Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
00001 <?php 00002 /*************************************************************** 00003 * Copyright notice 00004 * 00005 * (c) 1999-2005 Kasper Skaarhoj ( 00006 * All rights reserved 00007 * 00008 * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 00009 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00010 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00011 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00012 * (at your option) any later version. 00013 * 00014 * The GNU General Public License can be found at 00015 * 00016 * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 00017 * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. 00018 * 00019 * 00020 * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00022 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00023 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00024 * 00025 * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! 00026 ***************************************************************/ 00132 class tslib_pibase { 00133 00134 // Reserved variables: 00135 var $cObj; // The backReference to the mother cObj object set at call time 00136 var $prefixId; // Should be same as classname of the plugin, used for CSS classes, variables 00137 var $scriptRelPath; // Path to the plugin class script relative to extension directory, eg. 'pi1/class.tx_newfaq_pi1.php' 00138 var $extKey; // Extension key. 00139 var $piVars = Array ( // This is the incoming array by name $this->prefixId merged between POST and GET, POST taking precedence. Eg. if the class name is 'tx_myext' then the content of this array will be whatever comes into &tx_myext[...]=... 00140 'pointer' => '', // Used as a pointer for lists 00141 'mode' => '', // List mode 00142 'sword' => '', // Search word 00143 'sort' => '', // [Sorting column]:[ASC=0/DESC=1] 00144 ); 00145 var $internal = Array( // Used internally for general storage of values between methods 00146 'res_count' => 0, // Total query count 00147 'results_at_a_time' => 20, // pi_list_browseresults(): Show number of results at a time 00148 'maxPages' => 10, // pi_list_browseresults(): Max number of 'Page 1 - Page 2 - ...' in the list browser 00149 'currentRow' => Array(), // Current result row 00150 'currentTable' => '', // Current table 00151 ); 00152 00153 var $LOCAL_LANG = Array(); // Local Language content 00154 var $LOCAL_LANG_charset = Array(); // Local Language content charset for individual labels (overriding) 00155 var $LOCAL_LANG_loaded = 0; // Flag that tells if the locallang file has been fetch (or tried to be fetched) already. 00156 var $LLkey='default'; // Pointer to the language to use. 00157 var $altLLkey=''; // Pointer to alternative fall-back language to use. 00158 var $LLtestPrefix=''; // You can set this during development to some value that makes it easy for you to spot all labels that ARe delivered by the getLL function. 00159 var $LLtestPrefixAlt=''; // Save as LLtestPrefix, but additional prefix for the alternative value in getLL() function calls 00160 00161 var $pi_isOnlyFields = 'mode,pointer'; 00162 var $pi_alwaysPrev = 0; 00163 var $pi_lowerThan = 5; 00164 var $pi_moreParams=''; 00165 var $pi_listFields='*'; 00166 00167 var $pi_autoCacheFields=array(); 00168 var $pi_autoCacheEn=0; 00169 00170 var $pi_USER_INT_obj = FALSE; // If set, then links are 1) not using cHash and 2) not allowing pages to be cached. (Set this for all USER_INT plugins!) 00171 var $pi_checkCHash = FALSE; // If set, then caching is disabled if piVars are incoming while no cHash was set (Set this for all USER plugins!) 00172 00179 var $conf = Array(); 00180 00181 // internal, don't mess with... 00182 var $pi_EPtemp_cObj; 00183 var $pi_tmpPageId=0; 00184 00185 00186 00187 00188 00189 00190 00191 00192 00193 00194 00195 00196 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 /*************************** 00202 * 00203 * Init functions 00204 * 00205 **************************/ 00206 00214 function tslib_pibase() { 00215 00216 // Setting piVars: 00217 if ($this->prefixId) { 00218 $this->piVars = t3lib_div::GParrayMerged($this->prefixId); 00219 00220 // cHash mode check 00221 // IMPORTANT FOR CACHED PLUGINS (USER cObject): As soon as you generate cached plugin output which depends on parameters (eg. seeing the details of a news item) you MUST check if a cHash value is set. 00222 // Background: The function call will check if a cHash parameter was sent with the URL because only if it was the page may be cached. If no cHash was found the function will simply disable caching to avoid unpredictable caching behaviour. In any case your plugin can generate the expected output and the only risk is that the content may not be cached. A missing cHash value is considered a mistake in the URL resulting from either URL manipulation, "realurl" "grayzones" etc. The problem is rare (more frequent with "realurl") but when it occurs it is very puzzling! 