Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
00001 <?php 00002 /*************************************************************** 00003 * Copyright notice 00004 * 00005 * (c) 1999-2004 Kasper Skaarhoj ( 00006 * All rights reserved 00007 * 00008 * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 00009 * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00010 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00011 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00012 * (at your option) any later version. 00013 * 00014 * The GNU General Public License can be found at 00015 * 00016 * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 00017 * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. 00018 * 00019 * 00020 * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00021 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00022 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00023 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00024 * 00025 * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! 00026 ***************************************************************/ 00132 class tslib_pibase { 00133 00134 // Reserved variables: 00135 var $cObj; // The backReference to the mother cObj object set at call time 00136 var $prefixId; // Should be same as classname of the plugin, used for CSS classes, variables 00137 var $scriptRelPath; // Path to the plugin class script relative to extension directory, eg. 'pi1/class.tx_newfaq_pi1.php' 00138 var $extKey; // Extension key. 00139 var $piVars = Array ( // This is the incomming array by name $this->prefixId merged between POST and GET, POST taking precedence. Eg. if the class name is 'tx_myext' then the content of this array will be whatever comes into &tx_myext[...]=... 00140 'pointer' => '', // Used as a pointer for lists 00141 'mode' => '', // List mode 00142 'sword' => '', // Search word 00143 'sort' => '', // [Sorting column]:[ASC=0/DESC=1] 00144 ); 00145 var $internal = Array( // Used internally for general storage of values between methods 00146 'res_count' => 0, // Total query count 00147 'results_at_a_time' => 20, // pi_list_browseresults(): Show number of results at a time 00148 'maxPages' => 10, // pi_list_browseresults(): Max number of 'Page 1 - Page 2 - ...' in the list browser 00149 'currentRow' => Array(), // Current result row 00150 'currentTable' => '', // Current table 00151 ); 00152 00153 var $LOCAL_LANG = Array(); // Local Language content 00154 var $LOCAL_LANG_loaded = 0; // Flag that tells if the locallang file has been fetch (or tried to be fetched) already. 00155 var $LLkey='default'; // Pointer to the language to use. 00156 var $LLtestPrefix=''; // You can set this during development to some value that makes it easy for you to spot all labels that ARe delivered by the getLL function. 00157 var $LLtestPrefixAlt=''; // Save as LLtestPrefix, but additional prefix for the alternative value in getLL() function calls 00158 00159 var $pi_isOnlyFields = 'mode,pointer'; 00160 var $pi_alwaysPrev = 0; 00161 var $pi_lowerThan = 5; 00162 var $pi_moreParams=''; 00163 var $pi_listFields='*'; 00164 00165 var $pi_autoCacheFields=array(); 00166 var $pi_autoCacheEn=0; 00167 00168 var $pi_USER_INT_obj = 0; // If set, then links are 1) not using cHash and 2) allowing pages to be cached. 00169 00176 var $conf = Array(); 00177 00178 // internal, don't mess with... 00179 var $pi_EPtemp_cObj; 00180 var $pi_tmpPageId=0; 00181 00182 00183 00184 00185 00186 00187 00188 00189 00190 00191 00192 00193 00194 00195 00196 00197 00198 /*************************** 00199 * 00200 * Init functions 00201 * 00202 **************************/ 00203 00211 function tslib_pibase() { 00212 if ($this->prefixId) { 00213 $this->piVars = t3lib_div::GParrayMerged($this->prefixId); 00214 } 00215 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']) { 00216 $this->LLkey = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']; 00217 } 00218 } 00219 00225 function pi_setPiVarDefaults() { 00226 if (is_array($this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS.'])) { 00227 $this->piVars = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS.'],is_array($this->piVars)?