Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
Public Member Functions | |
fetchRecord ($table, $idList, $operation) | |
renderRecord ($table, $id, $pid, $row) | |
renderRecordRaw ($table, $id, $pid, $row, $TSconfig='', $tscPID=0) | |
renderRecord_SW ($data, $fieldConfig, $TSconfig, $table, $row, $field) | |
renderRecord_groupProc ($data, $fieldConfig, $TSconfig, $table, $row, $field) | |
renderRecord_selectProc ($data, $fieldConfig, $TSconfig, $table, $row, $field) | |
renderRecord_flexProc ($data, $fieldConfig, $TSconfig, $table, $row, $field) | |
renderRecord_typesProc ($totalRecordContent, $types_fieldConfig, $tscPID, $table, $pid) | |
renderRecord_flexProc_procInData ($dataPart, $dataStructArray, $pParams) | |
renderRecord_flexProc_procInData_travDS (&$dataValues, $DSelements, $pParams) | |
selectAddSpecial ($dataAcc, $elements, $specialKey) | |
selectAddForeign ($dataAcc, $elements, $fieldConfig, $field, $TSconfig, $row) | |
getDataIdList ($elements, $fieldConfig, $row) | |
procesItemArray ($selItems, $config, $fieldTSConfig, $table, $row, $field) | |
addItems ($items, $iArray) | |
procItems ($items, $itemsProcFuncTSconfig, $config, $table, $row, $field) | |
lockRecord ($table, $id, $pid=0) | |
regItem ($table, $id, $field, $content) | |
sL ($in) | |
Public Attributes | |
$lockRecords = 0 | |
$disableRTE = 0 | |
$prevPageID = '' | |
$defVals = array() | |
$addRawData = FALSE | |
$regTableItems = Array() | |
$regTableItems_data = Array() | |
$loadModules = '' |
Definition at line 98 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php.
Adding items from $iArray to $items array
Definition at line 878 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. Referenced by procesItemArray(). |
A function which can be used for load a batch of records from $table into internal memory of this object. The function is also used to produce proper default data for new records Ultimately the function will call renderRecord()
Definition at line 137 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause(), t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid(), t3lib_div::loadTCA(), lockRecord(), renderRecord(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode(). |
Returning the id-list processed by loadDBgroup for the foreign tables.
Definition at line 840 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_div::makeInstance(). Referenced by renderRecord_selectProc(), and selectAddForeign(). |
Sets the lock for a record from table/id, IF $this->lockRecords is set!
Definition at line 935 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::lockRecords(). Referenced by fetchRecord(). |
Processing of selector box items. This includes the automated adding of elements plus user-function processing.
Definition at line 863 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References addItems(), and procItems(). Referenced by renderRecord_selectProc(). |
User processing of a selector box array of values.
Definition at line 900 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_div::callUserFunction(). Referenced by procesItemArray(). |
Dummy function, can be used to "register" records. Used by eg. the "show_item" script.
Reimplemented in transferData. Definition at line 952 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. Referenced by renderRecordRaw(). |
This function performs processing on the input $row array and stores internally a corresponding array which contains processed values, ready to pass on to the TCEforms rendering in the frontend! The objective with this function is to prepare the content for handling in TCEforms. Default values from outside/TSconfig is added by fetchRecord(). In this function default values from TCA is used if a field is NOT defined in $row. The resulting, processed row is stored in $this->regTableItems_data[$uniqueItemRef], where $uniqueItemRef is "[tablename]_[id-value]"
Definition at line 224 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::getTCEFORM_TSconfig(), t3lib_BEfunc::getTSCpid(), t3lib_div::loadTCA(), and renderRecordRaw(). Referenced by fetchRecord(). |
Processing of the data value in case the field type is "flex" MUST NOT be called in case of already INSIDE a flexform!
Definition at line 470 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::getFlexFormDS(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), renderRecord_flexProc_procInData(), and t3lib_div::xml2array(). Referenced by renderRecord_SW(). |
Function traversing sheets/languages for flex form data structures
Definition at line 557 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References renderRecord_flexProc_procInData_travDS(), and t3lib_div::resolveSheetDefInDS(). Referenced by renderRecord_flexProc(). |
Traverse data array / structure
Definition at line 586 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References renderRecord_SW(). Referenced by renderRecord_flexProc_procInData(). |
Processing of the data value in case the field type is "group"
Definition at line 356 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_div::makeInstance(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode(). Referenced by renderRecord_SW(). |
Processing of the data value in case the field type is "select"
Definition at line 407 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References getDataIdList(), procesItemArray(), selectAddForeign(), selectAddSpecial(), sL(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode(). Referenced by renderRecord_SW(). |
Function with the switch() construct which triggers functions for processing of the data value depending on the TCA-config field type.
Definition at line 326 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References renderRecord_flexProc(), renderRecord_groupProc(), and renderRecord_selectProc(). Referenced by renderRecord_flexProc_procInData_travDS(), and renderRecordRaw(). |
Processing of the content in $totalRecordcontent based on settings in the types-configuration
Definition at line 501 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_parsehtml_proc::evalWriteFile(), and t3lib_div::makeInstance(). Referenced by renderRecordRaw(). |
This function performs processing on the input $row array and stores internally a corresponding array which contains processed values, ready to pass on to the TCEforms rendering in the frontend! The objective with this function is to prepare the content for handling in TCEforms. In opposite to renderRecord() this function do not prepare things like fetching TSconfig and others. The resulting, processed row will be returned.
Definition at line 268 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::getTCAtypes(), t3lib_div::loadTCA(), regItem(), renderRecord_SW(), and renderRecord_typesProc(). Referenced by renderRecord(). |
Adds the foreign record elements to $dataAcc, if any
Definition at line 787 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::exec_foreign_table_where_query(), t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(), getDataIdList(), t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle(), and sL(). Referenced by renderRecord_selectProc(). |
Adding "special" types to the $dataAcc array of selector items
Definition at line 663 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. References t3lib_BEfunc::getExcludeFields(), t3lib_BEfunc::getExplicitAuthFieldValues(), t3lib_BEfunc::getSystemLanguages(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), and sL(). Referenced by renderRecord_selectProc(). |
Local wrapper function for LANG->sL (returning language labels)
Definition at line 962 of file class.t3lib_transferdata.php. Referenced by renderRecord_selectProc(), selectAddForeign(), and selectAddSpecial(). |