00223 if ($this->pi_checkCHash && count($this->piVars)) { 00224 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->reqCHash(); 00225 } 00226 } 00227 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']) { 00228 $this->LLkey = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']; 00229 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language_alt']) { 00230 $this->altLLkey = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language_alt']; 00231 } 00232 } 00233 } 00234 00240 function pi_setPiVarDefaults() { 00241 if (is_array($this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS.'])) { 00242 $this->piVars = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS.'],is_array($this->piVars)?$this->piVars:array()); 00243 } 00244 } 00245 00246 00247 00248 00249 00250 00251 00252 00253 00254 00255 00256 00257 00258 /*************************** 00259 * 00260 * Link functions 00261 * 00262 **************************/ 00263 00277 function pi_getPageLink($id,$target='',$urlParameters=array()) { 00278 return $this->cObj->getTypoLink_URL($id,$urlParameters,$target); // ?$target:$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sPre 00279 } 00280 00293 function pi_linkToPage($str,$id,$target='',$urlParameters=array()) { 00294 return $this->cObj->getTypoLink($str,$id,$urlParameters,$target); // ?$target:$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sPre 00295 } 00296 00308 function pi_linkTP($str,$urlParameters=array(),$cache=0,$altPageId=0) { 00309 $conf=array(); 00310 $conf['useCacheHash'] = $this->pi_USER_INT_obj ? 0 : $cache; 00311 $conf['no_cache'] = $this->pi_USER_INT_obj ? 0 : !$cache; 00312 $conf['parameter'] = $altPageId ? $altPageId : ($this->pi_tmpPageId ? $this->pi_tmpPageId : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id); 00313 $conf['additionalParams'] = $this->conf['parent.']['addParams'].t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$urlParameters,'',1).$this->pi_moreParams; 00314 00315 return $this->cObj->typoLink($str, $conf); 00316 } 00317 00331 function pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($str,$overrulePIvars=array(),$cache=0,$clearAnyway=0,$altPageId=0) { 00332 if (is_array($this->piVars) && is_array($overrulePIvars) && !$clearAnyway) { 00333 $piVars = $this->piVars; 00334 unset($piVars['DATA']); 00335 $overrulePIvars = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($piVars,$overrulePIvars); 00336 if ($this->pi_autoCacheEn) { 00337 $cache = $this->pi_autoCache($overrulePIvars); 00338 } 00339 } 00340 $res = $this->pi_linkTP($str,Array($this->prefixId=>$overrulePIvars),$cache,$altPageId); 00341 return $res; 00342 } 00343 00355 function pi_linkTP_keepPIvars_url($overrulePIvars=array(),$cache=0,$clearAnyway=0,$altPageId=0) { 00356 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars('|',$overrulePIvars,$cache,$clearAnyway,$altPageId); 00357 return $this->cObj->lastTypoLinkUrl; 00358 } 00359 00373 function pi_list_linkSingle($str,$uid,$cache=FALSE,$mergeArr=array(),$urlOnly=FALSE,$altPageId=0) { 00374 if ($this->prefixId) { 00375 if ($cache) { 00376 $overrulePIvars=$uid?array('showUid'=>$uid):Array(); 00377 $overrulePIvars=array_merge($overrulePIvars,(array)$mergeArr); 00378 $str = $this->pi_linkTP($str,Array($this->prefixId=>$overrulePIvars),$cache,$altPageId); 00379 } else { 00380 $overrulePIvars=array('showUid'=>$uid?$uid:''); 00381 $overrulePIvars=array_merge($overrulePIvars,(array)$mergeArr); 00382 $str = $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($str,$overrulePIvars,$cache,0,$altPageId); 00383 } 00384 00385 // If urlOnly flag, return only URL as it has recently be generated. 00386 if ($urlOnly) { 00387 $str = $this->cObj->lastTypoLinkUrl; 00388 } 00389 } 00390 return $str; 00391 } 00392 00401 function pi_openAtagHrefInJSwindow($str,$winName='',$winParams='width=670,height=500,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1') { 00402 if (eregi('(.*)(<a[^>]*>)(.*)',$str,$match)) { 00403 $aTagContent = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes($match[2]); 00404 $match[2]='<a href="#" onclick="'. 00405 htmlspecialchars('\''.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->baseUrlWrap($aTagContent['href']).'\',\''.($winName?$winName:md5($aTagContent['href'])).'\',\''.$winParams.'\');vHWin.focus();return false;'). 00406 '">'; 00407 $str=$match[1].$match[2].