"TYPO3 4.0.1: tslib_fe Class Reference", "datetime" => "Sat Dec 2 19:26:48 2006", "date" => "2 Dec 2006", "doxygenversion" => "1.4.6", "projectname" => "TYPO3 4.0.1", "projectnumber" => "4.0.1" ); get_header($doxygen_vars); ?>

tslib_fe Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 tslib_fe ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $id, $type, $no_cache='', $cHash='', $jumpurl='', $MP='', $RDCT='')
 connectToMySQL ()
 connectToDB ()
 sendRedirect ()
 initFEuser ()
 initUserGroups ()
 isUserOrGroupSet ()
 checkAlternativeIdMethods ()
 clear_preview ()
 determineId ()
 fetch_the_id ()
 getPageAndRootline ()
 getPageShortcut ($SC, $mode, $thisUid, $itera=20, $pageLog=array())
 checkRootlineForIncludeSection ()
 checkEnableFields ($row, $bypassGroupCheck=FALSE)
 checkPageGroupAccess ($row, $groupList=NULL)
 checkPagerecordForIncludeSection ($row)
 checkIfLoginAllowedInBranch ()
 getPageAccessFailureReasons ()
 setIDfromArgV ()
 getPageAndRootlineWithDomain ($domainStartPage)
 setSysPageWhereClause ()
 findDomainRecord ($recursive=0)
 pageNotFoundAndExit ($reason='', $header='')
 pageNotFoundHandler ($code, $header='', $reason='')
 checkAndSetAlias ()
 idPartsAnalyze ($str)
 mergingWithGetVars ($GET_VARS)
 ADMCMD_preview ()
 ADMCMD_preview_postInit ($previewConfig)
 makeCacheHash ()
 reqCHash ()
 cHashParams ($addQueryParams)
 initTemplate ()
 getFromCache ()
 getFromCache_queryRow ()
 headerNoCache ()
 getHash ()
 getConfigArray ()
 getCompressedTCarray ()
 includeTCA ($TCAloaded=1)
 settingLanguage ()
 settingLocale ()

Public Attributes

 $id = ''
 $type = ''
 $idParts = array()
 $cHash = ''
 $no_cache = ''
 $rootLine = ''
 $page = ''
 $contentPid = 0
 $sys_page = ''
 $jumpurl = ''
 $pageNotFound = 0
 $domainStartPage = 0
 $pageAccessFailureHistory = array()
 $MP = ''
 $RDCT = ''
 $page_cache_reg1 = 0
 $siteScript = ''
 $fe_user = ''
 $loginUser = ''
 $gr_list = ''
 $beUserLogin = ''
 $workspacePreview = ''
 $loginAllowedInBranch = TRUE
 $ADMCMD_preview_BEUSER_uid = 0
 $fePreview = ''
 $showHiddenPage = ''
 $showHiddenRecords = ''
 $simUserGroup = '0'
 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS = array()
 $config = ''
 $TCAcachedExtras = array()
 $tmpl = ''
 $cacheTimeOutDefault = ''
 $cacheContentFlag = ''
 $cacheExpires = 0
 $isClientCachable = FALSE
 $all = ''
 $sPre = ''
 $pSetup = ''
 $newHash = ''
 $getMethodUrlIdToken = ''
 $no_CacheBeforePageGen = ''
 $tempContent = FALSE
 $forceTemplateParsing = ''
 $cHash_array = array()
 $hash_base = ''
 $pagesTSconfig = ''
 $defaultBodyTag = '<body>'
 $additionalHeaderData = array()
 $additionalJavaScript = array()
 $additionalCSS = array()
 $JSCode = ''
 $JSImgCode = ''
 $divSection = ''
 $debug = ''
 $intTarget = ''
 $extTarget = ''
 $MP_defaults = array()
 $spamProtectEmailAddresses = 0
 $absRefPrefix = ''
 $absRefPrefix_force = 0
 $compensateFieldWidth = ''
 $lockFilePath = ''
 $ATagParams = ''
 $sWordRegEx = ''
 $sWordList = ''
 $linkVars = ''
 $excludeCHashVars = ''
 $displayEditIcons = ''
 $displayFieldEditIcons = ''
 $sys_language_uid = 0
 $sys_language_mode = ''
 $sys_language_content = 0
 $sys_language_contentOL = 0
 $sys_language_isocode = ''
 $applicationData = Array()
 $register = Array()
 $registerStack = Array()
 $cObjectDepthCounter = 50
 $recordRegister = Array()
 $currentRecord = ''
 $accessKey = array()
 $imagesOnPage = array()
 $lastImageInfo = array()
 $uniqueCounter = 0
 $uniqueString = ''
 $indexedDocTitle = ''
 $altPageTitle = ''
 $pEncAllowedParamNames = array()
 $baseUrl = ''
 $anchorPrefix = ''
 $cObj = ''
 $content = ''
 $clientInfo = ''
 $scriptParseTime = 0
 $TCAloaded = 0
 $defaultCharSet = 'iso-8859-1'
 $renderCharset = ''
 $metaCharset = ''
 $localeCharset = ''
 $lang = ''
 $langSplitIndex = 0
 $labelsCharset = ''
 $convCharsetToFrom = ''
 $LL_labels_cache = array()
 $LL_files_cache = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 213 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tslib_fe::tslib_fe TYPO3_CONF_VARS,
no_cache = '',
cHash = '',
jumpurl = '',
MP = '',
RDCT = ''

