"TYPO3 4.0.1: typo3_src-4.0.1/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php Source File", "datetime" => "Sat Dec 2 19:22:17 2006", "date" => "2 Dec 2006", "doxygenversion" => "1.4.6", "projectname" => "TYPO3 4.0.1", "projectnumber" => "4.0.1" ); get_header($doxygen_vars); ?>
00001 <?php 00002 /*************************************************************** 00003 * Copyright notice 00004 * 00005 * (c) 1999-2006 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) 00006 * All rights reserved 00007 * 00008 * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 00009 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00010 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00011 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00012 * (at your option) any later version. 00013 * 00014 * The GNU General Public License can be found at 00015 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. 00016 * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 00017 * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. 00018 * 00019 * 00020 * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00022 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00023 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00024 * 00025 * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! 00026 ***************************************************************/ 00232 class t3lib_div { 00233 00234 00235 00236 00237 00238 /************************* 00239 * 00240 * GET/POST Variables 00241 * 00242 * Background: 00243 * Input GET/POST variables in PHP may have their quotes escaped with "\" or not depending on configuration. 00244 * TYPO3 has always converted quotes to BE escaped if the configuration told that they would not be so. 00245 * But the clean solution is that quotes are never escaped and that is what the functions below offers. 00246 * Eventually TYPO3 should provide this in the global space as well. 00247 * In the transitional phase (or forever..?) we need to encourage EVERY to read and write GET/POST vars through the API functions below. 00248 * 00249 *************************/ 00250 00262 function _GP($var) { 00263 if(empty($var)) return; 00264 $value = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : $_GET[$var]; 00265 if (isset($value)) { 00266 if (is_array($value)) { t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($value); } else { $value = stripslashes($value); } 00267 } 00268 return $value; 00269 } 00270 00280 function _GET($var=NULL) { 00281 $value = ($var === NULL) ? $_GET : (empty($var) ? NULL : $_GET[$var]); 00282 if (isset($value)) { // Removes slashes since TYPO3 has added them regardless of magic_quotes setting. 00283 if (is_array($value)) { t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($value); } else { $value = stripslashes($value); } 00284 } 00285 return $value; 00286 } 00287 00297 function _POST($var=NULL) { 00298 $value = ($var === NULL) ? $_POST : (empty($var) ? NULL : $_POST[$var]); 00299 if (isset($value)) { // Removes slashes since TYPO3 has added them regardless of magic_quotes setting. 00300 if (is_array($value)) { t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($value); } else { $value = stripslashes($value); } 00301 } 00302 return $value; 00303 } 00304 00313 function _GETset($inputGet,$key='') { 00314 // ADDS slashes since TYPO3 standard currently is that slashes MUST be applied (regardless of magic_quotes setting). 00315 if (strcmp($key,'')) { 00316 if (is_array($inputGet)) { t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray($inputGet); } else { $inputGet = addslashes($inputGet); } 00317 $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'][$key] = $_GET[$key] = $inputGet; 00318 } elseif (is_array($inputGet)){ 00319 t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray($inputGet); 00320 $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'] = $_GET = $inputGet; 00321 } 00322 } 00323 00336 function GPvar($var,$strip=0) { 00337 if(empty($var)) return; 00338 $value = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : $_GET[$var]; 00339 if (isset($value) && is_string($value)) { $value = stripslashes($value); } // Originally check '&& get_magic_quotes_gpc() ' but the values of $_GET are always slashed regardless of get_magic_quotes_gpc() because HTTP_POST/GET_VARS are run through addSlashesOnArray in the very beginning of index_ts.php eg. 00340 if ($strip && isset($value) && is_array($value)) { t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($value); } 00341 return $value; 00342 } 00343 00353 function GParrayMerged($var) { 00354 $postA = is_array($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : array(); 00355 $getA = is_array($_GET[$var]) ? $_GET[$var] : array(); 00356 $mergedA = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($getA,$postA); 00357 t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($mergedA); 00358 return $mergedA; 00359 } 00360 00361 00362 00363 00364 00365 00366 00367 00368 00369 00370 /************************* 00371 * 00372 * IMAGE FUNCTIONS 00373 * 00374 *************************/ 00375 00376 00397 function gif_compress($theFile, $type) { 00398 $gfxConf = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']; 00399 $returnCode=''; 00400 if ($gfxConf['gif_compress'] && strtolower(substr($theFile,-4,4))=='.gif') { // GIF... 00401 if (($type=='IM' || !$type) && $gfxConf['im'] && $gfxConf['im_path_lzw']) { // IM 00402 $cmd = t3lib_div::imageMagickCommand('convert', '"'.$theFile.'" "'.$theFile.'"', $gfxConf['im_path_lzw']); 00403 exec($cmd); 00404 00405 $returnCode='IM'; 00406 } elseif (($type=='GD' || !$type) && $gfxConf['gdlib'] && !$gfxConf['gdlib_png']) { // GD 00407 $tempImage = imageCreateFromGif($theFile); 00408 imageGif($tempImage, $theFile); 00409 imageDestroy($tempImage); 00410 $returnCode='GD'; 00411 } 00412 } 00413 return $returnCode; 00414 } 00415 00425 function png_to_gif_by_imagemagick($theFile) { 00426 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['png_to_gif'] 00427 && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im'] 00428 && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_path_lzw'] 00429 && strtolower(substr($theFile,-4,4))=='.png' 00430 && @is_file($theFile)) { // IM 00431 $newFile = substr($theFile,0,-4).'.gif'; 00432 $cmd = t3lib_div::imageMagickCommand('convert', '"'.$theFile.'" "'.$newFile.'"', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_path_lzw']); 00433 exec($cmd); 00434 $theFile = $newFile; 00435 // unlink old file?? May be bad idea bacause TYPO3 would then recreate the file every time as TYPO3 thinks the file is not generated because it's missing!! So do not unlink $theFile here!! 00436 } 00437 return $theFile; 00438 } 00439 00450 function read_png_gif($theFile,$output_png=0) { 00451 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im'] && @is_file($theFile)) { 00452 $ext = strtolower(substr($theFile,-4,4)); 00453 if ( 00454 ((string)$ext=='.png' && $output_png) || 00455 ((string)$ext=='.gif' && !$output_png) 00456 ) { 00457 return $theFile; 00458 } else { 00459 $newFile = PATH_site.'typo3temp/readPG_'.md5($theFile.'|'.filemtime($theFile)).($output_png?'.png':'.gif'); 00460 exec($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_path'].'convert "'.$theFile.'" "'.$newFile.'"'); 00461 if (@is_file($newFile)) return $newFile; 00462 } 00463 } 00464 } 00465 00466 00467 00468 00469 00470 00471 00472 00473 00474 00475 00476 00477 00478 00479 00480 /************************* 00481 * 00482 * STRING FUNCTIONS 00483 * 00484 *************************/ 00485 00499 function fixed_lgd($string,$origChars,$preStr='...') { 00500 $chars = abs($origChars); 00501 if ($chars >= 4) { 00502 if(strlen($string)>$chars) { 00503 return $origChars < 0 ? 00504 $preStr.trim(substr($string, -($chars-3))) : 00505 trim(substr($string, 0, $chars-3)).$preStr; 00506 } 00507 } 00508 return $string; 00509 } 00510 00524 function fixed_lgd_pre($string,$chars) { 00525 return strrev(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(strrev($string),$chars)); 00526 } 00527 00538 function fixed_lgd_cs($string,$chars) { 00539 if (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) { 00540 return $GLOBALS['LANG']->csConvObj->crop($GLOBALS['LANG']->charSet,$string,$chars,'...'); 00541 } else { 00542 return t3lib_div::fixed_lgd($string, $chars); 00543 } 00544 } 00545 00555 function breakTextForEmail($str,$implChar="\n",$charWidth=76) { 00556 $lines = explode(chr(10),$str); 00557 $outArr=array(); 00558 while(list(,$lStr)=each($lines)) { 00559 $outArr = array_merge($outArr,t3lib_div::breakLinesForEmail($lStr,$implChar,$charWidth)); 00560 } 00561 return implode(chr(10),$outArr); 00562 } 00563 00574 function breakLinesForEmail($str,$implChar="\n",$charWidth=76) { 00575 $lines=array(); 00576 $l=$charWidth; 00577 $p=0; 00578 while(strlen($str)>$p) { 00579 $substr=substr($str,$p,$l); 00580 if (strlen($substr)==$l) { 00581 $count = count(explode(' ',trim(strrev($substr)))); 00582 if ($count>1) { // OK... 00583 $parts = explode(' ',strrev($substr),2); 00584 $theLine = strrev($parts[1]); 00585 } else { 00586 $afterParts = explode(' ',substr($str,$l+$p),2); 00587 $theLine = $substr.$afterParts[0]; 00588 } 00589 if (!strlen($theLine)) {break; } // Error, because this would keep us in an endless loop. 00590 } else { 00591 $theLine=$substr; 00592 } 00593 00594 $lines[]=trim($theLine); 00595 $p+=strlen($theLine); 00596 if (!trim(substr($str,$p,$l))) break; // added... 00597 } 00598 return implode($implChar,$lines); 00599 } 00600 00610 function cmpIP($baseIP, $list) { 00611 if ($list==='*') return TRUE; 00612 if (strstr($baseIP, ':') && t3lib_div::validIPv6($baseIP)) { 00613 return t3lib_div::cmpIPv6($baseIP, $list); 00614 } else { 00615 return t3lib_div::cmpIPv4($baseIP, $list); 00616 } 00617 } 00618 00626 function cmpIPv4($baseIP, $list) { 00627 $IPpartsReq = explode('.',$baseIP); 00628 if (count($IPpartsReq)==4) { 00629 $values = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$list,1); 00630 00631 foreach($values as $test) { 00632 list($test,$mask) = explode('/',$test); 00633 00634 if(intval($mask)) { 00635 // "" 00636 $lnet = ip2long($test); 00637 $lip = ip2long($baseIP); 00638 $binnet = str_pad( decbin($lnet),32,'0','STR_PAD_LEFT'); 00639 $firstpart = substr($binnet,0,$mask); 00640 $binip = str_pad( decbin($lip),32,'0','STR_PAD_LEFT'); 00641 $firstip = substr($binip,0,$mask); 00642 $yes = (strcmp($firstpart,$firstip)==0); 00643 } else { 00644 // "192.168.*.*" 00645 $IPparts = explode('.',$test); 00646 $yes = 1; 00647 reset($IPparts); 00648 while(list($index,$val)=each($IPparts)) { 00649 $val = trim($val); 00650 if (strcmp($val,'*') && strcmp($IPpartsReq[$index],$val)) { 00651 $yes=0; 00652 } 00653 } 00654 } 00655 if ($yes) return true; 00656 } 00657 } 00658 return false; 00659 } 00660 00668 function cmpIPv6($baseIP, $list) { 00669 $success = false; // Policy default: Deny connection 00670 $baseIP = t3lib_div::normalizeIPv6($baseIP); 00671 00672 $values = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$list,1); 00673 foreach ($values as $test) { 00674 list($test,$mask) = explode('/',$test); 00675 if (t3lib_div::validIPv6($test)) { 00676 $test = t3lib_div::normalizeIPv6($test); 00677 if (intval($mask)) { 00678 switch ($mask) { // test on /48 /64 00679 case '48': 00680 $testBin = substr(t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($test), 0, 48); 00681 $baseIPBin = substr(t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($baseIP), 0, 48); 00682 $success = strcmp($testBin, $baseIPBin)==0 ? true : false; 00683 break; 00684 case '64': 00685 $testBin = substr(t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($test), 0, 64); 00686 $baseIPBin = substr(t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($baseIP), 0, 64); 00687 $success = strcmp($testBin, $baseIPBin)==0 ? true : false; 00688 break; 00689 default: 00690 $success = false; 00691 } 00692 } else { 00693 if (t3lib_div::validIPv6($test)) { // test on full ip address 128 bits 00694 $testBin = t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($test); 00695 $baseIPBin = t3lib_div::IPv6Hex2Bin($baseIP); 00696 $success = strcmp($testBin, $baseIPBin)==0 ? true : false; 00697 } 00698 } 00699 } 00700 if ($success) return true; 00701 } 00702 return false; 00703 } 00704 00711 function IPv6Hex2Bin ($hex) { 00712 $bin = ''; 00713 $hex = str_replace(':', '', $hex); // Replace colon to nothing 00714 for ($i=0; $i<strlen($hex); $i=$i+2) { 00715 $bin.= chr(hexdec(substr($hex, $i, 2))); 00716 } 00717 return $bin; 00718 } 00719 00726 function normalizeIPv6($address) { 00727 $normalizedAddress = ''; 00728 $stageOneAddress = ''; 00729 00730 $chunks = explode('::', $address); // Count 2 if if address has hidden zero blocks 00731 if (count($chunks)==2) { 00732 $chunksLeft = explode(':', $chunks[0]); 00733 $chunksRight = explode(':', $chunks[1]); 00734 $left = count($chunksLeft); 00735 $right = count($chunksRight); 00736 00737 // Special case: leading zero-only blocks count to 1, should be 0 00738 if ($left==1 && strlen($chunksLeft[0])==0) $left=0; 00739 00740 $hiddenBlocks = 8 - ($left + $right); 00741 $hiddenPart = ''; 00742 while ($h<$hiddenBlocks) { 00743 $hiddenPart .= '0000:'; 00744 $h++; 00745 } 00746 00747 if ($left == 0) { 00748 $stageOneAddress = $hiddenPart . $chunks[1]; 00749 } else { 00750 $stageOneAddress = $chunks[0] . ':' . $hiddenPart . $chunks[1]; 00751 } 00752 } else $stageOneAddress = $address; 00753 00754 // normalize the blocks: 00755 $blocks = explode(':', $stageOneAddress); 00756 $divCounter = 0; 00757 foreach ($blocks as $block) { 00758 $tmpBlock = ''; 00759 $i = 0; 00760 $hiddenZeros = 4 - strlen($block); 00761 while ($i < $hiddenZeros) { 00762 $tmpBlock .= '0'; 00763 $i++; 00764 } 00765 $normalizedAddress .= $tmpBlock . $block; 00766 if ($divCounter < 7) { 00767 $normalizedAddress .= ':'; 00768 $divCounter++; 00769 } 00770 } 00771 return $normalizedAddress; 00772 } 00773 00782 function validIPv6($ip) { 00783 $uppercaseIP = strtoupper($ip); 00784 00785 $regex = '/^('; 00786 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}:){7}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00787 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}){1}::([\dA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00788 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}:){2}:([\dA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00789 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}:){3}:([\dA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00790 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}:){4}:([\dA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00791 $regex.= '(([\dA-F]{1,4}:){5}:([\dA-F]{1,4}:){0,1}[\dA-F]{1,4})|'; 00792 $regex.= '(::([\dA-F]{1,4}:){0,6}[\dA-F]{1,4})'; 00793 $regex.