Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

user_various Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 reverseString ($content, $conf)
 listContentRecordsOnPage ($content, $conf)
 selectThem ($query)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Example of calling a method in a PHP class from TypoScript

Definition at line 100 of file example_callfunction.php.

Member Function Documentation

user_various::listContentRecordsOnPage content,

Testing USER cObject:

Example can be found in the testsite package at the page-path "/Intro/TypoScript examples/Custom Dynamic Co.../Calling a method.../" This TypoScript configuration will also demonstrate it:

includeLibs.something = media/scripts/example_callfunction.php page = PAGE page.30 = USER page.30 { userFunc = user_various->listContentRecordsOnPage reverseOrder = 1 }

string Empty string (no content to process)
array TypoScript configuration
string HTML output, showing content elements (in reverse order if configured.)

Definition at line 140 of file example_callfunction.php.

user_various::reverseString content,

Doing the same as user_reverseString() but with a class. Also demonstrates how this gives us the ability to use methods in the parent object.

string String to process (from stdWrap)
array TypoScript properties passed on to this method.
string The input string reversed. If the TypoScript property "uppercase" was set it will also be in uppercase. May also be linked.
See also:

Definition at line 111 of file example_callfunction.php.

user_various::selectThem query  ) 

Selecting the records by input $query and returning the header field values

string SQL query selecting the content elements.
string The header field values of the content elements imploded by a
tag private

Definition at line 159 of file example_callfunction.php.

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