Class constructor Takes a number of GET/POST input variable as arguments and stores them internally. The processing of these variables goes on later in this class. Also sets internal clientInfo array (browser information) and a unique string (->uniqueString) for this script instance; A md5 hash of the microtime()

array The global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS array. Will be set internally in ->TYPO3_CONF_VARS
mixed The value of t3lib_div::_GP('id')
integer The value of t3lib_div::_GP('type')
boolean The value of t3lib_div::_GP('no_cache'), evaluated to 1/0
string The value of t3lib_div::_GP('cHash')
string The value of t3lib_div::_GP('jumpurl')
string The value of t3lib_div::_GP('MP')
string The value of t3lib_div::_GP('RDCT')
See also:

Definition at line 382 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References $cHash, $id, $jumpurl, $MP, $no_cache, $RDCT, $type, $TYPO3_CONF_VARS, t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), t3lib_div::clientInfo(), and t3lib_div::makeInstance().

Member Function Documentation

tslib_fe::ADMCMD_preview  ) 

Looking for a ADMCMD_prev code, looks it up if found and returns configuration data. Background: From the backend a request to the frontend to show a page, possibly with workspace preview can be "recorded" and associated with a keyword. When the frontend is requested with this keyword the associated request parameters are restored from the database AND the backend user is loaded - only for that request. The main point is that a special URL valid for a limited time, eg. http://localhost/typo3site/?ADMCMD_prev=035d9bf938bd23cb657735f68a8cedbf will open up for a preview that doesn't require login. Thus its useful for sending an email. This can also be used to generate previews of hidden pages, start/endtimes, usergroups and those other settings from the Admin Panel - just not implemented yet.

array Preview configuration array from sys_preview record.
See also:

Definition at line 1446 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::_GETset(), t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_div::_POST(), and t3lib_div::getIndpEnv().

tslib_fe::ADMCMD_preview_postInit previewConfig  ) 

Configuration after initialization of TSFE object. Basically this unsets the BE cookie if any and forces the BE user set according to the preview configuration.

array Preview configuration, see ADMCMD_preview()
See also:
ADMCMD_preview(), index_ts.php

Definition at line 1489 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::cHashParams addQueryParams  ) 

Splits the input query-parameters into an array with certain parameters filtered out. Used to create the cHash value

string Query-parameters: "&xxx=yyy&zzz=uuu"
array Array with key/value pairs of query-parameters WITHOUT a certain list of variable names (like id, type, no_cache etc) and WITH a variable, encryptionKey, specific for this server/installation private
See also:
makeCacheHash(), tslib_cObj::typoLink()