= ')$/'; 00794 00795 return preg_match($regex, $uppercaseIP) ? true : false; 00796 } 00797 00805 function cmpFQDN($baseIP, $list) { 00806 if (count(explode('.',$baseIP))==4) { 00807 $resolvedHostName = explode('.', gethostbyaddr($baseIP)); 00808 $values = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$list,1); 00809 00810 foreach($values as $test) { 00811 $hostNameParts = explode('.',$test); 00812 $yes = 1; 00813 00814 foreach($hostNameParts as $index => $val) { 00815 $val = trim($val); 00816 if (strcmp($val,'*') && strcmp($resolvedHostName[$index],$val)) { 00817 $yes=0; 00818 } 00819 } 00820 if ($yes) return true; 00821 } 00822 } 00823 return false; 00824 } 00825 00835 function inList($list,$item) { 00836 return strstr(','.$list.',', ','.$item.',') ? true : false; 00837 } 00838 00847 function rmFromList($element,$list) { 00848 $items = explode(',',$list); 00849 while(list($k,$v)=each($items)) { 00850 if ($v==$element) {unset($items[$k]);} 00851 } 00852 return implode(',',$items); 00853 } 00854 00863 function expandList($list) { 00864 $items = explode(',',$list); 00865 $list = array(); 00866 while(list(,$item)=each($items)) { 00867 $range = explode('-',$item); 00868 if (isset($range[1])) { 00869 $runAwayBrake = 1000; 00870 for ($n=$range[0]; $n<=$range[1]; $n++) { 00871 $list[] = $n; 00872 00873 $runAwayBrake--; 00874 if ($runAwayBrake<=0) break; 00875 } 00876 } else { 00877 $list[] = $item; 00878 } 00879 } 00880 00881 return implode(',',$list); 00882 } 00883 00894 function intInRange($theInt,$min,$max=2000000000,$zeroValue=0) { 00895 // Returns $theInt as an integer in the integerspace from $min to $max 00896 $theInt = intval($theInt); 00897 if ($zeroValue && !$theInt) {$theInt=$zeroValue;} // If the input value is zero after being converted to integer, zeroValue may set another default value for it. 00898 if ($theInt<$min){$theInt=$min;} 00899 if ($theInt>$max){$theInt=$max;} 00900 return $theInt; 00901 } 00902 00910 function intval_positive($theInt) { 00911 $theInt = intval($theInt); 00912 if ($theInt<0){$theInt=0;} 00913 return $theInt; 00914 } 00915 00923 function int_from_ver($verNumberStr) { 00924 $verParts = explode('.',$verNumberStr); 00925 return intval((int)$verParts[0].str_pad((int)$verParts[1],3,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad((int)$verParts[2],3,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)); 00926 } 00927 00936 function compat_version($verNumberStr) { 00937 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 00938 $currVersionStr = $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['compat_version'] ? $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['compat_version'] : TYPO3_branch; 00939 00940 if (t3lib_div::int_from_ver($currVersionStr) < t3lib_div::int_from_ver($verNumberStr)) { 00941 return FALSE; 00942 } else { 00943 return TRUE; 00944 } 00945 } 00946 00954 function md5int($str) { 00955 return hexdec(substr(md5($str),0,7)); 00956 } 00957 00967 function shortMD5($input, $len=10) { 00968 return substr(md5($input),0,$len); 00969 } 00970 00980 function uniqueList($in_list, $secondParameter=NULL) { 00981 if (is_array($in_list)) die('t3lib_div::uniqueList() does NOT support array arguments anymore! Only string comma lists!'); 00982 if (isset($secondParameter)) die('t3lib_div::uniqueList() does NOT support more than a single argument value anymore. You have specified more than one.'); 00983 00984 return implode(',',array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$in_list,1))); 00985 } 00986 00994 function split_fileref($fileref) { 00995 $reg = array(); 00996 if ( ereg('(.*/)(.*)$',$fileref,$reg) ) { 00997 $info['path'] = $reg[1]; 00998 $info['file'] = $reg[2]; 00999 } else { 01000 $info['path'] = ''; 01001 $info['file'] = $fileref; 01002 } 01003 $reg=''; 01004 if ( ereg('(.*)\.([^\.]*$)',$info['file'],$reg) ) { 01005 $info['filebody'] = $reg[1]; 01006 $info['fileext'] = strtolower($reg[2]); 01007 $info['realFileext'] = $reg[2]; 01008 } else { 01009 $info['filebody'] = $info['file']; 01010 $info['fileext'] = ''; 01011 } 01012 reset($info); 01013 return $info; 01014 } 01015 01032 function dirname($path) { 01033 $p=t3lib_div::revExplode('/',$path,2); 01034 return count($p)==2?$p[0]:''; 01035 } 01036 01048 function modifyHTMLColor($color,$R,$G,$B) { 01049 // This takes a hex-color (# included!) and adds $R, $G and $B to the HTML-color (format: #xxxxxx) and returns the new color 01050 $nR = t3lib_div::intInRange(hexdec(substr($color,1,2))+$R,0,255); 01051 $nG = t3lib_div::intInRange(hexdec(substr($color,3,2))+$G,0,255); 01052 $nB = t3lib_div::intInRange(hexdec(substr($color,5,2))+$B,0,255); 01053 return '#'. 01054 substr('0'.dechex($nR),-2). 01055 substr('0'.dechex($nG),-2). 01056 substr('0'.dechex($nB),-2); 01057 } 01058 01068 function modifyHTMLColorAll($color,$all) { 01069 return t3lib_div::modifyHTMLColor($color,$all,$all,$all); 01070 } 01071 01079 function rm_endcomma($string) { 01080 return ereg_replace(',$','',$string); 01081 } 01082 01092 function danish_strtoupper($string) { 01093 $value = strtoupper($string); 01094 return strtr($value, 'áéúíâêûôîæøåäöü', 'ÁÉÚÍÄËÜÖÏÆØÅÄÖÜ'); 01095 } 01096 01107 function convUmlauts($str) { 01108 $pat = array ( '/ä/', '/Ä/', '/ö/', '/Ö/', '/ü/', '/Ü/', '/ß/', '/å/', '/Å/', '/ø/', '/Ø/', '/æ/', '/Æ/' ); 01109 $repl = array ( 'ae', 'Ae', 'oe', 'Oe', 'ue', 'Ue', 'ss', 'aa', 'AA', 'oe', 'OE', 'ae', 'AE' ); 01110 return preg_replace($pat,$repl,$str); 01111 } 01112 01120 function testInt($var) { 01121 return !strcmp($var,intval($var)); 01122 } 01123 01132 function isFirstPartOfStr($str,$partStr) { 01133 // Returns true, if the first part of a $str equals $partStr and $partStr is not '' 01134 $psLen = strlen($partStr); 01135 if ($psLen) { 01136 return substr($str,0,$psLen)==(string)$partStr; 01137 } else return false; 01138 } 01139 01148 function formatSize($sizeInBytes,$labels='') { 01149 01150 // Set labels: 01151 if (strlen($labels) == 0) { 01152 $labels = ' | K| M| G'; 01153 } else { 01154 $labels = str_replace('"','',$labels); 01155 } 01156 $labelArr = explode('|',$labels); 01157 01158 // Find size: 01159 if ($sizeInBytes>900) { 01160 if ($sizeInBytes>900000000) { // GB 01161 $val = $sizeInBytes/(1024*1024*1024); 01162 return number_format($val, (($val<20)?1:0), '.', '').$labelArr[3]; 01163 } 01164 elseif ($sizeInBytes>900000) { // MB 01165 $val = $sizeInBytes/(1024*1024); 01166 return number_format($val, (($val<20)?1:0), '.', '').$labelArr[2]; 01167 } else { // KB 01168 $val = $sizeInBytes/(1024); 01169 return number_format($val, (($val<20)?1:0), '.', '').$labelArr[1]; 01170 } 01171 } else { // Bytes 01172 return $sizeInBytes.$labelArr[0]; 01173 } 01174 } 01175 01183 function convertMicrotime($microtime) { 01184 $parts = explode(' ',$microtime); 01185 return round(($parts[0]+$parts[1])*1000); 01186 } 01187 01197 function splitCalc($string,$operators) { 01198 $res = Array(); 01199 $sign='+'; 01200 while($string) { 01201 $valueLen=strcspn($string,$operators); 01202 $value=substr($string,0,$valueLen); 01203 $res[] = Array($sign,trim($value)); 01204 $sign=substr($string,$valueLen,1); 01205 $string=substr($string,$valueLen+1); 01206 } 01207 reset($res); 01208 return $res; 01209 } 01210 01219 function calcPriority($string) { 01220 $string=ereg_replace('[[:space:]]*','',$string); // removing all whitespace 01221 $string='+'.$string; // Ensuring an operator for the first entrance 01222 $qm='\*\/\+-^%'; 01223 $regex = '(['.$qm.'])(['.$qm.']?[0-9\.]*)'; 01224 // split the expression here: 01225 $reg = array(); 01226 preg_match_all('/'.$regex.'/',$string,$reg); 01227 01228 reset($reg[2]); 01229 $number=0; 01230 $Msign='+'; 01231 $err=''; 01232 $buffer=doubleval(current($reg[2])); 01233 next($reg[2]); // Advance pointer 01234 while(list($k,$v)=each($reg[2])) { 01235 $v=doubleval($v); 01236 $sign = $reg[1][$k]; 01237 if ($sign=='+' || $sign=='-') { 01238 $number = $Msign=='-' ? $number-=$buffer : $number+=$buffer; 01239 $Msign = $sign; 01240 $buffer=$v; 01241 } else { 01242 if ($sign=='/') {if ($v) $buffer/=$v; else $err='dividing by zero';} 01243 if ($sign=='%') {if ($v) $buffer%=$v; else $err='dividing by zero';} 01244 if ($sign=='*') {$buffer*=$v;} 01245 if ($sign=='^') {$buffer=pow($buffer,$v);} 01246 } 01247 } 01248 $number = $Msign=='-' ? $number-=$buffer : $number+=$buffer; 01249 return $err ? 'ERROR: '.$err : $number; 01250 } 01251 01260 function calcParenthesis($string) { 01261 $securC=100; 01262 do { 01263 $valueLenO=strcspn($string,'('); 01264 $valueLenC=strcspn($string,')'); 01265 if ($valueLenC==strlen($string) || $valueLenC < $valueLenO) { 01266 $value = t3lib_div::calcPriority(substr($string,0,$valueLenC)); 01267 $string = $value.substr($string,$valueLenC+1); 01268 return $string; 01269 } else { 01270 $string = substr($string,0,$valueLenO).t3lib_div::calcParenthesis(substr($string,$valueLenO+1)); 01271 } 01272 // Security: 01273 $securC--; 01274 if ($securC<=0) break; 01275 } while($valueLenO<strlen($string)); 01276 return $string; 01277 } 01278 01286 function htmlspecialchars_decode($value) { 01287 $value = str_replace('>','>',$value); 01288 $value = str_replace('<','<',$value); 01289 $value = str_replace('"','"',$value); 01290 $value = str_replace('&','&',$value); 01291 return $value; 01292 } 01293 01301 function deHSCentities($str) { 01302 return ereg_replace('&([#[:alnum:]]*;)','&\1',$str); 01303 } 01304 01314 function slashJS($string,$extended=0,$char="'") { 01315 if ($extended) {$string = str_replace ("\\", "\\\\", $string);} 01316 return str_replace ($char, "\\".$char, $string); 01317 } 01318 01327 function rawUrlEncodeJS($str) { 01328 return str_replace('%20',' ',rawurlencode($str)); 01329 } 01330 01339 function rawUrlEncodeFP($str) { 01340 return str_replace('%2F','/',rawurlencode($str)); 01341 } 01342 01350 function validEmail($email) { 01351 $email = trim ($email); 01352 if (strstr($email,' ')) return FALSE; 01353 return ereg('^[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+[@][A-Za-z0-9\._-]+[\.].[A-Za-z0-9]+$',$email) ? TRUE : FALSE; 01354 } 01355 01365 function formatForTextarea($content) { 01366 return chr(10).htmlspecialchars($content); 01367 } 01368 01369 01370 01371 01372 01373 01374 01375 01376 01377 01378 01379 01380 /************************* 01381 * 01382 * ARRAY FUNCTIONS 01383 * 01384 *************************/ 01385 01396 function inArray($in_array,$item) { 01397 if (is_array($in_array)) { 01398 while (list(,$val)=each($in_array)) { 01399 if (!is_array($val) && !strcmp($val,$item)) return true; 01400 } 01401 } 01402 } 01403 01413 function intExplode($delim, $string) { 01414 $temp = explode($delim,$string); 01415 while(list($key,$val)=each($temp)) { 01416 $temp[$key]=intval($val); 01417 } 01418 reset($temp); 01419 return $temp; 01420 } 01421 01432 function revExplode($delim, $string, $count=0) { 01433 $temp = explode($delim,strrev($string),$count); 01434 while(list($key,$val)=each($temp)) { 01435 $temp[$key]=strrev($val); 01436 } 01437 $temp=array_reverse($temp); 01438 reset($temp); 01439 return $temp; 01440 } 01441 01452 function trimExplode($delim, $string, $onlyNonEmptyValues=0) { 01453 $temp = explode($delim,$string); 01454 $newtemp=array(); 01455 while(list($key,$val)=each($temp)) { 01456 if (!$onlyNonEmptyValues || strcmp('',trim($val))) { 01457 $newtemp[]=trim($val); 01458 } 01459 } 01460 reset($newtemp); 01461 return $newtemp; 01462 } 01463 01474 function uniqueArray($valueArray) { 01475 return array_unique($valueArray); 01476 } 01477 01486 function removeArrayEntryByValue($array,$cmpValue) { 01487 if (is_array($array)) { 01488 reset($array); 01489 while(list($k,$v)=each($array)) { 01490 if (is_array($v)) { 01491 $array[$k] = t3lib_div::removeArrayEntryByValue($v,$cmpValue); 01492 } else { 01493 if (!strcmp($v,$cmpValue)) { 01494 unset($array[$k]); 01495 } 01496 } 01497 } 01498 } 01499 reset($array); 01500 return $array; 01501 } 01502 01515 function implodeArrayForUrl($name,$theArray,$str='',$skipBlank=0,$rawurlencodeParamName=0) { 01516 if (is_array($theArray)) { 01517 foreach($theArray as $Akey => $AVal) { 01518 $thisKeyName = $name ? $name.'['.$Akey.']' : $Akey; 01519 if (is_array($AVal)) { 01520 $str = t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl($thisKeyName,$AVal,$str,$skipBlank,$rawurlencodeParamName); 01521 } else { 01522 if (!$skipBlank || strcmp($AVal,'')) { 01523 $str.='&'.($rawurlencodeParamName ? rawurlencode($thisKeyName) : $thisKeyName). 01524 '='.rawurlencode($AVal); 01525 } 01526 } 01527 } 01528 } 01529 return $str; 01530 } 01531 01540 function explodeUrl2Array($string,$multidim=FALSE) { 01541 $output = array(); 01542 if ($multidim) { 01543 parse_str($string,$output); 01544 } else { 01545 $p = explode('&',$string); 01546 foreach($p as $v) { 01547 if (strlen($v)) { 01548 list($pK,$pV) = explode('=',$v,2); 01549 $output[rawurldecode($pK)] = rawurldecode($pV); 01550 } 01551 } 01552 } 01553 return $output; 01554 } 01555 01566 function compileSelectedGetVarsFromArray($varList,$getArray,$GPvarAlt=1) { 01567 $keys = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$varList,1); 01568 $outArr=array(); 01569 foreach($keys as $v) { 01570 if (isset($getArray[$v])) { 01571 $outArr[$v]=$getArray[$v]; 01572 } elseif ($GPvarAlt) { 01573 $outArr[$v]=t3lib_div::_GP($v); 01574 } 01575 } 01576 return $outArr; 01577 } 01578 01589 function addSlashesOnArray(&$theArray) { 01590 if (is_array($theArray)) { 01591 reset($theArray); 01592 while(list($Akey,$AVal)=each($theArray)) { 01593 if (is_array($AVal)) { 01594 t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray($theArray[$Akey]); 01595 } else { 01596 $theArray[$Akey] = addslashes($AVal); 01597 } 01598 } 01599 reset($theArray); 01600 } 01601 } 01602 01613 function stripSlashesOnArray(&$theArray) { 01614 if (is_array($theArray)) { 01615 reset($theArray); 01616 while(list($Akey,$AVal)=each($theArray)) { 01617 if (is_array($AVal)) { 01618 t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($theArray[$Akey]); 01619 } else { 01620 $theArray[$Akey] = stripslashes($AVal); 01621 } 01622 } 01623 reset($theArray); 01624 } 01625 } 01626 01635 function slashArray($arr,$cmd) { 01636 if ($cmd=='strip') t3lib_div::stripSlashesOnArray($arr); 01637 if ($cmd=='add') t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray($arr); 01638 return $arr; 01639 } 01640 01652 function array_merge_recursive_overrule($arr0,$arr1,$notAddKeys=0,$includeEmtpyValues=true) { 01653 reset($arr1); 01654 while(list($key,$val) = each($arr1)) { 01655 if(is_array($arr0[$key])) { 01656 if (is_array($arr1[$key])) { 01657 $arr0[$key] = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($arr0[$key],$arr1[$key],$notAddKeys); 01658 } 01659 } else { 01660 if ($notAddKeys) { 01661 if (isset($arr0[$key])) { 01662 if ($includeEmtpyValues OR $val) { 01663 $arr0[$key] = $val; 01664 } 01665 } 01666 } else { 01667 if ($includeEmtpyValues OR $val) { 01668 $arr0[$key] = $val; 01669 } 01670 } 01671 } 01672 } 01673 reset($arr0); 01674 return $arr0; 01675 } 01676 01685 function array_merge($arr1,$arr2) { 01686 return $arr2+$arr1; 01687 } 01688 01698 function csvValues($row,$delim=',',$quote='"') { 01699 reset($row); 01700 $out=array(); 01701 while(list(,$value)=each($row)) { 01702 list($valPart) = explode(chr(10),$value); 01703 $valPart = trim($valPart); 01704 $out[]=str_replace($quote,$quote.