Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
Public Member Functions | |
tx_install () | |
checkPassword ($uKey) | |
loginForm () | |
init () | |
stepOutput () | |
checkTheConfig () | |
typo3conf_edit () | |
phpinformation () | |
typo3TempManager () | |
getSelectorOptions ($deleteType, $tt="") | |
cleanupManager () | |
generateConfigForm ($type="") | |
getDefaultConfigArrayComments ($string, $mainArray=array(), $commentArray=array()) | |
checkConfiguration () | |
check_mail ($cmd="") | |
checkExtensions () | |
checkDirs () | |
checkImageMagick ($paths) | |
_checkImageMagickGifCapability ($path) | |
_checkImageMagick_getVersion ($file, $path) | |
checkDatabase () | |
setupGeneral ($cmd="") | |
writeToLocalconf_control ($lines="") | |
outputExitBasedOnStep ($content) | |
setLabelValueArray ($arr, $type) | |
getFormElement ($labels, $values, $fieldName, $default, $msg="") | |
getDatabaseList () | |
setupGeneralCalculate () | |
getGDPartOfPhpinfo () | |
isTTF ($phpinfo="") | |
isGD () | |
isGIF () | |
isJPG () | |
isPNG () | |
ImageTypes () | |
getGDSoftwareInfo () | |
generallyAboutConfiguration () | |
checkTheImageProcessing () | |
isExtensionEnabled ($ext, $headCode, $short) | |
displayTwinImage ($imageFile, $IMcommands=array(), $note="") | |
getTwinImageMessage ($message, $label_1="", $label_2="") | |
formatImCmds ($arr) | |
imagemenu () | |
checkTheDatabase () | |
isBackendAdminUser () | |
isStaticTemplates () | |
isBasicComplete ($tLabel) | |
generateUpdateDatabaseForm ($type, $arr_update, $arr_remove, $action_type) | |
getUpdateDbFormWrap ($action_type, $content, $label="Write to database") | |
displayFields ($arr, $pre=0, $label="") | |
displayFieldComp ($arr, $arr_db) | |
displaySuggestions ($arr, $excludeList="") | |
compareDatabaseAndTCA ($FDsrc, $TCA, $onlyFields=0) | |
compareTCAandDatabase ($TCA, $FDcomp) | |
suggestFieldDefinition ($fieldInfo) | |
getItemArrayType ($arr) | |
getItemBlobSize ($len) | |
suggestTCAFieldDefinition ($fieldName, $fieldInfo) | |
includeTCA () | |
linkIt ($url, $link="") | |
message ($head, $short_string="", $long_string="", $type=0, $force=0) | |
printSection ($head, $short_string, $long_string, $type) | |
fw ($str, $size=1) | |
fwheader ($str) | |
wrapInCells ($label, $content) | |
printAll () | |
outputWrapper ($content) | |
menu () | |
stepHeader () | |
note123 () | |
endNotes () | |
convertByteSize ($bytes) | |
securityRisk () | |
alterPasswordForm () | |
messageBasicFinished () | |
setScriptName ($type) | |
formWidth ($size=48, $textarea=0, $styleOverride="") | |
formWidthText ($size=48, $styleOverride="", $wrap="") | |
getBackupFilename ($filename) | |
Public Attributes | |
$getGD_start_string = '<H2 align="center"><A NAME="module_gd">gd</A></H2>' | |
$getGD_end_string = '</TABLE>' | |
$getTTF_string = 'with TTF library' | |
$getTTF_string_alt = 'with freetype' | |
$action = "" | |
$scriptSelf = "index.php" | |
$fontTag2 = '<font face="verdana,sans-serif" size=2 color=black>' | |
$fontTag1 = '<font face="verdana,sans-serif" size=1 color=black>' | |
$updateIdentity = "TYPO3 Install Tool" | |
$headerStyle = '' | |
$contentBeforeTable = "" | |
$setAllCheckBoxesByDefault = 0 | |
$allowFileEditOutsite_typo3conf_dir = 0 | |
$INSTALL = array() | |
$checkIMlzw = 0 | |
$checkIM = 0 | |
$dumpImCommands = 1 | |
$mode = "" | |
$step = 0 | |
$passwordOK = 0 | |
$silent = 1 | |
$messageFunc_nl2br = 1 | |
$sections = array() | |
$fatalError = 0 | |
$sendNoCacheHeaders = 1 | |
$config_array | |
$typo3temp_path = "" | |
$menuitems | |
$cookie_name = "Typo3InstallTool" | |
$JSmessage = '' |
Definition at line 156 of file class.tx_install.php.
