Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 /* $Id: sqlparser.lib.php,v 2.36 2005/08/08 20:22:11 lem9 Exp $ */
00003 // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
00038 if (!isset($is_minimum_common)) {
00039     $is_minimum_common = FALSE;
00040 }
00042 if ($is_minimum_common == FALSE) {
00046     require_once('./libraries/string.lib.php');
00051     require_once('./libraries/');
00052     require_once('./libraries/mysql_charsets.lib.php');
00053     if (!isset($mysql_charsets)) {
00054         $mysql_charsets = array();
00055         $mysql_charsets_count = 0;
00056         $mysql_collations_flat = array();
00057         $mysql_collations_count = 0;
00058     }
00060     if (!defined('DEBUG_TIMING')) {
00061         function PMA_SQP_arrayAdd(&$arr, $type, $data, &$arrsize)
00062         {
00063             $arr[] = array('type' => $type, 'data' => $data);
00064             $arrsize++;
00065         } // end of the "PMA_SQP_arrayAdd()" function
00066     } else {
00067         function PMA_SQP_arrayAdd(&$arr, $type, $data, &$arrsize)
00068         {
00069             global $timer;
00071             $t     = $timer;
00072             $arr[] = array('type' => $type, 'data' => $data , 'time' => $t);
00073             $timer = microtime();
00074             $arrsize++;
00075         } // end of the "PMA_SQP_arrayAdd()" function
00076     } // end if... else...
00084     // Added, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM
00085     function PMA_SQP_resetError() {
00086         global $SQP_errorString;
00087         $SQP_errorString = '';
00088         unset($SQP_errorString);
00089     }
00098     // Added, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM
00099     function PMA_SQP_getErrorString() {
00100         global $SQP_errorString;
00101         return isset($SQP_errorString) ? $SQP_errorString : '';
00102     }
00111     // Added, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM
00112     function PMA_SQP_isError() {
00113         global $SQP_errorString;
00114         return isset($SQP_errorString) && !empty($SQP_errorString);
00115     }
00126     // Revised, Robbat2 - 13 Janurary 2003, 2:59PM
00127     function PMA_SQP_throwError($message, $sql)
00128     {
00130         global $SQP_errorString;
00131         $SQP_errorString = '<p>'.$GLOBALS['strSQLParserUserError'] . '</p>' . "\n"
00132             . '<pre>' . "\n"
00133             . 'ERROR: ' . $message . "\n"
00134             . 'SQL: ' . htmlspecialchars($sql) .  "\n"
00135             . '</pre>' . "\n";
00137     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_throwError()" function
00148     function PMA_SQP_bug($message, $sql)
00149     {
00150         global $SQP_errorString;
00151         $debugstr = 'ERROR: ' . $message . "\n";
00152         $debugstr .= 'CVS: $Id: sqlparser.lib.php,v 2.36 2005/08/08 20:22:11 lem9 Exp $' . "\n";
00153         $debugstr .= 'MySQL: '.PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . "\n";
00154         $debugstr .= 'USR OS, AGENT, VER: ' . PMA_USR_OS . ' ' . PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT . ' ' . PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER . "\n";
00155         $debugstr .= 'PMA: ' . PMA_VERSION . "\n";
00156         $debugstr .= 'PHP VER,OS: ' . PMA_PHP_STR_VERSION . ' ' . PHP_OS . "\n";
00157         $debugstr .= 'LANG: ' . $GLOBALS['lang'] . "\n";
00158         $debugstr .= 'SQL: ' . htmlspecialchars($sql);
00160         $encodedstr     = $debugstr;
00161         if (@function_exists('gzcompress')) {
00162             $encodedstr = gzcompress($debugstr, 9);
00163         }
00164         $encodedstr     = preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/", '<br />' . "\n", chunk_split(base64_encode($encodedstr)));
00166         $SQP_errorString .= $GLOBALS['strSQLParserBugMessage'] . '<br />' . "\n"
00167              . '----' . $GLOBALS['strBeginCut'] . '----' . '<br />' . "\n"
00168              . $encodedstr . "\n"
00169              . '----' . $GLOBALS['strEndCut'] . '----' . '<br />' . "\n";
00171         $SQP_errorString .= '----' . $GLOBALS['strBeginRaw'] . '----<br />' . "\n"
00172              . '<pre>' . "\n"
00173              . $debugstr
00174              . '</pre>' . "\n"
00175              . '----' . $GLOBALS['strEndRaw'] . '----<br />' . "\n";
00177     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_bug()" function
00203     function PMA_SQP_parse($sql)
00204     {
00205         global $cfg;
00206         global $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib, $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word, $PMA_SQPdata_column_type, $PMA_SQPdata_function_name,
00207                $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib_cnt, $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word_cnt, $PMA_SQPdata_column_type_cnt, $PMA_SQPdata_function_name_cnt;
00208         global $mysql_charsets, $mysql_collations_flat, $mysql_charsets_count, $mysql_collations_count;
00209         global $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word, $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word_cnt; 
00211         // rabus: Convert all line feeds to Unix style
00212         $sql = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sql);
00213         $sql = str_replace("\r", "\n", $sql);
00215         $len = PMA_strlen($sql);
00216         if ($len == 0) {
00217             return array();
00218         }
00220         $sql_array               = array();
00221         $sql_array['raw']        = $sql;
00222         $count1                  = 0;
00223         $count2                  = 0;
00224         $punct_queryend          = ';';
00225         $punct_qualifier         = '.';
00226         $punct_listsep           = ',';
00227         $punct_level_plus        = '(';
00228         $punct_level_minus       = ')';
00229         $digit_floatdecimal      = '.';
00230         $digit_hexset            = 'x';
00231         $bracket_list            = '()[]{}';
00232         $allpunct_list           =  '-,;:!?/.^~\*&%+<=>|';
00233         $allpunct_list_pair      = array (
00234             0 => '!=',
00235             1 => '&&',
00236             2 => ':=',
00237             3 => '<<',
00238             4 => '<=',
00239             5 => '<=>',
00240             6 => '<>',
00241             7 => '>=',
00242             8 => '>>',
00243             9 => '||'
00244         );
00245         $allpunct_list_pair_size = 10; //count($allpunct_list_pair);
00246         $quote_list              = '\'"`';
00247         $arraysize               = 0;
00249         while ($count2 < $len) {
00250             $c      = PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1);
00251             $count1 = $count2;
00253             if (($c == "\n")) {
00254                 $count2++;
00255                 PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'white_newline', '', $arraysize);
00256                 continue;
00257             }
00259             // Checks for white space
00260             if (PMA_STR_isSpace($c)) {
00261                 $count2++;
00262                 continue;
00263             }
00265             // Checks for comment lines.
