"TYPO3 4.0.1: ADODB_oci8 Class Reference", "datetime" => "Sat Dec 2 19:23:22 2006", "date" => "2 Dec 2006", "doxygenversion" => "1.4.6", "projectname" => "TYPO3 4.0.1", "projectnumber" => "4.0.1" ); get_header($doxygen_vars); ?>

ADODB_oci8 Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ADODB_oci8:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ADODB_oci8:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ADODB_oci8 ()
MetaColumns ($table)
 Time ()
 _connect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, $mode=0)
 ServerInfo ()
 _pconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
 _nconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
 _affectedrows ()
 IfNull ($field, $ifNull)
 DBDate ($d)
 BindDate ($d)
 BindTimeStamp ($d)
 DBTimeStamp ($ts)
 RowLock ($tables, $where, $flds='1 as ignore')
MetaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false)
MetaIndexes ($table, $primary=FALSE, $owner=false)
 BeginTrans ()
 CommitTrans ($ok=true)
 RollbackTrans ()
 SelectDB ($dbName)
 ErrorMsg ()
 ErrorNo ()
 SQLDate ($fmt, $col=false)
SelectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 UpdateBlob ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB')
 UpdateBlobFile ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB')
Execute ($sql, $inputarr=false)
 Prepare ($sql, $cursor=false)
ExecuteCursor ($sql, $cursorName='rs', $params=false)
 Bind (&$stmt, &$var, $size=4000, $type=false, $name=false, $isOutput=false)
 Param ($name, $type=false)
 Parameter (&$stmt, &$var, $name, $isOutput=false, $maxLen=4000, $type=false)
 _query ($sql, $inputarr)
 _close ()
 MetaPrimaryKeys ($table, $owner=false, $internalKey=false)
 MetaForeignKeys ($table, $owner=false)
 CharMax ()
 TextMax ()
 qstr ($s, $magic_quotes=false)

Public Attributes

 $databaseType = 'oci8'
 $dataProvider = 'oci8'
 $replaceQuote = "''"
 string that represents FALSE for a database
 $concat_operator = '||'
 maximum size of blobs or large text fields (262144 = 256K)-- some db's die otherwise like foxpro
 $sysDate = "TRUNC(SYSDATE)"
 cache for 1 hour
 $sysTimeStamp = 'SYSDATE'
 name of function that returns the current date
 character set to use - only for interbase, postgres and oci8
 $_initdate = true
 $metaTablesSQL = "select table_name,table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')"
 $metaColumnsSQL = "select cname,coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno"
 $_bindInputArray = true
 A boolean variable to state whether its a persistent connection or normal connection. */.
 $hasGenID = true
 has ability to run MoveFirst(), scrolling backwards
 $_genIDSQL = "SELECT (%s.nextval) FROM DUAL"
 $_dropSeqSQL = "DROP SEQUENCE %s"
 $hasAffectedRows = true
 supports autoincrement ID?
 $random = "abs(mod(DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM,10000001)/10000000)"
 string length ofperator
 $noNullStrings = false
 name of class used to generate array recordsets, which are pre-downloaded recordsets
 $connectSID = false
 $_bind = false
 $_hasOCIFetchStatement = false
 $_getarray = false
 $leftOuter = ''
 indicates that all fields in order by must be unique
 $session_sharing_force_blob = false
 $firstrows = true
 $selectOffsetAlg1 = 100
 $useDBDateFormatForTextInput = false
 $datetime = false
 $_refLOBs = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

Member Function Documentation

ADODB_oci8::BeginTrans  ) 

Begin a Transaction. Must be followed by CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans().

true if succeeded or false if database does not support transactions

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 393 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References Execute().

Referenced by RowLock().

ADODB_oci8::CommitTrans ok = true  ) 

If database does not support transactions, always return true as data always commited

$ok set to false to rollback transaction, true to commit

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 404 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References RollbackTrans().

ADODB_oci8::DBDate d  ) 

Converts a date "d" to a string that the database can understand.

d a date in Unix date time format.
date string in database date format

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 273 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADORecordSet::UnixDate().

ADODB_oci8::DBTimeStamp ts  ) 

Converts a timestamp "ts" to a string that the database can understand.

ts a timestamp in Unix date time format.
timestamp string in database timestamp format

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 298 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADORecordSet::UnixTimeStamp().

