Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00003 ########################################################################
00004 # Extension Manager/Repository config file for ext: "sys_action"
00005 # 
00006 # Auto generated 23-05-2005 02:05
00007 # 
00008 # Manual updates:
00009 # Only the data in the array - anything else is removed by next write
00010 ########################################################################
00012 $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = Array (
00013         'title' => 'User>Task Center, Actions',
00014         'description' => 'Actions are \'programmed\' admin tasks which can be performed by selected regular users from the Task Center. An action could be creation of backend users, fixed SQL SELECT queries, listing of records, direct edit access to selected records etc.',
00015         'category' => 'module',
00016         'shy' => 0,
00017         'dependencies' => 'taskcenter',
00018         'conflicts' => '',
00019         'priority' => '',
00020         'loadOrder' => '',
00021         'TYPO3_version' => '3.7.0-',
00022         'PHP_version' => '0.0.1-0.0.1',
00023         'module' => '',
00024         'state' => 'stable',
00025         'internal' => 0,
00026         'uploadfolder' => 0,
00027         'createDirs' => '',
00028         'modify_tables' => '',
00029         'clearCacheOnLoad' => 0,
00030         'lockType' => '',
00031         'author' => 'Kasper Skĺrhřj',
00032         'author_email' => '',
00033         'author_company' => 'Curby Soft Multimedia',
00034         'CGLcompliance' => '',
00035         'CGLcompliance_note' => '',
00036         'private' => 0,
00037         'download_password' => '',
00038         'version' => '1.1.2',   // Don't modify this! Managed automatically during upload to repository.
00039         '_md5_values_when_last_written' => 'a:11:{s:8:"TODO.txt";s:4:"17ff";s:22:"class.tx_sysaction.php";s:4:"9b38";s:12:"ext_icon.gif";s:4:"f410";s:14:"ext_tables.php";s:4:"7e16";s:14:"ext_tables.sql";s:4:"016d";s:13:"locallang.xml";s:4:"ac3c";s:27:"locallang_csh_sysaction.xml";s:4:"43b9";s:17:"locallang_tca.xml";s:4:"d11a";s:14:"sys_action.gif";s:4:"eb3a";s:17:"sys_action__h.gif";s:4:"7a29";s:7:"tca.php";s:4:"4429";}',
00040 );
00042 ?>

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