Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
00001 <?php 00002 /*************************************************************** 00003 * Copyright notice 00004 * 00005 * (c) 1999-2006 Kasper Skaarhoj ( 00006 * All rights reserved 00007 * 00008 * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 00009 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00010 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00011 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00012 * (at your option) any later version. 00013 * 00014 * The GNU General Public License can be found at 00015 * 00016 * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 00017 * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. 00018 * 00019 * 00020 * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00022 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00023 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00024 * 00025 * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! 00026 ***************************************************************/ 00080 class t3lib_TSparser { 00081 var $strict = 1; // If set, then key names cannot contain characters other than [:alnum:]_\.- 00082 00083 // Internal 00084 var $setup = Array(); // TypoScript hierarchy being build during parsing. 00085 var $raw; // raw data, the input string exploded by chr(10) 00086 var $rawP; // pointer to entry in raw data array 00087 var $lastComment=''; // Holding the value of the last comment 00088 var $commentSet=0; // Internally set, used as internal flag to create a multi-line comment (one of those like /*... */) 00089 var $multiLineEnabled=0; // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated 00090 var $multiLineObject=''; // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated 00091 var $multiLineValue=array(); // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated 00092 var $inBrace = 0; // Internally set, when in brace. Counter. 00093 var $lastConditionTrue = 1; // For each condition this flag is set, if the condition is true, else it's cleared. Then it's used by the [ELSE] condition to determine if the next part should be parsed. 00094 var $sections=array(); // Tracking all conditions found 00095 var $sectionsMatch=array(); // Tracking all matching conditions found 00096 var $syntaxHighLight = 0; // If set, then syntax highlight mode is on; Call the function syntaxHighlight() to use this function 00097 var $highLightData=array(); // Syntax highlight data is accumulated in this array. Used by syntaxHighlight_print() to construct the output. 00098 var $highLightData_bracelevel = array(); // Syntax highlight data keeping track of the curly brace level for each line 00099 00100 // Debugging, analysis: 00101 var $regComments = 0; // DO NOT register the comments. This is default for the ordinary sitetemplate! 00102 var $regLinenumbers = 0; // DO NOT register the linenumbers. This is default for the ordinary sitetemplate! 00103 var $errors=array(); // Error accumulation array. 00104 var $lineNumberOffset=0; // Used for the error messages line number reporting. Set externally. 00105 var $breakPointLN=0; // Line for break point. 00106 var $highLightStyles=array( 00107 'prespace' => array('<span class="ts-prespace">','</span>'), // Space before any content on a line 00108 'objstr_postspace' => array('<span class="ts-objstr_postspace">','</span>'), // Space after the object string on a line 00109 'operator_postspace' => array('<span class="ts-operator_postspace">','</span>'), // Space after the operator on a line 00110 'operator' => array('<span class="ts-operator">','</span>'), // The operator char 00111 'value' => array('<span class="ts-value">','</span>'), // The value of a line 00112 'objstr' => array('<span class="ts-objstr">','</span>'), // The object string of a line 00113 'value_copy' => array('<span class="ts-value_copy">','</span>'), // The value when the copy syntax (<) is used; that means the object reference 00114 'value_unset' => array('<span class="ts-value_unset">','</span>'), // The value when an object is unset. Should not exist. 