$match[3]; 00408 } 00409 return $str; 00410 } 00411 00412 00413 00414 00415 00416 00417 00418 00419 00420 00421 00422 00423 00424 00425 /*************************** 00426 * 00427 * Functions for listing, browsing, searching etc. 00428 * 00429 **************************/ 00430 00456 function pi_list_browseresults($showResultCount=1,$tableParams='',$wrapArr=array(), $pointerName = 'pointer', $hscText = TRUE) { 00457 00458 // example $wrapArr-array how it could be traversed from an extension 00459 /* $wrapArr = array( 00460 'browseBoxWrap' => '<div class="browseBoxWrap">|</div>', 00461 'showResultsWrap' => '<div class="showResultsWrap">|</div>', 00462 'browseLinksWrap' => '<div class="browseLinksWrap">|</div>', 00463 'showResultsNumbersWrap' => '<span class="showResultsNumbersWrap">|</span>', 00464 'disabledLinkWrap' => '<span class="disabledLinkWrap">|</span>', 00465 'inactiveLinkWrap' => '<span class="inactiveLinkWrap">|</span>', 00466 'activeLinkWrap' => '<span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>' 00467 ); */ 00468 00469 // Initializing variables: 00470 $pointer = intval($this->piVars[$pointerName]); 00471 $count = intval($this->internal['res_count']); 00472 $results_at_a_time = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['results_at_a_time'],1,1000); 00473 $totalPages = ceil($count/$results_at_a_time); 00474 $maxPages = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['maxPages'],1,100); 00475 $pi_isOnlyFields = $this->pi_isOnlyFields($this->pi_isOnlyFields); 00476 00477 // $showResultCount determines how the results of the pagerowser will be shown. 00478 // If set to 0: only the result-browser will be shown 00479 // 1: (default) the text "Displaying results..." and the result-browser will be shown. 00480 // 2: only the text "Displaying results..." will be shown 00481 $showResultCount = intval($showResultCount); 00482 00483 // if this is set, two links named "<< First" and "LAST >>" will be shown and point to the very first or last page. 00484 $showFirstLast = $this->internal['showFirstLast']; 00485 00486 // if this has a value the "previous" button is always visible (will be forced if "showFirstLast" is set) 00487 $alwaysPrev = $showFirstLast?1:$this->pi_alwaysPrev; 00488 00489 if (isset($this->internal['pagefloat'])) { 00490 if (strtoupper($this->internal['pagefloat']) == 'CENTER') { 00491 $pagefloat = ceil(($maxPages - 1)/2); 00492 } else { 00493 // pagefloat set as integer. 0 = left, value >= $this->internal['maxPages'] = right 00494 $pagefloat = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['pagefloat'],-1,$maxPages-1); 00495 } 00496 } else { 00497 $pagefloat = -1; // pagefloat disabled 00498 } 00499 00500 // default values for "traditional" wrapping with a table. Can be overwritten by vars from $wrapArr 00501 $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap'] = '<td nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>'; 00502 $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap'] = '<td nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>'; 00503 $wrapper['activeLinkWrap'] = '<td'.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox-SCell').' nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>'; 00504 $wrapper['browseLinksWrap'] = trim('<table '.$tableParams).'><tr>|</tr></table>'; 00505 $wrapper['showResultsWrap'] = '<p>|</p>'; 00506 $wrapper['browseBoxWrap'] = ' 00507 <!-- 00508 List browsing box: 00509 --> 00510 <div '.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox').'> 00511 | 00512 </div>'; 00513 00514 // now overwrite all entries in $wrapper which are also in $wrapArr 00515 $wrapper = array_merge($wrapper,$wrapArr); 00516 00517 if ($showResultCount != 2) { //show pagebrowser 00518 if ($pagefloat > -1) { 00519 $lastPage = min($totalPages,max($pointer+1 + $pagefloat,$maxPages)); 00520 $firstPage = max(0,$lastPage-$maxPages); 00521 } else { 00522 $firstPage = 0; 00523 $lastPage = t3lib_div::intInRange($totalPages,1,$maxPages); 00524 } 00525 $links=array(); 00526 00527 // Make browse-table/links: 00528 if ($showFirstLast) { // Link to first page 00529 if ($pointer>0) { 00530 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_first','<< First',$hscText),array($pointerName => null),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']); 00531 } else { 00532 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_first','<< First',$hscText),$wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']); 00533 } 00534 } 00535 if ($alwaysPrev>=0) { // Link to previous page 00536 if ($pointer>0) { 00537 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev','< Previous',$hscText),array($pointerName => ($pointer-1?$pointer-1:'')),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']); 00538 } elseif ($alwaysPrev) { 00539 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev','< Previous',$hscText),$wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']); 00540 } 00541 } 00542 for($a=$firstPage;$a<$lastPage;$a++) { // Links to pages 00543 if ($this->internal['showRange']) { 00544 $pageText = (($a*$results_at_a_time)+1).'