$quote,$valPart); 01705 } 01706 $str = $quote.implode($quote.$delim.$quote,$out).$quote; 01707 return $str; 01708 } 01709 01710 01711 01712 01713 01714 01715 01716 01717 01718 01719 01720 01721 01722 01723 01724 01725 /************************* 01726 * 01727 * HTML/XML PROCESSING 01728 * 01729 *************************/ 01730 01740 function get_tag_attributes($tag) { 01741 $components = t3lib_div::split_tag_attributes($tag); 01742 $name = ''; // attribute name is stored here 01743 $valuemode = ''; 01744 if (is_array($components)) { 01745 while (list($key,$val) = each ($components)) { 01746 if ($val != '=') { // Only if $name is set (if there is an attribute, that waits for a value), that valuemode is enabled. This ensures that the attribute is assigned it's value 01747 if ($valuemode) { 01748 if ($name) { 01749 $attributes[$name] = $val; 01750 $name = ''; 01751 } 01752 } else { 01753 if ($key = strtolower(ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]','',$val))) { 01754 $attributes[$key] = ''; 01755 $name = $key; 01756 } 01757 } 01758 $valuemode = ''; 01759 } else { 01760 $valuemode = 'on'; 01761 } 01762 } 01763 if (is_array($attributes)) reset($attributes); 01764 return $attributes; 01765 } 01766 } 01767 01777 function split_tag_attributes($tag) { 01778 $tag_tmp = trim(eregi_replace ('^<[^[:space:]]*','',trim($tag))); 01779 // Removes any > in the end of the string 01780 $tag_tmp = trim(eregi_replace ('>$','',$tag_tmp)); 01781 01782 while (strcmp($tag_tmp,'')) { // Compared with empty string instead , 030102 01783 $firstChar=substr($tag_tmp,0,1); 01784 if (!strcmp($firstChar,'"') || !strcmp($firstChar,"'")) { 01785 $reg=explode($firstChar,$tag_tmp,3); 01786 $value[]=$reg[1]; 01787 $tag_tmp=trim($reg[2]); 01788 } elseif (!strcmp($firstChar,'=')) { 01789 $value[] = '='; 01790 $tag_tmp = trim(substr($tag_tmp,1)); // Removes = chars. 01791 } else { 01792 // There are '' around the value. We look for the next ' ' or '>' 01793 $reg = split('[[:space:]=]',$tag_tmp,2); 01794 $value[] = trim($reg[0]); 01795 $tag_tmp = trim(substr($tag_tmp,strlen($reg[0]),1).$reg[1]); 01796 } 01797 } 01798 if (is_array($value)) reset($value); 01799 return $value; 01800 } 01801 01811 function implodeAttributes($arr,$xhtmlSafe=FALSE,$dontOmitBlankAttribs=FALSE) { 01812 if (is_array($arr)) { 01813 if ($xhtmlSafe) { 01814 $newArr=array(); 01815 foreach($arr as $p => $v) { 01816 if (!isset($newArr[strtolower($p)])) $newArr[strtolower($p)] = htmlspecialchars($v); 01817 } 01818 $arr = $newArr; 01819 } 01820 $list = array(); 01821 foreach($arr as $p => $v) { 01822 if (strcmp($v,'') || $dontOmitBlankAttribs) {$list[]=$p.'="'.$v.'"';} 01823 } 01824 return implode(' ',$list); 01825 } 01826 } 01827 01838 function implodeParams($arr,$xhtmlSafe=FALSE,$dontOmitBlankAttribs=FALSE) { 01839 return t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($arr,$xhtmlSafe,$dontOmitBlankAttribs); 01840 } 01841 01853 function wrapJS($string, $linebreak=TRUE) { 01854 if(trim($string)) { 01855 // <script wrapped in nl? 01856 $cr = $linebreak? "\n" : ''; 01857 01858 // remove nl from the beginning 01859 $string = preg_replace ('/^\n+/', '', $string); 01860 // re-ident to one tab using the first line as reference 01861 $match = array(); 01862 if(preg_match('/^(\t+)/',$string,$match)) { 01863 $string = str_replace($match[1],"\t", $string); 01864 } 01865 $string = $cr.'<script type="text/javascript"> 01866 /*<![CDATA[*/ 01867 '.$string.' 01868 /*]]>*/ 01869 </script>'.$cr; 01870 } 01871 return trim($string); 01872 } 01873 01874 01884 function xml2tree($string,$depth=999) { 01885 $parser = xml_parser_create(); 01886 $vals = array(); 01887 $index = array(); 01888 01889 xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); 01890 xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0); 01891 xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $string, $vals, $index); 01892 01893 if (xml_get_error_code($parser)) return 'Line '.xml_get_current_line_number($parser).': '.xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)); 01894 xml_parser_free($parser); 01895 01896 $stack = array( array() ); 01897 $stacktop = 0; 01898 $startPoint=0; 01899 01900 // FIXME don't use unset() - what does that mean? Use NULL or similar. 01901 unset($tagi); 01902 foreach($vals as $key => $val) { 01903 $type = $val['type']; 01904 01905 // open tag: 01906 if ($type=='open' || $type=='complete') { 01907 $stack[$stacktop++] = $tagi; 01908 01909 if ($depth==$stacktop) { 01910 $startPoint=$key; 01911 } 01912 01913 $tagi = array('tag' => $val['tag']); 01914 01915 if(isset($val['attributes'])) $tagi['attrs'] = $val['attributes']; 01916 if(isset($val['value'])) $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; 01917 } 01918 // finish tag: 01919 if ($type=='complete' || $type=='close') { 01920 $oldtagi = $tagi; 01921 $tagi = $stack[--$stacktop]; 01922 $oldtag = $oldtagi['tag']; 01923 unset($oldtagi['tag']); 01924 01925 if ($depth==($stacktop+1)) { 01926 if ($key-$startPoint > 0) { 01927 $partArray = array_slice( 01928 $vals, 01929 $startPoint+1, 01930 $key-$startPoint-1 01931 ); 01932 #$oldtagi=array('XMLvalue'=>t3lib_div::xmlRecompileFromStructValArray($partArray)); 01933 $oldtagi['XMLvalue']=t3lib_div::xmlRecompileFromStructValArray($partArray); 01934 } else { 01935 $oldtagi['XMLvalue']=$oldtagi['values'][0]; 01936 } 01937 } 01938 01939 $tagi['ch'][$oldtag][] = $oldtagi; 01940 unset($oldtagi); 01941 } 01942 // cdata 01943 if($type=='cdata') { 01944 $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; 01945 } 01946 } 01947 return $tagi['ch']; 01948 } 01949 01960 function array2xml_cs($array,$docTag='phparray',$options=array(),$charset='') { 01961 01962 // Figure out charset if not given explicitly: 01963 if (!$charset) { 01964 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset']) { // First priority: forceCharset! If set, this will be authoritative! 01965 $charset = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset']; 01966 } elseif (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) { 01967 $charset = $GLOBALS['LANG']->charSet; // If "LANG" is around, that will hold the current charset 01968 } else { 01969 $charset = 'iso-8859-1'; // THIS is just a hopeful guess! 01970 } 01971 } 01972 01973 // Return XML: 01974 return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.htmlspecialchars($charset).'" standalone="yes" ?>'.chr(10). 01975 t3lib_div::array2xml($array,'',0,$docTag,0, $options); 01976 } 01977 02001 function array2xml($array,$NSprefix='',$level=0,$docTag='phparray',$spaceInd=0, $options=array(),$stackData=array()) { 02002 // The list of byte values which will trigger binary-safe storage. If any value has one of these char values in it, it will be encoded in base64 02003 $binaryChars = chr(0).chr(1).chr(2).chr(3).chr(4).chr(5).chr(6).chr(7).chr(8). 02004 chr(11).chr(12).chr(14).chr(15).chr(16).chr(17).chr(18).chr(19). 02005 chr(20).chr(21).chr(22).chr(23).chr(24).chr(25).chr(26).chr(27).chr(28).chr(29). 02006 chr(30).chr(31); 02007 // Set indenting mode: 02008 $indentChar = $spaceInd ? ' ' : chr(9); 02009 $indentN = $spaceInd>0 ? $spaceInd : 1; 02010 02011 // Init output variable: 02012 $output=''; 02013 02014 // Traverse the input array 02015 if (is_array($array)) { 02016 foreach($array as $k=>$v) { 02017 $attr = ''; 02018 $tagName = $k; 02019 02020 // Construct the tag name. 02021 if(isset($options['grandParentTagMap'][$stackData['grandParentTagName'].'/'.$stackData['parentTagName']])) { // Use tag based on grand-parent + parent tag name 02022 $attr.=' index="'.htmlspecialchars($tagName).'"'; 02023 $tagName = (string)$options['grandParentTagMap'][$stackData['grandParentTagName'].'/'.$stackData['parentTagName']]; 02024 }elseif(isset($options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName'].':_IS_NUM']) && t3lib_div::testInt($tagName)) { // Use tag based on parent tag name + if current tag is numeric 02025 $attr.=' index="'.htmlspecialchars($tagName).'"'; 02026 $tagName = (string)$options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName'].':_IS_NUM']; 02027 }elseif(isset($options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName'].':'.$tagName])) { // Use tag based on parent tag name + current tag 02028 $attr.=' index="'.htmlspecialchars($tagName).'"'; 02029 $tagName = (string)$options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName'].':'.$tagName]; 02030 } elseif(isset($options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName']])) { // Use tag based on parent tag name: 02031 $attr.=' index="'.htmlspecialchars($tagName).'"'; 02032 $tagName = (string)$options['parentTagMap'][$stackData['parentTagName']]; 02033 } elseif (!strcmp(intval($tagName),$tagName)) { // If integer...; 02034 if ($options['useNindex']) { // If numeric key, prefix "n" 02035 $tagName = 'n'.$tagName; 02036 } else { // Use special tag for num. keys: 02037 $attr.=' index="'.$tagName.'"'; 02038 $tagName = $options['useIndexTagForNum'] ? $options['useIndexTagForNum'] : 'numIndex'; 02039 } 02040 } elseif($options['useIndexTagForAssoc']) { // Use tag for all associative keys: 02041 $attr.=' index="'.htmlspecialchars($tagName).'"'; 02042 $tagName = $options['useIndexTagForAssoc']; 02043 } 02044 02045 // The tag name is cleaned up so only alphanumeric chars (plus - and _) are in there and not longer than 100 chars either. 02046 $tagName = substr(ereg_replace('[^[:alnum:]_-]','',$tagName),0,100); 02047 02048 // If the value is an array then we will call this function recursively: 02049 if (is_array($v)) { 02050 02051 // Sub elements: 02052 if ($options['alt_options'][$stackData['path'].'/'.$tagName]) { 02053 $subOptions = $options['alt_options'][$stackData['path'].'/'.$tagName]; 02054 $clearStackPath = $subOptions['clearStackPath']; 02055 } else { 02056 $subOptions = $options; 02057 $clearStackPath = FALSE; 02058 } 02059 02060 $content = chr(10). 02061 t3lib_div::array2xml( 02062 $v, 02063 $NSprefix, 02064 $level+1, 02065 '', 02066 $spaceInd, 02067 $subOptions, 02068 array( 02069 'parentTagName' => $tagName, 02070 'grandParentTagName' => $stackData['parentTagName'], 02071 'path' => $clearStackPath ? '' : $stackData['path'].'/'.$tagName, 02072 ) 02073 ). 02074 str_pad('',($level+1)*$indentN,$indentChar); 02075 if ((int)$options['disableTypeAttrib']!=2) { // Do not set "type = array". Makes prettier XML but means that empty arrays are not restored with xml2array 02076 $attr.=' type="array"'; 02077 } 02078 } else { // Just a value: 02079 02080 // Look for binary chars: 02081 if (strcspn($v,$binaryChars) != strlen($v)) { // Go for base64 encoding if the initial segment NOT matching any binary char has the same length as the whole string! 02082 // If the value contained binary chars then we base64-encode it an set an attribute to notify this situation: 02083 $content = chr(10).chunk_split(base64_encode($v)); 02084 $attr.=' base64="1"'; 02085 } else { 02086 // Otherwise, just htmlspecialchar the stuff: 02087 $content = htmlspecialchars($v); 02088 $dType = gettype($v); 02089 if ($dType!='string' && !$options['disableTypeAttrib']) { $attr.=' type="'.$dType.'"'; } 02090 } 02091 } 02092 02093 // Add the element to the output string: 02094 $output.=str_pad('',($level+1)*$indentN,$indentChar).'<'.$NSprefix.$tagName.$attr.'>'.$content.'</'.$NSprefix.$tagName.'>'.chr(10); 02095 } 02096 } 02097 02098 // If we are at the outer-most level, then we finally wrap it all in the document tags and return that as the value: 02099 if (!$level) { 02100 $output = 02101 '<'.$docTag.'>'.chr(10). 02102 $output. 02103 '</'.$docTag.'>'; 02104 } 02105 02106 return $output; 02107 } 02108 02120 function xml2array($string,$NSprefix='',$reportDocTag=FALSE) { 02121 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 02122 02123 // Create parser: 02124 $parser = xml_parser_create(); 02125 $vals = array(); 02126 $index = array(); 02127 02128 xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); 02129 xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0); 02130 02131 // PHP5 fix of charset awareness: 02132 // Problem is: PHP5 apparently detects the charset of the XML file (or defaults to utf-8) and will AUTOMATICALLY convert the content to either utf-8, iso-8859-1 or us-ascii. PHP4 just passed the content through without taking action regarding the charset. 02133 // In TYPO3 we expect that the charset of XML content is NOT handled in the parser but internally in TYPO3 instead. Therefore it would be very nice if PHP5 could be configured to NOT process the charset of the files. But this is not possible for now. 02134 // What we do here fixes the problem but ONLY if the charset is utf-8, iso-8859-1 or us-ascii. That should work for most TYPO3 installations, in particular if people use utf-8 which we highly recommend. 02135 if ((double)phpversion()>=5) { 02136 $ereg_result = array(); 02137 ereg('^[[:space:]]*<\?xml[^>]*encoding[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"',substr($string,0,200),$ereg_result); 02138 $theCharset = $ereg_result[1] ? $ereg_result[1] : ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] ? $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] : 'iso-8859-1'); 02139 xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $theCharset); // us-ascii / utf-8 / iso-8859-1 02140 } 02141 02142 // Parse content: 02143 xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $string, $vals, $index); 02144 02145 // If error, return error message: 02146 if (xml_get_error_code($parser)) { 02147 return 'Line '.xml_get_current_line_number($parser).': '.xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)); 02148 } 02149 xml_parser_free($parser); 02150 02151 // Init vars: 02152 $stack = array(array()); 02153 $stacktop = 0; 02154 $current=array(); 02155 $tagName = ''; 02156 $documentTag = ''; 02157 02158 // Traverse the parsed XML structure: 02159 foreach($vals as $key => $val) { 02160 02161 // First, process the tag-name (which is used in both cases, whether "complete" or "close") 02162 $tagName = $val['tag']; 02163 if (!$documentTag) $documentTag = $tagName; 02164 02165 // Test for name space: 02166 $tagName = ($NSprefix && substr($tagName,0,strlen($NSprefix))==$NSprefix) ? substr($tagName,strlen($NSprefix)) : $tagName; 02167 02168 // Test for numeric tag, encoded on the form "nXXX": 02169 $testNtag = substr($tagName,1); // Closing tag. 02170 $tagName = (substr($tagName,0,1)=='n' && !strcmp(intval($testNtag),$testNtag)) ? intval($testNtag) : $tagName; 02171 02172 // Test for alternative index value: 02173 if (strlen($val['attributes']['index'])) { $tagName = $val['attributes']['index']; } 02174 02175 // Setting tag-values, manage stack: 02176 switch($val['type']) { 02177 case 'open': // If open tag it means there is an array stored in sub-elements. Therefore increase the stackpointer and reset the accumulation array: 02178 $current[$tagName] = array(); // Setting blank place holder 02179 $stack[$stacktop++] = $current; 02180 $current = array(); 02181 break; 02182 case 'close': // If the tag is "close" then it is an array which is closing and we decrease the stack pointer. 02183 $oldCurrent = $current; 02184 $current = $stack[--$stacktop]; 02185 end($current); // Going to the end of array to get placeholder key, key($current), and fill in array next: 02186 $current[key($current)] = $oldCurrent; 02187 unset($oldCurrent); 02188 break; 02189 case 'complete': // If "complete", then it's a value. If the attribute "base64" is set, then decode the value, otherwise just set it. 02190 if ($val['attributes']['base64']) { 02191 $current[$tagName] = base64_decode($val['value']); 02192 } else { 02193 $current[$tagName] = (string)$val['value']; // Had to cast it as a string - otherwise it would be evaluate false if tested with isset()!! 02194 02195 // Cast type: 02196 switch((string)$val['attributes']['type']) { 02197 case 'integer': 02198 $current[$tagName] = (integer)$current[$tagName]; 02199 break; 02200 case 'double': 02201 $current[$tagName] = (double)$current[$tagName]; 02202 break; 02203 case 'boolean': 02204 $current[$tagName] = (bool)$current[$tagName]; 02205 break; 02206 case 'array': 02207 $current[$tagName] = array(); // MUST be an empty array since it is processed as a value; Empty arrays would end up here because they would have no tags inside... 02208 break; 02209 } 02210 } 02211 break; 02212 } 02213 } 02214 02215 if ($reportDocTag) { 02216 $current[$tagName]['_DOCUMENT_TAG'] = $documentTag; 02217 } 02218 02219 // Finally return the content of the document tag. 02220 return $current[$tagName]; 02221 } 02222 02230 function xmlRecompileFromStructValArray($vals) { 02231 $XMLcontent=''; 02232 02233 foreach($vals as $val) { 02234 $type = $val['type']; 02235 02236 // open tag: 02237 if ($type=='open' || $type=='complete') { 02238 $XMLcontent.='<'.$val['tag']; 02239 if(isset($val['attributes'])) { 02240 foreach($val['attributes'] as $k => $v) { 02241 $XMLcontent.=' '.$k.'="'.htmlspecialchars($v).'"'; 02242 } 02243 } 02244 if ($type=='complete') { 02245 if(isset($val['value'])) { 02246 $XMLcontent.='>'.htmlspecialchars($val['value']).'</'.$val['tag'].'>'; 02247 } else $XMLcontent.='/>'; 02248 } else $XMLcontent.='>'; 02249 02250 if ($type=='open' && isset($val['value'])) { 02251 $XMLcontent.=htmlspecialchars($val['value']); 02252 } 02253 } 02254 // finish tag: 02255 if ($type=='close') { 02256 $XMLcontent.='</'.$val['tag'].'>'; 02257 } 02258 // cdata 02259 if($type=='cdata') { 02260 $XMLcontent.=htmlspecialchars($val['value']); 02261 } 02262 } 02263 02264 return $XMLcontent; 02265 } 02266 02274 function xmlGetHeaderAttribs($xmlData) { 02275 $xmlHeader = substr(trim($xmlData),0,200); 02276 $reg=array(); 02277 if (eregi('^<\?xml([^>]*)\?\>',$xmlHeader,$reg)) { 02278 return t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes($reg[1]); 02279 } 02280 } 02281 02282 02283 02284 02285 02286 02287 02288 02289 02290 02291 02292 /************************* 02293 * 02294 * FILES FUNCTIONS 02295 * 02296 *************************/ 02297 02308 function getURL($url, $includeHeader = 0, $requestHeaders = false) { 02309 $content = false; 02310 02311 // (Proxy support implemented by Arco <arco@appeltaart.mine.nu>) 02312 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlUse'] == '1' && preg_match('/^https?:\/\//', $url)) { 02313 // External URL without error checking. 02314 $ch = curl_init(); 02315 if (!$ch) { 02316 return false; 02317 } 02318 02319 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 02320 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $includeHeader ? 1 : 0); 02321 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, $includeHeader == 2 ? 1 : 0); 02322 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); 02323 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 02324 if (is_array($requestHeaders)) { 02325 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $requestHeaders); 02326 } 02327 02328 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyServer']) { 02329 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyServer']); 02330 02331 // Not sure if this is needed 02332 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyTunnel']) { 02333 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyTunnel']); 02334 } 02335 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyUserPass']) { 02336 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyUserPass']); 02337 } 02338 } 02339 $content = curl_exec($ch); 02340 curl_close($ch); 02341 02342 } elseif ($includeHeader) { 02343 $parsedURL = parse_url($url); 02344 if (!t3lib_div::inList('ftp,ftps,http,https,gopher,telnet', $parsedURL['scheme'])) { 02345 return false; 02346 } 02347 02348 $fp = @fsockopen($parsedURL['host'], ($parsedURL['port'] > 0 ? $parsedURL['port'] : 80), $errno, $errstr, 2.0); 02349 if (!$fp) { 02350 return false; 02351 } 02352 02353 $msg = 'GET ' . $parsedURL['path'] . 02354 ($parsedURL['query'] ? '?' . $parsedURL['query'] : '') . 02355 ' HTTP/1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Host: ' . 02356 $parsedURL['host'] . "\r\n\r\n"; 02357 fputs($fp, $msg); 02358 while (!feof($fp)) { 02359 $line = fgets($fp, 2048); 02360 $content.= $line; 02361 if ($includeHeader == 2 && !strlen(trim($line))) { 02362 break; // Stop at the first empty line (= end of header) 02363 } 02364 } 02365 fclose($fp); 02366 02367 } elseif (is_array($requestHeaders) && function_exists('stream_context_create')) { 02368 02369 $ctx = stream_context_create(array( 02370 'http' => array( 02371 'header' => implode("\r\n", $requestHeaders) 02372 ) 02373 ) 02374 ); 02375 02376 if (function_exists('file_get_contents') && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0', '>=')) { 02377 $content = @file_get_contents($url, false, $ctx); 02378 } 02379 elseif (false !== ($fd = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx))) { 02380 $content = ''; 02381 while (!feof($fd)) { 02382 $content .= fread($fd, 4096); 02383 } 02384 fclose($fd); 02385 } 02386 } 02387 elseif (function_exists('file_get_contents')) { 02388 $content = @file_get_contents($url); 02389 } 02390 elseif (false !== ($fd = @fopen($url, 'rb'))) { 02391 $content = ''; 02392 while (!feof($fd)) { 02393 $content .= fread($fd, 4096); 02394 } 02395 fclose($fd); 02396 } 02397 02398 return $content; 02399 } 02400 02409 function writeFile($file,$content) { 02410 if (!@is_file($file)) $changePermissions = true; 02411 02412 if ($fd = fopen($file,'wb')) { 02413 $res = fwrite($fd,$content); 02414 fclose($fd); 02415 02416 if ($res===false) return false; 02417 02418 if ($changePermissions) { // Change the permissions only if the file has just been created 02419 t3lib_div::fixPermissions($file); 02420 } 02421 02422 return true; 02423 } 02424 02425 return false; 02426 } 02427 02434 function fixPermissions($file) { 02435 if (@is_file($file) && TYPO3_OS!='WIN') { 02436 @chmod($file, octdec($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileCreateMask'])); // "@" is there because file is not necessarily OWNED by the user 02437 if($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['createGroup']) { // skip this if createGroup is empty 02438 @chgrp($file, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['createGroup']); // "@" is there because file is not necessarily OWNED by the user 02439 } 02440 } 02441 } 02442 02451 function writeFileToTypo3tempDir($filepath,$content) { 02452 02453 // Parse filepath into directory and basename: 02454 $fI = pathinfo($filepath); 02455 $fI['dirname'].= '/'; 02456 02457 // Check parts: 02458 if (t3lib_div::validPathStr($filepath) && $fI['basename'] && strlen($fI['basename'])<60) { 02459 if (defined('PATH_site')) { 02460 $dirName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/'; // Setting main temporary directory name (standard) 02461 if (@is_dir($dirName)) { 02462 if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($fI['dirname'],$dirName)) { 02463 02464 // Checking if the "subdir" is found: 02465 $subdir = substr($fI['dirname'],strlen($dirName)); 02466 if ($subdir) { 02467 if (ereg('^[[:alnum:]_]+\/$',$subdir) || ereg('^[[:alnum:]_]+\/[[:alnum:]_]+\/$',$subdir)) { 02468 $dirName.= $subdir; 02469 if (!@is_dir($dirName)) { 02470 t3lib_div::mkdir_deep(PATH_site.'typo3temp/', $subdir); 02471 } 02472 } else return 'Subdir, "'.$subdir.'", was NOT on the form "[[:alnum:]_]/" or "[[:alnum:]_]/[[:alnum:]_]/"'; 02473 } 02474 // Checking dir-name again (sub-dir might have been created): 02475 if (@is_dir($dirName)) { 02476 if ($filepath == $dirName.$fI['basename']) { 02477 t3lib_div::writeFile($filepath, $content); 02478 if (!@is_file($filepath)) return 'File not written to disk! Write permission error in filesystem?'; 02479 } else return 'Calculated filelocation didn\'t match input $filepath!'; 02480 } else return '"'.$dirName.'" is not a directory!'; 02481 } else return '"'.$fI['dirname'].'" was not within directory PATH_site + "typo3temp/"'; 02482 } else return 'PATH_site + "typo3temp/" was not a directory!'; 02483 } else return 'PATH_site constant was NOT defined!'; 02484 } else return 'Input filepath "'.$filepath.'" was generally invalid!'; 02485 } 02486 02494 function mkdir($theNewFolder) { 02495 $theNewFolder = preg_replace('|/$|','',$theNewFolder); 02496 if (mkdir($theNewFolder, octdec($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['folderCreateMask']))){ 02497 chmod($theNewFolder, octdec($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['folderCreateMask'])); //added this line, because the mode at 'mkdir' has a strange behaviour sometimes 02498 02499 if($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['createGroup']) { // skip this if createGroup is empty 02500 chgrp($theNewFolder, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['createGroup']); 02501 } 02502 return TRUE; 02503 } 02504 } 02505 02513 function mkdir_deep($destination,$deepDir) { 02514 $allParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode('/',$deepDir,1); 02515 $root = ''; 02516 foreach($allParts as $part) { 02517 $root.= $part.'/'; 02518 if (!is_dir($destination.$root)) { 02519 t3lib_div::mkdir($destination.$root); 02520 if (!@is_dir($destination.$root)) { 02521 return 'Error: The directory "'.$destination.$root.'" could not be created...'; 02522 } 02523 } 02524 } 02525 } 02526 02535 function get_dirs($path) { 02536 if ($path) { 02537 $d = @dir($path); 02538 if (is_object($d)) { 02539 while($entry=$d->read()) { 02540 if (@is_dir($path.'/'.$entry) && $entry!= '..' && $entry!= '.') { 02541 $filearray[]=$entry; 02542 } 02543 } 02544 $d->close(); 02545 } else return 'error'; 02546 return $filearray; 02547 } 02548 } 02549 02560 function getFilesInDir($path,$extensionList='',$prependPath=0,$order='') { 02561 02562 // Initialize variabels: 02563 $filearray = array(); 02564 $sortarray = array(); 02565 $path = ereg_replace('\/$','',$path); 02566 02567 // Find files+directories: 02568 if (@is_dir($path)) { 02569 $extensionList = strtolower($extensionList); 02570 $d = dir($path); 02571 if (is_object($d)) { 02572 while($entry=$d->read()) { 02573 if (@is_file($path.'/'.$entry)) { 02574 $fI = pathinfo($entry); 02575 $key = md5($path.'/'.$entry); // Don't change this ever - extensions may depend on the fact that the hash is an md5 of the path! (import/export extension) 02576 if (!$extensionList || t3lib_div::inList($extensionList,strtolower($fI['extension']))) { 02577 $filearray[$key]=($prependPath?$path.'/':'').$entry; 02578 if ($order=='mtime') {$sortarray[$key]=filemtime($path.'/'.$entry);} 02579 elseif ($order) {$sortarray[$key]=$entry;} 02580 } 02581 } 02582 } 02583 $d->close(); 02584 } else return 'error opening path: "'.$path.'"'; 02585 } 02586 02587 // Sort them: 02588 if ($order) { 02589 asort($sortarray); 02590 reset($sortarray); 02591 $newArr=array(); 02592 while(list($k,$v)=each($sortarray)) { 02593 $newArr[$k]=$filearray[$k]; 02594 } 02595 $filearray=$newArr; 02596 } 02597 02598 // Return result 02599 reset($filearray); 02600 return $filearray; 02601 } 02602 02614 function getAllFilesAndFoldersInPath($fileArr,$path,$extList='',$regDirs=0,$recursivityLevels=99) { 02615 if ($regDirs) $fileArr[] = $path; 02616 $fileArr = array_merge($fileArr, t3lib_div::getFilesInDir($path,$extList,1,1)); 02617 02618 $dirs = t3lib_div::get_dirs($path); 02619 if (is_array($dirs) && $recursivityLevels>0) { 02620 foreach ($dirs as $subdirs) { 02621 if ((string)$subdirs!='') { 02622 $fileArr = t3lib_div::getAllFilesAndFoldersInPath($fileArr,$path.$subdirs.'/',$extList,$regDirs,$recursivityLevels-1); 02623 } 02624 } 02625 } 02626 return $fileArr; 02627 } 02628 02637 function removePrefixPathFromList($fileArr,$prefixToRemove) { 02638 foreach($fileArr as $k => $absFileRef) { 02639 if(t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($absFileRef,$prefixToRemove)) { 02640 $fileArr[$k] = substr($absFileRef,strlen($prefixToRemove)); 02641 } else return 'ERROR: One or more of the files was NOT prefixed with the prefix-path!'; 02642 } 02643 return $fileArr; 02644 } 02645 02653 function fixWindowsFilePath($theFile) { 02654 return str_replace('//','/', str_replace('\\','/', $theFile)); 02655 } 02656 02665 function resolveBackPath($pathStr) { 02666 $parts = explode('/',$pathStr); 02667 $output=array(); 02668 $c = 0; 02669 foreach($parts as $pV) { 02670 if ($pV=='..') { 02671 if ($c) { 02672 array_pop($output); 02673 $c--; 02674 } else $output[]=$pV; 02675 } else { 02676 $c++; 02677 $output[]=$pV; 02678 } 02679 } 02680 return implode('/',$output); 02681 } 02682 02693 function locationHeaderUrl($path) { 02694 $uI = parse_url($path); 02695 if (substr($path,0,1)=='/') { // relative to HOST 02696 $path = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST').$path; 02697 } elseif (!$uI['scheme']) { // No scheme either 02698 $path = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR').$path; 02699 } 02700 return $path; 02701 } 02702 02703 02704 02705 02706 02707 02708 02709 02710 02711 02712 02713 02714 02715 02716 02717 02718 /************************* 02719 * 02720 * DEBUG helper FUNCTIONS 02721 * 02722 *************************/ 02723 02733 function debug_ordvalue($string,$characters=100) { 02734 if(strlen($string) < $characters) $characters = strlen($string); 02735 for ($i=0; $i<$characters; $i++) { 02736 $valuestring.=' '.ord(substr($string,$i,1)); 02737 } 02738 return trim($valuestring); 02739 } 02740 02750 function view_array($array_in) { 02751 if (is_array($array_in)) { 02752 $result='<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white">'; 02753 if (!count($array_in)) {$result.= '<tr><td><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="1"><b>'.htmlspecialchars("EMPTY!").'</b></font></td></tr>';} 02754 while (list($key,$val)=each($array_in)) { 02755 $result.= '<tr><td valign="top"><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="1">'.htmlspecialchars((string)$key).'</font></td><td>'; 02756 if (is_array($array_in[$key])) { 02757 $result.=t3lib_div::view_array($array_in[$key]); 02758 } else 02759 $result.= '<font face="Verdana,Arial" size="1" color="red">'.nl2br(htmlspecialchars((string)$val)).'<br /></font>'; 02760 $result.= '</td></tr>'; 02761 } 02762 $result.= '</table>'; 02763 } else { 02764 $result = false; 02765 } 02766 return $result; 02767 } 02768 02778 function print_array($array_in) { 02779 echo t3lib_div::view_array($array_in); 02780 } 02781 02793 function debug($var="",$brOrHeader=0) { 02794 if ($brOrHeader && !t3lib_div::testInt($brOrHeader)) { 02795 echo '<table class="typo3-debug" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white" style="border:0px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px;"><tr><td style="background-color:#bbbbbb; font-family: verdana,arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px;">'.htmlspecialchars((string)$brOrHeader).'</td></tr><tr><td>'; 02796 } elseif ($brOrHeader<0) { 02797 for($a=0;$a<abs(intval($brOrHeader));$a++){echo '<br />';} 02798 } 02799 02800 if (is_array($var)) { 02801 t3lib_div::print_array($var); 02802 } elseif (is_object($var)) { 02803 echo '<b>|Object:<pre>'; 02804 print_r($var); 02805 echo '</pre>|</b>'; 02806 } elseif ((string)$var!='') { 02807 echo '<b>|'.htmlspecialchars((string)$var).'|</b>'; 02808 } else { 02809 echo '<b>| debug |</b>'; 02810 } 02811 02812 if ($brOrHeader && !t3lib_div::testInt($brOrHeader)) { 02813 echo '</td></tr></table>'; 02814 } elseif ($brOrHeader>0) { 02815 for($a=0;$a<intval($brOrHeader);$a++){echo '<br />';} 02816 } 02817 } 02818 02824 function debug_trail() { 02825 if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { 02826 $trail = debug_backtrace(); 02827 $trail = array_reverse($trail); 02828 array_pop($trail); 02829 02830 $path = array(); 02831 foreach($trail as $dat) { 02832 $path[] = $dat['class'].$dat['type'].$dat['function']; 02833 } 02834 02835 return implode(' // ',$path); 02836 } else return 'N/A'; 02837 } 02838 02846 function debugRows($rows,$header='') { 02847 if (is_array($rows)) { 02848 reset($rows); 02849 $firstEl = current($rows); 02850 if (is_array($firstEl)) { 02851 $headerColumns = array_keys($firstEl); 02852 $tRows = array(); 02853 02854 // Header: 02855 $tRows[] = '<tr><td colspan="'.count($headerColumns).'" style="background-color:#bbbbbb; font-family: verdana,arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px;"><strong>'.htmlspecialchars($header).'</strong></td></tr>'; 02856 $tCells = array(); 02857 foreach($headerColumns as $key) { 02858 $tCells[] = ' 02859 <td><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="1"><strong>'.htmlspecialchars($key).'</strong></font></td>'; 02860 } 02861 $tRows[] = ' 02862 <tr>'.implode('',$tCells).' 02863 </tr>'; 02864 02865 // Rows: 02866 foreach($rows as $singleRow) { 02867 $tCells = array(); 02868 foreach($headerColumns as $key) { 02869 $tCells[] = ' 02870 <td><font face="Verdana,Arial" size="1">'.htmlspecialchars($singleRow[$key]).'</font></td>'; 02871 } 02872 $tRows[] = ' 02873 <tr>'.implode('',$tCells).' 02874 </tr>'; 02875 } 02876 02877 $table = ' 02878 <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white">'.implode('',$tRows).' 02879 </table>'; 02880 echo $table; 02881 } else debug('Empty array of rows',$header); 02882 } else debug('No array of rows',$header); 02883 } 02884 02885 02886 02887 02888 02889 02890 02891 02892 02893 02894 02895 02896 02897 02898 02899 02900 02901 02902 02903 02904 02905 02906 02907 02908 02909 02910 02911 02912 /************************* 02913 * 02914 * SYSTEM INFORMATION 02915 * 02916 *************************/ 02917 02924 function getThisUrl() { 02925 $p=parse_url(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT')); // Url of this script 02926 $dir=t3lib_div::dirname($p['path']).'/'; // Strip file 02927 $url = str_replace('//','/',$p['host'].($p['port']?':'.$p['port']:'').$dir); 02928 return $url; 02929 } 02930 02940 function linkThisScript($getParams=array()) { 02941 $parts = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME'); 02942 $params = t3lib_div::_GET(); 02943 02944 foreach($getParams as $k => $v) { 02945 if (strcmp($v,'')) { 02946 $params[$k]=$v; 02947 } else unset($params[$k]); 02948 } 02949 02950 $pString = t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$params); 02951 02952 return $pString ? $parts.'?'.ereg_replace('^&','',$pString) : $parts; 02953 } 02954 02964 function linkThisUrl($url,$getParams=array()) { 02965 $parts = parse_url($url); 02966 $getP = array(); 02967 if ($parts['query']) { 02968 parse_str($parts['query'],$getP); 02969 } 02970 $getP = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($getP,$getParams); 02971 $uP = explode('?',$url); 02972 02973 $params = t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$getP); 02974 $outurl = $uP[0].($params ? '?'.substr($params, 1) : ''); 02975 02976 return $outurl; 02977 } 02978 02987 function getIndpEnv($getEnvName) { 02988 /* 02989 Conventions: 02990 output from parse_url(): 02991 URL: http://username:password@,arg2,arg3&p1=parameter1&p2[key]=value#link1 02992 [scheme] => 'http' 02993 [user] => 'username' 02994 [pass] => 'password' 02995 [host] => '' 02996 [port] => '8080' 02997 [path] => '/typo3/32/temp/phpcheck/index.php/arg1/arg2/arg3/' 02998 [query] => 'arg1,arg2,arg3&p1=parameter1&p2[key]=value' 02999 [fragment] => 'link1' 03000 03001 Further definition: [path_script] = '/typo3/32/temp/phpcheck/index.php' 03002 [path_dir] = '/typo3/32/temp/phpcheck/' 03003 [path_info] = '/arg1/arg2/arg3/' 03004 [path] = [path_script/path_dir][path_info] 03005 03006 03007 Keys supported: 03008 03009 URI______: 03010 REQUEST_URI = [path]?[query] = /typo3/32/temp/phpcheck/index.php/arg1/arg2/arg3/?arg1,arg2,arg3&p1=parameter1&p2[key]=value 03011 HTTP_HOST = [host][:[port]] = 03012 SCRIPT_NAME = [path_script]++ = /typo3/32/temp/phpcheck/index.php // NOTICE THAT SCRIPT_NAME will return the php-script name ALSO. [path_script] may not do that (eg. '/somedir/' may result in SCRIPT_NAME '/somedir/index.php')! 03013 PATH_INFO = [path_info] = /arg1/arg2/arg3/ 03014 QUERY_STRING = [query] = arg1,arg2,arg3&p1=parameter1&p2[key]=value 03015 HTTP_REFERER = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path] =,arg2,arg3&p1=parameter1&p2[key]=value 03016 (Notice: NO username/password + NO fragment) 03017 03018 CLIENT____: 03019 REMOTE_ADDR = (client IP) 03020 REMOTE_HOST = (client host) 03021 HTTP_USER_AGENT = (client user agent) 03022 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = (client accept language) 03023 03024 SERVER____: 03025 SCRIPT_FILENAME = Absolute filename of script (Differs between windows/unix). On windows 'C:\\blabla\\blabl\\' will be converted to 'C:/blabla/blabl/' 03026 03027 Special extras: 03028 TYPO3_HOST_ONLY = [host] = 03029 TYPO3_PORT = [port] = 8080 (blank if 80, taken from host value) 03030 TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST = [scheme]://[host][:[port]] 03031 TYPO3_REQUEST_URL = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path]?[query] (sheme will by default be 'http' until we can detect if it's https - 03032 TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_script] 03033 TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_dir] 03034 TYPO3_SITE_URL = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_dir] of the TYPO3 website frontend 03035 TYPO3_SITE_SCRIPT = [script / Speaking URL] of the TYPO3 website 03036 TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT = Absolute path of root of documents: TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT.SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_FILENAME (typically) 03037 03038 Notice: [fragment] is apparently NEVER available to the script! 03039 03040 03041 Testing suggestions: 03042 - Output all the values. 03043 - In the script, make a link to the script it self, maybe add some parameters and click the link a few times so HTTP_REFERER is seen 03044 - ALSO TRY the script from the ROOT of a site (like 'http://www.mytest.com/' and not 'http://www.mytest.com/test/' !!) 03045 03046 */ 03047 03048 # if ($getEnvName=='HTTP_REFERER') return ''; 03049 03050 $retVal = ''; 03051 03052 switch((string)$getEnvName) { 03053 case 'SCRIPT_NAME': 03054 $retVal = (php_sapi_name()=='cgi'||php_sapi_name()=='cgi-fcgi')&&($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']:$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? ($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']:$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) : ($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']?$_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']:$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); 03055 break; 03056 case 'SCRIPT_FILENAME': 03057 $retVal = str_replace('//','/', str_replace('\\','/', (php_sapi_name()=='cgi'||php_sapi_name()=='isapi' ||php_sapi_name()=='cgi-fcgi')&&($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']:$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])? ($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']:$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']):($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME']?$_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME']:$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))); 03058 break; 03059 case 'REQUEST_URI': 03060 // Typical application of REQUEST_URI is return urls, forms submitting to itself etc. Example: returnUrl='.rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) 03061 if (!$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { // This is for ISS/CGI which does not have the REQUEST_URI available. 03062 $retVal = '/'.ereg_replace('^/','',t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')). 03063 ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']?'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:''); 03064 } else $retVal = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 03065 break; 03066 case 'PATH_INFO': 03067 // $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']!=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] is necessary because some servers (Windows/CGI) are seen to set PATH_INFO equal to script_name 03068 // Further, there must be at least one '/' in the path - else the PATH_INFO value does not make sense. 03069 // IF 'PATH_INFO' never works for our purpose in TYPO3 with CGI-servers, then 'php_sapi_name()=='cgi'' might be a better check. Right now strcmp($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) will always return false for CGI-versions, but that is only as long as SCRIPT_NAME is set equal to PATH_INFO because of php_sapi_name()=='cgi' (see above) 03070 // if (strcmp($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) && count(explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']))>1) { 03071 if (php_sapi_name()!='cgi'&&php_sapi_name()!='cgi-fcgi') { 03072 $retVal = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; 03073 } 03074 break; 03075 // These are let through without modification 03076 case 'REMOTE_ADDR': 03077 case 'REMOTE_HOST': 03078 case 'HTTP_REFERER': 03079 case 'HTTP_HOST': 03080 case 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 03081 case 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 03082 case 'QUERY_STRING': 03083 $retVal = $_SERVER[$getEnvName]; 03084 break; 03085 case 'TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT': 03086 // Some CGI-versions (LA13CGI) and mod-rewrite rules on MODULE versions will deliver a 'wrong' DOCUMENT_ROOT (according to our description). Further various aliases/mod_rewrite rules can disturb this as well. 03087 // Therefore the DOCUMENT_ROOT is now always calculated as the SCRIPT_FILENAME minus the end part shared with SCRIPT_NAME. 03088 $SFN = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_FILENAME'); 03089 $SN_A = explode('/',strrev(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME'))); 03090 $SFN_A = explode('/',strrev($SFN)); 03091 $acc = array(); 03092 while(list($kk,$vv)=each($SN_A)) { 03093 if (!strcmp($SFN_A[$kk],$vv)) { 03094 $acc[] = $vv; 03095 } else break; 03096 } 03097 $commonEnd=strrev(implode('/',$acc)); 03098 if (strcmp($commonEnd,'')) { $DR = substr($SFN,0,-(strlen($commonEnd)+1)); } 03099 $retVal = $DR; 03100 break; 03101 case 'TYPO3_HOST_ONLY': 03102 $p = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); 03103 $retVal = $p[0]; 03104 break; 03105 case 'TYPO3_PORT': 03106 $p = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); 03107 $retVal = $p[1]; 03108 break; 03109 case 'TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST': 03110 $retVal = (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL') ? 'https://' : 'http://'). 03111 $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; 03112 break; 03113 case 'TYPO3_REQUEST_URL': 03114 $retVal = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST').t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'); 03115 break; 03116 case 'TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT': 03117 $retVal = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST').t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME'); 03118 break; 03119 case 'TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR': 03120 $retVal = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST').t3lib_div::dirname(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')).'/'; 03121 break; 03122 case 'TYPO3_SITE_URL': 03123 if (defined('PATH_thisScript') && defined('PATH_site')) { 03124 $lPath = substr(dirname(PATH_thisScript),strlen(PATH_site)).'/'; 03125 $url = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR'); 03126 $siteUrl = substr($url,0,-strlen($lPath)); 03127 if (substr($siteUrl,-1)!='/') $siteUrl.='/'; 03128 $retVal = $siteUrl; 03129 } 03130 break; 03131 case 'TYPO3_SITE_SCRIPT': 03132 $retVal = substr(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL'),strlen(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'))); 03133 break; 03134 case 'TYPO3_SSL': 03135 $retVal = $_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID'] || !strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'on') ? TRUE : FALSE; 03136 break; 03137 case '_ARRAY': 03138 $out = array(); 03139 // Here, list ALL possible keys to this function for debug display. 