$this->piVars:array()); 00228 } 00229 } 00230 00231 00232 00233 00234 00235 00236 00237 00238 00239 00240 00241 00242 00243 00244 00245 /*************************** 00246 * 00247 * Link functions 00248 * 00249 **************************/ 00250 00264 function pi_getPageLink($id,$target='',$urlParameters=array()) { 00265 return $this->cObj->getTypoLink_URL($id,$urlParameters,$target); // ?$target:$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sPre 00266 } 00267 00280 function pi_linkToPage($str,$id,$target='',$urlParameters=array()) { 00281 return $this->cObj->getTypoLink($str,$id,$urlParameters,$target); // ?$target:$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sPre 00282 } 00283 00295 function pi_linkTP($str,$urlParameters=array(),$cache=0,$altPageId=0) { 00296 $conf=array(); 00297 $conf['useCacheHash'] = $this->pi_USER_INT_obj ? 0 : $cache; 00298 $conf['no_cache'] = $this->pi_USER_INT_obj ? 0 : !$cache; 00299 $conf['parameter'] = $altPageId ? $altPageId : ($this->pi_tmpPageId ? $this->pi_tmpPageId : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id); 00300 $conf['additionalParams'] = $this->conf['parent.']['addParams'].t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$urlParameters,'',1).$this->pi_moreParams; 00301 00302 return $this->cObj->typoLink($str, $conf); 00303 } 00304 00318 function pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($str,$overrulePIvars=array(),$cache=0,$clearAnyway=0,$altPageId=0) { 00319 if (is_array($this->piVars) && is_array($overrulePIvars) && !$clearAnyway) { 00320 $piVars = $this->piVars; 00321 unset($piVars['DATA']); 00322 $overrulePIvars = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($piVars,$overrulePIvars); 00323 if ($this->pi_autoCacheEn) { 00324 $cache = $this->pi_autoCache($overrulePIvars); 00325 } 00326 } 00327 $res = $this->pi_linkTP($str,Array($this->prefixId=>$overrulePIvars),$cache,$altPageId); 00328 return $res; 00329 } 00330 00342 function pi_linkTP_keepPIvars_url($overrulePIvars=array(),$cache=0,$clearAnyway=0,$altPageId=0) { 00343 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars('|',$overrulePIvars,$cache,$clearAnyway,$altPageId); 00344 return $this->cObj->lastTypoLinkUrl; 00345 } 00346 00360 function pi_list_linkSingle($str,$uid,$cache=FALSE,$mergeArr=array(),$urlOnly=FALSE,$altPageId=0) { 00361 if ($this->prefixId) { 00362 if ($cache) { 00363 $overrulePIvars=$uid?array('showUid'=>$uid):Array(); 00364 $overrulePIvars=array_merge($overrulePIvars,$mergeArr); 00365 $str = $this->pi_linkTP($str,Array($this->prefixId=>$overrulePIvars),$cache,$altPageId); 00366 } else { 00367 $overrulePIvars=array('showUid'=>$uid?$uid:''); 00368 $overrulePIvars=array_merge($overrulePIvars,$mergeArr); 00369 $str = $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($str,$overrulePIvars,$cache,0,$altPageId); 00370 } 00371 00372 // If urlOnly flag, return only URL as it has recently be generated. 00373 if ($urlOnly) { 00374 $str = $this->cObj->lastTypoLinkUrl; 00375 } 00376 } 00377 return $str; 00378 } 00379 00388 function pi_openAtagHrefInJSwindow($str,$winName='',$winParams='width=670,height=500,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1') { 00389 if (eregi('(.*)(<a[^>]*>)(.*)',$str,$match)) { 00390 $aTagContent = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes($match[2]); 00391 $match[2]='<a href="#" onclick="'. 00392 htmlspecialchars('\''.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->baseUrlWrap($aTagContent['href']).'\',\''.($winName?$winName:md5($aTagContent['href'])).'\',\''.$winParams.'\');vHWin.focus();return false;'). 00393 '">'; 00394 $str=$match[1].$match[2].