-'.min($count,(($a+1)*$results_at_a_time)); 00545 } else { 00546 $pageText = trim($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_page','Page',$hscText).' '.($a+1)); 00547 } 00548 if ($pointer == $a) { // current page 00549 if ($this->internal['dontLinkActivePage']) { 00550 $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($pageText,$wrapper['activeLinkWrap']); 00551 } else { 00552 $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($pageText,array($pointerName => ($a?$a:'')),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['activeLinkWrap']); 00553 } 00554 } else { 00555 $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($pageText,array($pointerName => ($a?$a:'')),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']); 00556 } 00557 } 00558 if ($pointer<$totalPages-1 || $showFirstLast) { 00559 if ($pointer==$totalPages-1) { // Link to next page 00560 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_next','Next >',$hscText),$wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']); 00561 } else { 00562 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_next','Next >',$hscText),array($pointerName => $pointer+1),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']); 00563 } 00564 } 00565 if ($showFirstLast) { // Link to last page 00566 if ($pointer<$totalPages-1) { 00567 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_last','Last >>',$hscText),array($pointerName => $totalPages-1),$pi_isOnlyFields),$wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']); 00568 } else { 00569 $links[]=$this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_last','Last >>',$hscText),$wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']); 00570 } 00571 } 00572 $theLinks = $this->cObj->wrap(implode(chr(10),$links),$wrapper['browseLinksWrap']); 00573 } else { 00574 $theLinks = ''; 00575 } 00576 00577 $pR1 = $pointer*$results_at_a_time+1; 00578 $pR2 = $pointer*$results_at_a_time+$results_at_a_time; 00579 00580 if ($showResultCount) { 00581 if ($wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']) { 00582 // this will render the resultcount in a more flexible way using markers (new in TYPO3 3.8.0). 00583 // the formatting string is expected to hold template markers (see function header). Example: 'Displaying results ###FROM### to ###TO### out of ###OUT_OF###' 00584 00585 $markerArray['###FROM###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->internal['res_count'] > 0 ? $pR1 : 0,$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00586 $markerArray['###TO###'] = $this->cObj->wrap(min($this->internal['res_count'],$pR2),$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00587 $markerArray['###OUT_OF###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->internal['res_count'],$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00588 $markerArray['###FROM_TO###'] = $this->cObj->wrap(($this->internal['res_count'] > 0 ? $pR1 : 0).' '.$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_to','to').' '.min($this->internal['res_count'],$pR2),$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00589 $markerArray['###CURRENT_PAGE###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($pointer+1,$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00590 $markerArray['###TOTAL_PAGES###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($totalPages,$wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']); 00591 // substitute markers 00592 $resultCountMsg = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_displays','Displaying results ###FROM### to ###TO### out of ###OUT_OF###'),$markerArray); 00593 } else { 00594 // render the resultcount in the "traditional" way using sprintf 00595 $resultCountMsg = sprintf( 00596 str_replace('###SPAN_BEGIN###','<span'.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox-strong').'>',$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_displays','Displaying results ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s to %s</span> out of ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s</span>')), 00597 $count > 0 ? $pR1 : 0, 00598 min($count,$pR2), 00599 $count); 00600 } 00601 $resultCountMsg = $this->cObj->wrap($resultCountMsg,$wrapper['showResultsWrap']); 00602 } else { 00603 $resultCountMsg = ''; 00604 } 00605 00606 $sTables = $this->cObj->wrap($resultCountMsg.$theLinks,$wrapper['browseBoxWrap']); 00607 00608 return $sTables; 00609 } 00610 00618 function pi_list_searchBox($tableParams='') { 00619 // Search box design: 00620 $sTables = ' 00621 00622 <!-- 00623 List search box: 00624 --> 00625 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox').'> 00626 <form action="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')).'" method="post" style="margin: 0 0 0 0;"> 00627 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00628 <tr> 00629 <td><input type="text" name="'.$this->prefixId.'[sword]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->piVars['sword']).'"'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox-sword').' /></td> 00630 <td><input type="submit" value="'.$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_searchBox_search','Search',TRUE).'"'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox-button').' />'. 00631 '<input type="hidden" name="no_cache" value="1" />'. 00632 '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->prefixId.'[pointer]" value="" />'. 00633 '</td> 00634 </tr> 00635 </table> 00636 </form> 00637 </div>'; 00638 00639 return $sTables; 00640 } 00641 00649 function pi_list_modeSelector($items=array(),$tableParams='') { 00650 $cells=array(); 00651 reset($items); 00652 while(list($k,$v)=each($items)) { 00653 $cells[]=' 00654 <td'.($this->piVars['mode']==$k?$this->pi_classParam('modeSelector-SCell'):'').'><p>'. 00655 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars(htmlspecialchars($v),array('mode'=>$k),$this->pi_isOnlyFields($this->pi_isOnlyFields)). 00656 '</p></td>'; 00657 } 00658 00659 $sTables = ' 00660 00661 <!-- 00662 Mode selector (menu for list): 00663 --> 00664 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('modeSelector').'> 00665 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00666 <tr> 00667 '.implode('',$cells).' 00668 </tr> 00669 </table> 00670 </div>'; 00671 00672 return $sTables; 00673 } 00674 00687 function pi_list_makelist($res,$tableParams='') { 00688 // Make list table header: 00689 $tRows=array(); 00690 $this->internal['currentRow']=''; 00691 $tRows[] = $this->pi_list_header(); 00692 00693 // Make list table rows 00694 $c=0; 00695 while($this->internal['currentRow'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00696 $tRows[] = $this->pi_list_row($c); 00697 $c++; 00698 } 00699 00700 $out = ' 00701 00702 <!-- 00703 Record list: 00704 --> 00705 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('listrow').'> 00706 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00707 '.implode('',$tRows).' 00708 </table> 00709 </div>'; 00710 00711 return $out; 00712 } 00713 00722 function pi_list_row($c) { 00723 // Dummy 00724 return '<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam('listrow-odd') : '').'><td><p>[dummy row]</p></td></tr>'; 00725 } 00726 00734 function pi_list_header() { 00735 return '<tr'.$this->pi_classParam('listrow-header').'><td><p>[dummy header row]</p></td></tr>'; 00736 } 00737 00738 00739 00740 00741 00742 00743 00744 00745 00746 00747 00748 00749 00750 00751 00752 /*************************** 00753 * 00754 * Stylesheet, CSS 00755 * 00756 **************************/ 00757 00758 00765 function pi_getClassName($class) { 00766 return str_replace('_','-',$this->prefixId).($this->prefixId?'-':'').$class; 00767 } 00768 00777 function pi_classParam($class) { 00778 return ' class="'.$this->pi_getClassName($class).'"'; 00779 } 00780 00791 function pi_setClassStyle($class,$data,$selector='') { 00792 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->setCSS($this->pi_getClassName($class).($selector?' '.$selector:''),'.'.$this->pi_getClassName($class).($selector?' '.$selector:'').' {'.$data.'}'); 00793 } 00794 00802 function pi_wrapInBaseClass($str) { 00803 $content = '<div class="'.str_replace('_','-',$this->prefixId).'"> 00804 '.$str.' 00805 </div> 00806 '; 00807 00808 if(!$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['disablePrefixComment']) { 00809 $content = ' 00810 00811 00812 <!-- 00813 00814 BEGIN: Content of extension "'.$this->extKey.'", plugin "'.$this->prefixId.'" 00815 00816 --> 00817 '.$content.' 00818 <!-- END: Content of extension "'.$this->extKey.'", plugin "'.$this->prefixId.'" --> 00819 00820 '; 00821 } 00822 00823 return $content; 00824 } 00825 00826 00827 00828 00829 00830 00831 00832 00833 00834 00835 00836 00837 00838 00839 00840 00841 00842 /*************************** 00843 * 00844 * Frontend editing: Edit panel, edit icons 00845 * 00846 **************************/ 00847 00858 function pi_getEditPanel($row='',$tablename='',$label='',$conf=Array()) { 00859 $panel=''; 00860 if (!$row || !$tablename) { 00861 $row = $this->internal['currentRow']; 00862 $tablename = $this->internal['currentTable']; 00863 } 00864 00865 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin) { 00866 // Create local cObj if not set: 00867 if (!is_object($this->pi_EPtemp_cObj)) { 00868 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj'); 00869 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->setParent($this->cObj->data,$this->cObj->currentRecord); 00870 } 00871 00872 // Initialize the cObj object with current row 00873 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->start($row,$tablename); 00874 00875 // Setting TypoScript values in the $conf array. See documentation in TSref for the EDITPANEL cObject. 