00266             // MySQL style #
00267             // C style /* */
00268             // ANSI style --
00269             if (($c == '#')
00270                 || (($count2 + 1 < $len) && ($c == '/') && (PMA_substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1) == '*'))
00271                 || (($count2 + 2 == $len) && ($c == '-') && (PMA_substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1) == '-'))
00272                 || (($count2 + 2 < $len) && ($c == '-') && (PMA_substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1) == '-') && ((PMA_substr($sql, $count2 + 2, 1) <= ' ')))) {
00273                 $count2++;
00274                 $pos  = 0;
00275                 $type = 'bad';
00276                 switch ($c) {
00277                     case '#':
00278                         $type = 'mysql';
00279                     case '-':
00280                         $type = 'ansi';
00281                         $pos  = $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos']($sql, "\n", $count2);
00282                         break;
00283                     case '/':
00284                         $type = 'c';
00285                         $pos  = $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos']($sql, '*/', $count2);
00286                         $pos  += 2;
00287                         break;
00288                     default:
00289                         break;
00290                 } // end switch
00291                 $count2 = ($pos < $count2) ? $len : $pos;
00292                 $str    = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1);
00293                 PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'comment_' . $type, $str, $arraysize);
00294                 continue;
00295             } // end if
00297             // Checks for something inside quotation marks
00298             if (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, $quote_list)) {
00299                 $startquotepos   = $count2;
00300                 $quotetype       = $c;
00301                 $count2++;
00302                 $escaped         = FALSE;
00303                 $escaped_escaped = FALSE;
00304                 $pos             = $count2;
00305                 $oldpos          = 0;
00306                 do {
00307                     $oldpos = $pos;
00308                     $pos    = $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos'](' ' . $sql, $quotetype, $oldpos + 1) - 1;
00309                     // ($pos === FALSE)
00310                     if ($pos < 0) {
00311                         $debugstr = $GLOBALS['strSQPBugUnclosedQuote'] . ' @ ' . $startquotepos. "\n"
00312                                   . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars($quotetype);
00313                         PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql);
00314                         return $sql;
00315                     }
00317                     // If the quote is the first character, it can't be
00318                     // escaped, so don't do the rest of the code
00319                     if ($pos == 0) {
00320                         break;
00321                     }
00323                     // Checks for MySQL escaping using a \
00324                     // And checks for ANSI escaping using the $quotetype character
00325                     if (($pos < $len) && PMA_STR_charIsEscaped($sql, $pos)) {
00326                         $pos ++;
00327                         continue;
00328                     } else if (($pos + 1 < $len) && (PMA_substr($sql, $pos, 1) == $quotetype) && (PMA_substr($sql, $pos + 1, 1) == $quotetype)) {
00329                         $pos = $pos + 2;
00330                         continue;
00331                     } else {
00332                         break;
00333                     }
00334                 } while ($len > $pos); // end do
00336                 $count2       = $pos;
00337                 $count2++;
00338                 $type         = 'quote_';
00339                 switch ($quotetype) {
00340                     case '\'':
00341                         $type .= 'single';
00342                         break;
00343                     case '"':
00344                         $type .= 'double';
00345                         break;
00346                     case '`':
00347                         $type .= 'backtick';
00348                         break;
00349                     default:
00350                         break;
00351                 } // end switch
00352                 $data = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1);
00353                 PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $data, $arraysize);
00354                 continue;
00355             }
00357             // Checks for brackets
00358             if (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, $bracket_list)) {
00359                 // All bracket tokens are only one item long
00360                 $count2++;
00361                 $type_type     = '';
00362                 if (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, '([{')) {
00363                     $type_type = 'open';
00364                 } else {
00365                     $type_type = 'close';
00366                 }
00368                 $type_style     = '';
00369                 if (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, '()')) {
00370                     $type_style = 'round';
00371                 } elseif (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, '[]')) {
00372                     $type_style = 'square';
00373                 } else {
00374                     $type_style = 'curly';
00375                 }
00377                 $type = 'punct_bracket_' . $type_type . '_' . $type_style;
00378                 PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $c, $arraysize);
00379                 continue;
00380             }
00382             // Checks for punct
00383             if (PMA_STR_strInStr($c, $allpunct_list)) {
00384                 while (($count2 < $len) && PMA_STR_strInStr(PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1), $allpunct_list)) {
00385                     $count2++;
00386                 }
00387                 $l = $count2 - $count1;
00388                 if ($l == 1) {
00389                     $punct_data = $c;
00390                 } else {
00391                     $punct_data = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $l);
00392                 }
00394                 // Special case, sometimes, althought two characters are
00395                 // adjectent directly, they ACTUALLY need to be seperate
00396                 if ($l == 1) {
00397                     $t_suffix         = '';
00398                     switch ($punct_data) {
00399                         case $punct_queryend:
00400                             $t_suffix = '_queryend';
00401                             break;
00402                         case $punct_qualifier:
00403                             $t_suffix = '_qualifier';
00404                             break;
00405                         case $punct_listsep:
00406                             $t_suffix = '_listsep';
00407                             break;
00408                         default:
00409                             break;
00410                     }
00411                     PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'punct' . $t_suffix, $punct_data, $arraysize);
00412                 }
00413                 else if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($punct_data, $allpunct_list_pair, $allpunct_list_pair_size)) {
00414                     // Ok, we have one of the valid combined punct expressions
00415                     PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'punct', $punct_data, $arraysize);
00416                 }
00417                 else {
00418                     // Bad luck, lets split it up more
00419                     $first  = $punct_data[0];
00420                     $first2 = $punct_data[0] . $punct_data[1];
00421                     $last2  = $punct_data[$l - 2] . $punct_data[$l - 1];
00422                     $last   = $punct_data[$l - 1];
00423                     if (($first == ',') || ($first == ';') || ($first == '.') || ($first == '*')) {
00424                         $count2     = $count1 + 1;
00425                         $punct_data = $first;
00426                     } else if (($last2 == '/*') || (($last2 == '--') && ($count2 == $len || PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1) <= ' ') )) {
00427                         $count2     -= 2;
00428                         $punct_data = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1);
00429                     } else if (($last == '-') || ($last == '+') || ($last == '!')) {
00430                         $count2--;
00431                         $punct_data = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1);
00432                     // TODO: for negation operator, split in 2 tokens ?
00433                     // "select x&~1 from t"
00434                     // becomes "select x & ~ 1 from t" ?
00436                     } else if ($last != '~') {
00437                         $debugstr =  $GLOBALS['strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation'] . ' @ ' . ($count1+1) . "\n"
00438                                   . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars($punct_data);
00439                         PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql);
00440                         return $sql;
00441                     }
00442                     PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'punct', $punct_data, $arraysize);
00443                     continue;
00444                 } // end if... else if... else
00445                 continue;
00446             }
00448             // Checks for alpha
00449             if (PMA_STR_isSqlIdentifier($c, FALSE) || ($c == '@')) {
00450                 $count2 ++;
00452                 //TODO: a @ can also be present in expressions like
00453                 // FROM 'user'@'%'
00454                 // or  TO 'user'@'%'
00455                 // in this case, the @ is wrongly marked as alpha_variable
00457                 $is_sql_variable         = ($c == '@');
00458                 $is_digit                = (!$is_sql_variable) && PMA_STR_isDigit($c);
00459                 $is_hex_digit            = ($is_digit) && ($c == '0') && ($count2 < $len) && (PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1) == 'x');
00460                 $is_float_digit          = FALSE;
00461                 $is_float_digit_exponent = FALSE;
00463                 if ($is_hex_digit) {
00464                     $count2++;
00465                 }
00467                 while (($count2 < $len) && PMA_STR_isSqlIdentifier(PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1), ($is_sql_variable || $is_digit))) {
00468                     $c2 = PMA_substr($sql, $count2, 1);
00469                     if ($is_sql_variable && ($c2 == '.')) {
00470                         $count2++;
00471                         continue;
00472                     }
00473                     if ($is_digit && (!$is_hex_digit) && ($c2 == '.')) {
00474                         $count2++;
00475                         if (!$is_float_digit) {
00476                             $is_float_digit = TRUE;
00477                             continue;
00478                         } else {
00479                             $debugstr = $GLOBALS['strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer'] . ' @ ' . ($count1+1) . "\n"
00480                                       . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars(PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1));
00481                             PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql);
00482                             return $sql;
00483                         }
00484                     }
00485                     if ($is_digit && (!$is_hex_digit) && (($c2 == 'e') || ($c2 == 'E'))) {
00486                         if (!$is_float_digit_exponent) {
00487                             $is_float_digit_exponent = TRUE;
00488                             $is_float_digit          = TRUE;
00489                             $count2++;
00490                             continue;
00491                         } else {
00492                             $is_digit                = FALSE;
00493                             $is_float_digit          = FALSE;
00494                         }
00495                     }
00496                     if (($is_hex_digit && PMA_STR_isHexDigit($c2)) || ($is_digit && PMA_STR_isDigit($c2))) {
00497                         $count2++;
00498                         continue;
00499                     } else {
00500                         $is_digit     = FALSE;
00501                         $is_hex_digit = FALSE;
00502                     }
00504                     $count2++;
00505                 } // end while
00507                 $l    = $count2 - $count1;
00508                 $str  = PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $l);
00510                 $type = '';
00511                 if ($is_digit) {
00512                     $type     = 'digit';
00513                     if ($is_float_digit) {
00514                         $type .= '_float';
00515                     } else if ($is_hex_digit) {
00516                         $type .= '_hex';
00517                     } else {
00518                         $type .= '_integer';
00519                     }
00520                 }
00521                 else {
00522                     if ($is_sql_variable != FALSE) {
00523                         $type = 'alpha_variable';
00524                     } else {
00525                         $type = 'alpha';
00526                     }
00527                 } // end if... else....
00528                 PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $str, $arraysize);
00530                 continue;
00531             }
00533             // DEBUG
00534             $count2++;
00536             $debugstr = 'C1 C2 LEN: ' . $count1 . ' ' . $count2 . ' ' . $len .  "\n"
00537                       . 'STR: ' . PMA_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1) . "\n";
00538             PMA_SQP_bug($debugstr, $sql);
00539             return $sql;
00541         } // end while ($count2 < $len)
00544         if ($arraysize > 0) {
00545           $t_next           = $sql_array[0]['type'];
00546           $t_prev           = '';
00547           $t_bef_prev       = '';
00548           $t_cur            = '';
00549           $d_next           = $sql_array[0]['data'];
00550           $d_prev           = '';
00551           $d_bef_prev       = '';
00552           $d_cur            = '';
00553           $d_next_upper     = $t_next == 'alpha' ? strtoupper($d_next) : $d_next;
00554           $d_prev_upper     = '';
00555           $d_bef_prev_upper = '';
00556           $d_cur_upper      = '';
00557         }
00559         for ($i = 0; $i < $arraysize; $i++) {
00560           $t_bef_prev       = $t_prev;
00561           $t_prev           = $t_cur;
00562           $t_cur            = $t_next;
00563           $d_bef_prev       = $d_prev;
00564           $d_prev           = $d_cur;
00565           $d_cur            = $d_next;
00566           $d_bef_prev_upper = $d_prev_upper;
00567           $d_prev_upper     = $d_cur_upper;
00568           $d_cur_upper      = $d_next_upper;
00569           if (($i + 1) < $arraysize) {
00570             $t_next = $sql_array[$i + 1]['type'];
00571             $d_next = $sql_array[$i + 1]['data'];
00572             $d_next_upper = $t_next == 'alpha' ? strtoupper($d_next) : $d_next;
00573           } else {
00574             $t_next       = '';
00575             $d_next       = '';
00576             $d_next_upper = '';
00577           }
00579           //DEBUG echo "[prev: <b>".$d_prev."</b> ".$t_prev."][cur: <b>".$d_cur."</b> ".$t_cur."][next: <b>".$d_next."</b> ".$t_next."]<br />";
00581           if ($t_cur == 'alpha') {
00582             $t_suffix     = '_identifier';
00583             if (($t_next == 'punct_qualifier') || ($t_prev == 'punct_qualifier')) {
00584               $t_suffix = '_identifier';
00585             } else if (($t_next == 'punct_bracket_open_round')
00586             && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur_upper, $PMA_SQPdata_function_name, $PMA_SQPdata_function_name_cnt)) {
00587               $t_suffix = '_functionName';
00588             } else if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur_upper, $PMA_SQPdata_column_type, $PMA_SQPdata_column_type_cnt))  {
00589               $t_suffix = '_columnType';
00591               // Temporary fix for BUG #621357
00593               if ($d_cur_upper == 'SET' && $t_next != 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
00594                 $t_suffix = '_reservedWord';
00595               }
00596               //END OF TEMPORARY FIX
00598               // CHARACTER is a synonym for CHAR, but can also be meant as
00599               // CHARACTER SET. In this case, we have a reserved word.