03140 $envTestVars = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',' 03141 HTTP_HOST, 03142 TYPO3_HOST_ONLY, 03143 TYPO3_PORT, 03144 PATH_INFO, 03145 QUERY_STRING, 03146 REQUEST_URI, 03147 HTTP_REFERER, 03148 TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST, 03149 TYPO3_REQUEST_URL, 03150 TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT, 03151 TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR, 03152 TYPO3_SITE_URL, 03153 TYPO3_SITE_SCRIPT, 03154 TYPO3_SSL, 03155 SCRIPT_NAME, 03156 TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT, 03157 SCRIPT_FILENAME, 03158 REMOTE_ADDR, 03159 REMOTE_HOST, 03160 HTTP_USER_AGENT, 03161 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE',1); 03162 reset($envTestVars); 03163 while(list(,$v)=each($envTestVars)) { 03164 $out[$v]=t3lib_div::getIndpEnv($v); 03165 } 03166 reset($out); 03167 $retVal = $out; 03168 break; 03169 } 03170 return $retVal; 03171 } 03172 03180 function milliseconds() { 03181 $p=explode(' ',microtime()); 03182 return round(($p[0]+$p[1])*1000); 03183 } 03184 03192 function clientInfo($useragent='') { 03193 if (!$useragent) $useragent=t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); 03194 03195 $bInfo=array(); 03196 // Which browser? 03197 if (strstr($useragent,'Konqueror')) { 03198 $bInfo['BROWSER']= 'konqu'; 03199 } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Opera')) { 03200 $bInfo['BROWSER']= 'opera'; 03201 } elseif (strstr($useragent,'MSIE 4') || strstr($useragent,'MSIE 5') || strstr($useragent,'MSIE 6')) { 03202 $bInfo['BROWSER']= 'msie'; 03203 } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Mozilla/4') || strstr($useragent,'Mozilla/5')) { 03204 $bInfo['BROWSER']='net'; 03205 } 03206 if ($bInfo['BROWSER']) { 03207 // Browser version 03208 switch($bInfo['BROWSER']) { 03209 case 'net': 03210 $bInfo['VERSION']= doubleval(substr($useragent,8)); 03211 if (strstr($useragent,'Netscape6/')) {$bInfo['VERSION']=doubleval(substr(strstr($useragent,'Netscape6/'),10));} 03212 if (strstr($useragent,'Netscape/7')) {$bInfo['VERSION']=doubleval(substr(strstr($useragent,'Netscape/7'),9));} 03213 break; 03214 case 'msie': 03215 $tmp = strstr($useragent,'MSIE'); 03216 $bInfo['VERSION'] = doubleval(ereg_replace('^[^0-9]*','',substr($tmp,4))); 03217 break; 03218 case 'opera': 03219 $tmp = strstr($useragent,'Opera'); 03220 $bInfo['VERSION'] = doubleval(ereg_replace('^[^0-9]*','',substr($tmp,5))); 03221 break; 03222 case 'konqu': 03223 $tmp = strstr($useragent,'Konqueror/'); 03224 $bInfo['VERSION'] = doubleval(substr($tmp,10)); 03225 break; 03226 } 03227 // Client system 03228 if (strstr($useragent,'Win')) { 03229 $bInfo['SYSTEM'] = 'win'; 03230 } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Mac')) { 03231 $bInfo['SYSTEM'] = 'mac'; 03232 } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Linux') || strstr($useragent,'X11') || strstr($useragent,'SGI') || strstr($useragent,' SunOS ') || strstr($useragent,' HP-UX ')) { 03233 $bInfo['SYSTEM'] = 'unix'; 03234 } 03235 } 03236 // Is true if the browser supports css to format forms, especially the width 03237 $bInfo['FORMSTYLE']=($bInfo['BROWSER']=='msie' || ($bInfo['BROWSER']=='net'&&$bInfo['VERSION']>=5) || $bInfo['BROWSER']=='opera' || $bInfo['BROWSER']=='konqu'); 03238 03239 return $bInfo; 03240 } 03241 03249 function getHostname($requestHost=TRUE) { 03250 $host = ''; 03251 if ($requestHost && (!defined('TYPO3_cliMode') || !TYPO3_cliMode)) { 03252 $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; 03253 } 03254 if (!$host) { 03255 // will fail for PHP 4.1 and 4.2 03256 $host = @php_uname('n'); 03257 // 'n' is ignored in broken installations 03258 if (strpos($host, ' ')) $host = ''; 03259 } 03260 // we have not found a FQDN yet 03261 if ($host && strpos('.',$host) === FALSE) { 03262 $ip = gethostbyname($host); 03263 // we got an IP address 03264 if ($ip != $host) { 03265 $fqdn = gethostbyaddr($ip); 03266 if ($ip != $fqdn) $host = $fqdn; 03267 } 03268 } 03269 if (!$host) $host = 'localhost.localdomain'; 03270 03271 return $host; 03272 } 03273 03274 03275 03276 03277 03278 03279 03280 03281 03282 03283 03284 03285 03286 03287 03288 03289 03290 03291 03292 03293 03294 03295 /************************* 03296 * 03297 * TYPO3 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS 03298 * 03299 *************************/ 03300 03310 function getFileAbsFileName($filename,$onlyRelative=1,$relToTYPO3_mainDir=0) { 03311 if (!strcmp($filename,'')) return ''; 03312 03313 if ($relToTYPO3_mainDir) { 03314 if (!defined('PATH_typo3')) return ''; 03315 $relPathPrefix = PATH_typo3; 03316 } else { 03317 $relPathPrefix = PATH_site; 03318 } 03319 if (substr($filename,0,4)=='EXT:') { // extension 03320 list($extKey,$local) = explode('/',substr($filename,4),2); 03321 $filename=''; 03322 if (strcmp($extKey,'') && t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded($extKey) && strcmp($local,'')) { 03323 $filename = t3lib_extMgm::extPath($extKey).$local; 03324 } 03325 } elseif (!t3lib_div::isAbsPath($filename)) { // relative. Prepended with $relPathPrefix 03326 $filename=$relPathPrefix.$filename; 03327 } elseif ($onlyRelative && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($filename,$relPathPrefix)) { // absolute, but set to blank if not allowed 03328 $filename=''; 03329 } 03330 if (strcmp($filename,'') && t3lib_div::validPathStr($filename)) { // checks backpath. 03331 return $filename; 03332 } 03333 } 03334 03346 function validPathStr($theFile) { 03347 if (!strstr($theFile,'//') && !strstr($theFile,'\\') && !preg_match('#(?:^\.\.|/\.\./)#',$theFile)) return true; 03348 } 03349 03357 function isAbsPath($path) { 03358 return TYPO3_OS=='WIN' ? substr($path,1,2)==':/' : substr($path,0,1)=='/'; 03359 } 03360 03368 function isAllowedAbsPath($path) { 03369 if (t3lib_div::isAbsPath($path) && 03370 t3lib_div::validPathStr($path) && 03371 ( t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($path,PATH_site) 03372 || 03373 ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockRootPath'] && t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($path,$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockRootPath'])) 03374 ) 03375 ) return true; 03376 } 03377 03385 function verifyFilenameAgainstDenyPattern($filename) { 03386 if (strcmp($filename,'') && strcmp($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileDenyPattern'],'')) { 03387 $result = eregi($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileDenyPattern'],$filename); 03388 if ($result) return false; // so if a matching filename is found, return false; 03389 } 03390 return true; 03391 } 03392 03403 function upload_copy_move($source,$destination) { 03404 if (is_uploaded_file($source)) { 03405 $uploaded = TRUE; 03406 // Return the value of move_uploaded_file, and if false the temporary $source is still around so the user can use unlink to delete it: 03407 $uploadedResult = move_uploaded_file($source, $destination); 03408 } else { 03409 $uploaded = FALSE; 03410 @copy($source,$destination); 03411 } 03412 03413 t3lib_div::fixPermissions($destination); // Change the permissions of the file 03414 03415 // If here the file is copied and the temporary $source is still around, so when returning false the user can try unlink to delete the $source 03416 return $uploaded ? $uploadedResult : FALSE; 03417 } 03418 03429 function upload_to_tempfile($uploadedFileName) { 03430 if (is_uploaded_file($uploadedFileName)) { 03431 $tempFile = t3lib_div::tempnam('upload_temp_'); 03432 move_uploaded_file($uploadedFileName, $tempFile); 03433 return @is_file($tempFile) ? $tempFile : ''; 03434 } 03435 } 03436 03447 function unlink_tempfile($uploadedTempFileName) { 03448 if ($uploadedTempFileName && t3lib_div::validPathStr($uploadedTempFileName) && t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($uploadedTempFileName,PATH_site.'typo3temp/') && @is_file($uploadedTempFileName)) { 03449 if (unlink($uploadedTempFileName)) return TRUE; 03450 } 03451 } 03452 03463 function tempnam($filePrefix) { 03464 return tempnam(PATH_site.'typo3temp/',$filePrefix); 03465 } 03466 03477 function stdAuthCode($uid_or_record,$fields='',$codeLength=8) { 03478 03479 if (is_array($uid_or_record)) { 03480 $recCopy_temp=array(); 03481 if ($fields) { 03482 $fieldArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fields,1); 03483 reset($fieldArr); 03484 while(list($k,$v)=each($fieldArr)) { 03485 $recCopy_temp[$k]=$uid_or_record[$v]; 03486 } 03487 } else { 03488 $recCopy_temp=$uid_or_record; 03489 } 03490 $preKey = implode('|',$recCopy_temp); 03491 } else { 03492 $preKey = $uid_or_record; 03493 } 03494 03495 $authCode = $preKey.'||'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['encryptionKey']; 03496 $authCode = substr(md5($authCode),0,$codeLength); 03497 return $authCode; 03498 } 03499 03508 function cHashParams($addQueryParams) { 03509 $params = explode('&',substr($addQueryParams,1)); // Splitting parameters up 03510 03511 // Make array: 03512 $pA = array(); 03513 foreach($params as $theP) { 03514 $pKV = explode('=', $theP); // Splitting single param by '=' sign 03515 if (!t3lib_div::inList('id,type,no_cache,cHash,MP,ftu',$pKV[0])) { 03516 $pA[rawurldecode($pKV[0])] = (string)rawurldecode($pKV[1]); 03517 } 03518 } 03519 $pA['encryptionKey'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['encryptionKey']; 03520 ksort($pA); 03521 03522 return $pA; 03523 } 03524 03531 function hideIfNotTranslated($l18n_cfg_fieldValue) { 03532 if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['hidePagesIfNotTranslatedByDefault']) { 03533 return $l18n_cfg_fieldValue&2 ? FALSE : TRUE; 03534 } else { 03535 return $l18n_cfg_fieldValue&2 ? TRUE : FALSE; 03536 } 03537 } 03538 03546 function readLLfile($fileRef,$langKey) { 03547 03548 $file = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($fileRef); 03549 if ($file) { 03550 $baseFile = ereg_replace('\.(php|xml)$', '', $file); 03551 03552 if (@is_file($baseFile.'.xml')) { 03553 $LOCAL_LANG = t3lib_div::readLLXMLfile($baseFile.'.xml', $langKey); 03554 } elseif (@is_file($baseFile.'.php')) { 03555 include($baseFile.'.php'); 03556 } else die('Filereference, "'.$file.'", not found!'); 03557 } 03558 03559 return is_array($LOCAL_LANG)?$LOCAL_LANG:array(); 03560 } 03561 03570 function readLLXMLfile($fileRef,$langKey) { 03571 03572 if (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) { 03573 $csConvObj = &$GLOBALS['LANG']->csConvObj; 03574 } elseif (is_object($GLOBALS['TSFE'])) { 03575 $csConvObj = &$GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConvObj; 03576 } else $csConvObj = NULL; 03577 03578 if (@is_file($fileRef) && $langKey && is_object($csConvObj)) { 03579 03580 // Set charset: 03581 $origCharset = $csConvObj->parse_charset($csConvObj->charSetArray[$langKey] ? $csConvObj->charSetArray[$langKey] : 'iso-8859-1'); 03582 03583 // Cache file name: 03584 $hashSource = substr($fileRef,strlen(PATH_site)).'|'.date('d-m-Y H:i:s',filemtime($fileRef)).'|version=2.2'; 03585 $cacheFileName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/llxml/'. 03586 #str_replace('_','',ereg_replace('^.*\/','',dirname($fileRef))). 03587 #'_'.basename($fileRef). 03588 substr(basename($fileRef),10,15). 03589 '_'.t3lib_div::shortMD5($hashSource).'.'.$langKey.'.'.$origCharset.'.cache'; 03590 03591 // Check if cache file exists... 03592 if (!@is_file($cacheFileName)) { // ... if it doesn't, create content and write it: 03593 03594 // Read XML, parse it. 03595 $xmlString = t3lib_div::getUrl($fileRef); 03596 $xmlContent = t3lib_div::xml2array($xmlString); 03597 if (!is_array($xmlContent)) { 03598 die($fileRef.' was not XML!: '.$xmlContent); 03599 } 03600 03601 // Set default LOCAL_LANG array content: 03602 $LOCAL_LANG = array(); 03603 $LOCAL_LANG['default'] = $xmlContent['data']['default']; 03604 03605 // Converting charset of default language from utf-8 to iso-8859-1 (since that is what the system would expect for default langauge in the core due to historical reasons) 03606 // This conversion is unneccessary for 99,99% of all default labels since they are in english, therefore ASCII. 03607 // However, an extension like TemplaVoila uses an extended character in its name, even in Default language. To accommodate that (special chars for default) this conversion must be made. 03608 // Since the output from this function is probably always cached it is considered insignificant to do this conversion. 03609 // - kasper 03610 if (is_array($LOCAL_LANG['default'])) { 03611 foreach($LOCAL_LANG['default'] as $labelKey => $labelValue) { 03612 $LOCAL_LANG['default'][$labelKey] = $csConvObj->utf8_decode($labelValue,'iso-8859-1'); 03613 } 03614 } 03615 03616 // Specific language, convert from utf-8 to backend language charset: 03617 // NOTICE: Converting from utf-8 back to "native" language may be a temporary solution until we can totally discard "locallang.php" files altogether (and use utf-8 for everything). But doing this conversion is the quickest way to migrate now and the source is in utf-8 anyway which is the main point. 03618 if ($langKey!='default') { 03619 03620 // If no entry is found for the language key, then force a value depending on meta-data setting. By default an automated filename will be used: 03621 if (!isset($xmlContent['data'][$langKey])) { 03622 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = t3lib_div::llXmlAutoFileName($fileRef, $langKey); 03623 } else { 03624 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = $xmlContent['data'][$langKey]; 03625 } 03626 03627 // Checking if charset should be converted. 03628 if (is_array($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]) && $origCharset!='utf-8') { 03629 foreach($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] as $labelKey => $labelValue) { 03630 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey][$labelKey] = $csConvObj->utf8_decode($labelValue,$origCharset); 03631 } 03632 } 03633 } 03634 03635 // Cache the content now: 03636 $serContent = array('origFile'=>$hashSource, 'LOCAL_LANG'=>$LOCAL_LANG); 03637 $res = t3lib_div::writeFileToTypo3tempDir($cacheFileName, serialize($serContent)); 03638 if ($res) die('ERROR: '.$res); 03639 } else { 03640 // Get content from cache: 03641 $serContent = unserialize(t3lib_div::getUrl($cacheFileName)); 03642 $LOCAL_LANG = $serContent['LOCAL_LANG']; 03643 } 03644 03645 // Checking for EXTERNAL file for non-default language: 03646 if ($langKey!='default' && is_string($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]) && strlen($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey])) { 03647 03648 // Look for localized file: 03649 $localized_file = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]); 03650 if ($localized_file && @is_file($localized_file)) { 03651 03652 // Cache file name: 03653 $hashSource = substr($localized_file,strlen(PATH_site)).'