00876 $conf['allow'] = 'edit,new,delete,move,hide'; 00877 $panel = $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->cObjGetSingle('EDITPANEL',$conf,'editpanel'); 00878 } 00879 00880 if ($panel) { 00881 if ($label) { 00882 return '<!-- BEGIN: EDIT PANEL --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top">'.$label.'</td><td valign="top" align="right">'.$panel.'</td></tr></table><!-- END: EDIT PANEL -->'; 00883 } else return '<!-- BEGIN: EDIT PANEL -->'.$panel.'<!-- END: EDIT PANEL -->'; 00884 } else return $label; 00885 } 00886 00900 function pi_getEditIcon($content,$fields,$title='',$row='',$tablename='',$oConf=array()) { 00901 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin){ 00902 if (!$row || !$tablename) { 00903 $row = $this->internal['currentRow']; 00904 $tablename = $this->internal['currentTable']; 00905 } 00906 $conf=array_merge(array( 00907 'beforeLastTag'=>1, 00908 'iconTitle' => $title 00909 ),$oConf); 00910 $content=$this->cObj->editIcons($content,$tablename.':'.$fields,$conf,$tablename.':'.$row['uid'],$row,'&viewUrl='.rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'))); 00911 } 00912 return $content; 00913 } 00914 00915 00916 00917 00918 00919 00920 00921 00922 00923 00924 00925 00926 00927 00928 00929 00930 00931 /*************************** 00932 * 00933 * Localization, locallang functions 00934 * 00935 **************************/ 00936 00937 00947 function pi_getLL($key,$alt='',$hsc=FALSE) { 00948 if (isset($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->LLkey][$key])) { 00949 $word = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConv($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->LLkey][$key], $this->LOCAL_LANG_charset[$this->LLkey][$key]); // The "from" charset is normally empty and thus it will convert from the charset of the system language, but if it is set (see ->pi_loadLL()) it will be used. 00950 } elseif ($this->altLLkey && isset($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->altLLkey][$key])) { 00951 $word = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConv($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->altLLkey][$key], $this->LOCAL_LANG_charset[$this->altLLkey][$key]); // The "from" charset is normally empty and thus it will convert from the charset of the system language, but if it is set (see ->pi_loadLL()) it will be used. 00952 } elseif (isset($this->LOCAL_LANG['default'][$key])) { 00953 $word = $this->LOCAL_LANG['default'][$key]; // No charset conversion because default is english and thereby ASCII 00954 } else { 00955 $word = $this->LLtestPrefixAlt.$alt; 00956 } 00957 00958 $output = $this->LLtestPrefix.$word; 00959 if ($hsc) $output = htmlspecialchars($output); 00960 00961 return $output; 00962 } 00963 00970 function pi_loadLL() { 00971 if (!$this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded && $this->scriptRelPath) { 00972 $basePath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath($this->extKey).dirname($this->scriptRelPath).'/locallang.php'; 00973 00974 // php or xml as source: In any case the charset will be that of the system language. 00975 // However, this function guarantees only return output for default language plus the specified language (which is different from how 3.7.0 dealt with it) 00976 $this->LOCAL_LANG = t3lib_div::readLLfile($basePath,$this->LLkey); 00977 if ($this->altLLkey) { 00978 $tempLOCAL_LANG = t3lib_div::readLLfile($basePath,$this->altLLkey); 00979 $this->LOCAL_LANG = array_merge(is_array($this->LOCAL_LANG) ? $this->LOCAL_LANG : array(),$tempLOCAL_LANG); 00980 } 00981 00982 // Overlaying labels from TypoScript (including fictitious language keys for non-system languages!): 00983 if (is_array($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'])) { 00984 reset($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.']); 00985 while(list($k,$lA)=each($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'])) { 00986 if (is_array($lA)) { 00987 $k = substr($k,0,-1); 00988 foreach($lA as $llK => $llV) { 00989 if (!is_array($llV)) { 00990 $this->LOCAL_LANG[$k][$llK] = $llV; 00991 if ($k != 'default') { 00992 $this->LOCAL_LANG_charset[$k][$llK] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['forceCharset']; // For labels coming from the TypoScript (database) the charset is assumed to be "forceCharset" and if that is not set, assumed to be that of the individual system languages (thus no conversion) 00993 } 00994 } 00995 } 00996 } 00997 } 00998 } 00999 } 01000 $this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded = 1; 01001 } 01002 01003 01004 01005 01006 01007 01008 01009 01010 01011 01012 01013 01014 01015 01016 01017 01018 01019 01020 01021 01022 01023 01024 01025 /*************************** 01026 * 01027 * Database, queries 01028 * 01029 **************************/ 01030 01048 function pi_list_query($table,$count=0,$addWhere='',$mm_cat='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$query='',$returnQueryArray=FALSE) { 01049 01050 // Begin Query: 01051 if (!$query) { 01052 // Fetches the list of PIDs to select from. 01053 // TypoScript property .pidList is a comma list of pids. If blank, current page id is used. 01054 // TypoScript property .recursive is a int+ which determines how many levels down from the pids in the pid-list subpages should be included in the select. 01055 $pidList = $this->pi_getPidList($this->conf['pidList'],$this->conf['recursive']); 01056 if (is_array($mm_cat)) { 01057 $query='FROM '.$table.','.$mm_cat['table'].','.$mm_cat['mmtable'].chr(10). 01058 ' WHERE '.$table.'.uid='.$mm_cat['mmtable'].'.uid_local AND '.$mm_cat['table'].'.uid='.$mm_cat['mmtable'].'.uid_foreign '.chr(10). 01059 (strcmp($mm_cat['catUidList'],'')?' AND '.$mm_cat['table'].'.uid IN ('.$mm_cat['catUidList'].')':'').chr(10). 01060 ' AND '.$table.'.pid IN ('.$pidList.')'.chr(10). 01061 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).chr(10); // This adds WHERE-clauses that ensures deleted, hidden, starttime/endtime/access records are NOT selected, if they should not! Almost ALWAYS add this to your queries! 01062 } else { 01063 $query='FROM '.$table.' WHERE pid IN ('.$pidList.')'.chr(10). 01064 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).chr(10); // This adds WHERE-clauses that ensures deleted, hidden, starttime/endtime/access records are NOT selected, if they should not! Almost ALWAYS add this to your queries! 01065 } 01066 } 01067 01068 // Split the "FROM ... WHERE" string so we get the WHERE part and TABLE names separated...: 01069 list($TABLENAMES,$WHERE) = spliti('WHERE', trim($query), 2); 01070 $TABLENAMES = trim(substr(trim($TABLENAMES),5)); 01071 $WHERE = trim($WHERE); 01072 01073 // Add '$addWhere' 01074 if ($addWhere) {$WHERE.=' '.$addWhere.chr(10);} 01075 01076 // Search word: 01077 if ($this->piVars['sword'] && $this->internal['searchFieldList']) { 01078 $WHERE.=$this->cObj->searchWhere($this->piVars['sword'],$this->internal['searchFieldList'],$table).chr(10); 01079 } 01080 01081 if ($count) { 01082 $queryParts = array( 01083 'SELECT' => 'count(*)', 01084 'FROM' => $TABLENAMES, 01085 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 01086 'GROUPBY' => '', 01087 'ORDERBY' => '', 01088 'LIMIT' => '' 01089 ); 01090 } else { 01091 // Order by data: 01092 if (!$orderBy && $this->internal['orderBy']) { 01093 if (t3lib_div::inList($this->internal['orderByList'],$this->internal['orderBy'])) { 01094 $orderBy = 'ORDER BY '.$table.'.'.$this->internal['orderBy'].($this->internal['descFlag']?' DESC':''); 01095 } 01096 } 01097 01098 // Limit data: 01099 $pointer = $this->piVars['pointer']; 01100 $pointer = intval($pointer); 01101 $results_at_a_time = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['results_at_a_time'],1,1000); 01102 $LIMIT = ($pointer*$results_at_a_time).','.$results_at_a_time; 01103 01104 // Add 'SELECT' 01105 $queryParts = array( 01106 'SELECT' => $this->pi_prependFieldsWithTable($table,$this->pi_listFields), 01107 'FROM' => $TABLENAMES, 01108 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 01109 'GROUPBY' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->stripGroupBy($groupBy), 01110 'ORDERBY' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->stripOrderBy($orderBy), 01111 'LIMIT' => $LIMIT 01112 ); 01113 } 01114 01115 $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery ( 01116 $queryParts['SELECT'], 01117 $queryParts['FROM'], 01118 $queryParts['WHERE'], 01119 $queryParts['GROUPBY'], 01120 $queryParts['ORDERBY'], 01121 $queryParts['LIMIT'] 01122 ); 01123 return $returnQueryArray ? $queryParts : $query; 01124 } 01125 01140 function pi_exec_query($table,$count=0,$addWhere='',$mm_cat='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$query='') { 01141 $queryParts = $this->pi_list_query($table,$count,$addWhere,$mm_cat,$groupBy,$orderBy,$query, TRUE); 01142 01143 return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts); 01144 } 01145 01155 function pi_getRecord($table,$uid,$checkPage=0) { 01156 return $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->checkRecord($table,$uid,$checkPage); 01157 } 01158 01166 function pi_getPidList($pid_list,$recursive=0) { 01167 if (!strcmp($pid_list,'')) $pid_list = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id; 01168 $recursive = t3lib_div::intInRange($recursive,0); 01169 01170 $pid_list_arr = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$pid_list,1)); 01171 $pid_list = array(); 01172 01173 foreach($pid_list_arr as $val) { 01174 $val = t3lib_div::intInRange($val,0); 01175 if ($val) { 01176 $_list = $this->cObj->getTreeList(-1*$val, $recursive); 01177 if ($_list) $pid_list[] = $_list; 01178 } 01179 } 01180 01181 return implode(',', $pid_list); 01182 } 01183 01191 function pi_prependFieldsWithTable($table,$fieldList) { 01192 $list=t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fieldList,1); 01193 $return=array(); 01194 while(list(,$listItem)=each($list)) { 01195 $return[]=$table.'.'.$listItem; 01196 } 01197 return implode(',',$return); 01198 } 01199 01211 function pi_getCategoryTableContents($table,$pid,$whereClause='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$limit='') { 01212 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 01213 '*', 01214 $table, 01215 'pid='.intval($pid). 01216 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).' '. 01217 $whereClause, // whereClauseMightContainGroupOrderBy 01218 $groupBy, 01219 $orderBy, 01220 $limit 01221 ); 01222 $outArr = array(); 01223 while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 01224 $outArr[$row['uid']] = $row; 01225 } 01226 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); 01227 return $outArr; 01228 } 01229 01230 01231 01232 01233 01234 01235 01236 01237 01238 01239 01240 01241 /*************************** 01242 * 01243 * Various 01244 * 01245 **************************/ 01246 01255 function pi_isOnlyFields($fList,$lowerThan=-1) { 01256 $lowerThan = $lowerThan==-1 ? $this->pi_lowerThan : $lowerThan; 01257 01258 $fList = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fList,1); 01259 $tempPiVars = $this->piVars; 01260 while(list(,$k)=each($fList)) { 01261 if (!t3lib_div::testInt($tempPiVars[$k]) || $tempPiVars[$k]<$lowerThan) unset($tempPiVars[$k]); 01262 } 01263 if (!count($tempPiVars)) return 1; 01264 } 01265 01275 function pi_autoCache($inArray) { 01276 if (is_array($inArray)) { 01277 reset($inArray); 01278 while(list($fN,$fV)=each($inArray)) { 01279 if (!strcmp($inArray[$fN],'')) { 01280 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01281 } elseif (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN])) { 01282 if (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range']) 01283 && intval($inArray[$fN])>=intval($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range'][0]) 01284 && intval($inArray[$fN])<=intval($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range'][1])) { 01285 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01286 } 01287 if (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['list']) 01288 && in_array($inArray[$fN],$this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['list'])) { 01289 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01290 } 01291 } 01292 } 01293 } 01294 if (!count($inArray)) return 1; 01295 } 01296 01306 function pi_RTEcssText($str) { 01307 $parseFunc = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['lib.']['parseFunc_RTE.']; 01308 if (is_array($parseFunc)) $str = $this->cObj->parseFunc($str, $parseFunc); 01309 return $str; 01310 } 01311 01312 01313 01314 01315 01316 /******************************* 01317 * 01318 * FlexForms related functions 01319 * 01320 *******************************/ 01321 01328 function pi_initPIflexForm($field='pi_flexform') { 01329 // Converting flexform data into array: 01330 if (!is_array($this->cObj->data[$field]) && $this->cObj->data[$field]) { 01331 $this->cObj->data[$field] = t3lib_div::xml2array($this->cObj->data[$field]); 01332 if (!is_array($this->cObj->data[$field])) $this->cObj->data[$field]=array(); 01333 } 01334 } 01335 01346 function pi_getFFvalue($T3FlexForm_array,$fieldName,$sheet='sDEF',$lang='lDEF',$value='vDEF') { 01347 $sheetArray = is_array($T3FlexForm_array) ? $T3FlexForm_array['data'][$sheet][$lang] : ''; 01348 if (is_array($sheetArray)) { 01349 return $this->pi_getFFvalueFromSheetArray($sheetArray,explode('/',$fieldName),$value); 01350 } 01351 } 01352 01363 function pi_getFFvalueFromSheetArray($sheetArray,$fieldNameArr,$value) { 01364 01365 $tempArr=$sheetArray; 01366 foreach($fieldNameArr as $k => $v) { 01367 if (t3lib_div::testInt($v)) { 01368 if (is_array($tempArr)) { 01369 $c=0; 01370 foreach($tempArr as $values) { 01371 if ($c==$v) { 01372 #debug($values); 01373 $tempArr=$values; 01374 break; 01375 } 01376 $c++; 01377 } 01378 } 01379 } else { 01380 $tempArr = $tempArr[$v]; 01381 } 01382 } 01383 return $tempArr[$value]; 01384 } 01385 } 01386 01387 // NO extension of class - does not make sense here. 01388 ?>