00115 'ignored' => array('<span class="ts-ignored">','</span>'), // The "rest" of a line which will be ignored. 00116 'default' => array('<span class="ts-default">','</span>'), // The default style if none other is applied. 00117 'comment' => array('<span class="ts-comment">','</span>'), // Comment lines 00118 'condition' => array('<span class="ts-condition">','</span>'), // Conditions 00119 'error' => array('<span class="ts-error">','</span>'), // Error messages 00120 'linenum' => array('<span class="ts-linenum">','</span>'), // Line numbers 00121 ); 00122 var $highLightBlockStyles = ''; // Additional attributes for the <span> tags for a blockmode line 00123 var $highLightBlockStyles_basecolor = '#cccccc'; // The hex-HTML color for the blockmode 00124 00125 00133 function parse($string,$matchObj='') { 00134 $this->raw = explode(chr(10),$string); 00135 $this->rawP = 0; 00136 $pre = '[GLOBAL]'; 00137 while($pre) { 00138 if ($this->breakPointLN && $pre=='[_BREAK]') { 00139 $this->error('Breakpoint at '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-2).': Line content was "'.$this->raw[$this->rawP-2].'"',1); 00140 break; 00141 } 00142 00143 if (strtoupper($pre)=='[GLOBAL]' || strtoupper($pre)=='[END]' || (!$this->lastConditionTrue && strtoupper($pre)=='[ELSE]')) { 00144 $pre = trim($this->parseSub($this->setup)); 00145 $this->lastConditionTrue=1; 00146 } else { 00147 if (strtoupper($pre)!='[ELSE]') {$this->sections[md5($pre)]=$pre;} // we're in a specific section. Therefore we log this section 00148 if ((is_object($matchObj) && $matchObj->match($pre)) || $this->syntaxHighLight) { 00149 if (strtoupper($pre)!='[ELSE]') {$this->sectionsMatch[md5($pre)]=$pre;} 00150 $pre = trim($this->parseSub($this->setup)); 00151 $this->lastConditionTrue=1; 00152 } else { 00153 $pre = trim($this->nextDivider()); 00154 $this->lastConditionTrue=0; 00155 } 00156 } 00157 } 00158 if ($this->inBrace) {$this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': The script is short of '.$this->inBrace.' end brace(s)',1); } 00159 if ($this->multiLineEnabled) {$this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': A multiline value section is not ended with a parenthesis!',1); } 00160 $this->lineNumberOffset+=count($this->raw)+1; 00161 } 00162 00169 function nextDivider() { 00170 while (isset($this->raw[$this->rawP])) { 00171 $line = ltrim($this->raw[$this->rawP]); 00172 $this->rawP++; 00173 if ($line && substr($line,0,1)=='[') { 00174 return $line; 00175 } 00176 } 00177 } 00178 00185 function parseSub(&$setup) { 00186 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 00187 00188 while (isset($this->raw[$this->rawP])) { 00189 $line = ltrim($this->raw[$this->rawP]); 00190 $lineP = $this->rawP; 00191 $this->rawP++; 00192 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("prespace",$lineP,strlen($line)); 00193 00194 // Breakpoint? 00195 if ($this->breakPointLN && ($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1)==($this->breakPointLN+1)) { // by adding 1 we get that line processed 00196 return '[_BREAK]'; 00197 } 00198 00199 // Set comment flag? 00200 if (!$this->multiLineEnabled && substr($line,0,2)=='/*') { 00201 $this->commentSet=1; 00202 } 00203 00204 if (!$this->commentSet && ($line || $this->multiLineEnabled)) { // If $this->multiLineEnabled we will go and get the line values here because we know, the first if() will be true. 00205 if ($this->multiLineEnabled) { // If multiline is enabled. Escape by ')' 00206 if (substr($line,0,1)==')') { // Multiline ends... 00207 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("operator",$lineP,strlen($line)-1); 00208 $this->multiLineEnabled=0; // Disable multiline 00209 $theValue = implode($this->multiLineValue,chr(10)); 00210 if (strstr($this->multiLineObject,'.')) { 00211 $this->setVal($this->multiLineObject,$setup,array($theValue)); // Set the value deeper. 