$match[3]; 00395 } 00396 return $str; 00397 } 00398 00399 00400 00401 00402 00403 00404 00405 00406 00407 00408 00409 00410 00411 00412 00413 /*************************** 00414 * 00415 * Functions for listing, browsing, searching etc. 00416 * 00417 **************************/ 00418 00428 function pi_list_browseresults($showResultCount=1,$tableParams='') { 00429 00430 // Initializing variables: 00431 $pointer=$this->piVars['pointer']; 00432 $count=$this->internal['res_count']; 00433 $results_at_a_time = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['results_at_a_time'],1,1000); 00434 $maxPages = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['maxPages'],1,100); 00435 $max = t3lib_div::intInRange(ceil($count/$results_at_a_time),1,$maxPages); 00436 $pointer=intval($pointer); 00437 $links=array(); 00438 00439 // Make browse-table/links: 00440 if ($this->pi_alwaysPrev>=0) { 00441 if ($pointer>0) { 00442 $links[]=' 00443 <td nowrap="nowrap"><p>'.$this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev','< Previous',TRUE),array('pointer'=>($pointer-1?$pointer-1:'')),0).'</p></td>'; 00444 } elseif ($this->pi_alwaysPrev) { 00445 $links[]=' 00446 <td nowrap="nowrap"><p>'.$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev','< Previous',TRUE).'</p></td>'; 00447 } 00448 } 00449 for($a=0;$a<$max;$a++) { 00450 $links[]=' 00451 <td'.($pointer==$a?$this->pi_classParam('browsebox-SCell'):'').' nowrap="nowrap"><p>'. 00452 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars(trim($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_page','Page',TRUE).' '.($a+1)),array('pointer'=>($a?$a:'')),$this->pi_isOnlyFields($this->pi_isOnlyFields)). 00453 '</p></td>'; 00454 } 00455 if ($pointer<ceil($count/$results_at_a_time)-1) { 00456 $links[]=' 00457 <td nowrap="nowrap"><p>'. 00458 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_next','Next >',TRUE),array('pointer'=>$pointer+1)). 00459 '</p></td>'; 00460 } 00461 00462 $pR1 = $pointer*$results_at_a_time+1; 00463 $pR2 = $pointer*$results_at_a_time+$results_at_a_time; 00464 $sTables = ' 00465 00466 <!-- 00467 List browsing box: 00468 --> 00469 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox').'>'. 00470 ($showResultCount ? ' 00471 <p>'. 00472 ($this->internal['res_count'] ? 00473 sprintf( 00474 str_replace('###SPAN_BEGIN###','<span'.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox-strong').'>',$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_displays','Displaying results ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s to %s</span> out of ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s</span>')), 00475 $this->internal['res_count'] > 0 ? $pR1 : 0, 00476 min(array($this->internal['res_count'],$pR2)), 00477 $this->internal['res_count'] 00478 ) : 00479 $this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_noResults','Sorry, no items were found.')).'</p>':'' 00480 ). 00481 ' 00482 00483 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00484 <tr> 00485 '.implode('',$links).' 00486 </tr> 00487 </table> 00488 </div>'; 00489 00490 return $sTables; 00491 } 00492 00500 function pi_list_searchBox($tableParams='') { 00501 // Search box design: 00502 $sTables = ' 00503 00504 <!-- 00505 List search box: 00506 --> 00507 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox').'> 00508 <form action="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')).'" method="post" style="margin: 0 0 0 0;"> 00509 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00510 <tr> 00511 <td><input type="text" name="'.$this->prefixId.'[sword]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->piVars['sword']).'"'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox-sword').' /></td> 00512 <td><input type="submit" value="'.$this->pi_getLL('pi_list_searchBox_search','Search',TRUE).'"'.$this->pi_classParam('searchbox-button').' />'. 00513 '<input type="hidden" name="no_cache" value="1" />'. 00514 '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->prefixId.'[pointer]" value="" />'. 00515 '</td> 00516 </tr> 00517 </table> 00518 </form> 00519 </div>'; 00520 00521 return $sTables; 00522 } 00523 00531 function pi_list_modeSelector($items=array(),$tableParams='') { 00532 $cells=array(); 00533 reset($items); 00534 while(list($k,$v)=each($items)) { 00535 $cells[]=' 00536 <td'.