"TYPO3 4.0.1: user_plaintext Class Reference", "datetime" => "Sat Dec 2 19:27:29 2006", "date" => "2 Dec 2006", "doxygenversion" => "1.4.6", "projectname" => "TYPO3 4.0.1", "projectnumber" => "4.0.1" ); get_header($doxygen_vars); ?>
Public Member Functions | |
main_plaintext ($content, $conf) | |
getMenuSitemap () | |
getShortcut () | |
getHTML ($str=array()) | |
getHeader () | |
getImages () | |
parseBody ($str) | |
renderUploads ($str, $upload_path='uploads/media/') | |
renderHeader ($str, $type=0) | |
pad ($lines, $preLineChar, $len) | |
breakContent ($str) | |
breakBulletlist ($str) | |
breakTable ($str) | |
addDiv ($messure, $content, $divChar, $joinChar, $cols) | |
traverseTable ($tableLines) | |
renderImages ($str, $links, $caption, $upload_path='uploads/pics/') | |
getLink ($ll) | |
breakLines ($str, $implChar="\n", $charWidth=0) | |
getString ($str) | |
userProcess ($mConfKey, $passVar) | |
atag_to_http ($content, $conf) | |
typolist ($content, $conf) | |
typohead ($content, $conf) | |
typocode ($content, $conf) | |
Public Attributes | |
$cObj | |
$conf = array() | |
$charWidth = 76 |
Definition at line 123 of file plaintextLib.inc.
Subfunction for breakTable(): Adds a divider line between table rows.
Definition at line 472 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
Function used by TypoScript "parseFunc" to process links in the bodytext. Extracts the link and shows it in plain text in a parathesis next to the link text. If link was relative the site URL was prepended.
Definition at line 613 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
Breaks content lines into a bullet list
Definition at line 385 of file plaintextLib.inc. References getString(), and t3lib_div::intInRange(). Referenced by getMenuSitemap(), and main_plaintext(). |
Function used to wrap the bodytext field content (or image caption) into lines of a max length of
Definition at line 369 of file plaintextLib.inc. References breakLines(). Referenced by getHTML(), and main_plaintext(). |
Breaking lines into fixed length lines, using t3lib_div::breakLinesForEmail()
Definition at line 571 of file plaintextLib.inc. References t3lib_div::breakLinesForEmail(). Referenced by breakContent(), and breakTable(). |
Formatting a table in plain text (based on the paradigm of lines being content rows and cells separated by "|")
Definition at line 416 of file plaintextLib.inc. References breakLines(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Creates a header (used for most elements)
Definition at line 241 of file plaintextLib.inc. References renderHeader(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Creates an HTML element (stripping tags of course)
Definition at line 231 of file plaintextLib.inc. References breakContent(), and parseBody(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Get images found in the "image" field of "tt_content"
Definition at line 251 of file plaintextLib.inc. References renderImages(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Returns a typolink URL based on input.
Definition at line 554 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
Creates a menu/sitemap
Definition at line 209 of file plaintextLib.inc. References breakBulletlist(), and parseBody(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Creates a shortcut ("Insert Records")
Definition at line 220 of file plaintextLib.inc. Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Explodes a string with "|" and if the second part is found it will return this, otherwise the first part. Used for many TypoScript properties used in this class since they need preceeding whitespace to be preserved.
Definition at line 583 of file plaintextLib.inc. Referenced by breakBulletlist(), main_plaintext(), renderHeader(), and renderUploads(). |
Main function, called from TypoScript A content object that renders "tt_content" records. See the comment to this class for TypoScript example of how to trigger it. This detects the CType of the current content element and renders it accordingly. Only wellknown types are rendered.
Definition at line 137 of file plaintextLib.inc. References $conf, breakBulletlist(), breakContent(), breakTable(), getHeader(), getHTML(), getImages(), getMenuSitemap(), getShortcut(), getString(), parseBody(), renderUploads(), and userProcess(). |
Function used to repeat a char pattern in head lines (like if you want "********" above/below a header)
Definition at line 353 of file plaintextLib.inc. References t3lib_div::intInRange(). Referenced by renderHeader(). |
Parsing the bodytext field content, removing typical entities and
Definition at line 262 of file plaintextLib.inc. References t3lib_div::htmlspecialchars_decode(). Referenced by getHTML(), getMenuSitemap(), and main_plaintext(). |
Renders a content element header, observing the layout type giving different header formattings
Definition at line 302 of file plaintextLib.inc. References getString(), t3lib_div::intInRange(), and pad(). Referenced by getHeader(). |
Render block of images - which means creating lines with links to the images.
Definition at line 515 of file plaintextLib.inc. Referenced by getImages(). |
Creates a list of links to uploaded files.
Definition at line 284 of file plaintextLib.inc. References getString(). Referenced by main_plaintext(). |
Traverses the table lines/cells and creates arrays with statistics for line numbers and lengths
Definition at line 488 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
User function (called from TypoScript) for generating a code listing (used in parsefunc)
Definition at line 666 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
User function (called from TypoScript) for generating a typo header tag (used in parsefunc)
Definition at line 647 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
User function (called from TypoScript) for generating a bullet list (used in parsefunc)
Definition at line 632 of file plaintextLib.inc. |
Calls a user function for processing of data
Definition at line 595 of file plaintextLib.inc. Referenced by main_plaintext(). |