00212 } else { 00213 $setup[$this->multiLineObject] = $theValue; // Set value regularly 00214 if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { 00215 $setup[$this->multiLineObject.'..'].=$this->lastComment; 00216 } 00217 if ($this->regLinenumbers) { 00218 $setup[$this->multiLineObject.'.ln..'][]=($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1); 00219 } 00220 } 00221 } else { 00222 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("value",$lineP); 00223 $this->multiLineValue[]=$this->raw[($this->rawP-1)]; 00224 } 00225 } elseif ($this->inBrace==0 && substr($line,0,1)=='[') { // Beginning of condition (only on level zero compared to brace-levels 00226 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("condition",$lineP); 00227 return $line; 00228 } else { 00229 if (substr($line,0,1)=='[' && strtoupper(trim($line))=='[GLOBAL]') { // Return if GLOBAL condition is set - no matter what. 00230 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("condition",$lineP); 00231 $this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': On return to [GLOBAL] scope, the script was short of '.$this->inBrace.' end brace(s)',1); 00232 $this->inBrace=0; 00233 return $line; 00234 } elseif (strcspn($line,'}#/')!=0) { // If not brace-end or comment 00235 $varL = strcspn($line,' {=<>:('); // Find object name string until we meet an operator 00236 $objStrName=trim(substr($line,0,$varL)); 00237 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("objstr",$lineP,strlen(substr($line,$varL))); 00238 if (strlen($objStrName)) { 00239 $r = array(); 00240 if ($this->strict && preg_match('/[^[:alnum:]_\.-]/i',$objStrName,$r)) { 00241 $this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': Object Name String, "'.htmlspecialchars($objStrName).'" contains invalid character "'.$r[0].'". Must be alphanumeric or one of: "_-."'); 00242 } else { 00243 $line = ltrim(substr($line,$varL)); 00244 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { 00245 $this->regHighLight("objstr_postspace", $lineP, strlen($line)); 00246 if (strlen($line)>0) { 00247 $this->regHighLight("operator", $lineP, strlen($line)-1); 00248 $this->regHighLight("operator_postspace", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line,1)))); 00249 } 00250 } 00251 00252 // Checking for special TSparser properties (to change TS values at parsetime) 00253 $match = array(); 00254 if (preg_match('/^:=([^\(]+)\((.+)\).*/', $line, $match)) { 00255 $tsFunc = trim($match[1]); 00256 $tsFuncArg = $match[2]; 00257 list ($currentValue) = $this->getVal($objStrName,$setup); 00258 00259 switch ($tsFunc) { 00260 case 'prependString': 00261 $newValue = $tsFuncArg . $currentValue; 00262 break; 00263 case 'appendString': 00264 $newValue = $currentValue . $tsFuncArg; 00265 break; 00266 case 'removeString': 00267 $newValue = str_replace($tsFuncArg, '', $currentValue); 00268 break; 00269 case 'replaceString': 00270 list($fromStr,$toStr) = explode('|', $tsFuncArg, 2); 00271 $newValue = str_replace($fromStr, $toStr, $currentValue); 00272 break; 00273 case 'addToList': 00274 $newValue = (strcmp('',$currentValue) ? $currentValue.',' : '') . trim($tsFuncArg); 00275 break; 00276 case 'removeFromList': 00277 $existingElements = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$currentValue); 00278 $removeElements = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$tsFuncArg); 00279 if (count($removeElements)) { 00280 $newValue = implode(',', array_diff($existingElements, $removeElements)); 00281 } 00282 break; 00283 default: 00284 if (isset($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']['preParseFunc'][$tsFunc])) { 00285 $hookMethod = $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']['preParseFunc'][$tsFunc]; 00286 $params = array('currentValue'=>$currentValue, 'functionArgument'=>$tsFuncArg); 00287 $fakeThis = FALSE; 00288 $newValue = t3lib_div::callUserFunction($hookMethod,$params,$fakeThis); 00289 } else { 00290 t3lib_div::sysLog('Missing function definition for '.