|'.date('d-m-Y H:i:s',filemtime($localized_file)); 03654 $cacheFileName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/llxml/ext_'. 03655 substr(basename($localized_file),10,15). 03656 '_'.t3lib_div::shortMD5($hashSource).'.'.$langKey.'.'.$origCharset.'.cache'; 03657 03658 // Check if cache file exists... 03659 if (!@is_file($cacheFileName)) { // ... if it doesn't, create content and write it: 03660 03661 // Read and parse XML content: 03662 $local_xmlString = t3lib_div::getUrl($localized_file); 03663 $local_xmlContent = t3lib_div::xml2array($local_xmlString); 03664 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = is_array($local_xmlContent['data'][$langKey]) ? $local_xmlContent['data'][$langKey] : array(); 03665 03666 // Checking if charset should be converted. 03667 if (is_array($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]) && $origCharset!='utf-8') { 03668 foreach($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] as $labelKey => $labelValue) { 03669 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey][$labelKey] = $csConvObj->utf8_decode($labelValue,$origCharset); 03670 } 03671 } 03672 03673 // Cache the content now: 03674 $serContent = array('extlang'=>$langKey, 'origFile'=>$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey], 'EXT_DATA'=>$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]); 03675 $res = t3lib_div::writeFileToTypo3tempDir($cacheFileName, serialize($serContent)); 03676 if ($res) die('ERROR: '.$res); 03677 } else { 03678 // Get content from cache: 03679 $serContent = unserialize(t3lib_div::getUrl($cacheFileName)); 03680 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = $serContent['EXT_DATA']; 03681 } 03682 } else { 03683 $LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = array(); 03684 } 03685 } 03686 03687 return $LOCAL_LANG; 03688 } 03689 } 03690 03698 function llXmlAutoFileName($fileRef,$language) { 03699 03700 // Analyse file reference: 03701 $location = 'typo3conf/l10n/'.$language.'/'; // Default location of translations 03702 if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($fileRef,PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir.'sysext/')) { // Is system: 03703 $validatedPrefix = PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir.'sysext/'; 03704 #$location = 'EXT:csh_'.$language.'/'; // For system extensions translations are found in "csh_*" extensions (language packs) 03705 } elseif (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($fileRef,PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir.'ext/')) { // Is global: 03706 $validatedPrefix = PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir.'ext/'; 03707 } elseif (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($fileRef,PATH_site.'typo3conf/ext/')) { // Is local: 03708 $validatedPrefix = PATH_site.'typo3conf/ext/'; 03709 } else { 03710 $validatedPrefix = ''; 03711 } 03712 03713 if ($validatedPrefix) { 03714 03715 // Divide file reference into extension key, directory (if any) and base name: 03716 list($file_extKey,$file_extPath) = explode('/',substr($fileRef,strlen($validatedPrefix)),2); 03717 $temp = t3lib_div::revExplode('/',$file_extPath,2); 03718 if (count($temp)==1) array_unshift($temp,''); // Add empty first-entry if not there. 03719 list($file_extPath,$file_fileName) = $temp; 03720 03721 // The filename is prefixed with "[language key]." because it prevents the llxmltranslate tool from detecting it. 03722 return $location. 03723 $file_extKey.'/'. 03724 ($file_extPath?$file_extPath.'/':''). 03725 $language.'.'.$file_fileName; 03726 } else return NULL; 03727 } 03728 03729 03746 function loadTCA($table) { 03747 global $TCA,$LANG_GENERAL_LABELS; 03748 if (isset($TCA[$table]) && !is_array($TCA[$table]['columns']) && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile']) { 03749 if (!strcmp(substr($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile'],0,6),'T3LIB:')) { 03750 include(PATH_t3lib.'stddb/'.substr($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile'],6)); 03751 } elseif (t3lib_div::isAbsPath($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile']) && @is_file($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile'])) { // Absolute path... 03752 include($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile']); 03753 } else include(PATH_typo3conf.$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['dynamicConfigFile']); 03754 } 03755 } 03756 03766 function resolveSheetDefInDS($dataStructArray,$sheet='sDEF') { 03767 if (!is_array ($dataStructArray)) return 'Data structure must be an array'; 03768 03769 if (is_array($dataStructArray['sheets'])) { 03770 $singleSheet = FALSE; 03771 if (!isset($dataStructArray['sheets'][$sheet])) { 03772 $sheet='sDEF'; 03773 } 03774 $dataStruct = $dataStructArray['sheets'][$sheet]; 03775 03776 // If not an array, but still set, then regard it as a relative reference to a file: 03777 if ($dataStruct && !is_array($dataStruct)) { 03778 $file = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($dataStruct); 03779 if ($file && @is_file($file)) { 03780 $dataStruct = t3lib_div::xml2array(t3lib_div::getUrl($file)); 03781 } 03782 } 03783 } else { 03784 $singleSheet = TRUE; 03785 $dataStruct = $dataStructArray; 03786 if (isset($dataStruct['meta'])) unset($dataStruct['meta']); // Meta data should not appear there. 03787 $sheet = 'sDEF'; // Default sheet 03788 } 03789 return array($dataStruct,$sheet,$singleSheet); 03790 } 03791 03799 function resolveAllSheetsInDS($dataStructArray) { 03800 if (is_array($dataStructArray['sheets'])) { 03801 $out=array('sheets'=>array()); 03802 foreach($dataStructArray['sheets'] as $sheetId => $sDat) { 03803 list($ds,$aS) = t3lib_div::resolveSheetDefInDS($dataStructArray,$sheetId); 03804 if ($sheetId==$aS) { 03805 $out['sheets'][$aS]=$ds; 03806 } 03807 } 03808 } else { 03809 list($ds) = t3lib_div::resolveSheetDefInDS($dataStructArray); 03810 $out = array('sheets' => array('sDEF' => $ds)); 03811 } 03812 return $out; 03813 } 03814 03828 function callUserFunction($funcName,&$params,&$ref,$checkPrefix='user_',$silent=0) { 03829 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 03830 03831 // Check persistent object and if found, call directly and exit. 03832 if (is_array($GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction'][$funcName])) { 03833 return call_user_func( 03834 array(&$GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction'][$funcName]['obj'], 03835 $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction'][$funcName]['method']), 03836 $params, 03837 $ref 03838 ); 03839 } 03840 03841 // Check file-reference prefix; if found, require_once() the file (should be library of code) 03842 if (strstr($funcName,':')) { 03843 list($file,$funcRef) = t3lib_div::revExplode(':',$funcName,2); 03844 $requireFile = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($file); 03845 if ($requireFile) require_once($requireFile); 03846 } else { 03847 $funcRef = $funcName; 03848 } 03849 03850 // Check for persistent object token, "&" 03851 if (substr($funcRef,0,1)=='&') { 03852 $funcRef = substr($funcRef,1); 03853 $storePersistentObject = TRUE; 03854 } else { 03855 $storePersistentObject = FALSE; 03856 } 03857 03858 // Check prefix is valid: 03859 if ($checkPrefix && 03860 !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($funcRef),$checkPrefix) && 03861 !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($funcRef),'tx_') 03862 ) { 03863 if (!$silent) debug("Function/Class '".$funcRef."' was not prepended with '".$checkPrefix."'",1); 03864 return FALSE; 03865 } 03866 03867 // Call function or method: 03868 $parts = explode('->',$funcRef); 03869 if (count($parts)==2) { // Class 03870 03871 // Check if class/method exists: 03872 if (class_exists($parts[0])) { 03873 03874 // Get/Create object of class: 03875 if ($storePersistentObject) { // Get reference to current instance of class: 03876 if (!is_object($GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction_classPool'][$parts[0]])) { 03877 $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction_classPool'][$parts[0]] = &t3lib_div::makeInstance($parts[0]); 03878 } 03879 $classObj = &$GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction_classPool'][$parts[0]]; 03880 } else { // Create new object: 03881 $classObj = &t3lib_div::makeInstance($parts[0]); 03882 } 03883 03884 if (method_exists($classObj, $parts[1])) { 03885 03886 // If persistent object should be created, set reference: 03887 if ($storePersistentObject) { 03888 $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['callUserFunction'][$funcName] = array ( 03889 'method' => $parts[1], 03890 'obj' => &$classObj 03891 ); 03892 } 03893 // Call method: 03894 $content = call_user_func( 03895 array(&$classObj, $parts[1]), 03896 $params, 03897 $ref 03898 ); 03899 } else { 03900 if (!$silent) debug("<strong>ERROR:</strong> No method name '".$parts[1]."' in class ".$parts[0],1); 03901 } 03902 } else { 03903 if (!$silent) debug("<strong>ERROR:</strong> No class named: ".$parts[0],1); 03904 } 03905 } else { // Function 03906 if (function_exists($funcRef)) { 03907 $content = call_user_func($funcRef, $params, $ref); 03908 } else { 03909 if (!$silent) debug("<strong>ERROR:</strong> No function named: ".$funcRef,1); 03910 } 03911 } 03912 return $content; 03913 } 03914 03926 function &getUserObj($classRef,$checkPrefix='user_',$silent=0) { 03927 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 03928 // Check persistent object and if found, call directly and exit. 03929 if (is_object($GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['getUserObj'][$classRef])) { 03930 return $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['getUserObj'][$classRef]; 03931 } else { 03932 03933 // Check file-reference prefix; if found, require_once() the file (should be library of code) 03934 if (strstr($classRef,':')) { 03935 list($file,$class) = t3lib_div::revExplode(':',$classRef,2); 03936 $requireFile = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($file); 03937 if ($requireFile) require_once($requireFile); 03938 } else { 03939 $class = $classRef; 03940 } 03941 03942 // Check for persistent object token, "&" 03943 if (substr($class,0,1)=='&') { 03944 $class = substr($class,1); 03945 $storePersistentObject = TRUE; 03946 } else { 03947 $storePersistentObject = FALSE; 03948 } 03949 03950 // Check prefix is valid: 03951 if ($checkPrefix && 03952 !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($class),$checkPrefix) && 03953 !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($class),'tx_') 03954 ) { 03955 if (!$silent) debug("Class '".$class."' was not prepended with '".$checkPrefix."'",1); 03956 return FALSE; 03957 } 03958 03959 // Check if class exists: 03960 if (class_exists($class)) { 03961 $classObj = &t3lib_div::makeInstance($class); 03962 03963 // If persistent object should be created, set reference: 03964 if ($storePersistentObject) { 03965 $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['getUserObj'][$classRef] = &$classObj; 03966 } 03967 03968 return $classObj; 03969 } else { 03970 if (!$silent) debug("<strong>ERROR:</strong> No class named: ".$class,1); 03971 } 03972 } 03973 } 03974 03984 function &makeInstance($className) { 03985 return class_exists('ux_'.$className) ? t3lib_div::makeInstance('ux_'.$className) : new $className; 03986 } 03987 03996 function makeInstanceClassName($className) { 03997 return class_exists('ux_'.$className) ? t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName('ux_'.$className) : $className; 03998 } 03999 04010 function &makeInstanceService($serviceType, $serviceSubType='', $excludeServiceKeys=array()) { 04011 global $T3_SERVICES, $T3_VAR, $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 04012 04013 $error = FALSE; 04014 04015 if (!is_array($excludeServiceKeys) ) { 04016 $excludeServiceKeys = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $excludeServiceKeys, 1); 04017 } 04018 while ($info = t3lib_extMgm::findService($serviceType, $serviceSubType, $excludeServiceKeys)) { 04019 04020 // Check persistent object and if found, call directly and exit. 04021 if (is_object($GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['makeInstanceService'][$info['className']])) { 04022 // reset service and return object 04023 $T3_VAR['makeInstanceService'][$info['className']]->reset(); 04024 return $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['makeInstanceService'][$info['className']]; 04025 04026 // include file and create object 04027 } else { 04028 $requireFile = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($info['classFile']); 04029 if (@is_file($requireFile)) { 04030 require_once ($requireFile); 04031 $obj = t3lib_div::makeInstance($info['className']); 04032 if (is_object($obj)) { 04033 if(!@is_callable(array($obj,'init'))) { 04034 // use silent logging??? I don't think so. 04035 die ('Broken service:'.t3lib_div::view_array($info)); 04036 } 04037 $obj->info = $info; 04038 if ($obj->init()) { // service available? 04039 04040 // create persistent object 04041 $T3_VAR['makeInstanceService'][$info['className']] = &$obj; 04042 04043 // needed to delete temp files 04044 register_shutdown_function(array(&$obj, '__destruct')); 04045 04046 return $obj; // object is passed as reference by function definition 04047 } 04048 $error = $obj->getLastErrorArray(); 04049 unset($obj); 04050 } 04051 } 04052 } 04053 // deactivate the service 04054 t3lib_extMgm::deactivateService($info['serviceType'],$info['serviceKey']); 04055 } 04056 return $error; 04057 } 04058 04074 function plainMailEncoded($email,$subject,$message,$headers='',$enc='',$charset='',$dontEncodeHeader=false) { 04075 if (!$charset) { 04076 $charset = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset'] ? $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset'] : 'ISO-8859-1'; 04077 } 04078 04079 if (!$dontEncodeHeader) { 04080 // Mail headers must be ASCII, therefore we convert the whole header to either base64 or quoted_printable 04081 $newHeaders=array(); 04082 foreach (explode(chr(10),$headers) as $line) { // Split the header in lines and convert each line separately 04083 $parts = explode(': ',$line,2); // Field tags must not be encoded 04084 if (count($parts)==2) { 04085 $parts[1] = t3lib_div::encodeHeader($parts[1],$enc,$charset); 04086 $newHeaders[] = implode(': ',$parts); 04087 } else { 04088 $newHeaders[] = $line; // Should never happen - is such a mail header valid? Anyway, just add the unchanged line... 04089 } 04090 } 04091 $headers = implode(chr(10),$newHeaders); 04092 unset($newHeaders); 04093 04094 $email = t3lib_div::encodeHeader($email,$enc,$charset); // Email address must not be encoded, but it could be appended by a name which should be so (e.g. "Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com>") 04095 $subject = t3lib_div::encodeHeader($subject,$enc,$charset); 04096 } 04097 04098 switch ((string)$enc) { 04099 case 'base64': 04100 $headers=trim($headers).chr(10). 