00600               if ($d_cur_upper == 'CHARACTER' && $d_next_upper == 'SET') {
00601                 $t_suffix = '_reservedWord';
00602               }
00604               // experimental
00605               // current is a column type, so previous must not be
00606               // a reserved word but an identifier
00607               // CREATE TABLE SG_Persons (first varchar(64))
00609               //if ($sql_array[$i-1]['type'] =='alpha_reservedWord') {
00610               //    $sql_array[$i-1]['type'] = 'alpha_identifier';
00611               //}
00613             } else if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur_upper, $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word, $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word_cnt)) {
00614               $t_suffix = '_reservedWord';
00615             } else if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur_upper, $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib, $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib_cnt)) {
00616               $t_suffix = '_columnAttrib';
00617               // INNODB is a MySQL table type, but in "SHOW INNODB STATUS",
00618               // it should be regarded as a reserved word.
00619               if ($d_cur_upper == 'INNODB' && $d_prev_upper == 'SHOW' && $d_next_upper == 'STATUS') {
00620                 $t_suffix = '_reservedWord';
00621               }
00623               if ($d_cur_upper == 'DEFAULT' && $d_next_upper == 'CHARACTER') {
00624                 $t_suffix = '_reservedWord';
00625               }
00626               // Binary as character set
00627               if ($d_cur_upper == 'BINARY' && (
00628                   ($d_bef_prev_upper == 'CHARACTER' && $d_prev_upper == 'SET')
00629                   || ($d_bef_prev_upper == 'SET' && $d_prev_upper == '=')
00630                   || ($d_bef_prev_upper == 'CHARSET' && $d_prev_upper == '=')
00631                   || $d_prev_upper == 'CHARSET'
00632                   ) && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur, $mysql_charsets, count($mysql_charsets))) {
00633                   $t_suffix = '_charset';
00634               }
00635             } elseif (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur, $mysql_charsets, $mysql_charsets_count)
00636               || PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur, $mysql_collations_flat, $mysql_collations_count)
00637               || ($d_cur{0} == '_' && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr(substr($d_cur, 1), $mysql_charsets, $mysql_charsets_count))) {
00638               $t_suffix = '_charset';
00639             } else {
00640               // Do nothing
00641             }
00642             // check if present in the list of forbidden words
00643             if ($t_suffix == '_reservedWord' && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($d_cur_upper, $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word, $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word_cnt)) {
00644                 $sql_array[$i]['forbidden'] = TRUE;
00645             } else {
00646                 $sql_array[$i]['forbidden'] = FALSE;
00647             }
00648             $sql_array[$i]['type'] .= $t_suffix;
00649           }
00650         } // end for
00652         // Stores the size of the array inside the array, as count() is a slow
00653         // operation.
00654         $sql_array['len'] = $arraysize;
00656         // Sends the data back
00657         return $sql_array;
00658     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_parse()" function
00670     function PMA_SQP_typeCheck($toCheck, $whatWeWant)
00671     {
00672         $typeSeperator = '_';
00673         if (strcmp($whatWeWant, $toCheck) == 0) {
00674             return TRUE;
00675         } else {
00676             if (strpos($whatWeWant, $typeSeperator) === FALSE) {
00677                 return strncmp($whatWeWant, $toCheck , strpos($toCheck, $typeSeperator)) == 0;
00678             } else {
00679                 return FALSE;
00680             }
00681         }
00682     }
00694     function PMA_SQP_analyze($arr)
00695     {
00696         $result          = array();
00697         $size            = $arr['len'];
00698         $subresult       = array(
00699             'querytype'      => '',
00700             'select_expr_clause'=> '', // the whole stuff between SELECT and FROM , except DISTINCT
00701             'position_of_first_select' => '', // the array index
00702             'from_clause'=> '',
00703             'group_by_clause'=> '',
00704             'order_by_clause'=> '',
00705             'having_clause'  => '',
00706             'where_clause'   => '',
00707             'where_clause_identifiers'   => array(),
00708             'unsorted_query' => '',
00709             'queryflags'     => array(),
00710             'select_expr'    => array(),
00711             'table_ref'      => array(),
00712             'foreign_keys'   => array(),
00713             'create_table_fields' => array()
00714         );
00715         $subresult_empty = $subresult;
00716         $seek_queryend         = FALSE;
00717         $seen_end_of_table_ref = FALSE;
00718         $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0;
00719         $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
00722         // we must not use CURDATE as a table_ref
00723         // so we track wether we are in the EXTRACT()
00724         $in_extract          = FALSE;
00726         // for GROUP_CONCAT( ... )
00727         $in_group_concat     = FALSE;
00729 /* Description of analyzer results by lem9
00730  *
00731  * db, table, column, alias
00732  * ------------------------
00733  *
00734  * Inside the $subresult array, we create ['select_expr'] and ['table_ref'] arrays.
00735  *
00736  * The SELECT syntax (simplified) is
00737  *
00738  * SELECT
00739  *    select_expression,...
00740  *    [FROM [table_references]
00741  *
00742  *
00743  * ['select_expr'] is filled with each expression, the key represents the
00744  * expression position in the list (0-based) (so we don't lose track of
00745  * multiple occurences of the same column).
00746  *
00747  * ['table_ref'] is filled with each table ref, same thing for the key.
00748  *
00749  * I create all sub-values empty, even if they are
00750  * not present (for example no select_expression alias).
00751  *
00752  * There is a debug section at the end of loop #1, if you want to
00753  * see the exact contents of select_expr and table_ref
00754  *
00755  * queryflags
00756  * ----------
00757  *
00758  * In $subresult, array 'queryflags' is filled, according to what we
00759  * find in the query.
00760  *
00761  * Currently, those are generated:
00762  *
00763  * ['queryflags']['need_confirm'] = 1; if the query needs confirmation
00764  * ['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1;  if this is a real SELECT...FROM
00765  * ['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1;     for a DISTINCT
00766  * ['queryflags']['union'] = 1;        for a UNION
00767  * ['queryflags']['join'] = 1;         for a JOIN
00768  * ['queryflags']['offset'] = 1;       for the presence of OFFSET 
00769  *
00770  * query clauses
00771  * -------------
00772  *
00773  * The select is splitted in those clauses:
00774  * ['select_expr_clause']
00775  * ['from_clause']
00776  * ['group_by_clause']
00777  * ['order_by_clause']
00778  * ['having_clause']
00779  * ['where_clause']
00780  *
00781  * The identifiers of the WHERE clause are put into the array
00782  * ['where_clause_identifier']
00783  *
00784  * For a SELECT, the whole query without the ORDER BY clause is put into
00785  * ['unsorted_query']
00786  *
00787  * foreign keys
00788  * ------------
00789  * The CREATE TABLE may contain FOREIGN KEY clauses, so they get
00790  * analyzed and ['foreign_keys'] is an array filled with
00791  * the constraint name, the index list,
00792  * the REFERENCES table name and REFERENCES index list,
00793  * and ON UPDATE | ON DELETE clauses
00794  *
00795  * position_of_first_select
00796  * ------------------------
00797  *
00798  * The array index of the first SELECT we find. Will be used to
00799  * insert a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
00800  *
00801  * create_table_fields
00802  * -------------------
00803  *
00804  * For now, mostly used to detect the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and
00805  * ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clauses of the CREATE TABLE query.
00806  * An array, each element is the identifier name.
00807  * Note that for now, the timestamp_not_null element is created
00808  * even for non-TIMESTAMP fields.