Definition at line 1567 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::cHashParams().

tslib_fe::checkAlternativeIdMethods  ) 

Provides ways to bypass the '?id=[xxx]&type=[xx]' format, using either PATH_INFO or virtual HTML-documents (using Apache mod_rewrite)

Three options: 1) Apache mod_rewrite: Here a .htaccess file maps all .html-files to index.php and then we extract the id and type from the name of that HTML-file. (AKA "simulateStaticDocuments") 2) Use PATH_INFO (also Apache) to extract id and type from that var. Does not require any special modules compiled with apache. (less typical) 3) Using hook which enables features like those provided from "realurl" extension (AKA "Speaking URLs")

Support for RewriteRule to generate (simulateStaticDocuments) With the mod_rewrite compiled into apache, put these lines into a .htaccess in this directory: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^[^/]*\.html$ index.php The url must end with '.html' and the format must comply with either of these: 1: '[title].[id].[type].html' - title is just for easy recognition in the logfile!; no practical use of the title for TYPO3. 2: '[id].[type].html' - above, but title is omitted; no practical use of the title for TYPO3. 3: '[id].html' - only id, type is set to the default, zero! NOTE: In all case 'id' may be the uid-number OR the page alias (if any)

void &tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&cHash=4ad9d7acb4

Definition at line 618 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), t3lib_div::split_fileref(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode().

tslib_fe::checkAndSetAlias  ) 

Fetches the integer page id for a page alias. Looks if ->id is not an integer and if so it will search for a page alias and if found the page uid of that page is stored in $this->id

void private

Definition at line 1372 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::testInt().

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::checkEnableFields row,
bypassGroupCheck = FALSE

Checks page record for enableFields Returns true if enableFields does not disable the page record. Takes notice of the ->showHiddenPage flag and uses SIM_EXEC_TIME for start/endtime evaluation

array The page record to evaluate (needs fields: hidden, starttime, endtime, fe_group)
boolean Bypass group-check
boolean True, if record is viewable.
See also:
tslib_cObj::getTreeList(), checkPagerecordForIncludeSection()

Definition at line 1081 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::checkIfLoginAllowedInBranch  ) 

Checks if logins are allowed in the current branch of the page tree. Traverses the full root line and returns TRUE if logins are OK, otherwise false (and then the login user must be unset!)

boolean returns TRUE if logins are OK, otherwise false (and then the login user must be unset!)

Definition at line 1125 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by determineId().

tslib_fe::checkPageGroupAccess row,
groupList = NULL

Check group access against a page record

array The page record to evaluate (needs field: fe_group)
mixed List of group id's (comma list or array). Default is $this->gr_list
boolean True, if group access is granted. private

Definition at line 1097 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::checkPagerecordForIncludeSection row  ) 

Checks page record for include section

array The page record to evaluate (needs fields: extendToSubpages + hidden, starttime, endtime, fe_group)
boolean Returns true if either extendToSubpages is not checked or if the enableFields does not disable the page record. private
See also:
checkEnableFields(), tslib_cObj::getTreeList(), checkRootlineForIncludeSection()

Definition at line 1116 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::checkRootlineForIncludeSection  ) 

Checks the current rootline for defined sections.

boolean private

Definition at line 1044 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by getPageAndRootline().

tslib_fe::clear_preview  ) 

Clears the preview-flags, sets sim_exec_time to current time. Hidden pages must be hidden as default, $GLOBALS['SIM_EXEC_TIME'] is set to $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] in t3lib/config_default.inc. Alter it by adding or subtracting seconds.


Definition at line 670 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by determineId().

tslib_fe::connectToDB  ) 

Connect to SQL database May exit after outputting an error message or some JavaScript redirecting to the install tool.


Definition at line 425 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::callUserFunction().

Referenced by connectToMySQL().

tslib_fe::connectToMySQL  ) 

Connect to MySQL database May exit after outputting an error message or some JavaScript redirecting to the install tool. Use connectToDB() instead!


Definition at line 415 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References connectToDB().

tslib_fe::determineId  ) 

Determines the id and evaluates any preview settings Basically this function is about determining whether a backend user is logged in, if he has read access to the page and if he's previewing the page. That all determines which id to show and how to initialize the id.


Definition at line 683 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References $simUserGroup, t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), checkIfLoginAllowedInBranch(), clear_preview(), fetch_the_id(), isUserOrGroupSet(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), setIDfromArgV(), and t3lib_div::testInt().

tslib_fe::fetch_the_id  ) 

Get The Page ID This gets the id of the page, checks if the page is in the domain and if the page is accessible Sets variables such as $this->sys_page, $this->loginUser, $this->gr_list, $this->id, $this->type, $this->domainStartPage, $this->idParts

void private

Definition at line 817 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References checkAndSetAlias(), findDomainRecord(), getPageAndRootlineWithDomain(), idPartsAnalyze(), initUserGroups(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), pageNotFoundAndExit(), and setSysPageWhereClause().

Referenced by determineId().

tslib_fe::findDomainRecord recursive = 0  ) 

Looking up a domain record based on HTTP_HOST

boolean If set, it looks "recursively" meaning that a domain like "123.456.typo3.com" would find a domain record like "typo3.com" if "123.456.typo3.com" or "456.typo3.com" did not exist.
integer Returns the page id of the page where the domain record was found. private

Definition at line 1237 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::getIndpEnv().

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::getCompressedTCarray  ) 

Get the compressed $TCA array for use in the front-end A compressed $TCA array holds only the ctrl- and feInterface-part for each table. But the column-definitions are omitted in order to save some memory and be more efficient. Operates on the global variable, $TCA

See also:

Definition at line 1874 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::loadTCA().

tslib_fe::getConfigArray  ) 

Checks if config-array exists already but if not, gets it


Definition at line 1713 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::compat_version(), t3lib_div::fixPermissions(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), t3lib_div::intInRange(), t3lib_div::isAbsPath(), t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath(), and t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl().

tslib_fe::getFromCache  ) 

See if page is in cache and get it if so Stores the page content in $this->content if something is found.


Definition at line 1588 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::getFromCache_queryRow  ) 

Returning the cached version of page with hash ->newHash

array Cached row, if any. Otherwise void.

Definition at line 1634 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::getHash  ) 

Calculates the cache-hash This hash is unique to the template, the variables ->id, ->type, ->gr_list (list of groups), ->MP (Mount Points) and cHash array Used to get and later store the cached data.

string MD5 hash of $this->hash_base which is a serialized version of there variables. private
See also:

Definition at line 1693 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::getPageAccessFailureReasons  ) 

Analysing $this->pageAccessFailureHistory into a summary array telling which features disabled display and on which pages and conditions. That data can be used inside a page-not-found handler

array Summary of why page access was not allowed.

Definition at line 1150 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::getPageAndRootline  ) 

Gets the page and rootline arrays based on the id, $this->id

If the id does not correspond to a proper page, the 'previous' valid page in the rootline is found If the page is a shortcut (doktype=4), the ->id is loaded with that id

Whether or not the ->id is changed to the shortcut id or the previous id in rootline (eg if a page is hidden), the ->page-array and ->rootline is found and must also be valid.

Sets or manipulates internal variables such as: $this->id, $this->page, $this->rootLine, $this->MP, $this->pageNotFound

void private

Definition at line 911 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References checkRootlineForIncludeSection(), getPageShortcut(), and pageNotFoundAndExit().

tslib_fe::getPageAndRootlineWithDomain domainStartPage  ) 

Gets ->page and ->rootline information based on ->id. ->id may change during this operation. If not inside domain, then default to first page in domain.

integer Page uid of the page where the found domain record is (pid of the domain record)
void private

Definition at line 1198 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::getPageShortcut SC,
itera = 20,
pageLog = array()

Get page shortcut; Finds the records pointed to by input value $SC (the shortcut value)

integer The value of the "shortcut" field from the pages record
integer The shortcut mode: 1 and 2 will select either first subpage or random subpage; the default is the page pointed to by $SC
integer The current page UID of the page which is a shortcut
integer Safety feature which makes sure that the function is calling itself recursively max 20 times (since this function can find shortcuts to other shortcuts to other shortcuts...)
array An array filled with previous page uids tested by the function - new page uids are evaluated against this to avoid going in circles.
mixed Returns the page record of the page that the shortcut pointed to. private
See also:

Definition at line 994 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::intExplode().

Referenced by getPageAndRootline().

tslib_fe::headerNoCache  ) 

Detecting if shift-reload has been clicked Will not be called if re-generation of page happens by other reasons (for instance that the page is not in cache yet!) Also, a backend user MUST be logged in for the shift-reload to be detected due to DoS-attack-security reasons.

boolean If shift-reload in client browser has been clicked, disable getting cached page (and regenerate it).

Definition at line 1664 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::callUserFunction().

tslib_fe::idPartsAnalyze str  ) 

Analyzes the second part of a id-string (after the "+"), looking for B6 or M5 encoding and if found it will resolve it and restore the variables in global $_GET If values for ->cHash, ->no_cache, ->jumpurl and ->MP is found, they are also loaded into the internal vars of this class.

string String to analyze
void private

Definition at line 1391 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::includeTCA TCAloaded = 1  ) 

Includes full TCA. Normally in the frontend only a part of the global $TCA array is loaded, for instance the "ctrl" part. Thus it doesn't take up too much memory. If you need the FULL TCA available for some reason (like plugins using it) you should call this function which will include the FULL TCA. Global vars $TCA, $PAGES_TYPES, $LANG_GENERAL_LABELS can/will be affected. The flag $this->TCAloaded will make sure that such an inclusion happens only once since; If $this->TCAloaded is set, nothing is included.

boolean Probably, keep hands of this value. Just don't set it. (This may affect the first-ever time this function is called since if you set it to zero/false any subsequent call will still trigger the inclusion; In other words, this value will be set in $this->TCAloaded after inclusion and therefore if its false, another inclusion will be possible on the next call. See ->getCompressedTCarray())
See also:

Definition at line 1928 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::initFEuser  ) 

Initializes the front-end login user.


Definition at line 508 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), and t3lib_div::makeInstance().

tslib_fe::initTemplate  ) 

Initialize the TypoScript template parser


Definition at line 1576 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::makeInstance().

tslib_fe::initUserGroups  ) 

Initializes the front-end user groups. Sets ->loginUser and ->gr_list based on front-end user status.


Definition at line 558 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::devLog().

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::isUserOrGroupSet  ) 

Checking if a user is logged in or a group constellation different from "0,-1"

boolean TRUE if either a login user is found (array fe_user->user) OR if the gr_list is set to something else than '0,-1' (could be done even without a user being logged in!)

Definition at line 593 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by determineId().

tslib_fe::makeCacheHash  ) 

Calculates a hash string based on additional parameters in the url. This is used to cache pages with more parameters than just id and type

See also:

Definition at line 1521 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::_GET(), t3lib_div::cHashParams(), t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl(), and t3lib_div::shortMD5().

tslib_fe::mergingWithGetVars GET_VARS  ) 

Merging values into the global $_GET

array Array of key/value pairs that will be merged into the current GET-vars. (Non-escaped values)

Definition at line 1416 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::_GET(), t3lib_div::_GETset(), and t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule().

tslib_fe::pageNotFoundAndExit reason = '',
header = ''

Page-not-found handler for use in frontend plugins from extensions.

string Reason text
string HTTP header to send
void Function exits.

Definition at line 1257 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by fetch_the_id(), and getPageAndRootline().

tslib_fe::pageNotFoundHandler code,
header = '',
reason = ''

Page not found handler. Exits.

mixed Which type of handling; If a true PHP-boolean and TRUE then a ->printError message is outputted. If integer an error message with that number is shown. Otherwise the $code value is expected to be a "Location:" header value.
string If set, this is passed directly to the PHP function, header()
string If set, error messages will also mention this as the reason for the page-not-found.
void (The function exits!)

Definition at line 1272 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::callUserFunction(), t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), t3lib_div::getURL(), t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(), and t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl().

tslib_fe::reqCHash  ) 

Will disable caching if the cHash value was not set. This function should be called to check the _existence_ of "&cHash" whenever a plugin generating cachable output is using extra GET variables. If there _is_ a cHash value the validation of it automatically takes place in makeCacheHash() (see above)

See also:
makeCacheHash(), tslib_pibase::pi_cHashCheck()

Definition at line 1545 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::sendRedirect  ) 

Looks up the value of $this->RDCT in the database and if it is found to be associated with a redirect URL then the redirection is carried out with a 'Location:' header May exit after sending a location-header.


Definition at line 470 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

tslib_fe::setIDfromArgV  ) 

This checks if there are ARGV-parameters in the QUERY_STRING and if so, those are used for the id $this->id must be 'false' in order for any processing to happen in here If an id/alias value is extracted from the QUERY_STRING it is set in $this->id

void private

Definition at line 1182 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::getIndpEnv().

Referenced by determineId().

tslib_fe::setSysPageWhereClause  ) 

Sets sys_page where-clause

void private

Definition at line 1225 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Referenced by fetch_the_id().

tslib_fe::settingLanguage  ) 

Setting the language key that'll be used by the current page. In this function it should be checked, 1) that this language exists, 2) that a page_overlay_record exists, .. and if not the default language, 0 (zero), should be set.

void private

Definition at line 1955 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

References t3lib_div::hideIfNotTranslated(), t3lib_div::intExplode(), t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode().

tslib_fe::settingLocale  ) 

Setting locale for frontend rendering

Determines to include custom or pagegen.php script returns script-filename if a TypoScript (config) script is defined and should be include instead of pagegen.php

string The relative filepath of "config.pageGenScript" if found and allowed
Does some processing AFTER the pagegen script is included. This includes calling tidy (if configured), XHTML cleaning (if configured), caching the page, indexing the page (if configured) and setting sysLastChanged

Processes the INTinclude-scripts

Loads the JavaScript code for INTincScript

void private
Determines if there are any INTincScripts to include

boolean Returns true if scripts are found (and not jumpurl)
Returns the mode of XHTML cleaning

string Keyword: "all", "cached" or "output"
Returns the mode of Local Anchor prefixing

string Keyword: "all", "cached" or "output"
Determines if content should be outputted. Outputting content is done only if jumpurl is NOT set.

boolean Returns true if $this->jumpurl is not set.
Processes the output before it's actually outputted. Sends headers also. This includes substituting the USERNAME comment, getMethodUrlIdToken, sending additional headers (as defined in the TypoScript "config.additionalheaders" object), tidy'ing content, XHTML cleaning content (if configured) Works on $this->content

Send cache headers good for client/reverse proxy caching This function should not be called if the page content is temporary (like for "Page is being generated..." message, but in that case it is ok because the config-variables are not yet available and so will not allow to send cache headers)

void -author Ole Tange, Forbrugernes Hus, Denmark
Reporting status whether we can send cache control headers for proxy caching or publishing to static files

Rules are: no_cache cannot be set: If it is, the page might contain dynamic content and should never be cached. There can be no USER_INT objects on the page ("isINTincScript()" / "isEXTincScript()") because they implicitly indicate dynamic content There can be no logged in user because user sessions are based on a cookie and thereby does not offer client caching a chance to know if the user is logged in. Actually, there will be a reverse problem here; If a page will somehow change when a user is logged in he may not see it correctly if the non-login version sent a cache-header! So do NOT use cache headers in page sections where user logins change the page content. (unless using such as realurl to apply a prefix in case of login sections)

Substitute various tokens in content. This should happen only if the content is not cached by proxies or client browsers.

