Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

t3lib_matchCondition Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 t3lib_matchCondition ()
 match ($condition_line)
 evalConditionStr ($string)
 testNumber ($test, $value)
 matchWild ($haystack, $needle)
 whichDevice ($useragent)
 browserInfo ($useragent)
 browserInfo_version ($tmp)
 getGlobal ($var, $source=NULL)
 getGP_ENV_TSFE ($var)

Public Attributes

 $matchAlternative = array()
 $matchAll = 0
 $altRootLine = array()
 $hookObjectsArr = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 80 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

t3lib_matchCondition::t3lib_matchCondition  ) 

Constructor for this class


Definition at line 110 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References __construct().

Member Function Documentation

t3lib_matchCondition::__construct  ) 

Constructor for this class


Definition at line 92 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References t3lib_div::getUserObj().

Referenced by t3lib_matchCondition().

t3lib_matchCondition::browserInfo useragent  ) 

Generates an array with abstracted browser information This method is used in the function match() in this class

string The useragent string, t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
array Contains keys "browser", "version", "system" private
See also:

Definition at line 503 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References browserInfo_version().

Referenced by evalConditionStr().

t3lib_matchCondition::browserInfo_version tmp  ) 

Returns the version of a browser; Basically getting doubleval() of the input string, stripping of any non-numeric values in the beginning of the string first.

string A string with version number, eg. "/7.32 blablabla"
double Returns double value, eg. "7.32"

Definition at line 616 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

Referenced by browserInfo().

t3lib_matchCondition::evalConditionStr string  ) 

Evaluates a TypoScript condition given as input, eg. "[browser=net][...(other conditions)...]"

string The condition to match against its criterias.
boolean Returns true or false based on the evaluation.
See also:
t3lib_tsparser::parse() &tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=292&cHash=c6c7d43d2f

Definition at line 165 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References browserInfo(), t3lib_div::cmpFQDN(), t3lib_div::cmpIP(), t3lib_div::compat_version(), getGP_ENV_TSFE(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), t3lib_div::inList(), t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(), matchWild(), t3lib_div::testInt(), testNumber(), t3lib_div::trimExplode(), and whichDevice().

Referenced by match().

t3lib_matchCondition::getGlobal var,
source = NULL

Return global variable where the input string $var defines array keys separated by "|" Example: $var = "HTTP_SERVER_VARS | something" will return the value $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['something'] value

string Global var key, eg. "HTTP_GET_VAR" or "HTTP_GET_VARS|id" to get the GET parameter "id" back.
array Alternative array than $GLOBAL to get variables from.
mixed Whatever value. If none, then blank string. private

Definition at line 629 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

t3lib_matchCondition::getGP_ENV_TSFE var  ) 

Returns GP / ENV / TSFE vars

string Identifier
mixed The value of the variable pointed to. private &tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=311&cHash=487cbd5cdf

Definition at line 663 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), and t3lib_div::getIndpEnv().

Referenced by evalConditionStr().

t3lib_matchCondition::match condition_line  ) 

Matching TS condition

string Line to match
boolean True if matched

Definition at line 120 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References evalConditionStr().

t3lib_matchCondition::matchWild haystack,

Matching two strings against each other, supporting a "*" wildcard or (if wrapped in "/") PCRE regular expressions

string The string in which to find $needle.
string The string to find in $haystack
boolean Returns true if $needle matches or is found in (according to wildcards) in $haystack. Eg. if $haystack is "Netscape 6.5" and $needle is "Net*" or "Net*ape" then it returns true.

Definition at line 410 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

Referenced by evalConditionStr().

t3lib_matchCondition::testNumber test,

Will evaluate a $value based on an operator: "<", ">" or "=" (default)

string The value to compare with on the form [operator][number]. Eg. "< 123"
integer The number
boolean If $value is "50" and $test is "< 123" then it will return true.

Definition at line 386 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

Referenced by evalConditionStr().

t3lib_matchCondition::whichDevice useragent  ) 

Returns a code for a browsing device based on the input useragent string

string User agent string from browser, t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
string A code. See link. private &tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=296&cHash=a8ae66c7d6

Definition at line 434 of file class.t3lib_matchcondition.php.

References t3lib_div::getUserObj().

Referenced by evalConditionStr().

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