$tsFunc.' on TypoScript line '.$lineP,'Core',2); 00291 } 00292 } 00293 00294 if (isset($newValue)) { 00295 $line = '= '.$newValue; 00296 } 00297 } 00298 00299 switch(substr($line,0,1)) { 00300 case '=': 00301 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight('value', $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line,1)))-strlen(trim(substr($line,1)))); 00302 00303 if (strstr($objStrName,'.')) { 00304 $value = Array(); 00305 $value[0] = trim(substr($line,1)); 00306 $this->setVal($objStrName,$setup,$value); 00307 } else { 00308 $setup[$objStrName] = trim(substr($line,1)); 00309 if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { // Setting comment.. 00310 $setup[$objStrName.'..'].=$this->lastComment; 00311 } 00312 if ($this->regLinenumbers) { 00313 $setup[$objStrName.'.ln..'][]=($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1); 00314 } 00315 } 00316 break; 00317 case '{': 00318 $this->inBrace++; 00319 if (strstr($objStrName,'.')) { 00320 $exitSig=$this->rollParseSub($objStrName,$setup); 00321 if ($exitSig) return $exitSig; 00322 } else { 00323 if (!isset($setup[$objStrName.'.'])) {$setup[$objStrName.'.'] = Array();} 00324 $exitSig=$this->parseSub($setup[$objStrName.'.']); 00325 if ($exitSig) return $exitSig; 00326 } 00327 break; 00328 case '(': 00329 $this->multiLineObject = $objStrName; 00330 $this->multiLineEnabled=1; 00331 $this->multiLineValue=array(); 00332 break; 00333 case '<': 00334 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("value_copy", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line,1)))-strlen(trim(substr($line,1)))); 00335 $theVal = trim(substr($line,1)); 00336 if (substr($theVal,0,1)=='.') { 00337 $res = $this->getVal(substr($theVal,1),$setup); 00338 } else { 00339 $res = $this->getVal($theVal,$this->setup); 00340 } 00341 $this->setVal($objStrName,$setup,unserialize(serialize($res)),1); // unserialize(serialize(...)) may look stupid but is needed because of some reference issues. See Kaspers reply to "[TYPO3-core] good question" from December 15 2005. 00342 break; 00343 case '>': 00344 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("value_unset", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line,1)))-strlen(trim(substr($line,1)))); 00345 $this->setVal($objStrName,$setup,'UNSET'); 00346 break; 00347 default: 00348 $this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': Object Name String, "'.htmlspecialchars($objStrName).'" was not preceeded by any operator, =<>({'); 00349 break; 00350 } 00351 } 00352 $this->lastComment=''; 00353 } 00354 } elseif (substr($line,0,1)=='}') { 00355 $this->inBrace--; 00356 $this->lastComment=''; 00357 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("operator", $lineP, strlen($line)-1); 00358 if ($this->inBrace<0) { 00359 $this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': An end brace is in excess.',1); 00360 $this->inBrace=0; 00361 } else { 00362 break; 00363 } 00364 } else { 00365 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("comment", $lineP); 00366 00367 // Comment. The comments are concatenated in this temporary string: 00368 if ($this->regComments) $this->lastComment.= trim($line).chr(10); 00369 } 00370 } 00371 } 00372 00373 // Unset comment 00374 if ($this->commentSet) { 00375 if ($this->syntaxHighLight) $this->regHighLight("comment", $lineP); 00376 if (substr($line,0,2)=='*/') $this->commentSet=0; 00377 } 00378 } 00379 } 00380 00389 function rollParseSub($string,&$setup) { 00390 if ((string)$string!='') { 00391 $keyLen = strcspn($string,'.'); 00392 if ($keyLen==strlen($string)) { 00393 $key = $string.'.'; 00394 if (!isset($setup[$key])){$setup[$key]=Array();} 00395 $exitSig=$this->parseSub($setup[$key]); 00396 if ($exitSig) return $exitSig; 00397 } else { 00398 $key = substr($string,0,$keyLen).'