Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

tx_ttboard Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for tx_ttboard:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for tx_ttboard:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 main_board ($content, $conf)
 forum_list ($theCode)
 forum_postform ($theCode)
 forum_forum ($theCode)
 getRecordTree ($theRows, $parent, $pid, $treeIcons="")
 getPagesInPage ($pid_list)
 getNumPosts ($pid)
 getNumThreads ($pid)
 getNumReplies ($pid, $uid)
 getLastPost ($pid)
 getLastPostInThread ($pid, $uid)
 getMostRecentPosts ($pid, $number)
 getThreads ($pid, $decend=0, $limit=100, $searchWord)
 getSingleThread ($uid, $decend=0)
 getRootParent ($uid, $limit=20)
 getThreadRoot ($pid, $rootParent, $type="next")
 formatStr ($str)
 substituteEmoticons ($str)
 getLayouts ($templateCode, $alternativeLayouts, $marker)
 outMessage ($string, $content="")
 orderBy ($desc="")
 recentDate ($rec)

Public Attributes

 $enableFields = ""
 $dontParseContent = 0
 $searchFieldList = "author,email,subject,message"
 $emoticons = 1
 $emoticonsPath = "media/emoticons/"
 $emoticonsTag = '<img src="{}" valign="bottom" hspace=4>'
 $alternativeLayouts = ""
 $allowCaching = ""
 $conf = array()
 $config = array()
 $tt_board_uid = ""
 $pid = ""
 $orig_templateCode = ""
 $typolink_conf = array()
 $local_cObj = ""

Detailed Description

Creates a forum/board in tree or list style

TypoScript config:

Kasper Skårhøj <>

Definition at line 42 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Member Function Documentation

tx_ttboard::formatStr str  ) 

Format string with nl2br and htmlspecialchars()

Definition at line 841 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_list().

tx_ttboard::forum_forum theCode  ) 

Creates the forum display, including listing all items/a single item

Definition at line 408 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), formatStr(), getLastPostInThread(), getLayouts(), getNumReplies(), getRootParent(), getSingleThread(), getThreadRoot(), getThreads(), recentDate(), and substituteEmoticons().

Referenced by main_board().

tx_ttboard::forum_list theCode  ) 

Creates a list of forums or categories depending on theCode

Definition at line 183 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References formatStr(), getLastPost(), getLayouts(), getMostRecentPosts(), getNumPosts(), getNumReplies(), getNumThreads(), getPagesInPage(), outMessage(), recentDate(), and substituteEmoticons().

Referenced by main_board().

tx_ttboard::forum_postform theCode  ) 

Creates a post form for a forum

Definition at line 344 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References getRootParent(), and getSingleThread().

Referenced by main_board().

tx_ttboard::getLastPost pid  ) 

Returns last post.

Definition at line 732 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, and orderBy().

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getLastPostInThread pid,

Returns last post in thread.

Definition at line 741 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, and orderBy().

Referenced by forum_forum().

tx_ttboard::getLayouts templateCode,

Returns alternating layouts

Definition at line 865 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $alternativeLayouts.

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getMostRecentPosts pid,

Most recent posts.

Returns an array with records

Definition at line 752 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, and orderBy().

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getNumPosts pid  ) 

Returns number of post in a forum.

Definition at line 705 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid.

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getNumReplies pid,

Returns number of replies.

Definition at line 723 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid.

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getNumThreads pid  ) 

Returns number of threads.

Definition at line 714 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid.

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getPagesInPage pid_list  ) 

Get subpages

This function returns an array a pagerecords from the page-uid's in the pid_list supplied. Excludes pages, that would normally not enter a regular menu. That means hidden, timed or deleted pages + pages with another doktype than "standard" or "advanced"

Definition at line 688 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References t3lib_div::inList(), and t3lib_div::intExplode().

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::getRecordTree theRows,
treeIcons = ""

Get a record tree of forum items

Definition at line 661 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, $treeIcons, and orderBy().

Referenced by getSingleThread(), and getThreads().

tx_ttboard::getRootParent uid,
limit = 20

Get root parent of a tt_board record.

Definition at line 815 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by forum_forum(), forum_postform(), and getThreads().

tx_ttboard::getSingleThread uid,
decend = 0

Returns records in a thread

Definition at line 795 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References getRecordTree().

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_postform().

tx_ttboard::getThreadRoot pid,
type = "next"

Returns next or prev thread in a tree

Definition at line 831 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, and orderBy().

Referenced by forum_forum().

tx_ttboard::getThreads pid,
decend = 0,
limit = 100,

Returns an array with threads

Definition at line 764 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $pid, getRecordTree(), getRootParent(), and orderBy().

Referenced by forum_forum().

tx_ttboard::main_board content,

Main board function. Call this from TypoScript

Definition at line 81 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

References $conf, $pid, t3lib_div::_GP(), forum_forum(), forum_list(), forum_postform(), t3lib_div::intExplode(), t3lib_div::makeInstance(), and t3lib_div::trimExplode().

tx_ttboard::orderBy desc = ""  ) 

Returns ORDER BY field

Definition at line 895 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by getLastPost(), getLastPostInThread(), getMostRecentPosts(), getRecordTree(), getThreadRoot(), and getThreads().

tx_ttboard::outMessage string,
content = ""

Returns a message, formatted

Definition at line 881 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by forum_list().

tx_ttboard::recentDate rec  ) 

Returns recent date from a tt_board record

Definition at line 902 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_list().

tx_ttboard::substituteEmoticons str  ) 

Emoticons substitution

Definition at line 852 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by forum_forum(), and forum_list().

Member Data Documentation

tx_ttboard::$conf = array()

Should normally be set in the main function with the TypoScript content passed to the method.

$conf[LOCAL_LANG][_key_] is reserved for Local Language overrides. $conf[userFunc] / $conf[includeLibs] reserved for setting up the USER / USER_INT object. See TSref

Reimplemented from tslib_pibase.

Definition at line 69 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by main_board().


Initial value:

                ":-)" => "smile.gif",
                ";-)" => "wink.gif",
                ":-D" => "veryhappy.gif",
                ":-(" => "sad.gif"

Definition at line 60 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.


Initial value:


Definition at line 47 of file class.tx_ttboard.php.

Referenced by getRecordTree().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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