04101 'Mime-Version: 1.0'.chr(10). 04102 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="'.$charset.'"'.chr(10). 04103 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'; 04104 04105 $message=trim(chunk_split(base64_encode($message.chr(10)))).chr(10); // Adding chr(10) because I think MS outlook 2002 wants it... may be removed later again. 04106 break; 04107 case '8bit': 04108 $headers=trim($headers).chr(10). 04109 'Mime-Version: 1.0'.chr(10). 04110 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset='.$charset.chr(10). 04111 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; 04112 break; 04113 case 'quoted-printable': 04114 default: 04115 $headers=trim($headers).chr(10). 04116 'Mime-Version: 1.0'.chr(10). 04117 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset='.$charset.chr(10). 04118 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable'; 04119 04120 $message=t3lib_div::quoted_printable($message); 04121 break; 04122 } 04123 04124 $linebreak = chr(10); // Default line break for Unix systems. 04125 if (TYPO3_OS=='WIN') { 04126 $linebreak = chr(13).chr(10); // Line break for Windows. This is needed because PHP on Windows systems send mails via SMTP instead of using sendmail, and thus the linebreak needs to be \r\n. 04127 } 04128 04129 $headers=trim(implode($linebreak,t3lib_div::trimExplode(chr(10),$headers,1))); // Make sure no empty lines are there. 04130 04131 mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers); 04132 } 04133 04144 function quoted_printable($string,$maxlen=76) { 04145 // Make sure the string contains only Unix linebreaks 04146 $string = str_replace(chr(13).chr(10), chr(10), $string); // Replace Windows breaks (\r\n) 04147 $string = str_replace(chr(13), chr(10), $string); // Replace Mac breaks (\r) 04148 04149 $linebreak = chr(10); // Default line break for Unix systems. 04150 if (TYPO3_OS=='WIN') { 04151 $linebreak = chr(13).chr(10); // Line break for Windows. This is needed because PHP on Windows systems send mails via SMTP instead of using sendmail, and thus the linebreak needs to be \r\n. 04152 } 04153 04154 $newString = ''; 04155 $theLines = explode(chr(10),$string); // Split lines 04156 foreach ($theLines as $val) { 04157 $newVal = ''; 04158 $theValLen = strlen($val); 04159 $len = 0; 04160 for ($index=0; $index < $theValLen; $index++) { // Walk through each character of this line 04161 $char = substr($val,$index,1); 04162 $ordVal = ord($char); 04163 if ($len>($maxlen-4) || ($len>(($maxlen-10)-4)&&$ordVal==32)) { 04164 $newVal.='='.$linebreak; // Add a line break 04165 $len=0; // Reset the length counter 04166 } 04167 if (($ordVal>=33 && $ordVal<=60) || ($ordVal>=62 && $ordVal<=126) || $ordVal==9 || $ordVal==32) { 04168 $newVal.=$char; // This character is ok, add it to the message 04169 $len++; 04170 } else { 04171 $newVal.=sprintf('=%02X',$ordVal); // Special character, needs to be encoded 04172 $len+=3; 04173 } 04174 } 04175 $newVal = preg_replace('/'.chr(32).'$/','=20',$newVal); // Replaces a possible SPACE-character at the end of a line 04176 $newVal = preg_replace('/'.chr(9).'$/','=09',$newVal); // Replaces a possible TAB-character at the end of a line 04177 $newString.=$newVal.$linebreak; 04178 } 04179 return preg_replace('/'.$linebreak.'$/','',$newString); // Remove last newline 04180 } 04181 04191 function encodeHeader($line,$enc='',$charset='ISO-8859-1') { 04192 // Avoid problems if "###" is found in $line (would conflict with the placeholder which is used below) 04193 if (strstr($line,'###')) return $line; 04194 04195 // Check if any non-ASCII characters are found - otherwise encoding is not needed 04196 if (!preg_match('/[^'.chr(32).'-'.chr(127).']/',$line)) return $line; 04197 04198 // Wrap email addresses in a special marker 04199 $line = preg_replace('/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/', '###$1###', $line); 04200 04201 $matches = preg_split('/(.?###.+###.?|\(|\))/', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); 04202 foreach ($matches as $part) { 04203 $oldPart = $part; 04204 switch ((string)$enc) { 04205 case 'base64': 04206 $part = '=?'.$charset.'?B?'.base64_encode($part).'?='; 04207 break; 04208 case 'quoted-printable': 04209 default: 04210 $qpValue = t3lib_div::quoted_printable($part,1000); 04211 if ($part!=$qpValue) { 04212 $qpValue = str_replace(' ','_',$qpValue); // Encoded words in the header should not contain non-encoded spaces. "_" is a shortcut for "=20". See RFC 2047 for details. 04213 $part = '=?'.$charset.'?Q?'.$qpValue.'?='; 04214 } 04215 } 04216 $line = str_replace($oldPart, $part, $line); 04217 } 04218 $line = preg_replace('/###(.+?)###/', '$1', $line); // Remove the wrappers 04219 04220 return $line; 04221 } 04222 04234 function substUrlsInPlainText($message,$urlmode='76',$index_script_url='') { 04235 // Substitute URLs with shorter links: 04236 $urlSplit=explode('http://',$message); 04237 reset($urlSplit); 04238 while(list($c,$v)=each($urlSplit)) { 04239 if ($c) { 04240 $newParts = preg_split('/\s|[<>"{}|\\\^`()\']/', $v, 2); 04241 $newURL='http://'.$newParts[0]; 04242 switch((string)$urlmode) { 04243 case 'all': 04244 $newURL=t3lib_div::makeRedirectUrl($newURL,0,$index_script_url); 04245 break; 04246 case '76': 04247 $newURL=t3lib_div::makeRedirectUrl($newURL,76,$index_script_url); 04248 break; 04249 } 04250 $urlSplit[$c]=$newURL.substr($v,strlen($newParts[0])); 04251 } 04252 } 04253 04254 $message=implode('',$urlSplit); 04255 return $message; 04256 } 04257 04268 function makeRedirectUrl($inUrl,$l=0,$index_script_url='') { 04269 if (strlen($inUrl)>$l) { 04270 $md5 = substr(md5($inUrl),0,20); 04271 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('md5hash', 'cache_md5params', 'md5hash='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($md5, 'cache_md5params')); 04272 if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)) { 04273 $insertFields = array( 04274 'md5hash' => $md5, 04275 'tstamp' => time(), 04276 'type' => 2, 04277 'params' => $inUrl 04278 ); 04279 04280 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('cache_md5params', $insertFields); 04281 } 04282 $inUrl=($index_script_url ? $index_script_url : t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR').'index.php'). 04283 '?RDCT='.$md5; 04284 } 04285 return $inUrl; 04286 } 04287 04295 function freetypeDpiComp($font_size) { 04296 $dpi = intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['TTFdpi']); 04297 if ($dpi!=72) $font_size = $font_size/$dpi*72; 04298 return $font_size; 04299 } 04300 04307 function initSysLog() { 04308 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 04309 04310 // for CLI logging name is <fqdn-hostname>:<TYPO3-path> 04311 if (defined('TYPO3_cliMode') && TYPO3_cliMode) { 04312 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogHost'] = t3lib_div::getHostname($requestHost=FALSE).':'.PATH_site; 04313 } 04314 // for Web logging name is <protocol>://<request-hostame>/<site-path> 04315 else { 04316 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogHost'] = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'); 04317 } 04318 04319 // init custom logging 04320 if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLog'])) { 04321 $params = array('initLog'=>TRUE); 04322 $fakeThis = FALSE; 04323 foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLog'] as $hookMethod) { 04324 t3lib_div::callUserFunction($hookMethod,$params,$fakeThis); 04325 } 04326 } 04327 04328 // init TYPO3 logging 04329 foreach (explode(';',$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLog'],2) as $log) { 04330 list($type,$destination) = explode(',',$log,3); 04331 04332 if ($type == 'syslog') { 04333 define_syslog_variables(); 04334 if (TYPO3_OS == 'WIN') { 04335 $facility = LOG_USER; 04336 } else { 04337 $facility = constant('LOG_'.strtoupper($destination)); 04338 } 04339 openlog($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogHost'], LOG_ODELAY, $facility); 04340 } 04341 } 04342 04343 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLogLevel'] = t3lib_div::intInRange($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLogLevel'],0,4); 04344 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogInit'] = TRUE; 04345 } 04346 04357 function sysLog($msg, $extKey, $severity=0) { 04358 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 04359 04360 $severity = t3lib_div::intInRange($severity,0,4); 04361 04362 // is message worth logging? 04363 if (intval($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLogLevel']) > $severity) return; 04364 04365 // initialize logging 04366 if (!$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogInit']) { 04367 t3lib_div::initSysLog(); 04368 } 04369 04370 // do custom logging 04371 if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLog'])) { 04372 $params = array('msg'=>$msg, 'extKey'=>$extKey); 04373 if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { 04374 $params['backTrace'] = debug_backtrace(); 04375 } 04376 $fakeThis = FALSE; 04377 foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLog'] as $hookMethod) { 04378 t3lib_div::callUserFunction($hookMethod,$params,$fakeThis); 04379 } 04380 } 04381 04382 // TYPO3 logging enabled? 04383 if (!$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLog']) return; 04384 04385 // use all configured logging options 04386 foreach (explode(';',$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLog'],2) as $log) { 04387 list($type,$destination,$level) = explode(',',$log,4); 04388 04389 // is message worth logging for this log type? 04390 if (intval($level) > $severity) continue; 04391 04392 $msgLine = ' - '.$extKey.': '.$msg; 04393 04394 // write message to a file 04395 if ($type == 'file') { 04396 $file = fopen($destination, 'a'); 04397 if ($file) { 04398 flock($file, LOCK_EX); // try locking, but ignore if not available (eg. on NFS and FAT) 04399 fwrite($file, date('d/m/Y i:H').$msgLine.chr(10)); 04400 flock($file, LOCK_UN); // release the lock 04401 fclose($file); 04402 } 04403 } 04404 // send message per mail 04405 elseif ($type == 'mail') { 04406 list($to,$from) = explode('/',$destination); 04407 mail($to, 'Warning - error in TYPO3 installation', 04408 'Host: '.$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogHost']."\n". 04409 'Extension: '.$extKey."\n". 04410 'Severity: '.$severity."\n". 04411 "\n".$msg, 04412 ($from ? 'From: '.$from : '') 04413 ); 04414 } 04415 // use the PHP error log 04416 elseif ($type == 'error_log') { 04417 error_log($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['systemLogHost'].$msgLine, 0); 04418 } 04419 // use the system log 04420 elseif ($type == 'syslog') { 04421 $priority = array(LOG_INFO,LOG_NOTICE,LOG_WARNING,LOG_ERR,LOG_CRIT); 04422 syslog($priority[(int)$severity], $msgLine); 04423 } 04424 } 04425 } 04426 04440 function devLog($msg, $extKey, $severity=0, $dataVar=FALSE) { 04441 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; 04442 04443 if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['devLog'])) { 04444 $params = array('msg'=>$msg, 'extKey'=>$extKey, 'severity'=>$severity, 'dataVar'=>$dataVar); 04445 $fakeThis = FALSE; 04446 foreach($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php']['devLog'] as $hookMethod) { 04447 t3lib_div::callUserFunction($hookMethod,$params,$fakeThis); 04448 } 04449 } 04450 } 04451 04461 function arrayToLogString($arr, $valueList=array(), $valueLength=20) { 04462 $str = ''; 04463 if (is_array($arr)) { 04464 if (!is_array($valueList)) { 04465 $valueList = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $valueList, 1); 04466 } 04467 $valListCnt = count($valueList); 04468 foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { 04469 if (!$valListCnt || in_array($key, $valueList)) { 04470 $str .= (string)$key.trim(': '.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(str_replace("\n",'|',(string)$value), $valueLength)).'; '; 04471 } 04472 } 04473 } 04474 return $str; 04475 } 04476 04485 function imageMagickCommand($command, $parameters, $path='') { 04486 $gfxConf = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']; 04487 $isExt = (TYPO3_OS=='WIN' ? '.exe' : ''); 04488 $switchCompositeParameters=false; 04489 04490 if(!$path) { $path = $gfxConf['im_path']; } 04491 04492 $im_version = strtolower($gfxConf['im_version_5']); 04493 $combineScript = $gfxConf['im_combine_filename'] ? trim($gfxConf['im_combine_filename']) : 'combine'; 04494 04495 if($command==='combine') { // This is only used internally, has no effect outside 04496 $command = 'composite'; 04497 } 04498 04499 // Compile the path & command 04500 if($im_version==='gm') { 04501 $switchCompositeParameters=true; 04502 $path .= 'gm'.$isExt.' '.$command; 04503 } else { 04504 if($im_version==='im6') { $switchCompositeParameters=true; } 04505 $path .= (($command=='composite') ? $combineScript : $command).$isExt; 04506 } 04507 04508 $cmdLine = $path.' '.$parameters; 04509 04510 if($command=='composite' && $switchCompositeParameters) { // Because of some weird incompatibilities between ImageMagick 4 and 6 (plus GraphicsMagick), it is needed to change the parameters order under some preconditions 04511 $paramsArr = t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames($parameters); 04512 04513 if(count($paramsArr)>5) { // The mask image has been specified => swap the parameters 04514 $tmp = $paramsArr[count($paramsArr)-3]; 04515 $paramsArr[count($paramsArr)-3] = $paramsArr[count($paramsArr)-4]; 04516 $paramsArr[count($paramsArr)-4] = $tmp; 04517 } 04518 04519 $cmdLine = $path.' '.implode(' ', $paramsArr); 04520 } 04521 04522 return $cmdLine; 04523 } 04524 04532 function unQuoteFilenames($parameters,$unQuote=FALSE) { 04533 $paramsArr = explode(' ', trim($parameters)); 04534 04535 $quoteActive = -1; // Whenever a quote character (") is found, $quoteActive is set to the element number inside of $params. A value of -1 means that there are not open quotes at the current position. 04536 foreach($paramsArr as $k=>$v) { 04537 if($quoteActive > -1) { 04538 $paramsArr[$quoteActive] .= ' '.$v; 04539 unset($paramsArr[$k]); 04540 if(ereg('"$', $v)) { $quoteActive = -1; } 04541 04542 } elseif(!trim($v)) { 04543 unset($paramsArr[$k]); // Remove empty elements 04544 04545 } elseif(ereg('^"', $v)) { 04546 $quoteActive = $k; 04547 } 04548 } 04549 04550 if($unQuote) { 04551 foreach($paramsArr as $key=>$val) { 04552 $paramsArr[$key]=preg_replace('/(^"|"$)/','',$val); 04553 } 04554 } 04555 return $paramsArr; 04556 } 04557 04558 04566 function quoteJSvalue($value, $inScriptTags = false) { 04567 $value = addcslashes($value, '\''.chr(10).chr(13)); 04568 if (!$inScriptTags) { 04569 $value = htmlspecialchars($value); 04570 } 04571 return '\''.$value.'\''; 04572 } 04573 04574 04575 } 04576 04577 ?>