.'; 00399 if (!isset($setup[$key])){$setup[$key]=Array();} 00400 $exitSig=$this->rollParseSub(substr($string,$keyLen+1),$setup[$key]); 00401 if ($exitSig) return $exitSig; 00402 } 00403 } 00404 } 00405 00413 function getVal($string,$setup) { 00414 if ((string)$string!='') { 00415 $keyLen = strcspn($string,'.'); 00416 if ($keyLen==strlen($string)) { 00417 $retArr=array(); // Added 6/6/03. Shouldn't hurt 00418 if (isset($setup[$string])) {$retArr[0]=$setup[$string]; } 00419 if (isset($setup[$string.'.'])) {$retArr[1]=$setup[$string.'.']; } 00420 return $retArr; 00421 } else { 00422 $key = substr($string,0,$keyLen).'.'; 00423 if ($setup[$key]) { 00424 return $this->getVal(substr($string,$keyLen+1),$setup[$key]); 00425 } 00426 } 00427 } 00428 } 00429 00439 function setVal($string,&$setup,$value,$wipeOut=0) { 00440 if ((string)$string!='') { 00441 $keyLen = strcspn($string,'.'); 00442 if ($keyLen==strlen($string)) { 00443 if ($value=='UNSET') { 00444 unset($setup[$string]); 00445 unset($setup[$string.'.']); 00446 if ($this->regLinenumbers) { 00447 $setup[$string.'.ln..'][]=($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).'>'; 00448 } 00449 } else { 00450 $lnRegisDone=0; 00451 if ($wipeOut && $this->strict) { 00452 if ((isset($setup[$string]) && !isset($value[0])) || (isset($setup[$string.'.']) && !isset($value[1]))) {$this->error('Line '.($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).': Object copied in this line "'.trim($this->raw[($this->rawP-1)]).'" would leave either the value or properties untouched in TypoScript Version 1. Please check that this is not a problem for you.',1);} 00453 unset($setup[$string]); 00454 unset($setup[$string.'.']); 00455 if ($this->regLinenumbers) { 00456 $setup[$string.'.ln..'][]=($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1).'<'; 00457 $lnRegisDone=1; 00458 } 00459 } 00460 if (isset($value[0])) {$setup[$string] = $value[0];} 00461 if (isset($value[1])) {$setup[$string.'.'] = $value[1];} 00462 if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { 00463 $setup[$string.'..'].=$this->lastComment; 00464 } 00465 if ($this->regLinenumbers && !$lnRegisDone) { 00466 $setup[$string.'.ln..'][]=($this->lineNumberOffset+$this->rawP-1); 00467 } 00468 } 00469 } else { 00470 $key = substr($string,0,$keyLen).'.'; 00471 if (!isset($setup[$key])){$setup[$key]=Array();} 00472 $this->setVal(substr($string,$keyLen+1),$setup[$key],$value); 00473 } 00474 } 00475 } 00476 00485 function error($err,$num=2) { 00486 if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage($err,$num); 00487 $this->errors[]=array($err,$num,$this->rawP-1,$this->lineNumberOffset); 00488 } 00489 00497 function checkIncludeLines($string) { 00498 $splitStr='<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:'; 00499 if (strstr($string,$splitStr)) { 00500 $newString=''; 00501 $allParts = explode($splitStr,chr(10).$string.chr(10)); // adds line break char before/after 00502 reset($allParts); 00503 while(list($c,$v)=each($allParts)) { 00504 if (!$c) { // first goes through 00505 $newString.=$v; 00506 } elseif (preg_match('/\r?\n\s*$/',$allParts[$c-1])) { // There must be a line-break char before. 00507 $subparts=explode('>',$v,2); 00508 if (preg_match('/^\s*\r?\n/',$subparts[1])) { // There must be a line-break char after 00509 // SO, the include was positively recognized: 00510 $newString.='### '.$splitStr.$subparts[0].'> BEGIN:'.chr(10); 00511 $params = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes($subparts[0]); 00512 if ($params['source']) { 00513 $sourceParts = explode(':',$params['source'],2); 00514 switch(strtolower(trim($sourceParts[0]))) { 00515 case 'file': 00516 $filename = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(trim($sourceParts[1])); 00517 if (strcmp($filename,'')) { // Must exist and must not contain '..' and must be relative 00518 if (@is_file($filename) && filesize($filename)<100000) { // Max. 100 KB include files! 00519 $newString.=t3lib_div::getUrl($filename).chr(10); 00520 } 00521 } 00522 break; 00523 } 00524 } 00525 $newString.='### '.$splitStr.$subparts[0].'> END:'.chr(10); 00526 $newString.