Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 /***************************************************************
00003 *  Copyright notice
00004 *
00005 *  (c) 2001-2004 Christian Jul Jensen (
00006 *  All rights reserved
00007 *
00008 *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
00009 *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012 *  (at your option) any later version.
00013 *
00014 *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
00015 *
00016 *  A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
00017 *  from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
00018 *
00019 *
00020 *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00021 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00023 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00024 *
00025 *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
00026 ***************************************************************/
00095 class t3lib_queryGenerator      {
00096         var $lang = array(
00097                 "OR" => "or",
00098                 "AND" => "and",
00099                 "comparison" => array(
00100                                  // Type = text offset = 0
00101                         "0_" => "contains",
00102                         "1_" => "does not contain",
00103                         "2_" => "starts with",
00104                         "3_" => "does not start with",
00105                         "4_" => "ends with",
00106                         "5_" => "does not end with",
00107                         "6_" => "equals",
00108                         "7_" => "does not equal",
00109                                  // Type = date,number ,        offset = 32
00110                         "32_" => "equals",
00111                         "33_" => "does not equal",
00112                         "34_" => "is greater than",
00113                         "35_" => "is less than",
00114                         "36_" => "is between",
00115                         "37_" => "is not between",
00116                         "38_" => "is in list",
00117                         "39_" => "is not in list",
00118                         "40_" => "binary AND equals",
00119                         "41_" => "binary AND does not equal",
00120                         "42_" => "binary OR equals",
00121                         "43_" => "binary OR does not equal"
00122                 )
00123         );
00125         var $compSQL = array(
00126                         // Type = text  offset = 0
00127                 "0" => "#FIELD# LIKE '%#VALUE#%'",
00128                 "1" => "#FIELD# NOT LIKE '%#VALUE#%'",
00129                 "2" => "#FIELD# LIKE '#VALUE#%'",
00130                 "3" => "#FIELD# NOT LIKE '#VALUE#%'",
00131                 "4" => "#FIELD# LIKE '%#VALUE#'",
00132                 "5" => "#FIELD# NOT LIKE '%#VALUE#'",
00133                 "6" => "#FIELD# = '#VALUE#'",
00134                 "7" => "#FIELD# != '#VALUE#'",
00135                         // Type = date,number , offset = 32
00136                 "32" => "#FIELD# = '#VALUE#'",
00137                 "33" => "#FIELD# != '#VALUE#'",
00138                 "34" => "#FIELD# > #VALUE#",
00139                 "35" => "#FIELD# < #VALUE#",
00140                 "36" => "#FIELD# >= #VALUE# AND #FIELD# <= #VALUE1#",
00141                 "37" => "NOT (#FIELD# >= #VALUE# AND #FIELD# <= #VALUE1#)",
00142                 "38" => "#FIELD# IN (#VALUE#)",
00143                 "39" => "#FIELD# NOT IN (#VALUE#)",
00144                 "40" => "(#FIELD# & #VALUE#)=#VALUE#",
00145                 "41" => "(#FIELD# & #VALUE#)!=#VALUE#",
00146                 "42" => "(#FIELD# | #VALUE#)=#VALUE#",
00147                 "43" => "(#FIELD# | #VALUE#)!=#VALUE#"
00148         );
00150         var $comp_offsets = array(
00151                 "text" => 0,
00152                 "number" => 1,
00153                 "date" => 1
00154         );
00155         var $noWrap=" nowrap";
00157         var $name;                      // Form data name prefix
00158         var $table;                     // table for the query
00159         var $fieldList;         // field list
00160         var $fields = array();  // Array of the fields possible
00161         var $extFieldLists = array();
00162         var $queryConfig=array(); // The query config
00163         var $enablePrefix=0;
00164         var $enableQueryParts = 0;
00165         var $extJSCODE="";
00176         function makeFieldList()        {
00177                 global $TCA;
00178                 $fieldListArr = array();
00179                 if (is_array($TCA[$this->table]))       {
00180                         t3lib_div::loadTCA($this->table);
00181                         reset($TCA[$this->table]["columns"]);
00182                         while(list($fN)=each($TCA[$this->table]["columns"]))    {
00183                                 $fieldListArr[]=$fN;
00184                         }
00185                         $fieldListArr[]="uid";
00186                         $fieldListArr[]="pid";
00187                         if ($TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["tstamp"])       $fieldListArr[]=$TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["tstamp"];
00188                         if ($TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["crdate"])       $fieldListArr[]=$TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["crdate"];
00189                         if ($TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["cruser_id"])    $fieldListArr[]=$TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["cruser_id"];
00190                         if ($TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["sortby"])       $fieldListArr[]=$TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["sortby"];
00191                 }
00192                 return implode(",",$fieldListArr);
00193         }
00203         function init($name,$table,$fieldList="")       {
00204                 global $TCA;
00206                         // Analysing the fields in the table.
00207                 if (is_array($TCA[$table]))     {
00208                         t3lib_div::loadTCA($table);
00209                         $this->name = $name;
00210                         $this->table = $table;
00211                         $this->fieldList = $fieldList ? $fieldList : $this->makeFieldList();
00213                         $fieldArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(",",$this->fieldList,1);
00214                         reset($fieldArr);
00215                         while(list(,$fN)=each($fieldArr))       {
00216                                 $fC = $TCA[$this->table]["columns"][$fN];
00217                                 if (is_array($fC) && $fC["label"])      {
00218                                         $this->fields[$fN]["label"] = ereg_replace(":$","",trim($GLOBALS["LANG"]->sL($fC["label"])));
00219                                         switch($fC["config"]["type"])   {
00220                                                 case "input":
00221                                                         if (eregi("int|year",$fC["config"]["eval"]))    {
00222                                                                 $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="number";
00223                                                         } elseif (eregi("date|time",$fC["config"]["eval"]))     {
00224                                                                 $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="date";
00225                                                         } else {
00226                                                                 $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="text";
00227                                                         }
00228                                                 break;
00229                                                 case "check":
00230                                                 case "select":
00231                                                         $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="number";
00232                                                 break;
00233                                                 case "text":
00234                                                 default:
00235                                                         $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="text";
00236                                                 break;
00237                                         }
00239                                 } else {
00240                                         $this->fields[$fN]["label"]="[FIELD: ".$fN."]";
00241                                         $this->fields[$fN]["type"]="number";
00242                                 }
00243                         }
00244                 }
00246                 /*      // EXAMPLE:
00247                 $this->queryConfig = array(
00248                         array(
00249                                 "operator" => "AND",
00250                                 "type" => "FIELD_spaceBefore",
00251                         ),
00252                         array(
00253                                 "operator" => "AND",
00254                                 "type" => "FIELD_records",
00255                                 "negate" => 1,
00256                                 "inputValue" => "foo foo"
00257                         ),
00258                         array(
00259                                 "type" => "newlevel",
00260                                 "nl" => array(
00261                                         array(
00262                                                 "operator" => "AND",
00263                                                 "type" => "FIELD_spaceBefore",
00264                                                 "negate" => 1,
00265                                                 "inputValue" => "foo foo"
00266                                         ),
00267                                         array(
00268                                                 "operator" => "AND",
00269                                                 "type" => "FIELD_records",
00270                                                 "negate" => 1,
00271                                                 "inputValue" => "foo foo"
00272                                         )
00273                                 )
00274                         ),
00275                         array(
00276                                 "operator" => "OR",
00277                                 "type" => "FIELD_maillist",
00278                         )
00279                 );
00280                 */
00281                 $this->initUserDef();
00282         }
00292         function setAndCleanUpExternalLists($name,$list,$force="")      {
00293                 $fields = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(",",$list.",".$force,1));
00294                 reset($fields);
00295                 $reList=array();
00296                 while(list(,$fN)=each($fields)) {
00297                         if ($this->fields[$fN])         $reList[]=$fN;
00298                 }
00299                 $this->extFieldLists[$name]=implode(",",$reList);
00300         }
00308         function procesData($qC="")     {
00309                 $this->queryConfig = $qC;
00311                 $POST = t3lib_div::_POST();
00313                 // if delete...
00314                 if($POST["qG_del"]) {
00315                         //initialize array to work on, save special parameters
00316                         $ssArr = $this->getSubscript($POST["qG_del"]);
00317                         $workArr =& $this->queryConfig;
00318                         for($i=0;$i<sizeof($ssArr)-1;$i++) {
00319                                 $workArr =& $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00320                         }
00321                         // delete the entry and move the other entries
00322                         unset($workArr[$ssArr[$i]]);
00323                         for($j=$ssArr[$i];$j<sizeof($workArr);$j++) {
00324                                 $workArr[$j] = $workArr[$j+1];
00325                                 unset($workArr[$j+1]);
00326                         }
00327                 }
00329                 // if insert...
00330                 if($POST["qG_ins"]) {
00331                         //initialize array to work on, save special parameters
00332                         $ssArr = $this->getSubscript($POST["qG_ins"]);
00333                         $workArr =& $this->queryConfig;
00334                         for($i=0;$i<sizeof($ssArr)-1;$i++) {
00335                                 $workArr =& $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00336                         }
00337                         // move all entries above position where new entry is to be inserted
00338                         for($j=sizeof($workArr);$j>$ssArr[$i];$j--) {
00339                                 $workArr[$j] = $workArr[$j-1];
00340                         }
00341                         //clear new entry position
00342                         unset($workArr[$ssArr[$i]+1]);
00343                         $workArr[$ssArr[$i]+1]['type'] = "FIELD_";
00344                 }
00346                 // if move up...
00347                 if($POST["qG_up"]) {
00348                         //initialize array to work on
00349                         $ssArr = $this->getSubscript($POST["qG_up"]);
00350                         $workArr =& $this->queryConfig;
00351                         for($i=0;$i<sizeof($ssArr)-1;$i++) {
00352                                 $workArr =& $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00353                         }
00354                         //swap entries
00355                         $qG_tmp = $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00356                         $workArr[$ssArr[$i]] = $workArr[$ssArr[$i]-1];
00357                         $workArr[$ssArr[$i]-1] = $qG_tmp;
00358                 }
00360                 // if new level...
00361                 if($POST["qG_nl"]) {
00362                         //initialize array to work on
00363                         $ssArr = $this->getSubscript($POST["qG_nl"]);
00364                         $workArr =& $this->queryConfig;
00365                         for($i=0;$i<sizeof($ssArr)-1;$i++) {
00366                                 $workArr =& $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00367                         }
00368                         // Do stuff:
00369                         $tempEl = $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00370                         if (is_array($tempEl))  {
00371                                 if ($tempEl["type"]!="newlevel")        {
00372                                         $workArr[$ssArr[$i]]=array(
00373                                                 "type" => "newlevel",
00374                                                 "operator" => $tempEl["operator"],
00375                                                 "nl" => array($tempEl)
00376                                         );
00377                                 }
00378                         }
00379                 }
00381                 // if collapse level...
00382                 if($POST["qG_remnl"]) {
00383                         //initialize array to work on
00384                         $ssArr = $this->getSubscript($POST["qG_remnl"]);
00385                         $workArr =& $this->queryConfig;
00386                         for($i=0;$i<sizeof($ssArr)-1;$i++) {
00387                                 $workArr =& $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00388                         }
00390                         // Do stuff:
00391                         $tempEl = $workArr[$ssArr[$i]];
00392                         if (is_array($tempEl))  {
00393                                 if ($tempEl["type"]=="newlevel")        {
00394                                         $a1 = array_slice($workArr,0,$ssArr[$i]);
00395                                         $a2 = array_slice($workArr,$ssArr[$i]);
00396                                         array_shift($a2);
00397                                         $a3 = $tempEl["nl"];
00398                                         $a3[0]["operator"] = $tempEl["operator"];
00399                                         $workArr=array_merge($a1,$a3,$a2);
00400                                 }
00401                         }
00402                 }
00403         }
00411         function cleanUpQueryConfig($queryConfig)       {
00412                 //since we dont traverse the array using numeric keys in the upcoming whileloop make sure it's fresh and clean before displaying
00413                 if (is_array($queryConfig))     {
00414                         ksort($queryConfig);
00415                 } else {
00416                         //queryConfig should never be empty!
00417                         if(!$queryConfig[0] || !$queryConfig[0]["type"]) $queryConfig[0] = array("type"=>"FIELD_");
00418                 }
00419                         // Traverse:
00420                 reset($queryConfig);
00421                 $c=0;
00422                 $arrCount=0;
00423                 while(list($key,$conf)=each($queryConfig))      {
00424                         if(substr($conf["type"],0,6)=="FIELD_") {
00425                                 $fName = substr($conf["type"],6);
00426                                 $fType = $this->fields[$fName]["type"];
00427                         } elseif($conf["type"]=="newlevel") {
00428                                 $fType = $conf["type"];
00429                         } else {
00430                                 $fType = "ignore";
00431                         }
00432 //                      debug($fType);
00433                         switch($fType)  {
00434                                 case "newlevel":
00435                                         if(!$queryConfig[$key]["nl"]) $queryConfig[$key]["nl"][0]["type"] = "FIELD_";
00436                                         $queryConfig[$key]["nl"]=$this->cleanUpQueryConfig($queryConfig[$key]["nl"]);
00437                                 break;
00438                                 case "userdef":
00439                                         $queryConfig[$key]=$this->userDefCleanUp($queryConfig[$key]);
00440                                 break;
00441                                 case "ignore":
00442                                 default:
00443 //                                      debug($queryConfig[$key]);
00444                                         $verifiedName=$this->verifyType($fName);
00445                                         $queryConfig[$key]["type"]="FIELD_".$this->verifyType($verifiedName);
00447                                         if($conf["comparison"] >> 5 != $this->comp_offsets[$fType]) $conf["comparison"] = $this->comp_offsets[$fType] << 5;
00448                                         $queryConfig[$key]["comparison"]=$this->verifyComparison($conf["comparison"],$conf["negate"]?1:0);
00450                                         $queryConfig[$key]["inputValue"]=$this->cleanInputVal($queryConfig[$key]);
00451                                         $queryConfig[$key]["inputValue1"]=$this->cleanInputVal($queryConfig[$key],1);
00453 //                                      debug($queryConfig[$key]);
00454                         break;
00455                         }
00456                 }
00457                 return $queryConfig;
00458         }
00468         function getFormElements($subLevel=0,$queryConfig="",$parent="")        {
00469                 $codeArr=array();
00470                 if (!is_array($queryConfig))    $queryConfig=$this->queryConfig;
00472                 reset($queryConfig);
00473                 $c=0;
00474                 $arrCount=0;
00475                 while(list($key,$conf)=each($queryConfig))      {
00476                         $subscript = $parent."[$key]";
00477                         $lineHTML = "";
00478                         $lineHTML.=$this->mkOperatorSelect($this->name.$subscript,$conf["operator"],$c,($conf["type"]!="FIELD_"));
00479                         if(substr($conf["type"],0,6)=="FIELD_") {
00480                                 $fName = substr($conf["type"],6);
00481                                 $fType = $this->fields[$fName]["type"];
00482                                 if($conf["comparison"] >> 5 != $this->comp_offsets[$fType]) $conf["comparison"] = $this->comp_offsets[$fType] << 5;
00484                                 //nasty nasty...
00485                                 //make sure queryConfig contains _actual_ comparevalue.
00486                                 //mkCompSelect don't care, but getQuery does.
00487                                 $queryConfig[$key]["comparison"] += (isset($conf["negate"])-($conf["comparison"]%2));
00489                         } elseif($conf["type"]=="newlevel") {
00490                                 $fType = $conf["type"];
00491                         } else {
00492                                 $fType = "ignore";
00493                         }
00494 //                      debug($fType);
00495                         switch($fType)  {
00496                                 case "ignore":
00497                                 break;
00498                                 case "newlevel":
00499                                         if(!$queryConfig[$key]["nl"]) $queryConfig[$key]["nl"][0]["type"] = "FIELD_";
00500                                         $lineHTML.='<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[type]" value="newlevel">';
00501                                         $codeArr[$arrCount]["sub"] = $this->getFormElements($subLevel+1,$queryConfig[$key]["nl"],$subscript."[nl]");
00502                                 break;
00503                                 case "userdef":
00504                                          $lineHTML.=$this->userDef($this->name.$subscript,$conf,$fName,$fType);
00505                                 break;
00506                                 default:
00507                                         $lineHTML.=$this->mkTypeSelect($this->name.$subscript.'[type]',$fName);
00508                                         $lineHTML.=$this->mkCompSelect($this->name.$subscript.'[comparison]',$conf["comparison"],$conf["negate"]?1:0);
00509                                         $lineHTML.='<input type="checkbox" '.($conf["negate"]?"checked":"").' name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[negate]'.'" onClick="submit();">';
00511                                         if ($conf["comparison"]==37 || $conf["comparison"]==36) {       // between:
00512                                                 $lineHTML.='<input type="text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($conf["inputValue"]).'" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]'.'"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth(5).'>
00513                                                 <input type="text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($conf["inputValue1"]).'" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue1]'.'"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth(5).'>
00514                                                 ';      // onChange="submit();"
00515                                         } elseif ($fType=="date") {
00516                                                 $lineHTML.='<input type="text" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]_hr'.'"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth(10).' onChange="typo3FormFieldGet(\''.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]\', \'datetime\', \'\', 0,0);"><input type="hidden" value="'.htmlspecialchars($conf["inputValue"]).'" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]'.'">';
00517                                                 $this->extJSCODE.='typo3FormFieldSet("'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]", "datetime", "", 0,0);';
00518                                         } else {
00519                                                 $lineHTML.='<input type="text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($conf["inputValue"]).'" name="'.$this->name.$subscript.'[inputValue]'.'"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth(10).'>'; // onChange="submit();"
00520                                         }
00521                                 break;
00522                         }
00523                         if($fType != "ignore") {
00524                                 $lineHTML .= $this->updateIcon();
00525                                 $lineHTML .= '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/garbage.gif" class="absmiddle" width="11" height="12" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Remove condition" name="qG_del'.$subscript.'">';
00526                                 $lineHTML .= '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/add.gif" class="absmiddle" width="12" height="12" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Add condition" name="qG_ins'.$subscript.'">';
00527                                 if($c!=0) $lineHTML.= '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/pil2up.gif" class="absmiddle" width="12" height="7" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Move up" name="qG_up'.$subscript.'">';
00529                                 if($c!=0 && $fType!="newlevel") {
00530                                         $lineHTML.= '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/pil2right.gif" class="absmiddle" height="12" width="7" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="New level" name="qG_nl'.$subscript.'">';
00531                                 }
00532                                 if($fType=="newlevel") {
00533                                         $lineHTML.= '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/pil2left.gif" class="absmiddle" height="12" width="7" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Collapse new level" name="qG_remnl'.$subscript.'">';
00534                                 }
00536                                 $codeArr[$arrCount]["html"] = $lineHTML;
00537                                 $codeArr[$arrCount]["query"] = $this->getQuerySingle($conf,$c>0?0:1);
00538                                 $arrCount++;
00539                                 $c++;
00540                         }
00541                 }
00542 //              $codeArr[$arrCount] .='<input type="hidden" name="CMD" value="displayQuery">';
00543                 $this->queryConfig = $queryConfig;
00544 //modifyHTMLColor($color,$R,$G,$B)
00545                 return $codeArr;
00546         }
00555         function printCodeArray($codeArr,$l=0)  {
00556                 reset($codeArr);
00557                 $line="";
00558                 if ($l)         $indent='<td><img height="1" width="50"></td>';
00559                 $lf=$l*30;
00560                 $bgColor = t3lib_div::modifyHTMLColor($GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->bgColor2,$lf,$lf,$lf);
00561                 while(list($k,$v)=each($codeArr))       {
00562                         $line.= '<tr>'.$indent.'<td bgcolor="'.$bgColor.'"'.$this->noWrap.'>'.$v["html"].'</td></tr>';
00563                         if ($this->enableQueryParts)    {$line.= '<tr>'.$indent.'<td>'.$this->formatQ($v["query"]).'</td></tr>';}
00564                         if (is_array($v["sub"]))        {
00565                                 $line.= '<tr>'.$indent.'<td'.$this->noWrap.'>'.$this->printCodeArray($v["sub"],$l+1).'</td></tr>';
00566                         }
00567                 }
00568                 $out='<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1>'.$line.'</table>';
00569                 return $out;
00570         }
00578         function formatQ($str)  {
00579                 return '<font size=1 face=verdana color=maroon><i>'.$str.'</i></font>';
00580         }
00591         function mkOperatorSelect($name,$op,$draw,$submit)      {
00592                 if ($draw)      {
00593                         $out='<select name="'.$name.'[operator]"'.($submit?' onChange="submit();"':'').'>';     //
00594                         $out.='<option value="AND"'.(!$op||$op=="AND" ? ' selected':'').'>'.$this->lang["AND"].'</option>';
00595                         $out.='<option value="OR"'.($op=="OR" ? ' selected':'').'>'.$this->lang["OR"].'</option>';
00596                         $out.='</select>';
00597                 } else {
00598                         $out.='<input type="hidden" value="'.$op.'" name="'.$name.'[operator]">';
00599                         $out.='<img src="clear.gif" height="1" width="47">';
00601                 }
00602                 return $out;
00603         }
00613         function mkTypeSelect($name,$fieldName,$prepend="FIELD_")       {
00614                 $out='<select name="'.$name.'" onChange="submit();">';
00615                 $out.='<option value=""></option>';
00616                 reset($this->fields);
00617                 while(list($key,)=each($this->fields)) {
00618                         if ($GLOBALS["BE_USER"]->check("non_exclude_fields",$this->table.":".$key))     {
00619                                 $out.='<option value="'.$prepend.$key.'"'.($key==$fieldName ? ' selected':'').'>'.$this->fields[$key]["label"].'</option>';
00620                         }
00621                 }
00622                 $out.='</select>';
00623                 return $out;
00624         }
00632         function verifyType($fieldName) {
00633                 reset($this->fields);
00634                 $first = "";
00635                 while(list($key,)=each($this->fields)) {
00636                         if (!$first)    $first = $key;
00637                         if ($key==$fieldName) return $key;
00638                 }
00639                 return $first;
00640         }
00649         function verifyComparison($comparison,$neg)     {
00650                 $compOffSet = $comparison >> 5;
00651                 $first=-1;
00652                 for($i=32*$compOffSet+$neg;$i<32*($compOffSet+1);$i+=2) {
00653                         if ($first==-1) $first = $i;
00654                         if (($i >> 1)==($comparison >> 1))      {
00655                                 return $i;
00656                         }
00657                 }
00658                 return $first;
00659         }
00668         function mkFieldToInputSelect($name,$fieldName) {
00669                 $out='<input type="Text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($fieldName).'" name="'.$name.'"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth().'>'.$this->updateIcon();
00670                 $out.='<a href="#" onClick="document.forms[0][\''.$name.'\'].value=\'\';return false;"><img src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/garbage.gif" class="absmiddle" width="11" height="12" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Clear list" border=0></a>';
00671                 $out.='<BR><select name="_fieldListDummy" size=5 onChange="document.forms[0][\''.$name.'\'].value+=\',\'+this.value">';
00672                 reset($this->fields);
00673                 while(list($key,)=each($this->fields)) {
00674                         if ($GLOBALS["BE_USER"]->check("non_exclude_fields",$this->table.":".$key))     {
00675                                 $out.='<option value="'.$prepend.$key.'"'.($key==$fieldName ? ' selected':'').'>'.$this->fields[$key]["label"].'</option>';
00676                         }
00677                 }
00678                 $out.='</select>';
00679                 return $out;
00680         }
00689         function mkTableSelect($name,$cur)      {
00690                 global $TCA;
00691                 $out='<select name="'.$name.'" onChange="submit();">';
00692                 $out.='<option value=""></option>';
00693                 reset($TCA);
00694                 while(list($tN)=each($TCA)) {
00695                         if ($GLOBALS["BE_USER"]->check("tables_select",$tN))    {
00696                                 $out.='<option value="'.$tN.'"'.($tN==$cur ? ' selected':'').'>'.$GLOBALS["LANG"]->sl($TCA[$tN]["ctrl"]["title"]).'</option>';
00697                         }
00698                 }
00699                 $out.='</select>';
00700                 return $out;
00701         }
00711         function mkCompSelect($name,$comparison,$neg)   {
00712                 $compOffSet = $comparison >> 5;
00713                 $out='<select name="'.$name.'" onChange="submit();">';
00714                 for($i=32*$compOffSet+$neg;$i<32*($compOffSet+1);$i+=2) {
00715                         if($this->lang["comparison"][$i."_"]) {
00716                                 $out.='<option value="'.$i.'"'.(($i >> 1)==($comparison >> 1) ? ' selected':'').'>'.$this->lang["comparison"][$i."_"].'</option>';
00717                         }
00718                 }
00719                 $out.='</select>';
00720                 return $out;
00721         }
00729         function getSubscript($arr) {
00730                 while(is_array($arr)) {
00731                         reset($arr);
00732                         list($key,)=each($arr);
00733                         $retArr[] = $key;
00734                         $arr = $arr[$key];
00735                 }
00736                 return $retArr;
00737         }
00744         function initUserDef()  {
00746         }
00753         function userDef()      {
00754         }
00762         function userDefCleanUp($queryConfig)   {
00763                 return $queryConfig;
00764         }
00773         function getQuery ($queryConfig,$pad="") {
00774                 $qs = "";
00775                 //since wo dont traverse the array using numeric keys in the upcoming whileloop make sure it's fresh and clean
00776                 ksort($queryConfig);
00777                 reset($queryConfig);
00778                 $first=1;
00779                 while(list($key,$conf) = each($queryConfig)) {
00780                         switch($conf["type"]) {
00781                                 case "newlevel":
00782                                         $qs.=chr(10).$pad.trim($conf["operator"])." (".$this->getQuery($queryConfig[$key]["nl"],$pad."   ").chr(10).$pad.")";
00783                                 break;
00784                                 case "userdef":
00785                                         $qs.=chr(10).$pad.getUserDefQuery($conf,$first);
00786                                 break;
00787                                 default:
00788                                         $qs.=chr(10).$pad.$this->getQuerySingle($conf,$first);
00789                                 break;
00790                         }
00791                         $first=0;
00792                 }
00793                 return $qs;
00794         }
00803         function getQuerySingle($conf,$first)   {
00804                 $prefix = $this->enablePrefix ? $this->table."." : "";
00805                 if (!$first)    {$qs.= trim(($conf["operator"]?$conf["operator"]:"AND"))." ";}          // Is it OK to insert the AND operator if none is set?
00806                 $qsTmp = str_replace("#FIELD#",$prefix.trim(substr($conf["type"],6)),$this->compSQL[$conf["comparison"]]);
00807                 $inputVal = $this->cleanInputVal($conf);
00808                 $qsTmp = str_replace("#VALUE#", $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($inputVal, $this->table),$qsTmp);
00809                 if ($conf["comparison"]==37 || $conf["comparison"]==36) {       // between:
00810                         $inputVal = $this->cleanInputVal($conf,"1");
00811                         $qsTmp = str_replace("#VALUE1#", $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($inputVal, $this->table),$qsTmp);
00812                 }
00813                 $qs .= trim($qsTmp);
00814                 return $qs;
00815         }
00824         function cleanInputVal($conf,$suffix="")        {
00825                 if(($conf["comparison"] >> 5==0) || ($conf["comparison"]==32 || $conf["comparison"]==33))       {
00826                         $inputVal = $conf["inputValue".$suffix];
00827                 } else {
00828                         if ($conf["comparison"]==39 || $conf["comparison"]==38) {       // in list:
00829                                 $inputVal = implode(",",t3lib_div::intExplode(",",$conf["inputValue".$suffix]));
00830                         } else {
00831                                 $inputVal = doubleval($conf["inputValue".$suffix]);
00832                         }
00833                 }
00834                 return $inputVal;
00835         }
00843         function getUserDefQuery ($qcArr) {
00844         }
00851         function updateIcon()   {
00852                 return '<input type="image" border=0 src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'gfx/refresh_n.gif" class="absmiddle" width="14" height="14" hspace=3 vspace=3 title="Update" name="just_update">';
00853         }
00860         function getLabelCol()  {
00861                 global $TCA;
00862                 return $TCA[$this->table]["ctrl"]["label"];
00863         }
00872         function makeSelectorTable($modSettings,$enableList="table,fields,query,group,order,limit")     {
00873                 $enableArr=explode(",",$enableList);
00874                         // Make output
00875                 $TDparams = ' class="bgColor5" nowrap';
00877                 if (in_array("table",$enableArr))       {
00878                         $out='
00879                         <tr>
00880                                 <td'.$TDparams.'><strong>Select a table:</strong></td>
00881                                 <td'.$TDparams.'>'.$this->mkTableSelect("SET[queryTable]",$this->table).'</td>
00882                         </tr>';
00883                 }
00884                 if ($this->table)       {
00886                                 // Init fields:
00887                         $this->setAndCleanUpExternalLists("queryFields",$modSettings["queryFields"],"uid,".$this->getLabelCol());
00888                         $this->setAndCleanUpExternalLists("queryGroup",$modSettings["queryGroup"]);
00889                         $this->setAndCleanUpExternalLists("queryOrder",$modSettings["queryOrder"].",".$modSettings["queryOrder2"]);
00891                                 // Limit:
00892                         $this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"]=$modSettings["queryLimit"];
00893                         if (!$this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"])        $this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"]=100;
00894                         $parts = t3lib_div::intExplode(",",$this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"]);
00895                         $this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"] = implode(",",array_slice($parts,0,2));
00897                                 // Insert Descending parts
00898                         if ($this->extFieldLists["queryOrder"]) {
00899                                 $descParts = explode(",",$modSettings["queryOrderDesc"].",".$modSettings["queryOrder2Desc"]);
00900                                 $orderParts = explode(",",$this->extFieldLists["queryOrder"]);
00901                                 reset($orderParts);
00902                                 $reList=array();
00903                                 while(list($kk,$vv)=each($orderParts))  {
00904                                         $reList[]=$vv.($descParts[$kk]?" DESC":"");
00905                                 }
00906                                 $this->extFieldLists["queryOrder_SQL"] = implode(",",$reList);
00907                         }
00909                                 // Query Generator:
00910                         $this->procesData($modSettings["queryConfig"] ? unserialize($modSettings["queryConfig"]) : "");
00911         //              debug($this->queryConfig);
00912                         $this->queryConfig = $this->cleanUpQueryConfig($this->queryConfig);
00913         //              debug($this->queryConfig);
00914                         $this->enableQueryParts = $modSettings["search_query_smallparts"];
00916                         $codeArr=$this->getFormElements();
00917                         $queryCode=$this->printCodeArray($codeArr);
00919                         if (in_array("fields",$enableArr))      {
00920                                 $out.='
00921                                 <tr>
00922                                         <td'.$TDparams.'><strong>Select fields:</strong></td>
00923                                         <td'.$TDparams.'>'.$this->mkFieldToInputSelect("SET[queryFields]",$this->extFieldLists["queryFields"]).'</td>
00924                                 </tr>';
00925                         }
00926                         if (in_array("query",$enableArr))       {
00927                                 $out.='<tr>
00928                                         <td colspan=2'.$TDparams.'><strong>Make Query:</strong></td>
00929                                 </tr>
00930                                 <tr>
00931                                         <td colspan=2>'.$queryCode.'</td>
00932                                 </tr>
00933                                 ';
00934                         }
00935                         if (in_array("group",$enableArr))       {
00936                                 $out.='<tr>
00937                                         <td'.$TDparams.'><strong>Group By:</strong></td>
00938                                         <td'.$TDparams.'>'.$this->mkTypeSelect("SET[queryGroup]",$this->extFieldLists["queryGroup"],"").'</td>
00939                                 </tr>';
00940                         }
00941                         if (in_array("order",$enableArr))       {
00942                                 $orderByArr = explode(",",$this->extFieldLists["queryOrder"]);
00943                 //              debug($orderByArr);
00944                                 $orderBy="";
00945                                 $orderBy.=$this->mkTypeSelect("SET[queryOrder]",$orderByArr[0],"").
00946                                 "&nbsp;".t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($GLOBALS["SOBE"]->id,"SET[queryOrderDesc]",$modSettings["queryOrderDesc"])."&nbsp;Descending";
00947                                 if ($orderByArr[0])     {
00948                                         $orderBy.= "<BR>".$this->mkTypeSelect("SET[queryOrder2]",$orderByArr[1],"").
00949                                         "&nbsp;".t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($GLOBALS["SOBE"]->id,"SET[queryOrder2Desc]",$modSettings["queryOrder2Desc"])."&nbsp;Descending";
00950                                 }
00951                                 $out.='<tr>
00952                                         <td'.$TDparams.'><strong>Order By:</strong></td>
00953                                         <td'.$TDparams.'>'.$orderBy.'</td>
00954                                 </tr>';
00955                         }
00956                         if (in_array("limit",$enableArr))       {
00957                                 $limit = '<input type="Text" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"]).'" name="SET[queryLimit]"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth(10).'>'.$this->updateIcon();
00958                                 $out.='<tr>
00959                                         <td'.$TDparams.'><strong>Limit:</strong></td>
00960                                         <td'.$TDparams.'>'.$limit.'</td>
00961                                 </tr>
00962                                 ';
00963                         }
00964                 }
00965                 $out='<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>'.$out.'</table>';
00966                 $out.=$this->JSbottom();
00967                 return $out;
00968         }
00976         function getSelectQuery($qString="")    {
00977                 if (!$qString)  $qString=$this->getQuery($this->queryConfig);
00979                 $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery(
00980                                                 $this->extFieldLists["queryFields"],
00981                                                 $this->table,
00982                                                 $qString.t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($this->table),
00983                                                 trim($this->extFieldLists["queryGroup"]),
00984                                                 $this->extFieldLists["queryOrder"] ? trim($this->extFieldLists["queryOrder_SQL"]) : '',
00985                                                 $this->extFieldLists["queryLimit"]
00986                                         );
00987                 return $query;
00988         }
00996         function JSbottom($formname="forms[0]") {
00997                 if ($this->extJSCODE)   {
00998                         $out.='
00999                         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'t3lib/jsfunc.evalfield.js"></script>
01000                         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
01001                                 var evalFunc = new evalFunc;
01002                                 function typo3FormFieldSet(theField, evallist, is_in, checkbox, checkboxValue)  {
01003                                         var theFObj = new evalFunc_dummy (evallist,is_in, checkbox, checkboxValue);
01004                                         var theValue = document.'.$formname.'[theField].value;
01005                                         if (checkbox && theValue==checkboxValue)        {
01006                                                 document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_hr"].value="";
01007                                                 if (document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_cb"])     document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_cb"].checked = "";
01008                                         } else {
01009                                                 document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_hr"].value = evalFunc.outputObjValue(theFObj, theValue);
01010                                                 if (document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_cb"])     document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_cb"].checked = "on";
01011                                         }
01012                                 }
01020                                 function typo3FormFieldGet(theField, evallist, is_in, checkbox, checkboxValue, checkbox_off)    {
01021                                         var theFObj = new evalFunc_dummy (evallist,is_in, checkbox, checkboxValue);
01022                                         if (checkbox_off)       {
01023                                                 document.'.$formname.'[theField].value=checkboxValue;
01024                                         }else{
01025                                                 document.'.$formname.'[theField].value = evalFunc.evalObjValue(theFObj, document.'.$formname.'[theField+"_hr"].value);
01026                                         }
01027                                         typo3FormFieldSet(theField, evallist, is_in, checkbox, checkboxValue);
01028                                 }
01029                         </script>
01030                         <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">'.$this->extJSCODE.'</script>';
01031                         return $out;
01032                 }
01033         }
01034 }
01037 if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_querygenerator.php'])    {
01038         include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_querygenerator.php']);
01039 }
01040 ?>

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