Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

SC_index Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 init ()
 main ()
 printContent ()
 makeLoginForm ()
 makeLogoutForm ()
 wrapLoginForm ($content)
 checkRedirect ()
 makeInterfaceSelectorBox ()
 makeCopyrightNotice ()
 makeLoginBoxImage ()
 makeLoginNews ()

Public Attributes

 $loginSecurityLevel = 'superchallenged'

Detailed Description

Definition at line 87 of file index.php.

Member Function Documentation

SC_index::checkRedirect  ) 

Checking, if we should perform some sort of redirection OR closing of windows.


Definition at line 436 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl(), and t3lib_BEfunc::typo3PrintError().

SC_index::init  ) 

Initialize the login box. Will also react on a &L=OUT flag and exit.


Definition at line 120 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), and t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl().

SC_index::main  ) 

Main function - creating the login/logout form


Definition at line 159 of file index.php.

SC_index::makeCopyrightNotice  ) 


Warning: DO NOT prevent this notice from being shown in ANY WAY. According to the GPL license an interactive application must show such a notice on start-up ('If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice... ' - see GPL.txt) Therefore preventing this notice from being properly shown is a violation of the license, regardless of whether you remove it or use a stylesheet to obstruct the display.

string Text/Image (HTML) for copyright notice.

Definition at line 547 of file index.php.

SC_index::makeInterfaceSelectorBox  ) 

Making interface selector:


Definition at line 493 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::trimExplode().

SC_index::makeLoginBoxImage  ) 

Returns the login box image, whether the default or an image from the rotation folder.

string HTML image tag.

Definition at line 580 of file index.php.

References t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(), t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(), and t3lib_div::resolveBackPath().

SC_index::makeLoginForm  ) 

Creates the login form This is drawn when NO login exists.

string HTML output

Definition at line 292 of file index.php.

SC_index::makeLoginNews  ) 

Make login news - renders the HTML content for a list of news shown under the login form. News data is added through $TYPO3_CONF_VARS

string HTML content Idea by Jan-Hendrik Heuing

Definition at line 620 of file index.php.

SC_index::makeLogoutForm  ) 

Creates the logout form This is drawn if a user login already exists.

string HTML output

Definition at line 335 of file index.php.

SC_index::printContent  ) 

Outputting the accumulated content to screen


Definition at line 268 of file index.php.

SC_index::wrapLoginForm content  ) 

Wrapping the login form table in another set of tables etc:

string HTML content for the login form
string The HTML for the page.

Definition at line 377 of file index.php.

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