Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
Public Member Functions | |
mod_web_dmail ($id, $pageinfo, $perms_clause, $CMD, $sys_dmail_uid, $pages_uid, $modTSconfig) | |
createDMail () | |
main () | |
mailModule_main () | |
makeCategories () | |
cmd_displayPageInfo () | |
getCsvValues ($str, $sep=",") | |
rearrangeCsvValues ($lines) | |
rearrangePlainMails ($plainMails) | |
makePidListQuery ($table, $pidList, $fields, $cat) | |
getIdList ($table, $pidList, $cat) | |
makeStaticListQuery ($table, $uid, $fields) | |
getStaticIdList ($table, $uid) | |
getMailGroups ($list, $parsedGroups) | |
cmd_displayMailGroup ($result) | |
downloadCSV ($idArr) | |
cmd_displayMailGroup_test ($result) | |
cmd_compileMailGroup ($group_uid, $makeIdLists=1) | |
cleanPlainList ($plainlist) | |
cmd_query ($dgUid) | |
importRecords_sort ($records, $syncSelect, $tstampFlag) | |
importRecords ($categorizedRecords, $removeExisting) | |
fetchRecordsListValues ($listArr, $table, $fields="uid,name,email") | |
getRecordList ($listArr, $table, $dim=0, $editLinkFlag=1) | |
cmd_displayImport () | |
cmd_displayUserInfo () | |
cmd_default ($mode) | |
editLink ($table, $uid) | |
invokeMEngine () | |
updatePageTS () | |
addUserPass ($url) | |
cmd_fetch ($row) | |
cmd_prefetch ($row) | |
cmd_testmail ($row) | |
cmd_finalmail ($row) | |
getUniqueEmailsFromGroup ($mailgroup_uid) | |
cmd_quickmail () | |
sendTestMailToTable ($idLists, $table, $htmlmail) | |
addMailAddresses ($idLists, $table, $arr) | |
cmd_send_mail ($row) | |
showWithPercent ($pieces, $total) | |
formatTable ($tableLines, $cellParams, $header, $cellcmd=array(), $tableParams='border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1') | |
cmd_stats ($row) | |
disableRecipients ($arr, $table) | |
makeStatTempTableContent ($mrow) | |
storeRecRec ($recRec) | |
showQueryRes ($query) | |
getQueryRows ($queryArray, $key_field) | |
directMail_defaultView ($row) | |
linkDMail_record ($str, $uid) | |
linkRecip_record ($str, $uid) | |
fName ($name) | |
JSbottom ($formname="forms[0]") | |
Public Attributes | |
$TSconfPrefix = "mod.web_modules.dmail." | |
$fieldList = "uid,name,title,email,phone,www,address,company,city,zip,country,fax,module_sys_dmail_category,module_sys_dmail_html,description" | |
$modList = "" | |
$params = array() | |
$perms_clause = "" | |
$pageinfo = "" | |
$sys_dmail_uid | |
$CMD | |
$pages_uid | |
$categories | |
$id | |
$urlbase | |
$back | |
$noView | |
$url_plain | |
$url_html | |
$mode | |
$implodedParams = array() | |
$userTable |
184;12-02-01;Pia;;;Nielsen;x;x;x;;;;;x;;;;1;x;;; 185;12-02-01;Connie Greffel;;;39905067;x;x;x;;;;x;;;;;1;x;;; 186;12-02-01;Stine Holm;;;32 96 70 75;;x;x;;;;x;;;;x;;;;; 187;12-02-01;Anette Bentholm;;;98373677;;x;x;;;;;x;;;;2;x;;;
Import of 3541 records raw on PIII/500Mzh took 80 approx seconds
Definition at line 78 of file class.mod_web_dmail.php.