($this->piVars['mode']==$k?$this->pi_classParam('modeSelector-SCell'):'').'><p>'. 00537 $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars(htmlspecialchars($v),array('mode'=>$k),$this->pi_isOnlyFields($this->pi_isOnlyFields)). 00538 '</p></td>'; 00539 } 00540 00541 $sTables = ' 00542 00543 <!-- 00544 Mode selector (menu for list): 00545 --> 00546 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('modeSelector').'> 00547 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00548 <tr> 00549 '.implode('',$cells).' 00550 </tr> 00551 </table> 00552 </div>'; 00553 00554 return $sTables; 00555 } 00556 00569 function pi_list_makelist($res,$tableParams='') { 00570 // Make list table header: 00571 $tRows=array(); 00572 $this->internal['currentRow']=''; 00573 $tRows[] = $this->pi_list_header(); 00574 00575 // Make list table rows 00576 $c=0; 00577 while($this->internal['currentRow'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 00578 $tRows[] = $this->pi_list_row($c); 00579 $c++; 00580 } 00581 00582 $out = ' 00583 00584 <!-- 00585 Record list: 00586 --> 00587 <div'.$this->pi_classParam('listrow').'> 00588 <'.trim('table '.$tableParams).'> 00589 '.implode('',$tRows).' 00590 </table> 00591 </div>'; 00592 00593 return $out; 00594 } 00595 00604 function pi_list_row($c) { 00605 // Dummy 00606 return '<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam('listrow-odd') : '').'><td><p>[dummy row]</p></td></tr>'; 00607 } 00608 00616 function pi_list_header() { 00617 return '<tr'.$this->pi_classParam('listrow-header').'><td><p>[dummy header row]</p></td></tr>'; 00618 } 00619 00620 00621 00622 00623 00624 00625 00626 00627 00628 00629 00630 00631 00632 00633 00634 /*************************** 00635 * 00636 * Stylesheet, CSS 00637 * 00638 **************************/ 00639 00640 00647 function pi_getClassName($class) { 00648 return str_replace('_','-',$this->prefixId).($this->prefixId?'-':'').$class; 00649 } 00650 00659 function pi_classParam($class) { 00660 return ' class="'.$this->pi_getClassName($class).'"'; 00661 } 00662 00673 function pi_setClassStyle($class,$data,$selector='') { 00674 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->setCSS($this->pi_getClassName($class).($selector?' '.$selector:''),'.'.$this->pi_getClassName($class).($selector?' '.$selector:'').' {'.$data.'}'); 00675 } 00676 00684 function pi_wrapInBaseClass($str) { 00685 return ' 00686 00687 00688 <!-- 00689 00690 BEGIN: Content of extension "'.$this->extKey.'", plugin "'.$this->prefixId.'" 00691 00692 --> 00693 <div class="'.str_replace('_','-',$this->prefixId).'"> 00694 '.$str.' 00695 </div> 00696 <!-- END: Content of extension "'.$this->extKey.'", plugin "'.$this->prefixId.'" --> 00697 00698 '; 00699 } 00700 00701 00702 00703 00704 00705 00706 00707 00708 00709 00710 00711 00712 00713 00714 00715 00716 00717 /*************************** 00718 * 00719 * Frontend editing: Edit panel, edit icons 00720 * 00721 **************************/ 00722 00733 function pi_getEditPanel($row='',$tablename='',$label='',$conf=Array()) { 00734 $panel=''; 00735 if (!$row || !$tablename) { 00736 $row = $this->internal['currentRow']; 00737 $tablename = $this->internal['currentTable']; 00738 } 00739 00740 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin) { 00741 // Create local cObj if not set: 00742 if (!is_object($this->pi_EPtemp_cObj)) { 00743 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj'); 00744 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->setParent($this->cObj->data,$this->cObj->currentRecord); 00745 } 00746 00747 // Initialize the cObj object with current row 00748 $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->start($row,$tablename); 00749 00750 // Setting TypoScript values in the $conf array. See documentation in TSref for the EDITPANEL cObject. 00751 $conf['allow'] = 'edit,new,delete,move,hide'; 00752 $panel = $this->pi_EPtemp_cObj->cObjGetSingle('EDITPANEL',$conf,'editpanel'); 00753 } 00754 00755 if ($panel) { 00756 if ($label) { 00757 return '<!