Determines if any EXTincScripts should be included

boolean True, if external php scripts should be included (set by PHP_SCRIPT_EXT cObjects)
See also:
Stores session data for the front end user

Sets the parsetime of the page.

void private
Saves hit statistics

Outputs preview info.

End-Of-Frontend hook

Returns a link to the login screen with redirect to the front-end

string HTML, a tag for a link to the backend.
Sends HTTP headers for temporary content. These headers prevent search engines from caching temporary content and asks them to revisit this page again.

Make simulation filename (without the ".html" ending, only body of filename)

string The page title to use
mixed The page id (integer) or alias (string)
integer The type number
string Query-parameters to encode (will be done only if caching is enabled and TypoScript configured for it. I don't know it this makes much sense in fact...)
boolean The "no_cache" status of the link.
string The body of the filename.
See also:
getSimulFileName(), t3lib_tstemplate::linkData(), tslib_frameset::frameParams()
Processes a query-string with GET-parameters and returns two strings, one with the parameters that CAN be encoded and one array with those which can't be encoded (encoded by the M5 or B6 methods)

string Query string to analyse
array Two num keys returned, first is the parameters that MAY be encoded, second is the non-encodable parameters.
See also:
makeSimulFileName(), t3lib_tstemplate::linkData()
Returns the simulated static file name (*.html) for the current page (using the page record in $this->page)

string The filename (without path)
See also:
makeSimulFileName(), publish.php
Checks and sets replacement character for simulateStaticDocuments. Default is underscore.

Converts input string to an ASCII based file name prefix

string String to base output on
integer Number of characters in the string
string Character to put in the end of string to merge it with the next value.
string String
Encryption (or decryption) of a single character. Within the given range the character is shifted with the supplied offset.

int Ordinal of input character
int Start of range
int End of range
int Offset
string encoded/decoded version of character
Encryption of email addresses for -tags See the spam protection setup in TS 'config.'

string Input string to en/decode: "mailto:blabla@bla.com"
boolean If set, the process is reversed, effectively decoding, not encoding.
string encoded/decoded version of $string
En/decodes strings with lightweight encryption and a hash containing the server encryptionKey (salt) Can be used for authentication of information sent from server generated pages back to the server to establish that the server generated the page. (Like hidden fields with recipient mail addresses) Encryption is mainly to avoid spam-bots to pick up information.

string Input string to en/decode
boolean If set, string is decoded, not encoded.
string encoded/decoded version of $string
Encrypts a strings by XOR'ing all characters with the ASCII value of a character in $this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['encryptionKey'] If $this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['encryptionKey'] is empty, 255 is used for XOR'ing. Using XOR means that the string can be decrypted by simply calling the function again - just like rot-13 works (but in this case for ANY byte value).

string Input string
string Output string
Checks if a PHPfile may be included.

string Relative path to php file
boolean Returns true if $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['noPHPscriptInclude'] is not set OR if the file requested for inclusion is found in one of the allowed paths.
See also:
tslib_cObj::PHP_SCRIPT(), tslib_feTCE::includeScripts(), tslib_menu::includeMakeMenu()
Creates an instance of tslib_cObj in $this->cObj This instance is used to start the rendering of the TypoScript template structure

See also:
Substitute the path's to files in the fileadmin/ and media/ folder like icons used in static_template of TypoScript Works on $this->content

void private
See also:
pagegen.php, INTincScript()
Prefixing the input URL with ->baseUrl If ->baseUrl is set and the input url is not absolute in some way. Designed as a wrapper functions for use with all frontend links that are processed by JavaScript (for "realurl" compatibility!). So each time a URL goes into window.open, window.location.href or otherwise, wrap it with this function!

string Input URL, relative or absolute
string Processed input value.
Prints error msg/header. Echoes out the HTML content

string Message string
string Header string
See also:
Updates the tstamp field of a cache_md5params record to the current time.