ADODB_oci8::ErrorMsg  ) 

the last error message

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 432 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

ADODB_oci8::ErrorNo  ) 

the last error number. Normally 0 means no error.

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 447 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

& ADODB_oci8::Execute sql,
inputarr = false

Execute SQL

sql SQL statement to execute, or possibly an array holding prepared statement ($sql[0] will hold sql text)
[inputarr] holds the input data to bind to. Null elements will be set to null.
RecordSet or false

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 740 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

Referenced by _connect(), BeginTrans(), MetaColumns(), MetaIndexes(), Time(), and UpdateBlobFile().

& ADODB_oci8::MetaIndexes table,
primary = FALSE,
owner = false

List indexes on a table as an array.

table table name to query
primary true to only show primary keys. Not actually used for most databases
array of indexes on current table. Each element represents an index, and is itself an associative array.
Array ( [name_of_index] => Array ( [unique] => true or false [columns] => Array ( [0] => firstname [1] => lastname ) )

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 327 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADOConnection::$false, Execute(), and ADOConnection::SetFetchMode().

& ADODB_oci8::MetaTables ttype = false,
showSchema = false,
mask = false

ttype can either be 'VIEW' or 'TABLE' or false. If false, both views and tables are returned. "VIEW" returns only views "TABLE" returns only tables
showSchema returns the schema/user with the table name, eg. USER.TABLE
mask is the input mask - only supported by oci8 and postgresql
array of tables for current database.

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 311 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADOConnection::MetaTables(), and qstr().

ADODB_oci8::qstr s,
magic_quotes = false

Quotes a string. An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother",magic_quotes_runtime());

s the string to quote
[magic_quotes] if $s is GET/POST var, set to get_magic_quotes_gpc(). This undoes the stupidity of magic quotes for GPC.
quoted string to be sent back to database

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 1181 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

Referenced by MetaTables().

ADODB_oci8::RollbackTrans  ) 

If database does not support transactions, rollbacks always fail, so return false


Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 416 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

Referenced by CommitTrans().

ADODB_oci8::SelectDB dbName  ) 

Choose a database to connect to. Many databases do not support this.

dbName is the name of the database to select
true or false

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 427 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

& ADODB_oci8::SelectLimit sql,
nrows = -1,
offset = -1,
inputarr = false,
secs2cache = 0

Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows. This simulates the MySQL "select * from table limit $offset,$nrows" , and the PostgreSQL "select * from table limit $nrows offset $offset". Note that MySQL and PostgreSQL parameter ordering is the opposite of the other. eg. SelectLimit('select * from table',3); will return rows 1 to 3 (1-based) SelectLimit('select * from table',3,2); will return rows 3 to 5 (1-based)

Uses SELECT TOP for Microsoft databases (when $this->hasTop is set) BUG: Currently SelectLimit fails with $sql with LIMIT or TOP clause already set

[offset] is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
[nrows] is the number of rows to get
[inputarr] array of bind variables
[secs2cache] is a private parameter only used by jlim
the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Reimplemented in ADODB_oci805.

Definition at line 558 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

ADODB_oci8::ServerInfo  ) 

Get server version info...

An array with 2 elements: $arr['string'] is the description string, and $arr[version] is the version (also a string).

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 242 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADOConnection::_findvers(), and ADOConnection::GetOne().

ADODB_oci8::UpdateBlob table,
blobtype = 'BLOB'

Usage: Store BLOBs and CLOBs

Example: to store $var in a blob

$conn->Execute('insert into TABLE (id,ablob) values(12,empty_blob())'); $conn->UpdateBlob('TABLE', 'ablob', $varHoldingBlob, 'ID=12', 'BLOB');

$blobtype supports 'BLOB' and 'CLOB', but you need to change to 'empty_clob()'.

to get length of LOB: select DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ablob) from TABLE

If you are using CURSOR_SHARING = force, it appears this will case a segfault under oracle Run: $db->Execute('ALTER SESSION SET CURSOR_SHARING=EXACT'); before UpdateBlob() then...

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 673 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References ADOConnection::outp().

ADODB_oci8::UpdateBlobFile table,
blobtype = 'BLOB'

Usage: store file pointed to by $var in a blob

Reimplemented from ADOConnection.

Definition at line 707 of file adodb-oci8.inc.php.

References Execute(), and ADOConnection::outp().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: