starting and ending tags in the correct order. Any tags not in this order will be discarded. Thus '' will be converted to ''. Is the value 'global' then true nesting in relation to other tags marked for 'global' nesting control is preserved. This means that if and are set for global nesting then this string '' is converted to '' )

string $content; is the HTML-content being processed. This is also the result being returned.
array $tags; is an array where each key is a tagname in lowercase. Only tags present as keys in this array are preserved. The value of the key can be an array with a vast number of options to configure.
string $keepAll; boolean/'protect', if set, then all tags are kept regardless of tags present as keys in $tags-array. If 'protect' then the preserved tags have their <> converted to < and >
integer $hSC; Values -1,0,1,2: Set to zero= disabled, set to 1 then the content BETWEEN tags is htmlspecialchar()'ed, set to -1 its the opposite and set to 2 the content will be HSC'ed BUT with preservation for real entities (eg. "&amp;" or "&#234;")
array Configuration array send along as $conf to the internal functions ->processContent() and ->processTag()
string Processed HTML content

Definition at line 617 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), caseShift(), compileTagAttribs(), get_tag_attributes(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), t3lib_div::intInRange(), t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(), processContent(), processTag(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode().

Referenced by t3lib_parsehtml_proc::RTE_transform().

t3lib_parsehtml::bidir_htmlspecialchars ( value,

Converts htmlspecialchars forth ($dir=1) AND back ($dir=-1)

string Input value
integer Direction: forth ($dir=1, dir=2 for preserving entities) AND back ($dir=-1)
string Output value

Definition at line 814 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::deHSCentities().

Referenced by tx_indexedsearch::markupSWpartsOfString().

t3lib_parsehtml::prefixResourcePath ( main_prefix,
alternatives = array(),
suffix = '' 

Prefixes the relative paths of hrefs/src/action in the tags [td,table,body,img,input,form,link,script,a] in the $content with the $main_prefix or and alternative given by $alternatives

string Prefix string
string HTML content
array Array with alternative prefixes for certain of the tags. key=>value pairs where the keys are the tag element names in uppercase
string Suffix string (put after the resource).
string Processed HTML content

Definition at line 837 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::prefixRelPath ( prefix,
suffix = '' 

Internal sub-function for ->prefixResourcePath()

string Prefix string
string Relative path/URL
string Suffix string
string Output path, prefixed if no scheme in input string private

Definition at line 919 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::cleanFontTags ( value,
keepFace = 0,
keepSize = 0,
keepColor = 0 

Cleans up the input $value for fonttags. If keepFace,-Size and -Color is set then font-tags with an allowed property is kept. Else deleted.

string HTML content with font-tags inside to clean up.
boolean If set, keep "face" attribute
boolean If set, keep "size" attribute
boolean If set, keep "color" attribute
string Processed HTML content

Definition at line 937 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::mapTags ( value,
tags = array(),
ltChar = '<',
ltChar2 = '<' 

This is used to map certain tag-names into other names.

string HTML content
array Array with tag key=>value pairs where key is from-tag and value is to-tag
string Alternative less-than char to search for (search regex string)
string Alternative less-than char to replace with (replace regex string)
string Processed HTML content

Definition at line 967 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::unprotectTags ( content,
tagList = '' 

This converts htmlspecialchar()'ed tags (from $tagList) back to real tags. Eg. '<strong&gt' would be converted back to '' if found in $tagList

string HTML content
string Tag list, separated by comma. Lowercase!
string Processed HTML content

Definition at line 982 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::trimExplode().

t3lib_parsehtml::stripTagsExcept ( value,

Strips tags except the tags in the list, $tagList OBSOLETE - use PHP function strip_tags()

string Value to process
string List of tags
string Output value

Definition at line 1015 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::trimExplode().

t3lib_parsehtml::caseShift ( str,
cacheKey = '' 

Internal function for case shifting of a string or whole array

mixed Input string/array
boolean If $str is a string AND this boolean(caseSensitive) is false, the string is returned in uppercase
string Key string used for internal caching of the results. Could be an MD5 hash of the serialized version of the input $str if that is an array.
string Output string, processed private

Definition at line 1038 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by HTMLcleaner().

t3lib_parsehtml::compileTagAttribs ( tagAttrib,
meta = array(),
xhtmlClean = 0 

Compiling an array with tag attributes into a string

array Tag attributes
array Meta information about these attributes (like if they were quoted)
boolean If set, then the attribute names will be set in lower case, value quotes in double-quotes and the value will be htmlspecialchar()'ed
string Imploded attributes, eg: 'attribute="value" attrib2="value2"' private

Definition at line 1065 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

References t3lib_div::testInt().

Referenced by HTMLcleaner().

t3lib_parsehtml::get_tag_attributes_classic ( tag,
deHSC = 0 

Get tag attributes, the classic version (which had some limitations?)

string The tag
boolean De-htmlspecialchar flag.
array private

Definition at line 1093 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_images_db(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_images_rte(), t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_links_db(), and t3lib_parsehtml_proc::TS_reglinks().

t3lib_parsehtml::indentLines ( content,
number = 1,
indentChar = "\t" 

Indents input content with $number instances of $indentChar

string Content string, multiple lines.
integer Number of indents
string Indent character/string
string Indented code (typ. HTML)

Definition at line 1106 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::HTMLparserConfig ( TSconfig,
keepTags = array() 

Converts TSconfig into an array for the HTMLcleaner function.

array TSconfig for HTMLcleaner
array Array of tags to keep (?)
array private

Definition at line 1123 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by t3lib_parsehtml_proc::RTE_transform().

t3lib_parsehtml::XHTML_clean ( content  ) 

Tries to convert the content to be XHTML compliant and other stuff like that. STILL EXPERIMENTAL. See comments below.

What it does NOT do (yet) according to XHTML specs.:

 			What it does at this point:
  • All tags (frame,base,meta,link + img,br,hr,area,input) is ended with "/>" - others?
  • Lowercase for elements and attributes
  • All attributes in quotes
  • Add "alt" attribute to img-tags if it's not there already.

string Content to clean up
string Cleaned up content returned. private

Definition at line 1247 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

t3lib_parsehtml::processTag ( value,
protected = 0 

Processing all tags themselves (Some additions by Sacha Vorbeck)

string Tag to process
array Configuration array passing instructions for processing. If count()==0, function will return value unprocessed. See source code for details
boolean Is endtag, then set this.
boolean If set, just return value straight away
string Processed value. private

Definition at line 1269 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by HTMLcleaner().

t3lib_parsehtml::processContent ( value,

Processing content between tags for HTML_cleaner

string The value
integer Direction, either -1 or +1. 0 (zero) means no change to input value.
mixed Not used, ignore.
string The processed value. private

Reimplemented in local_t3lib_parsehtml.

Definition at line 1315 of file class.t3lib_parsehtml.php.

Referenced by HTMLcleaner().

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