string The hash string identifying the cache_md5params record for which to update the "tstamp" field to the current time.
void private
Pass the content through tidy - a little program that cleans up HTML-code Requires $this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['tidy'] to be true and $this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['tidy_path'] to contain the filename/path of tidy including clean-up arguments for tidy. See default value in TYPO3_CONF_VARS in t3lib/config_default.php

string The page content to clean up. Will be written to a temporary file which "tidy" is then asked to clean up. File content is read back and returned.
string Returns the
Substitutes all occurencies of <a href="#"... in $this->content with <a href="[path-to-url]#"...

void Works directly on $this->content
Initialize workspace preview

Returns true if workspace preview is enabled

boolean Returns true if workspace preview is enabled
Returns the name of the workspace

boolean If set, returns title of current workspace being previewed
mixed If $returnTitle is set, returns string (title), otherwise workspace integer for which workspace is being preview. False if none.
Traverses the ->rootLine and returns an array with the first occurrance of storage pid and siteroot pid

array Array with keys '_STORAGE_PID' and '_SITEROOT' set to the first occurances found.
Returns the pages TSconfig array based on the currect ->rootLine

Sets JavaScript code in the additionalJavaScript array

string $key is the key in the array, for num-key let the value be empty. Note reserved keys 'openPic' and 'mouseOver'
string $content is the content if you want any
See also:
tslib_gmenu::writeMenu(), tslib_cObj::imageLinkWrap()
Sets CSS data in the additionalCSS array

string $key is the key in the array, for num-key let the value be empty
string $content is the content if you want any
See also:
setJS(), tslib_pibase::pi_setClassStyle()
Seeds the random number engine.

Returns a unique md5 hash. There is no special magic in this, the only point is that you don't have to call md5(uniqid()) which is slow and by this you are sure to get a unique string each time in a little faster way.

string Some string to include in what is hashed. Not significant at all.
string MD5 hash of ->uniqueString, input string and uniqueCounter
Sets the cache-flag to 1. Could be called from user-included php-files in order to ensure that a page is not cached.

Sets the cache-timeout in seconds

integer cache-timeout in seconds
Substitute function for the PHP mail() function. It will encode the email with the setting of TS 'config.notification_email_encoding' (base64 or none) It will also find all links to http:// in the text and substitute with a shorter link using the redirect feature which stores the long link in the database. Depends on configuration in TS 'config.notification_email_urlmode'

string recipient email address (or list of)
string The subject
string The message
string The headers (string with lines)
See also:
Split Label function for front-end applications.

string Key string. Accepts the "LLL:" prefix.
string Label value, if any.
Read locallang files - for frontend applications

string Reference to a relative filename to include.
array Returns the $LOCAL_LANG array found in the file. If no array found, returns empty array.
Returns 'locallang' label - may need initializing by initLLvars

string Local_lang key for which to return label (language is determined by $this->lang)
array The locallang array in which to search
string Label value of $index key.
Initializing the getLL variables needed. Sets $this->langSplitIndex based on $this->config['config']['language']

Converts the charset of the input string if applicable. The "from" charset is determined by the TYPO3 system charset for the current language key ($this->lang) The "to" charset is determined by the currently used charset for the page which is "iso-8859-1" by default or set by $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['metaCharset'] Only if there is a difference between the two charsets will a conversion be made The conversion is done real-time - no caching for performance at this point!

string String to convert charset for
string Optional "from" charset.
string Output string, converted if needed.
See also:
Converts input string from renderCharset to metaCharset IF the two charsets are different.

string Content to be converted.
string Label (just for fun, no function)
string Converted content string.
Converts the $_POST array from metaCharset (page HTML charset from input form) to renderCharset (internal processing) IF the two charsets are different.


Definition at line 2048 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

Member Data Documentation


Initial value:

 array(         // you can add JavaScript functions to each entry in these arrays. Please see how this is done in the GMENU_LAYERS script. The point is that many applications on a page can set handlers for onload, onmouseover and onmouseup
                'onmousemove' => array(),
                'onmouseup' => array(),
                'onload' => array(),

Definition at line 285 of file class.tslib_fe.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: