Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

t3lib_treeView Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for t3lib_treeView:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 init ($clause='', $orderByFields='')
 setTreeName ($treeName='')
 addField ($field, $noCheck=0)
 reset ()
 getBrowsableTree ()
 printTree ($treeArr='')
 PMicon ($row, $a, $c, $nextCount, $exp)
 PM_ATagWrap ($icon, $cmd, $bMark='')
 wrapTitle ($title, $row, $bank=0)
 wrapIcon ($icon, $row)
 addTagAttributes ($icon, $attr)
 wrapStop ($str, $row)
 expandNext ($id)
 initializePositionSaving ()
 savePosition ()
 getRootIcon ($rec)
 getIcon ($row)
 getTitleStr ($row, $titleLen=30)
 getTitleAttrib ($row)
 getId ($row)
 getJumpToParam ($row)
 getTree ($uid, $depth=999, $depthData='', $blankLineCode='')
 getCount ($uid)
 getRootRecord ($uid)
 getRecord ($uid)
 getDataInit ($parentId)
 getDataCount (&$res)
 getDataNext (&$res)
 getDataFree (&$res)
 setDataFromArray (&$dataArr, $traverse=FALSE, $pid=0)
 setDataFromTreeArray (&$treeArr, &$treeLookupArr)
 init ($clause='', $orderByFields='')
 setTreeName ($treeName='')
 addField ($field, $noCheck=0)
 reset ()
 getBrowsableTree ()
 printTree ($treeArr='')
 PMicon ($row, $a, $c, $nextCount, $exp)
 PM_ATagWrap ($icon, $cmd, $bMark='')
 wrapTitle ($title, $row, $bank=0)
 wrapIcon ($icon, $row)
 addTagAttributes ($icon, $attr)
 wrapStop ($str, $row)
 expandNext ($id)
 initializePositionSaving ()
 savePosition ()
 getRootIcon ($rec)
 getIcon ($row)
 getTitleStr ($row, $titleLen=30)
 getTitleAttrib ($row)
 getId ($row)
 getJumpToParam ($row)
 getTree ($uid, $depth=999, $depthData='', $blankLineCode='')
 getCount ($uid)
 getRootRecord ($uid)
 getRecord ($uid)
 getDataInit ($parentId)
 getDataCount (&$res)
 getDataNext (&$res)
 getDataFree (&$res)
 setDataFromArray (&$dataArr, $traverse=FALSE, $pid=0)
 setDataFromTreeArray (&$treeArr, &$treeLookupArr)

Public Attributes

 $expandFirst = 0
 $expandAll = 0
 $thisScript = ''
 $titleAttrib = 'title'
 $ext_IconMode = false
 $addSelfId = 0
 $title = 'no title'
 $BE_USER = ''
 $MOUNTS = ''
 $table = ''
 $parentField = 'pid'
 $clause = ''
 $orderByFields = ''
 $fieldArray = Array('uid','title')
 $defaultList = 'uid,pid,tstamp,sorting,deleted,perms_userid,perms_groupid,perms_user,perms_group,perms_everybody,crdate,cruser_id'
 $treeName = ''
 $domIdPrefix = 'row'
 $iconPath = ''
 $iconName = 'default.gif'
 $makeHTML = 1
 $setRecs = 0
 $subLevelID = '_SUB_LEVEL'
 $ids = Array()
 $ids_hierarchy = array()
 $buffer_idH = array()
 $specUIDmap = array()
 $data = false
 $dataLookup = false
 $tree = Array()
 $stored = array()
 $bank = 0
 $recs = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 115 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Member Function Documentation

t3lib_treeView::addField field,
noCheck = 0

Adds a fieldname to the internal array ->fieldArray

string Field name to
boolean If set, the fieldname will be set no matter what. Otherwise the field name must either be found as key in $TCA[$table]['columns'] or in the list ->defaultList

Definition at line 312 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_div::inList().

t3lib_treeView::addField field,
noCheck = 0

Adds a fieldname to the internal array ->fieldArray

string Field name to
boolean If set, the fieldname will be set no matter what. Otherwise the field name must either be found as key in $TCA[$table]['columns'] or in the list ->defaultList

Definition at line 312 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_div::inList().

t3lib_treeView::addTagAttributes icon,

Adds attributes to image tag.

string Icon image tag
string Attributes to add, eg. ' border="0"'
string Image tag, modified with $attr attributes added.

Definition at line 528 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::addTagAttributes icon,

Adds attributes to image tag.

string Icon image tag
string Attributes to add, eg. ' border="0"'
string Image tag, modified with $attr attributes added.

Definition at line 528 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by t3lib_folderTree::wrapIcon(), t3lib_browseTree::wrapIcon(), localFolderTree::wrapIcon(), printAllPageTree::wrapIcon(), and localPageTree::wrapIcon().

t3lib_treeView::expandNext id  ) 

Returns true/false if the next level for $id should be expanded - based on data in $this->stored[][] and ->expandAll flag. Extending parent function

integer record id/key
boolean private
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree, localPageTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 568 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::expandNext id  ) 

Returns true/false if the next level for $id should be expanded - based on data in $this->stored[][] and ->expandAll flag. Extending parent function

integer record id/key
boolean private
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree, localPageTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 568 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by t3lib_folderTree::getFolderTree(), and getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getBrowsableTree  ) 

Will create and return the HTML code for a browsable tree Is based on the mounts found in the internal array ->MOUNTS (set in the constructor)

string HTML code for the browsable tree

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 346 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getIcon(), getRecord(), getRootIcon(), getRootRecord(), getTree(), initializePositionSaving(), PM_ATagWrap(), printTree(), and reset().

t3lib_treeView::getBrowsableTree  ) 

Will create and return the HTML code for a browsable tree Is based on the mounts found in the internal array ->MOUNTS (set in the constructor)

string HTML code for the browsable tree

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 346 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getIcon(), getRecord(), getRootIcon(), getRootRecord(), getTree(), initializePositionSaving(), PM_ATagWrap(), printTree(), and reset().

t3lib_treeView::getCount uid  ) 

Returns the number of records having the parent id, $uid

integer id to count subitems for
integer private

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 828 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause(), getDataCount(), and getDataInit().

t3lib_treeView::getCount uid  ) 

Returns the number of records having the parent id, $uid

integer id to count subitems for
integer private

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 828 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause(), getDataCount(), and getDataInit().

Referenced by getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getDataCount &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: Counting elements in resource

mixed data handle
integer number of items private
See also:

Definition at line 915 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getDataCount &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: Counting elements in resource

mixed data handle
integer number of items private
See also:

Definition at line 915 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getCount(), and getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getDataFree &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: frees data handle

mixed data handle
void private

Definition at line 960 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getDataFree &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: frees data handle

mixed data handle
void private

Definition at line 960 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getDataInit parentId  ) 

Getting the tree data: Selecting/Initializing data pointer to items for a certain parent id. For tables: This will make a database query to select all children to "parent" For arrays: This will return key to the ->dataLookup array

integer parent item id
mixed data handle (Tables: An sql-resource, arrays: A parentId integer. -1 is returned if there were NO subLevel.) private

Definition at line 885 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause(), and reset().

t3lib_treeView::getDataInit parentId  ) 

Getting the tree data: Selecting/Initializing data pointer to items for a certain parent id. For tables: This will make a database query to select all children to "parent" For arrays: This will return key to the ->dataLookup array

integer parent item id
mixed data handle (Tables: An sql-resource, arrays: A parentId integer. -1 is returned if there were NO subLevel.) private

Definition at line 885 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause(), and reset().

Referenced by getCount(), and getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getDataNext &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: next entry

mixed data handle
array item data array OR FALSE if end of elements. private
See also:

Definition at line 932 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getDataNext &$  res  ) 

Getting the tree data: next entry

mixed data handle
array item data array OR FALSE if end of elements. private
See also:

Definition at line 932 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getIcon row  ) 

Get icon for the row. If $this->iconPath and $this->iconName is set, try to get icon based on those values.

array Item row.
string Image tag.

Definition at line 647 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage(), and wrapIcon().

t3lib_treeView::getIcon row  ) 

Get icon for the row. If $this->iconPath and $this->iconName is set, try to get icon based on those values.

array Item row.
string Image tag.

Definition at line 647 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage(), and wrapIcon().

Referenced by getBrowsableTree(), and getTree().

t3lib_treeView::getId row  ) 

Returns the id from the record (typ. uid)

array Record array
integer The "uid" field value.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 688 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getId row  ) 

Returns the id from the record (typ. uid)

array Record array
integer The "uid" field value.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 688 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getJumpToParam(), and t3lib_browseTree::wrapIcon().

t3lib_treeView::getJumpToParam row  ) 

Returns jump-url parameter value.

array The record array.
string The jump-url parameter.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 698 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getId().

t3lib_treeView::getJumpToParam row  ) 

Returns jump-url parameter value.

array The record array.
string The jump-url parameter.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 698 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getId().

Referenced by localPageTree::wrapIcon(), t3lib_browseTree::wrapIcon(), and wrapTitle().

t3lib_treeView::getRecord uid  ) 

Returns the record for a uid. For tables: Looks up the record in the database. For arrays: Returns the fake record for uid id.

integer UID to look up
array The record

Definition at line 868 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getRecord uid  ) 

Returns the record for a uid. For tables: Looks up the record in the database. For arrays: Returns the fake record for uid id.

integer UID to look up
array The record

Definition at line 868 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getBrowsableTree().

t3lib_treeView::getRootIcon rec  ) 

Returns the root icon for a tree/mountpoint (defaults to the globe)

array Record for root.
string Icon image tag.

Definition at line 634 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg(), and wrapIcon().

t3lib_treeView::getRootIcon rec  ) 

Returns the root icon for a tree/mountpoint (defaults to the globe)

array Record for root.
string Icon image tag.

Definition at line 634 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg(), and wrapIcon().

Referenced by getBrowsableTree().

t3lib_treeView::getRootRecord uid  ) 

Returns root record for uid (<=0)

integer uid, <= 0 (normally, this does not matter)
array Array with title/uid keys with values of $this->title/0 (zero)

Definition at line 855 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getRootRecord uid  ) 

Returns root record for uid (<=0)

integer uid, <= 0 (normally, this does not matter)
array Array with title/uid keys with values of $this->title/0 (zero)

Definition at line 855 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getBrowsableTree().

t3lib_treeView::getTitleAttrib row  ) 

Returns the value for the image "title" attribute

array The input row array (where the key "title" is used for the title)
string The attribute value (is htmlspecialchared() already)
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_browseTree, and t3lib_browseTree.

Definition at line 678 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getTitleAttrib row  ) 

Returns the value for the image "title" attribute

array The input row array (where the key "title" is used for the title)
string The attribute value (is htmlspecialchared() already)
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_browseTree, and t3lib_browseTree.

Definition at line 678 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::getTitleStr row,
titleLen = 30

Returns the title for the input record. If blank, a "no title" labele (localized) will be returned. Do NOT htmlspecialchar the string from this function - has already been done.

array The input row array (where the key "title" is used for the title)
integer Title length (30)
string The title.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 666 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $title, and t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs().

t3lib_treeView::getTitleStr row,
titleLen = 30

Returns the title for the input record. If blank, a "no title" labele (localized) will be returned. Do NOT htmlspecialchar the string from this function - has already been done.

array The input row array (where the key "title" is used for the title)
integer Title length (30)
string The title.

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 666 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $title, and t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs().

Referenced by printTree().

t3lib_treeView::getTree uid,
depth = 999,
depthData = '',
blankLineCode = ''

Fetches the data for the tree

integer item id for which to select subitems (parent id)
integer Max depth (recursivity limit)
string HTML-code prefix for recursive calls.
string ? (internal)
integer The count of items on the level

Definition at line 731 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References expandNext(), getCount(), getDataCount(), getDataFree(), getDataInit(), getDataNext(), getIcon(), getTree(), t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg(), and wrapStop().

t3lib_treeView::getTree uid,
depth = 999,
depthData = '',
blankLineCode = ''

Fetches the data for the tree

integer item id for which to select subitems (parent id)
integer Max depth (recursivity limit)
string HTML-code prefix for recursive calls.
string ? (internal)
integer The count of items on the level

Definition at line 731 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References expandNext(), getCount(), getDataCount(), getDataFree(), getDataInit(), getDataNext(), getIcon(), t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg(), and wrapStop().

Referenced by localPageTree::ext_tree(), getBrowsableTree(), and getTree().

t3lib_treeView::init clause = '',
orderByFields = ''

Initialize the tree class. Needs to be overwritten Will set ->fieldsArray, ->backPath and ->clause

string record WHERE clause
string record ORDER BY field

Definition at line 267 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $clause, $orderByFields, t3lib_div::loadTCA(), and setTreeName().

t3lib_treeView::init clause = '',
orderByFields = ''

Initialize the tree class. Needs to be overwritten Will set ->fieldsArray, ->backPath and ->clause

string record WHERE clause
string record ORDER BY field

Definition at line 267 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $clause, $orderByFields, t3lib_div::loadTCA(), and setTreeName().

Referenced by localFolderTree::localFolderTree().

t3lib_treeView::initializePositionSaving  ) 

Get stored tree structure AND updating it if needed according to incoming PM GET var.

void private

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, t3lib_pageTree, localPageTree, localFolderTree, t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 578 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), and savePosition().

t3lib_treeView::initializePositionSaving  ) 

Get stored tree structure AND updating it if needed according to incoming PM GET var.

void private

Reimplemented in t3lib_folderTree, t3lib_pageTree, localPageTree, localFolderTree, t3lib_folderTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 578 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References t3lib_div::_GP(), and savePosition().

Referenced by getBrowsableTree().

t3lib_treeView::PM_ATagWrap icon,
bMark = ''

Wrap the plus/minus icon in a link

string HTML string to wrap, probably an image tag.
string Command for 'PM' get var
boolean If set, the link will have a anchor point (=$bMark) and a name attribute (=$bMark)
string Link-wrapped input string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree, localFolderTree, localPageTree, printAllPageTree, localFolderTree, printAllFolderTree, localPageTree, and localFolderTree.

Definition at line 482 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::PM_ATagWrap icon,
bMark = ''

Wrap the plus/minus icon in a link

string HTML string to wrap, probably an image tag.
string Command for 'PM' get var
boolean If set, the link will have a anchor point (=$bMark) and a name attribute (=$bMark)
string Link-wrapped input string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree, localFolderTree, localPageTree, printAllPageTree, localFolderTree, printAllFolderTree, localPageTree, and localFolderTree.

Definition at line 482 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getBrowsableTree(), t3lib_folderTree::getBrowsableTree(), and PMicon().

t3lib_treeView::PMicon row,

Generate the plus/minus icon for the browsable tree.

array record for the entry
integer The current entry number
integer The total number of entries. If equal to $a, a "bottom" element is returned.
integer The number of sub-elements to the current element.
boolean The element was expanded to render subelements if this flag is set.
string Image tag with the plus/minus icon. private
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 460 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References PM_ATagWrap().

t3lib_treeView::PMicon row,

Generate the plus/minus icon for the browsable tree.

array record for the entry
integer The current entry number
integer The total number of entries. If equal to $a, a "bottom" element is returned.
integer The number of sub-elements to the current element.
boolean The element was expanded to render subelements if this flag is set.
string Image tag with the plus/minus icon. private
See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree, and t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 460 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References PM_ATagWrap().

t3lib_treeView::printTree treeArr = ''  ) 

Compiles the HTML code for displaying the structure found inside the ->tree array

array "tree-array" - if blank string, the internal ->tree array is used.
string The HTML code for the tree

Reimplemented in localPageTree, localFolderTree, and localFolderTree.

Definition at line 407 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getTitleStr(), and wrapTitle().

t3lib_treeView::printTree treeArr = ''  ) 

Compiles the HTML code for displaying the structure found inside the ->tree array

array "tree-array" - if blank string, the internal ->tree array is used.
string The HTML code for the tree

Reimplemented in localPageTree, localFolderTree, and localFolderTree.

Definition at line 407 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References getTitleStr(), and wrapTitle().

Referenced by getBrowsableTree(), and t3lib_folderTree::getBrowsableTree().

t3lib_treeView::reset  ) 

Resets the tree, recs, ids, and ids_hierarchy internal variables. Use it if you need it.


Definition at line 326 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::reset  ) 

Resets the tree, recs, ids, and ids_hierarchy internal variables. Use it if you need it.


Definition at line 326 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by localPageTree::ext_tree(), getBrowsableTree(), t3lib_folderTree::getBrowsableTree(), getDataInit(), and printAllPageTree_perms::printTree().

t3lib_treeView::savePosition  ) 

Saves the content of ->stored (keeps track of expanded positions in the tree) $this->treeName will be used as key for BE_USER->uc[] to store it in

void private

Definition at line 605 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::savePosition  ) 

Saves the content of ->stored (keeps track of expanded positions in the tree) $this->treeName will be used as key for BE_USER->uc[] to store it in

void private

Definition at line 605 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by initializePositionSaving(), and t3lib_folderTree::initializePositionSaving().

t3lib_treeView::setDataFromArray &$  dataArr,
traverse = FALSE,
pid = 0

Used to initialize class with an array to browse. The array inputted will be traversed and an internal index for lookup is created. The keys of the input array are perceived as "uid"s of records which means that keys GLOBALLY must be unique like uids are. "uid" and "pid" "fakefields" are also set in each record. All other fields are optional.

array The input array, see examples below in this script.
boolean Internal, for recursion.
integer Internal, for recursion.

Definition at line 980 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References setDataFromArray().

t3lib_treeView::setDataFromArray &$  dataArr,
traverse = FALSE,
pid = 0

Used to initialize class with an array to browse. The array inputted will be traversed and an internal index for lookup is created. The keys of the input array are perceived as "uid"s of records which means that keys GLOBALLY must be unique like uids are. "uid" and "pid" "fakefields" are also set in each record. All other fields are optional.

array The input array, see examples below in this script.
boolean Internal, for recursion.
integer Internal, for recursion.

Definition at line 980 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by setDataFromArray().

t3lib_treeView::setDataFromTreeArray &$  treeArr,
&$  treeLookupArr

Sets the internal data arrays

array Content for $this->data
array Content for $this->dataLookup

Definition at line 1009 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::setDataFromTreeArray &$  treeArr,
&$  treeLookupArr

Sets the internal data arrays

array Content for $this->data
array Content for $this->dataLookup

Definition at line 1009 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::setTreeName treeName = ''  ) 

Sets the tree name which is used to identify the tree Used for JavaScript and other things

string Default is the table name. Underscores are stripped.

Definition at line 298 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $treeName.

t3lib_treeView::setTreeName treeName = ''  ) 

Sets the tree name which is used to identify the tree Used for JavaScript and other things

string Default is the table name. Underscores are stripped.

Definition at line 298 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $treeName.

Referenced by init(), and t3lib_browseTree::init().

t3lib_treeView::wrapIcon icon,

Wrapping the image tag, $icon, for the row, $row (except for mount points)

string The image tag for the icon
array The row for the current element
string The processed icon input value. private

Reimplemented in t3lib_browseTree, t3lib_folderTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, printAllPageTree, localFolderTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, t3lib_browseTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 517 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::wrapIcon icon,

Wrapping the image tag, $icon, for the row, $row (except for mount points)

string The image tag for the icon
array The row for the current element
string The processed icon input value. private

Reimplemented in t3lib_browseTree, t3lib_folderTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, printAllPageTree, localFolderTree, localPageTree, localPageTree, t3lib_browseTree, and t3lib_folderTree.

Definition at line 517 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getIcon(), and getRootIcon().

t3lib_treeView::wrapStop str,

Adds a red "+" to the input string, $str, if the field "php_tree_stop" in the $row (pages) is set

string Input string, like a page title for the tree
array record row with "php_tree_stop" field
string Modified string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree.

Definition at line 540 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::wrapStop str,

Adds a red "+" to the input string, $str, if the field "php_tree_stop" in the $row (pages) is set

string Input string, like a page title for the tree
array record row with "php_tree_stop" field
string Modified string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree.

Definition at line 540 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by getTree().

t3lib_treeView::wrapTitle title,
bank = 0

Wrapping $title in a-tags.

string Title string
string Item record
integer Bank pointer (which mount point number)
string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree, and TBE_PageTree.

Definition at line 504 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $bank, and getJumpToParam().

t3lib_treeView::wrapTitle title,
bank = 0

Wrapping $title in a-tags.

string Title string
string Item record
integer Bank pointer (which mount point number)
string private

Reimplemented in localPageTree, and TBE_PageTree.

Definition at line 504 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

References $bank, and getJumpToParam().

Referenced by printTree().

Member Data Documentation


Back path for icons

Definition at line 200 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$BE_USER = ''

Needs to be initialized with $GLOBALS['BE_USER'] Done by default in init()

Definition at line 130 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by localFolderTree::localFolderTree(), and localPageTree::localPageTree().

t3lib_treeView::$clause = ''

WHERE clause used for selecting records for the tree. Is set by function init. Only makes sense when $this->table is set.

See also:

Definition at line 157 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by init(), t3lib_pageTree::init(), and t3lib_browseTree::init().

t3lib_treeView::$defaultList = 'uid,pid,tstamp,sorting,deleted,perms_userid,perms_groupid,perms_user,perms_group,perms_everybody,crdate,cruser_id'

List of other fields which are ALLOWED to set (here, based on the "pages" table!)

See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 177 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$domIdPrefix = 'row'

A prefix for table cell id's which will be wrapped around an item. Can be used for highlighting by JavaScript. Needs to be unique if multiple trees are on one HTML page.

See also:

Definition at line 195 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$fieldArray = Array('uid','title')

Default set of fields selected from the tree table. Make SURE that these fields names listed herein are actually possible to select from $this->table (if that variable is set to a TCA table name)

See also:

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 171 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$iconName = 'default.gif'

Icon file name for item icons.

Definition at line 211 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$iconPath = ''

Icon file path.

Definition at line 205 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$makeHTML = 1

If true, HTML code is also accumulated in ->tree array during rendering of the tree.

Definition at line 216 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$MOUNTS = ''

Needs to be initialized with e.g. $GLOBALS['WEBMOUNTS'] Default setting in init() is 0 => 0 The keys are mount-ids (can be anything basically) and the values are the ID of the root element (COULD be zero or anything else. For pages that would be the uid of the page, zero for the pagetree root.)

Definition at line 137 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$orderByFields = ''

Field for ORDER BY. Is set by function init. Only makes sense when $this->table is set.

See also:

Definition at line 164 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by init().

t3lib_treeView::$parentField = 'pid'

Defines the field of $table which is the parent id field (like pid for table pages).

Definition at line 150 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$setRecs = 0

If true, records as selected will be stored internally in the ->recs array

Reimplemented in t3lib_pageTree.

Definition at line 221 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$subLevelID = '_SUB_LEVEL'

Sets the associative array key which identifies a new sublevel if arrays are used for trees. This value has formerly been "subLevel" and "--sublevel--"

Definition at line 227 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$table = ''

Database table to get the tree data from. Leave blank if data comes from an array.

Definition at line 145 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

t3lib_treeView::$treeName = ''

Unique name for the tree. Used as key for storing the tree into the BE users settings. Used as key to pass parameters in links. MUST NOT contain underscore chars. etc.

Definition at line 187 of file class.t3lib_treeview.php.

Referenced by setTreeName().

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