=$subparts[1]; 00527 } else $newString.=$splitStr.$v; 00528 } else $newString.=$splitStr.$v; 00529 } 00530 $string=substr($newString,1,-1); // not the first/last linebreak char. 00531 } 00532 return $string; 00533 } 00534 00541 function checkIncludeLines_array($array) { 00542 reset($array); 00543 while(list($k)=each($array)) { 00544 $array[$k]=t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines($array[$k]); 00545 } 00546 return $array; 00547 } 00548 00549 00550 00551 00552 00553 00554 00555 00556 00557 00558 00559 00560 00561 00562 00563 00564 00565 00566 00567 00568 00569 /********************************** 00570 * 00571 * Syntax highlighting 00572 * 00573 *********************************/ 00574 00584 function doSyntaxHighlight($string,$lineNum='',$highlightBlockMode=0) { 00585 $this->syntaxHighLight=1; 00586 $this->highLightData=array(); 00587 $this->error=array(); 00588 $string = str_replace(chr(13),'',$string); // This is done in order to prevent empty <span>..</span> sections around chr(13) content. Should not do anything but help lessen the amount of HTML code. 00589 00590 $this->parse($string); 00591 00592 return $this->syntaxHighlight_print($lineNum,$highlightBlockMode); 00593 } 00594 00605 function regHighLight($code,$pointer,$strlen=-1) { 00606 if ($strlen==-1) { 00607 $this->highLightData[$pointer] = array(array($code,0)); 00608 } else { 00609 $this->highLightData[$pointer][] = array($code,$strlen); 00610 } 00611 $this->highLightData_bracelevel[$pointer] = $this->inBrace; 00612 } 00613 00623 function syntaxHighlight_print($lineNumDat,$highlightBlockMode) { 00624 // Registers all error messages in relation to their linenumber 00625 $errA=array(); 00626 foreach($this->errors as $err) { 00627 $errA[$err[2]][]=$err[0]; 00628 } 00629 // Generates the syntax highlighted output: 00630 $lines=array(); 00631 foreach($this->raw as $rawP => $value) { 00632 $start=0; 00633 $strlen=strlen($value); 00634 $lineC=''; 00635 00636 if (is_array($this->highLightData[$rawP])) { 00637 foreach($this->highLightData[$rawP] as $set) { 00638 $len = $strlen-$start-$set[1]; 00639 if ($len > 0) { 00640 $part = substr($value,$start,$len); 00641 $start+=$len; 00642 $st = $this->highLightStyles[(isset($this->highLightStyles[$set[0]])?$set[0]:'default')]; 00643 if (!$highlightBlockMode || $set[0]!='prespace') $lineC.=$st[0].htmlspecialchars($part).$st[1]; 00644 }elseif ($len < 0) debug(array($len,$value,$rawP)); 00645 } 00646 } else debug(array($value)); 00647 00648 if (strlen(substr($value,$start))) $lineC.=$this->highLightStyles['ignored'][0].htmlspecialchars(substr($value,$start)).$this->highLightStyles['ignored'][1]; 00649 00650 if ($errA[$rawP]) { 00651 $lineC.=$this->highLightStyles['error'][0].'<strong> - ERROR:</strong> '.htmlspecialchars(implode(';',$errA[$rawP])).$this->highLightStyles['error'][1]; 00652 } 00653 00654 if ($highlightBlockMode && $this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP]) { 00655 $lineC = str_pad('',$this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP]*2,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).'<span style="'.$this->highLightBlockStyles.($this->highLightBlockStyles_basecolor?'background-color: '.t3lib_div::modifyHTMLColorAll($this->highLightBlockStyles_basecolor,-$this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP]*16):'').'">'.(strcmp($lineC,'')?$lineC:' ').'</span>'; 00656 } 00657 00658 if (is_array($lineNumDat)) { 00659 $lineNum = $rawP+$lineNumDat[0]; 00660 $lineC = $this->highLightStyles['linenum'][0].str_pad($lineNum,4,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'.$this->highLightStyles['linenum'][1].' '.$lineC; 00661 } 00662 00663 00664 $lines[] = $lineC; 00665 } 00666 00667 return '<pre class="ts-hl">'.implode(chr(10),$lines).'</pre>'; 00668 } 00669 } 00670 00671 00672 if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']) { 00673 include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']); 00674 } 00675 ?>