-- BEGIN: EDIT PANEL --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top">'.$label.'</td><td valign="top" align="right">'.$panel.'</td></tr></table><!-- END: EDIT PANEL -->'; 00758 } else return '<!-- BEGIN: EDIT PANEL -->'.$panel.'<!-- END: EDIT PANEL -->'; 00759 } else return $label; 00760 } 00761 00775 function pi_getEditIcon($content,$fields,$title='',$row='',$tablename='',$oConf=array()) { 00776 if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->beUserLogin){ 00777 if (!$row || !$tablename) { 00778 $row = $this->internal['currentRow']; 00779 $tablename = $this->internal['currentTable']; 00780 } 00781 $conf=array_merge(array( 00782 'beforeLastTag'=>1, 00783 'iconTitle' => $title 00784 ),$oConf); 00785 $content=$this->cObj->editIcons($content,$tablename.':'.$fields,$conf,$tablename.':'.$row['uid'],$row,'&viewUrl='.rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'))); 00786 } 00787 return $content; 00788 } 00789 00790 00791 00792 00793 00794 00795 00796 00797 00798 00799 00800 00801 00802 00803 00804 00805 00806 /*************************** 00807 * 00808 * Localization, locallang functions 00809 * 00810 **************************/ 00811 00812 00822 function pi_getLL($key,$alt='',$hsc=FALSE) { 00823 if (isset($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->LLkey][$key])) { 00824 $word = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConv($this->LOCAL_LANG[$this->LLkey][$key]); 00825 } elseif (isset($this->LOCAL_LANG['default'][$key])) { 00826 $word = $this->LOCAL_LANG['default'][$key]; 00827 } else { 00828 $word = $this->LLtestPrefixAlt.$alt; 00829 } 00830 00831 $output = $this->LLtestPrefix.$word; 00832 if ($hsc) $output = htmlspecialchars($output); 00833 00834 return $output; 00835 } 00836 00843 function pi_loadLL() { 00844 if (!$this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded && $this->scriptRelPath) { 00845 $basePath = t3lib_extMgm::siteRelPath($this->extKey).dirname($this->scriptRelPath).'/locallang.php'; 00846 if (@is_file($basePath)) { 00847 include('./'.$basePath); 00848 $this->LOCAL_LANG = $LOCAL_LANG; 00849 if (is_array($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'])) { 00850 reset($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.']); 00851 while(list($k,$lA)=each($this->conf['_LOCAL_LANG.'])) { 00852 if (is_array($lA)) { 00853 $k = substr($k,0,-1); 00854 $this->LOCAL_LANG[$k] = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule(is_array($this->LOCAL_LANG[$k])?$this->LOCAL_LANG[$k]:array(), $lA); 00855 } 00856 } 00857 } 00858 } 00859 } 00860 $this->LOCAL_LANG_loaded = 1; 00861 } 00862 00863 00864 00865 00866 00867 00868 00869 00870 00871 00872 00873 00874 00875 00876 00877 00878 00879 00880 00881 00882 00883 00884 00885 /*************************** 00886 * 00887 * Database, queries 00888 * 00889 **************************/ 00890 00908 function pi_list_query($table,$count=0,$addWhere='',$mm_cat='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$query='',$returnQueryArray=FALSE) { 00909 00910 // Begin Query: 00911 if (!$query) { 00912 // Fetches the list of PIDs to select from. 00913 // TypoScript property .pidList is a comma list of pids. If blank, current page id is used. 00914 // TypoScript property .recursive is a int+ which determines how many levels down from the pids in the pid-list subpages should be included in the select. 00915 $pidList = $this->pi_getPidList($this->conf['pidList'],$this->conf['recursive']); 00916 if (is_array($mm_cat)) { 00917 $query='FROM '.$table.','.$mm_cat['table'].','.$mm_cat['mmtable'].chr(10). 00918 ' WHERE '.$table.'.uid='.$mm_cat['mmtable'].'.uid_local AND '.$mm_cat['table'].'.uid='.$mm_cat['mmtable'].'.uid_foreign '.chr(10). 00919 (strcmp($mm_cat['catUidList'],'')?' AND '.$mm_cat['table'].'.uid IN ('.$mm_cat['catUidList'].')':'').chr(10). 00920 ' AND '.$table.'.pid IN ('.$pidList.')'.chr(10). 00921 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).chr(10); // This adds WHERE-clauses that ensures deleted, hidden, starttime/endtime/access records are NOT selected, if they should not! Almost ALWAYS add this to your queries! 00922 } else { 00923 $query='FROM '.$table.' WHERE pid IN ('.$pidList.')'.chr(10). 00924 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).chr(10); // This adds WHERE-clauses that ensures deleted, hidden, starttime/endtime/access records are NOT selected, if they should not! Almost ALWAYS add this to your queries! 00925 } 00926 } 00927 00928 // Split the "FROM ... WHERE" string so we get the WHERE part and TABLE names separated...: 00929 list($TABLENAMES,$WHERE) = spliti('WHERE', trim($query), 2); 00930 $TABLENAMES = trim(substr(trim($TABLENAMES),5)); 00931 $WHERE = trim($WHERE); 00932 00933 // Add '$addWhere' 00934 if ($addWhere) {$WHERE.=' '.$addWhere.chr(10);} 00935 00936 // Search word: 00937 if ($this->piVars['sword'] && $this->internal['searchFieldList']) { 00938 $WHERE.=$this->cObj->searchWhere($this->piVars['sword'],$this->internal['searchFieldList'],$table).chr(10); 00939 } 00940 00941 if ($count) { 00942 $queryParts = array( 00943 'SELECT' => 'count(*)', 00944 'FROM' => $TABLENAMES, 00945 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 00946 'GROUPBY' => '', 00947 'ORDERBY' => '', 00948 'LIMIT' => '' 00949 ); 00950 } else { 00951 // Order by data: 00952 if (!$orderBy) { 00953 if (t3lib_div::inList($this->internal['orderByList'],$this->internal['orderBy'])) { 00954 $orderBy = 'ORDER BY '.$table.'.'.$this->internal['orderBy'].($this->internal['descFlag']?' DESC':''); 00955 } 00956 } 00957 00958 // Limit data: 00959 $pointer = $this->piVars['pointer']; 00960 $pointer = intval($pointer); 00961 $results_at_a_time = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->internal['results_at_a_time'],1,1000); 00962 $LIMIT = ($pointer*$results_at_a_time).','.$results_at_a_time; 00963 00964 // Add 'SELECT' 00965 $queryParts = array( 00966 'SELECT' => $this->pi_prependFieldsWithTable($table,$this->pi_listFields), 00967 'FROM' => $TABLENAMES, 00968 'WHERE' => $WHERE, 00969 'GROUPBY' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->stripGroupBy($groupBy), 00970 'ORDERBY' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->stripOrderBy($orderBy), 00971 'LIMIT' => $LIMIT 00972 ); 00973 } 00974 00975 $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery ( 00976 $queryParts['SELECT'], 00977 $queryParts['FROM'], 00978 $queryParts['WHERE'], 00979 $queryParts['GROUPBY'], 00980 $queryParts['ORDERBY'], 00981 $queryParts['LIMIT'] 00982 ); 00983 return $returnQueryArray ? $queryParts : $query; 00984 } 00985 01000 function pi_exec_query($table,$count=0,$addWhere='',$mm_cat='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$query='') { 01001 $queryParts = $this->pi_list_query($table,$count,$addWhere,$mm_cat,$groupBy,$orderBy,$query, TRUE); 01002 01003 return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts); 01004 } 01005 01015 function pi_getRecord($table,$uid,$checkPage=0) { 01016 return $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->checkRecord($table,$uid,$checkPage); 01017 } 01018 01026 function pi_getPidList($pid_list,$recursive=0) { 01027 if (!strcmp($pid_list,'')) $pid_list = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id; 01028 $recursive = t3lib_div::intInRange($recursive,0); 01029 01030 $pid_list_arr = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$pid_list,1)); 01031 $pid_list = array(); 01032 01033 foreach($pid_list_arr as $val) { 01034 $val = t3lib_div::intInRange($val,0); 01035 if ($val) { 01036 $_list = $this->cObj->getTreeList(-1*$val, $recursive); 01037 if ($_list) $pid_list[] = $_list; 01038 } 01039 } 01040 01041 return implode(',', $pid_list); 01042 } 01043 01051 function pi_prependFieldsWithTable($table,$fieldList) { 01052 $list=t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fieldList,1); 01053 $return=array(); 01054 while(list(,$listItem)=each($list)) { 01055 $return[]=$table.'.'.$listItem; 01056 } 01057 return implode(',',$return); 01058 } 01059 01071 function pi_getCategoryTableContents($table,$pid,$whereClause='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$limit='') { 01072 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( 01073 '*', 01074 $table, 01075 'pid='.intval($pid). 01076 $this->cObj->enableFields($table).' '. 01077 $whereClause, // whereClauseMightContainGroupOrderBy 01078 $groupBy, 01079 $orderBy, 01080 $limit 01081 ); 01082 $outArr = array(); 01083 while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 01084 $outArr[$row['uid']] = $row; 01085 } 01086 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); 01087 return $outArr; 01088 } 01089 01090 01091 01092 01093 01094 01095 01096 01097 01098 01099 01100 01101 /*************************** 01102 * 01103 * Various 01104 * 01105 **************************/ 01106 01115 function pi_isOnlyFields($fList,$lowerThan=-1) { 01116 $lowerThan = $lowerThan==-1 ? $this->pi_lowerThan : $lowerThan; 01117 01118 $fList = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fList,1); 01119 $tempPiVars = $this->piVars; 01120 while(list(,$k)=each($fList)) { 01121 if (!t3lib_div::testInt($tempPiVars[$k]) || $tempPiVars[$k]<$lowerThan) unset($tempPiVars[$k]); 01122 } 01123 if (!count($tempPiVars)) return 1; 01124 } 01125 01135 function pi_autoCache($inArray) { 01136 if (is_array($inArray)) { 01137 reset($inArray); 01138 while(list($fN,$fV)=each($inArray)) { 01139 if (!strcmp($inArray[$fN],'')) { 01140 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01141 } elseif (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN])) { 01142 if (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range']) 01143 && intval($inArray[$fN])>=intval($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range'][0]) 01144 && intval($inArray[$fN])<=intval($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['range'][1])) { 01145 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01146 } 01147 if (is_array($this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['list']) 01148 && in_array($inArray[$fN],$this->pi_autoCacheFields[$fN]['list'])) { 01149 unset($inArray[$fN]); 01150 } 01151 } 01152 } 01153 } 01154 if (!count($inArray)) return 1; 01155 } 01156 01166 function pi_RTEcssText($str) { 01167 $parseFunc = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['lib.']['parseFunc_RTE.']; 01168 if (is_array($parseFunc)) $str = $this->cObj->parseFunc($str, $parseFunc); 01169 return $str; 01170 } 01171 01172 01173 01174 01175 01176 /******************************* 01177 * 01178 * FlexForms related functions 01179 * 01180 *******************************/ 01181 01187 function pi_initPIflexForm() { 01188 // Converting flexform data into array: 01189 if (!is_array($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform']) && $this->cObj->data['pi_flexform']) { 01190 $this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'] = t3lib_div::xml2array($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform']); 01191 if (!is_array($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'])) $this->cObj->data['pi_flexform']=array(); 01192 } 01193 } 01194 01205 function pi_getFFvalue($T3FlexForm_array,$fieldName,$sheet='sDEF',$lang='lDEF',$value='vDEF') { 01206 $sheetArray = $T3FlexForm_array['data'][$sheet][$lang]; 01207 if (is_array($sheetArray)) { 01208 return $this->pi_getFFvalueFromSheetArray($sheetArray,explode('/',$fieldName),$value); 01209 } 01210 } 01211 01222 function pi_getFFvalueFromSheetArray($sheetArray,$fieldNameArr,$value) { 01223 01224 $tempArr=$sheetArray; 01225 foreach($fieldNameArr as $k => $v) { 01226 if (t3lib_div::testInt($v)) { 01227 if (is_array($tempArr)) { 01228 $c=0; 01229 foreach($tempArr as $values) { 01230 if ($c==$v) { 01231 #debug($values); 01232 $tempArr=$values; 01233 break; 01234 } 01235 $c++; 01236 } 01237 } 01238 } else { 01239 $tempArr = $tempArr[$v]; 01240 } 01241 } 01242 return $tempArr[$value]; 01243 } 01244 } 01245 01246 // NO extension of class - does not make sense here. 01247 ?>