Definition at line 227 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::_GP(), checkPassword(), loginForm(), and message(). |
Extracts the version number for imagemagick
Definition at line 1891 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Checking GIF-compression capabilities of ImageMagick install
Definition at line 1848 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4703 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by init(). |
Check if php function mail() works
Definition at line 1590 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_htmlmail::encodeMsg(), and t3lib_div::makeInstance(). Referenced by init(). |
Checking php.ini configuration and set appropriate messages and flags.
Definition at line 1393 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::trimExplode(). Referenced by checkTheConfig(). |
Checks database username/password/host/database
Definition at line 1925 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by checkTheConfig(). |
Checking and testing that the required writable directories are writable.
Definition at line 1688 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by checkTheConfig(). |
Checking php extensions, specifically GDLib and Freetype
Definition at line 1626 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by checkTheConfig(). |
Checking for existing ImageMagick installs. This tries to find available ImageMagick installations and tries to find the version numbers by executing "convert" without parameters. If the ->checkIMlzw is set, LZW capabilities of the IM installs are check also.
Definition at line 1774 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by checkTheConfig(). |
Returns true if submitted password is ok. Else displays a form in which to enter password.
Definition at line 316 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::_GP(), and t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(). Referenced by tx_install(). |
Calling the functions that checks the system
Definition at line 805 of file class.tx_install.php. References checkConfiguration(), checkDatabase(), checkDirs(), checkExtensions(), and checkImageMagick(). Referenced by init(), and stepOutput(). |
Definition at line 3220 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(), t3lib_div::formatSize(), t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(), t3lib_div::inList(), t3lib_div::intInRange(), t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded(), t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl(), and t3lib_div::testInt(). Referenced by init(). |
jesus.TIF: IBM/LZW jesus.GIF: Save for web, 32 colors jesus.JPG: Save for web, 30 quality jesus.PNG: Save for web, PNG-24 jesus.tga 24 bit TGA file jesus.pcx jesus.bmp 24 bit BMP file jesus_ps6.PDF: PDF w/layers and vector data Illustrator 8 file pdf_from_imagemagick.PDF PDF-file made by Acrobat Distiller from InDesign PS-file Imagemagick
Problems may arise from the use of safe_mode (eg. png) In safemode you will automatically execute the program convert in the safe_mode_exec_path no matter what other path you specify check fileexist before anything...
From TypoScript: (GD only, GD+IM, IM)
Definition at line 2566 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::convertMicrotime(), t3lib_extMgm::extPath(), t3lib_div::formatSize(), t3lib_div::gif_compress(), and t3lib_div::makeInstance(). Referenced by init(). |
Provides a tool cleaning up various tables in the database
Definition at line 1200 of file class.tx_install.php. References $action, t3lib_install::getListOfTables(), message(), outputWrapper(), and printAll(). Referenced by init(). |
Compares an array with field definitions with $TCA array
Definition at line 4007 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Compares the $TCA array with a field definition array
Definition at line 4065 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Convert a size from human-readable form into bytes
Definition at line 4671 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3935 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3910 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3977 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::inList(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3074 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_extMgm::extPath(), and t3lib_div::formatSize(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4652 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3157 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::intInRange(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4754 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4775 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by typo3conf_edit(). |
Wraps the str in a font-tag with verdana 1
Definition at line 4469 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by typo3conf_edit(). |
Wraps the str in a font-tag with verdana 1
Definition at line 4482 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Returns general information about configuration of TYPO3.
Definition at line 2506 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by init(). |
Creating the form for editing the TYPO3_CONF_VARS options.
Definition at line 1268 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::_GP(), t3lib_install::checkForBadString(), t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(), getDefaultConfigArrayComments(), message(), t3lib_install::setValueInLocalconfFile(), and writeToLocalconf_control(). Referenced by init(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3867 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded(). |
Return the filename that will be used for the backup. It is important that backups of PHP files still stay as a PHP file, otherwise they could be viewed un-parsed in clear-text.
Definition at line 4791 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by typo3conf_edit(). |
Returns the list of available databases (with access-check based on username/password)
Definition at line 2267 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by stepOutput(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 1340 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by generateConfigForm(). |
Returns a form-element for the localconf.php update form
Definition at line 2247 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Returns the part of phpinfo() output that tells about GD library (HTML-code)
Definition at line 2369 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Returns general information about GDlib
Definition at line 2494 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Definition at line 4176 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::testInt(). |
Definition at line 4204 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 1168 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3141 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3897 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by stepOutput(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3178 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2483 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Includes TCA
Definition at line 4358 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::loadTCA(). |
Calling function that checks system, IM, GD, dirs, database and lets you alter localconf.php This method is called from init.php to start the install Tool.
Definition at line 384 of file class.tx_install.php. References alterPasswordForm(), check_mail(), checkTheConfig(), checkTheDatabase(), checkTheImageProcessing(), cleanupManager(), generallyAboutConfiguration(), generateConfigForm(), message(), outputWrapper(), phpinformation(), printAll(), securityRisk(), setScriptName(), setupGeneral(), stepOutput(), typo3conf_edit(), and typo3TempManager(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3804 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3827 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3058 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::inList(). |
Definition at line 2437 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2448 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_extMgm::extPath(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2460 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2471 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_extMgm::extPath(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 3815 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Returns true if TTF lib is install according to phpinfo(). If $phpinfo supply as parameter that string is searched instead.
Definition at line 2388 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::_GP(), and t3lib_div::freetypeDpiComp(). |
This creates a link to the given $url. If $link is set, that'll be the link-text
Definition at line 4400 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4574 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Setting a message in the message-log and sets the fatalError flag if error type is 3. Definition at line 4407 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by cleanupManager(), generateConfigForm(), init(), loginForm(), phpinformation(), tx_install(), typo3conf_edit(), and typo3TempManager(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4719 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by stepOutput(). |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4638 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2191 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl(). |
This wraps and returns the main content of the page into proper html-code.
Definition at line 4521 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by cleanupManager(), init(), loginForm(), phpinformation(), typo3conf_edit(), and typo3TempManager(). |
Outputs system information
Definition at line 945 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(), message(), outputWrapper(), printAll(), and t3lib_div::view_array(). Referenced by init(). |
This prints all the messages in the ->section array
Definition at line 4502 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by cleanupManager(), init(), loginForm(), phpinformation(), typo3conf_edit(), and typo3TempManager(). |
This "prints" a section with a message to the ->sections array
Definition at line 4428 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4685 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by init(), and stepOutput(). |
This appends something to value in the input array based on $type. Private.
Definition at line 2207 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4741 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by init(). |
Prints form for updating localconf.php or updates localconf.php depending on $cmd
Definition at line 1987 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by init(). |
Calculates the suggested setup that should be written to localconf.php If safe_mode
Definition at line 2291 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 4596 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Controls the step 1-2-3-go process
Definition at line 553 of file class.tx_install.php. References checkTheConfig(), getDatabaseList(), t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(), t3lib_install::getListOfTables(), getUpdateDbFormWrap(), messageBasicFinished(), and securityRisk(). Referenced by init(). |
Suggests a field definition for a TCA config array.
Definition at line 4099 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::intInRange(). |
Should suggest a TCA configuration for a specific field.
Definition at line 4215 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Editing files in typo3conf directory (or elsewhere if enabled)
Definition at line 836 of file class.tx_install.php. References t3lib_div::formatForTextarea(), t3lib_div::formatSize(), formWidthText(), fw(), getBackupFilename(), t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(), t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(), message(), outputWrapper(), printAll(), t3lib_div::validPathStr(), and t3lib_div::writeFile(). Referenced by init(). |
Provides a tool for deleting temporary files located in typo3temp/
Definition at line 1048 of file class.tx_install.php. References $action, t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(), message(), outputWrapper(), printAll(), and t3lib_div::testInt(). Referenced by init(). |
Wrapping labal/content in a table-row.
Definition at line 4493 of file class.tx_install.php. |
[Describe function...]
Definition at line 2168 of file class.tx_install.php. Referenced by generateConfigForm(). |
Initial value: array( // Flags are set in this array if the options are available and checked ok. "gd"=>0, "gd_gif"=>0, "gd_png"=>0, "gd_jpg"=>0, "freetype" => 0, "safemode" => 0, "dir_typo3temp" => 0, "dir_temp" => 0, "im_versions" => array(), "im" => 0, "sql.safe_mode_user" => "", "mysqlConnect" => 0, "no_database" => 0 ) Definition at line 186 of file class.tx_install.php. |
Initial value: array( "config" => "Basic Configuration", "database" => "Database Analyser", "images" => "Image Processing", "extConfig" => "All Configuration", "typo3temp" => "typo3temp/", "cleanup" => "Clean up database", "phpinfo" => "phpinfo()", "typo3conf_edit" => "Edit files in typo3conf/", "about" => "About" ) Definition at line 203 of file class.tx_install.php. |