00809  *
00810  * Sub-elements: ['type'] which contains the column type
00811  *               optional (currently they are never false but can be absent):
00812  *               ['default_current_timestamp'] boolean
00813  *               ['on_update_current_timestamp'] boolean
00814  *               ['timestamp_not_null'] boolean
00815  *
00816  * section_before_limit, section_after_limit
00817  * -----------------------------------------
00818  * 
00819  * Marks the point of the query where we can insert a LIMIT clause;
00820  * so the section_before_limit will contain the left part before
00821  * a possible LIMIT clause
00822  *
00823  *
00824  * End of description of analyzer results
00825  */
00827         // must be sorted
00828         // TODO: current logic checks for only one word, so I put only the
00829         // first word of the reserved expressions that end a table ref;
00830         // maybe this is not ok (the first word might mean something else)
00831 //        $words_ending_table_ref = array(
00832 //            'FOR UPDATE',
00833 //            'GROUP BY',
00834 //            'HAVING',
00835 //            'LIMIT',
00836 //            'LOCK IN SHARE MODE',
00837 //            'ORDER BY',
00838 //            'PROCEDURE',
00839 //            'UNION',
00840 //            'WHERE'
00841 //        );
00842         $words_ending_table_ref = array(
00843             'FOR',
00844             'GROUP',
00845             'HAVING',
00846             'LIMIT',
00847             'LOCK',
00848             'ORDER',
00849             'PROCEDURE',
00850             'UNION',
00851             'WHERE'
00852         );
00853         $words_ending_table_ref_cnt = 9; //count($words_ending_table_ref);
00855         $words_ending_clauses = array(
00856             'FOR',
00857             'LIMIT',
00858             'LOCK',
00859             'PROCEDURE',
00860             'UNION'
00861         );
00862         $words_ending_clauses_cnt = 5; //count($words_ending_clauses);
00867         // must be sorted
00868         $supported_query_types = array(
00869             'SELECT'
00870             /*
00871             // Support for these additional query types will come later on.
00872             'DELETE',
00873             'INSERT',
00874             'REPLACE',
00875             'TRUNCATE',
00876             'UPDATE'
00877             'EXPLAIN',
00878             'DESCRIBE',
00879             'SHOW',
00880             'CREATE',
00881             'SET',
00882             'ALTER'
00883             */
00884         );
00885         $supported_query_types_cnt = count($supported_query_types);
00887         // loop #1 for each token: select_expr, table_ref for SELECT
00889         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
00890 //DEBUG echo "trace loop1 <b>"  . $arr[$i]['data'] . "</b> (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")<br />";
00892             // High speed seek for locating the end of the current query
00893             if ($seek_queryend == TRUE) {
00894                 if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend') {
00895                     $seek_queryend = FALSE;
00896                 } else {
00897                     continue;
00898                 } // end if (type == punct_queryend)
00899             } // end if ($seek_queryend)
00901             // TODO: when we find a UNION, should we split
00902             // in another subresult?
00903             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend') {
00904                 $result[]  = $subresult;
00905                 $subresult = $subresult_empty;
00906                 continue;
00907             } // end if (type == punct_queryend)
00909 // ==============================================================
00910             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
00911                 if ($in_extract) {
00912                     $number_of_brackets_in_extract++;
00913                 }
00914                 if ($in_group_concat) {
00915                     $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat++;
00916                 }
00917             }
00918 // ==============================================================
00919             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
00920                 if ($in_extract) {
00921                     $number_of_brackets_in_extract--;
00922                     if ($number_of_brackets_in_extract == 0) {
00923                        $in_extract = FALSE;
00924                     }
00925                 }
00926                 if ($in_group_concat) {
00927                     $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat--;
00928                     if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) {
00929                        $in_group_concat = FALSE;
00930                     }
00931                 }
00932             }
00933 // ==============================================================
00934             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') {
00935                 $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
00936                 if ($upper_data =='EXTRACT') {
00937                     $in_extract = TRUE;
00938                     $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0;
00939                 }
00940                 if ($upper_data =='GROUP_CONCAT') {
00941                     $in_group_concat = TRUE;
00942                     $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
00943                 }
00944             }
00946 // ==============================================================
00947             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord'
00948 //             && $arr[$i]['forbidden'] == FALSE) {
00949   ){
00950                 // We don't know what type of query yet, so run this
00951                 if ($subresult['querytype'] == '') {
00952                     $subresult['querytype'] = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
00953                 } // end if (querytype was empty)
00955                 // Check if we support this type of query
00956                 if (!PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($subresult['querytype'], $supported_query_types, $supported_query_types_cnt)) {
00957                     // Skip ahead to the next one if we don't
00958                     $seek_queryend = TRUE;
00959                     continue;
00960                 } // end if (query not supported)
00962                 // upper once
00963                 $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
00964                 //TODO: reset for each query?
00966                 if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') {
00967                     $seen_from = FALSE;
00968                     $previous_was_identifier = FALSE;
00969                     $current_select_expr = -1;
00970                     $seen_end_of_table_ref = FALSE;
00971                 } // end if ( data == SELECT)
00973                 if ($upper_data =='FROM' && !$in_extract) {
00974                     $current_table_ref = -1;
00975                     $seen_from = TRUE;
00976                     $previous_was_identifier = FALSE;
00977                     $save_table_ref = TRUE;
00978                 } // end if (data == FROM)
00980                 // here, do not 'continue' the loop, as we have more work for
00981                 // reserved words below
00982             } // end if (type == alpha_reservedWord)
00984 // ==============================
00985             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick'
00986              || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_double'
00987              || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_single'
00988              || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier'
00989              || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord'
00990                 && $arr[$i]['forbidden'] == FALSE)) {
00992                 switch ($arr[$i]['type']) {
00993                     case 'alpha_identifier':
00994                     case 'alpha_reservedWord':
00995                         // this is not a real reservedWord, because
00996                         // it's not present in the list of forbidden words,
00997                         // for example "storage" which can be used as 
00998                         // an identifier
00999                         //
01000                         // TODO: avoid the pretty printing in color
01001                         //       in this case
01003                         $identifier = $arr[$i]['data'];
01004                         break;
01006                 //TODO: check embedded double quotes or backticks?
01007                 // and/or remove just the first and last character?
01008                     case 'quote_backtick':
01009                         $identifier = str_replace('`','',$arr[$i]['data']);
01010                         break;
01011                     case 'quote_double':
01012                         $identifier = str_replace('"','',$arr[$i]['data']);
01013                         break;
01014                     case 'quote_single':
01015                         $identifier = str_replace("'","",$arr[$i]['data']);
01016                         break;
01017                 } // end switch
01019                 if ($subresult['querytype'] == 'SELECT' && !$in_group_concat) {
01020                     if (!$seen_from) {
01021                         if ($previous_was_identifier && isset($chain)) {
01022                             // found alias for this select_expr, save it
01023                             // but only if we got something in $chain
01024                             // (for example, SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt
01025                             // puts nothing in $chain, so we avoid
01026                             // setting the alias)
01027                             $alias_for_select_expr = $identifier;
01028                         } else {
01029                             $chain[] = $identifier;
01030                             $previous_was_identifier = TRUE;
01032                         } // end if !$previous_was_identifier
01033                     } else {
01034                         // ($seen_from)
01035                         if ($save_table_ref && !$seen_end_of_table_ref) {
01036                             if ($previous_was_identifier) {
01037                                 // found alias for table ref
01038                                 // save it for later
01039                                 $alias_for_table_ref = $identifier;
01040                             } else {
01041                                 $chain[] = $identifier;
01042                                 $previous_was_identifier = TRUE;
01044                             } // end if ($previous_was_identifier)
01045                         } // end if ($save_table_ref &&!$seen_end_of_table_ref)
01046                     } // end if (!$seen_from)
01047                 } // end if (querytype SELECT)
01048             } // end if ( quote_backtick or double quote or alpha_identifier)
01050 // ===================================
01051             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') {
01052                 // to be able to detect an identifier following another
01053                 $previous_was_identifier = FALSE;
01054                 continue;
01055             } // end if (punct_qualifier)
01057             // TODO: check if 3 identifiers following one another -> error
01059             //    s a v e    a    s e l e c t    e x p r
01060             // finding a list separator or FROM
01061             // means that we must save the current chain of identifiers
01062             // into a select expression
01064             // for now, we only save a select expression if it contains
01065             // at least one identifier, as we are interested in checking
01066             // the columns and table names, so in "select * from persons",
01067             // the "*" is not saved
01069             if (isset($chain) && !$seen_end_of_table_ref
01070                && (   (!$seen_from
01071                    && $arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep')
01072                   || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data == 'FROM')) ) {
01073                 $size_chain = count($chain);
01074                 $current_select_expr++;
01075                 $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr] = array(
01076                   'expr' => '',
01077                   'alias' => '',
01078                   'db'   => '',
01079                   'table_name' => '',
01080                   'table_true_name' => '',
01081                   'column' => ''
01082                  );
01084                 if (!empty($alias_for_select_expr)) {
01085                     // we had found an alias for this select expression
01086                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['alias'] = $alias_for_select_expr;
01087                     unset($alias_for_select_expr);
01088                 }
01089                 // there is at least a column
01090                 $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['column'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
01091                 $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
01093                 // maybe a table
01094                 if ($size_chain > 1) {
01095                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
01096                     // we assume for now that this is also the true name
01097                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
01098                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr']
01099                      = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name']
01100                       . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'];
01101                 } // end if ($size_chain > 1)
01103                 // maybe a db
01104                 if ($size_chain > 2) {
01105                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 3];
01106                     $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr']
01107                      = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db']
01108                       . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'];
01109                 } // end if ($size_chain > 2)
01110                 unset($chain);
01112                 // TODO: explain this:
01113                 if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01114                  && ($upper_data != 'FROM')) {
01115                     $previous_was_identifier = TRUE;
01116                 }
01118             } // end if (save a select expr)
01121             //======================================
01122             //    s a v e    a    t a b l e    r e f
01123             //======================================
01125             // maybe we just saw the end of table refs
01126             // but the last table ref has to be saved
01127             // or we are at the last token (TODO: there could be another
01128             // query after this one)
01129             // or we just got a reserved word
01131             if (isset($chain) && $seen_from && $save_table_ref
01132              && ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep'
01133                || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data!="AS")
01134                || $seen_end_of_table_ref
01135                || $i==$size-1 )) {
01137                 $size_chain = count($chain);
01138                 $current_table_ref++;
01139                 $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref] = array(
01140                   'expr'            => '',
01141                   'db'              => '',
01142                   'table_name'      => '',
01143                   'table_alias'     => '',
01144                   'table_true_name' => ''
01145                  );
01146                 if (!empty($alias_for_table_ref)) {
01147                     $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias'] = $alias_for_table_ref;
01148                     unset($alias_for_table_ref);
01149                 }
01150                 $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
01151                 // we assume for now that this is also the true name
01152                 $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1];
01153                 $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr']
01154                      = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name'];
01155                 // maybe a db
01156                 if ($size_chain > 1) {
01157                     $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2];
01158                     $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr']
01159                      = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db']
01160                       . '.' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'];
01161                 } // end if ($size_chain > 1)
01163                 // add the table alias into the whole expression
01164                 $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr']
01165                  .= ' ' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias'];
01167                 unset($chain);
01168                 $previous_was_identifier = TRUE;
01169                 //continue;
01171             } // end if (save a table ref)
01174             // when we have found all table refs,
01175             // for each table_ref alias, put the true name of the table
01176             // in the corresponding select expressions
01178             if (isset($current_table_ref) && ($seen_end_of_table_ref || $i == $size-1)) {
01179                 for ($tr=0; $tr <= $current_table_ref; $tr++) {
01180                     $alias = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_alias'];
01181                     $truename = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_true_name'];
01182                     for ($se=0; $se <= $current_select_expr; $se++) {
01183                         if (!empty($alias) && $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name']
01184                            == $alias) {
01185                             $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name']
01186                              = $truename;
01187                         } // end if (found the alias)
01188                     } // end for (select expressions)
01190                 } // end for (table refs)
01191             } // end if (set the true names)
01194            // e n d i n g    l o o p  #1
01195            // set the $previous_was_identifier to FALSE if the current
01196            // token is not an identifier
01197            if (($arr[$i]['type'] != 'alpha_identifier')
01198             && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_double')
01199             && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_single')
01200             && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_backtick')) {
01201                $previous_was_identifier = FALSE;
01202            } // end if
01204            // however, if we are on AS, we must keep the $previous_was_identifier
01205            if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01206             && ($upper_data == 'AS'))  {
01207                $previous_was_identifier = TRUE;
01208            }
01210            if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01211             && ($upper_data =='ON' || $upper_data =='USING')) {
01212                $save_table_ref = FALSE;
01213            } // end if (data == ON)
01215            if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01216             && ($upper_data =='JOIN' || $upper_data =='FROM')) {
01217                $save_table_ref = TRUE;
01218            } // end if (data == JOIN)
01220            // no need to check the end of table ref if we already did
01221            // TODO: maybe add "&& $seen_from"
01222            if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref) {
01223                // if this is the last token, it implies that we have
01224                // seen the end of table references
01225                // Check for the end of table references
01226                //
01227                // Note: if we are analyzing a GROUP_CONCAT clause,
01228                // we might find a word that seems to indicate that
01229                // we have found the end of table refs (like ORDER)
01230                // but it's a modifier of the GROUP_CONCAT so
01231                // it's not the real end of table refs
01232                if (($i == $size-1)
01233                || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord'
01234                   && !$in_group_concat
01235                   && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($upper_data, $words_ending_table_ref, $words_ending_table_ref_cnt))) {
01236                    $seen_end_of_table_ref = TRUE;
01237                    // to be able to save the last table ref, but do not
01238                    // set it true if we found a word like "ON" that has
01239                    // already set it to false
01240                    if (isset($save_table_ref) && $save_table_ref != FALSE) {
01241                       $save_table_ref = TRUE;
01242                    } //end if
01244                } // end if (check for end of table ref)
01245            } //end if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref)
01247            if ($seen_end_of_table_ref) {
01248                $save_table_ref = FALSE;
01249            } // end if
01251         } // end for $i (loop #1)
01253         // -------------------------------------------------------
01254         // This is a big hunk of debugging code by Marc for this.
01255         // -------------------------------------------------------
01256         /*
01257           if (isset($current_select_expr)) {
01258            for ($trace=0; $trace<=$current_select_expr; $trace++) {
01259                echo "<br />";
01260                reset ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace]);
01261                while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace]))
01262                    echo "sel expr $trace $key => $val<br />\n";
01263                }
01264           }
01266           if (isset($current_table_ref)) {
01267            echo "current_table_ref = " . $current_table_ref . "<br>";
01268            for ($trace=0; $trace<=$current_table_ref; $trace++) {
01270                echo "<br />";
01271                reset ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace]);
01272                while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace]))
01273                echo "table ref $trace $key => $val<br />\n";
01274                }
01275           }
01276         */
01277         // -------------------------------------------------------
01280         // loop #2: - queryflags
01281         //          - querytype (for queries != 'SELECT')
01282         //          - section_before_limit, section_after_limit
01283         //
01284         // we will also need this queryflag in loop 2
01285         // so set it here
01286         if (isset($current_table_ref) && $current_table_ref > -1) {
01287             $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1;
01288         }
01290         $collect_section_before_limit = TRUE;
01291         $section_before_limit = '';
01292         $section_after_limit = '';
01293         $seen_reserved_word = FALSE;
01294         $seen_group = FALSE;
01295         $seen_order = FALSE;
01296         $in_group_by = FALSE; // true when we are inside the GROUP BY clause
01297         $in_order_by = FALSE; // true when we are inside the ORDER BY clause
01298         $in_having = FALSE; // true when we are inside the HAVING clause
01299         $in_select_expr = FALSE; // true when we are inside the select expr clause
01300         $in_where = FALSE; // true when we are inside the WHERE clause
01301         $in_from = FALSE;
01302         $in_group_concat = FALSE;
01303         $unsorted_query = '';
01304         $first_reserved_word = '';
01305         $current_identifier = ''; 
01307         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
01308 //DEBUG echo "trace loop2 <b>"  . $arr[$i]['data'] . "</b> (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")<br />";
01310            // need_confirm
01311            //
01312            // check for reserved words that will have to generate
01313            // a confirmation request later in sql.php
01314            // the cases are:
01315            //   DROP TABLE
01316            //   DROP DATABASE
01317            //   ALTER TABLE... DROP
01318            //   DELETE FROM...
01319            //
01320            // this code is not used for confirmations coming from functions.js
01322            // TODO: check for punct_queryend
01325            // TODO: verify C-style comments?
01326            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'comment_ansi') {
01327                $collect_section_before_limit = FALSE;
01328            }
01330            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
01331                $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
01332                if (!$seen_reserved_word) {
01333                    $first_reserved_word = $upper_data;
01334                    $subresult['querytype'] = $upper_data;
01335                    $seen_reserved_word = TRUE;
01337                    // if the first reserved word is DROP or DELETE,
01338                    // we know this is a query that needs to be confirmed
01339                    if ($first_reserved_word=='DROP'
01340                        || $first_reserved_word == 'DELETE'
01341                        || $first_reserved_word == 'TRUNCATE') {
01342                       $subresult['queryflags']['need_confirm'] = 1;
01343                    }
01345                    if ($first_reserved_word=='SELECT'){
01346                        $position_of_first_select = $i;
01347                    }
01349                } else {
01350                    if ($upper_data=='DROP' && $first_reserved_word=='ALTER') {
01351                       $subresult['queryflags']['need_confirm'] = 1;
01352                    }
01353                }
01355                if ($upper_data == 'PROCEDURE') {
01356                    $collect_section_before_limit = FALSE;
01357                }
01358                // TODO: set also to FALSE if we find
01359                //      FOR UPDATE
01360                //      LOCK IN SHARE MODE
01362                if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') {
01363                    $in_select_expr = TRUE;
01364                    $select_expr_clause = '';
01365                }
01366                if ($upper_data == 'DISTINCT' && !$in_group_concat) {
01367                       $subresult['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1;
01368                }
01370                if ($upper_data == 'UNION') {
01371                       $subresult['queryflags']['union'] = 1;
01372                }
01374                if ($upper_data == 'JOIN') {
01375                       $subresult['queryflags']['join'] = 1;
01376                }
01378                if ($upper_data == 'OFFSET') {
01379                       $subresult['queryflags']['offset'] = 1;
01380                }
01382                // if this is a real SELECT...FROM
01383                if ($upper_data == 'FROM' && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1) {
01384                    $in_from = TRUE;
01385                    $from_clause = '';
01386                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01387                }
01390                // (we could have less resetting of variables to FALSE
01391                // if we trust that the query respects the standard
01392                // MySQL order for clauses)
01394                // we use $seen_group and $seen_order because we are looking
01395                // for the BY
01396                if ($upper_data == 'GROUP') {
01397                    $seen_group = TRUE;
01398                    $seen_order = FALSE;
01399                    $in_having = FALSE;
01400                    $in_order_by = FALSE;
01401                    $in_where = FALSE;
01402                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01403                    $in_from = FALSE;
01404                }
01405                if ($upper_data == 'ORDER' && !$in_group_concat) {
01406                    $seen_order = TRUE;
01407                    $seen_group = FALSE;
01408                    $in_having = FALSE;
01409                    $in_group_by = FALSE;
01410                    $in_where = FALSE;
01411                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01412                    $in_from = FALSE;
01413                }
01414                if ($upper_data == 'HAVING') {
01415                    $in_having = TRUE;
01416                    $having_clause = '';
01417                    $seen_group = FALSE;
01418                    $seen_order = FALSE;
01419                    $in_group_by = FALSE;
01420                    $in_order_by = FALSE;
01421                    $in_where = FALSE;
01422                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01423                    $in_from = FALSE;
01424                }
01426                if ($upper_data == 'WHERE') {
01427                    $in_where = TRUE;
01428                    $where_clause = '';
01429                    $where_clause_identifiers = array();
01430                    $seen_group = FALSE;
01431                    $seen_order = FALSE;
01432                    $in_group_by = FALSE;
01433                    $in_order_by = FALSE;
01434                    $in_having = FALSE;
01435                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01436                    $in_from = FALSE;
01437                }
01439                if ($upper_data == 'BY') {
01440                    if ($seen_group) {
01441                        $in_group_by = TRUE;
01442                        $group_by_clause = '';
01443                    }
01444                    if ($seen_order) {
01445                        $in_order_by = TRUE;
01446                        $order_by_clause = '';
01447                    }
01448                }
01450                // if we find one of the words that could end the clause
01451                if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($upper_data, $words_ending_clauses, $words_ending_clauses_cnt)) {
01453                    $in_group_by = FALSE;
01454                    $in_order_by = FALSE;
01455                    $in_having   = FALSE;
01456                    $in_where    = FALSE;
01457                    $in_select_expr = FALSE;
01458                    $in_from = FALSE;
01459                }
01461            } // endif (reservedWord)
01464            // do not add a blank after a function name
01465            // TODO: can we combine loop 2 and loop 1?
01466            // some code is repeated here...
01468            $sep=' ';
01469            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') {
01470                $sep='';
01471                $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
01472                if ($upper_data =='GROUP_CONCAT') {
01473                    $in_group_concat = TRUE;
01474                    $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0;
01475                }
01476            }
01478            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
01479                if ($in_group_concat) {
01480                   $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat++;
01481                }
01482            }
01483            if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
01484                if ($in_group_concat) {
01485                   $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat--;
01486                   if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) {
01487                      $in_group_concat = FALSE;
01488                   }
01489                }
01490            }
01492            if ($in_select_expr && $upper_data != 'SELECT' && $upper_data != 'DISTINCT') {
01493                $select_expr_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01494            }
01495            if ($in_from && $upper_data != 'FROM') {
01496                $from_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01497            }
01498            if ($in_group_by && $upper_data != 'GROUP' && $upper_data != 'BY') {
01499                $group_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01500            }
01501            if ($in_order_by && $upper_data != 'ORDER' && $upper_data != 'BY') {
01502                $order_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01503            }
01504            if ($in_having && $upper_data != 'HAVING') {
01505                $having_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01506            }
01507            if ($in_where && $upper_data != 'WHERE') {
01508                $where_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01510                if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick')
01511                 || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier')) {
01512                    $where_clause_identifiers[] = $arr[$i]['data'];
01513                }
01514            }
01516            if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from'])
01517              && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1
01518              && !$seen_order) {
01519                $unsorted_query .= $arr[$i]['data'];
01521                if ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_open_round'
01522                && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_close_round'
01523                && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct') {
01524                    $unsorted_query .= $sep;
01525                }
01526            }
01528            // clear $upper_data for next iteration
01529            $upper_data='';
01531            if ($collect_section_before_limit) {
01532                $section_before_limit .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01533            } else {
01534                $section_after_limit .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep;
01535            }
01538         } // end for $i (loop #2)
01541         // -----------------------------------------------------
01542         // loop #3: foreign keys and MySQL 4.1.2+ TIMESTAMP options
01543         // (for now, check only the first query)
01544         // (for now, identifiers are assumed to be backquoted)
01546         // If we find that we are dealing with a CREATE TABLE query,
01547         // we look for the next punct_bracket_open_round, which 
01548         // introduces the fields list. Then, when we find a
01549         // quote_backtick, it must be a field, so we put it into
01550         // the create_table_fields array. Even if this field is
01551         // not a timestamp, it will be useful when logic has been
01552         // added for complete field attributes analysis.
01554         $seen_foreign = FALSE;
01555         $seen_references = FALSE;
01556         $seen_constraint = FALSE;
01557         $foreign_key_number = -1;
01558         $seen_create_table = FALSE;
01559         $seen_create = FALSE;
01560         $in_create_table_fields = FALSE;
01561         $brackets_level = 0;
01562         $in_timestamp_options = FALSE;
01563         $seen_default = FALSE;
01565         for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
01566         // DEBUG echo "<b>" . $arr[$i]['data'] . "</b> " . $arr[$i]['type'] . "<br />";
01568             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
01569                 $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
01571                 if ($upper_data == 'NOT' && $in_timestamp_options) {
01572                     $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = TRUE; 
01574                 }
01576                 if ($upper_data == 'CREATE') {
01577                     $seen_create = TRUE;
01578                 }
01580                 if ($upper_data == 'TABLE' && $seen_create) {
01581                     $seen_create_table = TRUE;
01582                     $create_table_fields = array();
01583                 }
01585                 if ($upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
01586                     if ($in_timestamp_options) {
01587                         if ($seen_default) {
01588                             $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['default_current_timestamp'] = TRUE;
01589                         }
01590                     }
01591                 }
01593                 if ($upper_data == 'CONSTRAINT') {
01594                     $foreign_key_number++;
01595                     $seen_foreign = FALSE;
01596                     $seen_references = FALSE;
01597                     $seen_constraint = TRUE;
01598                 }
01599                 if ($upper_data == 'FOREIGN') {
01600                     $seen_foreign = TRUE;
01601                     $seen_references = FALSE;
01602                     $seen_constraint = FALSE;
01603                 }
01604                 if ($upper_data == 'REFERENCES') {
01605                     $seen_foreign = FALSE;
01606                     $seen_references = TRUE;
01607                     $seen_constraint = FALSE;
01608                 }
01611                 // Cases covered:
01613                 // [ON DELETE {CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT}]
01614                 // [ON UPDATE {CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT}]
01616                 // but we set ['on_delete'] or ['on_cascade'] to
01617                 // CASCADE | SET_NULL | NO_ACTION | RESTRICT
01619                 // ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
01621                 if ($upper_data == 'ON') {
01622                     if ($arr[$i+1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
01623                         $second_upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i+1]['data']);
01624                         if ($second_upper_data == 'DELETE') {
01625                             $clause = 'on_delete';
01626                         }
01627                         if ($second_upper_data == 'UPDATE') {
01628                             $clause = 'on_update';
01629                         }
01630                         if (isset($clause)
01631                         && ($arr[$i+2]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord'
01633                 // ugly workaround because currently, NO is not
01634                 // in the list of reserved words in
01635                 // (we got a bug report about not being able to use
01636                 // 'no' as an identifier)
01637                            || ($arr[$i+2]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier'
01638                               && strtoupper($arr[$i+2]['data'])=='NO') )
01639                           ) {
01640                             $third_upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i+2]['data']);
01641                             if ($third_upper_data == 'CASCADE'
01642                             || $third_upper_data == 'RESTRICT') {
01643                                 $value = $third_upper_data;
01644                             } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'SET'
01645                               || $third_upper_data == 'NO') {
01646                                 if ($arr[$i+3]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
01647                                     $value = $third_upper_data . '_' . strtoupper($arr[$i+3]['data']);
01648                                 }
01649                             } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
01650                                 if ($clause == 'on_update' 
01651                                 && $in_timestamp_options) {
01652                                     $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['on_update_current_timestamp'] = TRUE;
01653                                     $seen_default = FALSE;
01654                                 }
01656                             } else {
01657                                 $value = '';
01658                             }
01659                             if (!empty($value)) {
01660                                 $foreign[$foreign_key_number][$clause] = $value;
01661                             }
01662                             unset($clause);
01663                         } // endif (isset($clause))
01664                     }
01665                 }
01667             } // end of reserved words analysis
01670             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') {
01671                 $brackets_level++;
01672                 if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 1) {
01673                     $in_create_table_fields = TRUE;
01674                 }
01675             }
01678             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
01679                 $brackets_level--;
01680                 if ($seen_references) {
01681                     $seen_references = FALSE;
01682                 }
01683                 if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 0) {
01684                     $in_create_table_fields = FALSE;
01685                 }
01686             }
01688             if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnAttrib')) {
01689                 $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
01690                 if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) {
01691                     if ($upper_data == 'DEFAULT') {
01692                         $seen_default = TRUE;
01693                     }
01694                 }
01695             }
01697             if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnType')) {
01698                 $upper_data = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
01699                 if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields && isset($current_identifier)) {
01700                     $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['type'] = $upper_data;
01701                     if ($upper_data == 'TIMESTAMP') {
01702                         $in_timestamp_options = TRUE;
01703                     } else {
01704                         $in_timestamp_options = FALSE;
01705                     }
01706                 }
01707             }
01710             if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier') {
01712                 if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick') {
01713                     // remove backquotes
01714                     $identifier = str_replace('`','',$arr[$i]['data']);
01715                 } else {
01716                     $identifier = $arr[$i]['data'];
01717                 }
01719                 if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) {
01720                     $current_identifier = $identifier;
01721                     // warning: we set this one even for non TIMESTAMP type
01722                     $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = FALSE; 
01723                 }
01725                 if ($seen_constraint) {
01726                     $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['constraint'] = $identifier;
01727                 }
01729                 if ($seen_foreign && $brackets_level > 0) {
01730                     $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['index_list'][] = $identifier;
01731                 }
01733                 if ($seen_references) {
01734                     // here, the first bracket level corresponds to the
01735                     // bracket of CREATE TABLE
01736                     // so if we are on level 2, it must be the index list
01737                     // of the foreign key REFERENCES
01738                     if ($brackets_level > 1) {
01739                         $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_index_list'][] = $identifier;
01740                     } else {
01741                         // for MySQL 4.0.18, identifier is
01742                         // `table` or `db`.`table`
01743                         // the first pass will pick the db name
01744                         // the next pass will execute the else and pick the
01745                         // db name in $db_table[0]
01746                         if ($arr[$i+1]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') {
01747                                 $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_db_name'] = $identifier;
01748                         } else {
01749                         // for MySQL 4.0.16, identifier is
01750                         // `table` or `db.table`
01751                             $db_table = explode('.',$identifier);
01752                             if (isset($db_table[1])) {
01753                                 $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_db_name'] = $db_table[0];
01754                                 $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_table_name'] = $db_table[1];
01755                             } else {
01756                                 $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_table_name'] = $db_table[0];
01757                             }
01758                         }
01759                     }
01760                 }
01761             }
01762         } // end for $i (loop #3)
01765         // Fill the $subresult array
01767         if (isset($create_table_fields)) {
01768             $subresult['create_table_fields'] = $create_table_fields;
01769         }
01771         if (isset($foreign)) {
01772             $subresult['foreign_keys'] = $foreign;
01773         }
01775         if (isset($select_expr_clause)) {
01776             $subresult['select_expr_clause'] = $select_expr_clause;
01777         }
01778         if (isset($from_clause)) {
01779             $subresult['from_clause'] = $from_clause;
01780         }
01781         if (isset($group_by_clause)) {
01782             $subresult['group_by_clause'] = $group_by_clause;
01783         }
01784         if (isset($order_by_clause)) {
01785             $subresult['order_by_clause'] = $order_by_clause;
01786         }
01787         if (isset($having_clause)) {
01788             $subresult['having_clause'] = $having_clause;
01789         }
01790         if (isset($where_clause)) {
01791             $subresult['where_clause'] = $where_clause;
01792         }
01793         if (isset($unsorted_query) && !empty($unsorted_query)) {
01794             $subresult['unsorted_query'] = $unsorted_query;
01795         }
01796         if (isset($where_clause_identifiers)) {
01797             $subresult['where_clause_identifiers'] = $where_clause_identifiers;
01798         }
01800         if (isset($position_of_first_select)) {
01801             $subresult['position_of_first_select'] = $position_of_first_select;
01802             $subresult['section_before_limit'] = $section_before_limit;
01803             $subresult['section_after_limit'] = $section_after_limit;
01804         }
01806         // They are naughty and didn't have a trailing semi-colon,
01807         // then still handle it properly
01808         if ($subresult['querytype'] != '') {
01809             $result[] = $subresult;
01810         }
01811         return $result;
01812     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_analyze()" function
01824     function PMA_SQP_formatHtml_colorize($arr)
01825     {
01826         $i         = $GLOBALS['PMA_strpos']($arr['type'], '_');
01827         $class     = '';
01828         if ($i > 0) {
01829             $class = 'syntax_' . PMA_substr($arr['type'], 0, $i) . ' ';
01830         }
01832         $class     .= 'syntax_' . $arr['type'];
01834         //TODO: check why adding a "\n" after the </span> would cause extra
01835         //      blanks to be displayed:
01836         //      SELECT p . person_name
01838         return '<span class="' . $class . '">' . htmlspecialchars($arr['data']) . '</span>';
01839     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_formatHtml_colorize()" function
01854     function PMA_SQP_formatHtml($arr, $mode='color', $start_token=0,
01855         $number_of_tokens=-1)
01856     {
01857         // then check for an array
01858         if (!is_array($arr)) {
01859             return htmlspecialchars($arr);
01860         }
01861         // first check for the SQL parser having hit an error
01862         if (PMA_SQP_isError()) {
01863             return htmlspecialchars($arr['raw']);
01864         }
01865         // else do it properly
01866         switch ($mode) {
01867             case 'color':
01868                 $str                                = '<span class="syntax">';
01869                 $html_line_break                    = '<br />';
01870                 break;
01871             case 'query_only':
01872                 $str                                = '';
01873                 $html_line_break                    = "\n";
01874                 break;
01875             case 'text':
01876                 $str                                = '';
01877                 $html_line_break                    = '<br />';
01878                 break;
01879         } // end switch
01880         $indent                                     = 0;
01881         $bracketlevel                               = 0;
01882         $functionlevel                              = 0;
01883         $infunction                                 = FALSE;
01884         $space_punct_listsep                        = ' ';
01885         $space_punct_listsep_function_name          = ' ';
01886         // $space_alpha_reserved_word = '<br />'."\n";
01887         $space_alpha_reserved_word                  = ' ';
01889         $keywords_with_brackets_1before            = array(
01890             'INDEX',
01891             'KEY',
01892             'ON',
01893             'USING'
01894         );
01895         $keywords_with_brackets_1before_cnt        = 4;
01897         $keywords_with_brackets_2before            = array(
01898             'IGNORE',
01899             'INDEX',
01900             'INTO',
01901             'KEY',
01902             'PRIMARY',
01903             'PROCEDURE',
01904             'REFERENCES',
01905             'UNIQUE',
01906             'USE'
01907         );
01908         // $keywords_with_brackets_2before_cnt = count($keywords_with_brackets_2before);
01909         $keywords_with_brackets_2before_cnt        = 9;
01911         // These reserved words do NOT get a newline placed near them.
01912         $keywords_no_newline               = array(
01913             'AS',
01914             'ASC',
01915             'DESC',
01916             'DISTINCT',
01917             'HOUR',
01918             'INTERVAL',
01919             'IS',
01920             'LIKE',
01921             'NOT',
01922             'NULL',
01923             'ON',
01924             'REGEXP'
01925         );
01926         $keywords_no_newline_cnt           = 12;
01928         // These reserved words introduce a privilege list
01929         $keywords_priv_list                = array(
01930             'GRANT',
01931             'REVOKE'
01932         );
01933         $keywords_priv_list_cnt            = 2;
01935         if ($number_of_tokens == -1) {
01936             $arraysize = $arr['len'];
01937         } else {
01938             $arraysize = $number_of_tokens;
01939         }
01940         $typearr   = array();
01941         if ($arraysize >= 0) {
01942             $typearr[0] = '';
01943             $typearr[1] = '';
01944             $typearr[2] = '';
01945             //$typearr[3] = $arr[0]['type'];
01946             $typearr[3] = $arr[$start_token]['type'];
01947         }
01949         $in_priv_list = FALSE;
01950         for ($i = $start_token; $i < $arraysize; $i++) {
01951 // DEBUG echo "<b>" . $arr[$i]['data'] . "</b> " . $arr[$i]['type'] . "<br />";
01952             $before = '';
01953             $after  = '';
01954             $indent = 0;
01955             // array_shift($typearr);
01956             /*
01957             0 prev2
01958             1 prev
01959             2 current
01960             3 next
01961             */
01962             if (($i + 1) < $arraysize) {
01963                 // array_push($typearr, $arr[$i + 1]['type']);
01964                 $typearr[4] = $arr[$i + 1]['type'];
01965             } else {
01966                 //array_push($typearr, NULL);
01967                 $typearr[4] = '';
01968             }
01970             for ($j=0; $j<4; $j++) {
01971                 $typearr[$j] = $typearr[$j + 1];
01972             }
01974             switch ($typearr[2]) {
01975                 case 'white_newline':
01976                     $before     = '';
01977                     break;
01978                 case 'punct_bracket_open_round':
01979                     $bracketlevel++;
01980                     $infunction = FALSE;
01981                     // Make sure this array is sorted!
01982                     if (($typearr[1] == 'alpha_functionName') || ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType') || ($typearr[1] == 'punct')
01983                         || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_integer') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_hex') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_float')
01984                         || (($typearr[0] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01985                             && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr(strtoupper($arr[$i - 2]['data']), $keywords_with_brackets_2before, $keywords_with_brackets_2before_cnt))
01986                         || (($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
01987                             && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr(strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data']), $keywords_with_brackets_1before, $keywords_with_brackets_1before_cnt))
01988                         ) {
01989                         $functionlevel++;
01990                         $infunction = TRUE;
01991                         $after      .= ' ';
01992                     } else {
01993                         $indent++;
01994                         $after      .= ($mode != 'query_only' ? '<div class="syntax_indent' . $indent . '">' : ' ');
01995                     }
01996                     break;
01997                 case 'alpha_identifier':
01998                     if (($typearr[1] == 'punct_qualifier') || ($typearr[3] == 'punct_qualifier')) {
01999                         $after      = '';
02000                         $before     = '';
02001                     }
02002                     if (($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnType') || ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier')) {
02003                         $after      .= ' ';
02004                     }
02005                     break;
02006                 case 'punct_qualifier':
02007                     $before         = '';
02008                     $after          = '';
02009                     break;
02010                 case 'punct_listsep':
02011                     if ($infunction == TRUE) {
02012                         $after      .= $space_punct_listsep_function_name;
02013                     } else {
02014                         $after      .= $space_punct_listsep;
02015                     }
02016                     break;
02017                 case 'punct_queryend':
02018                     if (($typearr[3] != 'comment_mysql') && ($typearr[3] != 'comment_ansi') && $typearr[3] != 'comment_c') {
02019                         $after     .= $html_line_break;
02020                         $after     .= $html_line_break;
02021                     }
02022                     $space_punct_listsep               = ' ';
02023                     $space_punct_listsep_function_name = ' ';
02024                     $space_alpha_reserved_word         = ' ';
02025                     $in_priv_list                      = FALSE;
02026                     break;
02027                 case 'comment_mysql':
02028                 case 'comment_ansi':
02029                     $after         .= $html_line_break;
02030                     break;
02031                 case 'punct':
02032                     $before         .= ' ';
02033                     // workaround for
02034                     // select * from mytable limit 0,-1
02035                     // (a side effect of this workaround is that
02036                     // select 20 - 9
02037                     // becomes
02038                     // select 20 -9
02039                     // )
02040                     if ($typearr[3] != 'digit_integer') {
02041                        $after        .= ' ';
02042                     }
02043                     break;
02044                 case 'punct_bracket_close_round':
02045                     $bracketlevel--;
02046                     if ($infunction == TRUE) {
02047                         $functionlevel--;
02048                         $after     .= ' ';
02049                         $before    .= ' ';
02050                     } else {
02051                         $indent--;
02052                         $before    .= ($mode != 'query_only' ? '</div>' : ' ');
02053                     }
02054                     $infunction    = ($functionlevel > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
02055                     break;
02056                 case 'alpha_columnType':
02057                     if ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') {
02058                         $after     .= ' ';
02059                     }
02060                     if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType') {
02061                         $before    .= ' ';
02062                     }
02063                     break;
02064                 case 'alpha_columnAttrib':
02066                     // ALTER TABLE tbl_name AUTO_INCREMENT = 1
02067                     // COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_CI DEFAULT
02068                     if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_identifier' || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_charset') {
02069                         $before .= ' ';
02070                     }
02071                     if (($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') || ($typearr[3] == 'quote_single') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_integer')) {
02072                         $after     .= ' ';
02073                     }
02074                     // workaround for
02075                     // select * from mysql.user where binary user="root"
02076                     // binary is marked as alpha_columnAttrib
02077                     // but should be marked as a reserved word
02078                     if (strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']) == 'BINARY'
02079                       && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier') {
02080                         $after     .= ' ';
02081                     }
02082                     break;
02083                 case 'alpha_reservedWord':
02084                     // do not uppercase the reserved word if we are calling
02085                     // this function in query_only mode, because we need
02086                     // the original query (otherwise we get problems with
02087                     // semi-reserved words like "storage" which is legal
02088                     // as an identifier name)
02090                     if ($mode != 'query_only') {
02091                         $arr[$i]['data'] = strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']);
02092                     }
02094                     if ((($typearr[1] != 'alpha_reservedWord')
02095                         || (($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord')
02096                             && PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr(strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data']), $keywords_no_newline, $keywords_no_newline_cnt)))
02097                         && ($typearr[1] != 'punct_level_plus')
02098                         && (!PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($arr[$i]['data'], $keywords_no_newline, $keywords_no_newline_cnt))) {
02099                         // do not put a space before the first token, because
02100                         // we use a lot of eregi() checking for the first
02101                         // reserved word at beginning of query
02102                         // so do not put a newline before
02103                         //
02104                         // also we must not be inside a privilege list
02105                         if ($i > 0) {
02106                             // the alpha_identifier exception is there to
02107                             // catch cases like
02108                             // GRANT SELECT ON mydb.mytable TO myuser@localhost
02109                             // (else, we get mydb.mytableTO )
02110                             //
02111                             // the quote_single exception is there to
02112                             // catch cases like
02113                             // GRANT ... TO 'marc'@'' IDENTIFIED...
02114                             //
02115                             // TODO: fix all cases and find why this happens
02117                             if (!$in_priv_list || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_identifier' || $typearr[1] == 'quote_single' || $typearr[1] == 'white_newline') {
02118                                 $before    .= $space_alpha_reserved_word;
02119                             }
02120                         } else {
02121                         // on first keyword, check if it introduces a
02122                         // privilege list
02123                             if (PMA_STR_binarySearchInArr($arr[$i]['data'], $keywords_priv_list, $keywords_priv_list_cnt)) {
02124                                 $in_priv_list = TRUE;
02125                             }
02126                         }
02127                     } else {
02128                         $before    .= ' ';
02129                     }
02131                     switch ($arr[$i]['data']) {
02132                         case 'CREATE':
02133                             if (!$in_priv_list) {
02134                                 $space_punct_listsep       = $html_line_break;
02135                                 $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
02136                             }
02137                             break;
02138                         case 'EXPLAIN':
02139                         case 'DESCRIBE':
02140                         case 'SET':
02141                         case 'ALTER':
02142                         case 'DELETE':
02143                         case 'SHOW':
02144                         case 'DROP':
02145                         case 'UPDATE':
02146                         case 'TRUNCATE':
02147                         case 'ANALYZE':
02148                         case 'ANALYSE':
02149                             if (!$in_priv_list) {
02150                                 $space_punct_listsep       = $html_line_break;
02151                                 $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' ';
02152                             }
02153                             break;
02154                         case 'INSERT':
02155                         case 'REPLACE':
02156                             if (!$in_priv_list) {
02157                                 $space_punct_listsep       = $html_line_break;
02158                                 $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
02159                             }
02160                             break;
02161                         case 'VALUES':
02162                             $space_punct_listsep       = ' ';
02163                             $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
02164                             break;
02165                         case 'SELECT':
02166                             $space_punct_listsep       = ' ';
02167                             $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break;
02168                             break;
02169                         default:
02170                             break;
02171                     } // end switch ($arr[$i]['data'])
02173                     $after         .= ' ';
02174                     break;
02175                 case 'digit_integer':
02176                 case 'digit_float':
02177                 case 'digit_hex':
02178                     //TODO: could there be other types preceding a digit?
02179                     if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord') {
02180                         $after .= ' ';
02181                     }
02182                     if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
02183                         $after     .= ' ';
02184                     }
02185                     if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') {
02186                         $before .= ' ';
02187                     }
02188                     break;
02189                 case 'alpha_variable':
02190                     // other workaround for a problem similar to the one
02191                     // explained below for quote_single
02192                     if (!$in_priv_list) {
02193                         $after      = ' ';
02194                     }
02195                     break;
02196                 case 'quote_double':
02197                 case 'quote_single':
02198                     // workaround: for the query
02199                     // REVOKE SELECT ON `base2\_db`.* FROM 'user'@'%'
02200                     // the @ is incorrectly marked as alpha_variable
02201                     // in the parser, and here, the '%' gets a blank before,
02202                     // which is a syntax error
02203                     if ($typearr[1] !='alpha_variable') {
02204                         $before        .= ' ';
02205                     }
02206                     if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') {
02207                         $after     .= ' ';
02208                     }
02209                     break;
02210                 case 'quote_backtick':
02211                     if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier') {
02212                         $after     .= ' ';
02213                     }
02214                     if ($typearr[1] != 'punct_qualifier') {
02215                         $before    .= ' ';
02216                     }
02217                     break;
02218                 default:
02219                     break;
02220             } // end switch ($typearr[2])
02222 /*
02223             if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier') {
02224                 $after             .= ' ';
02225             }
02226             $after                 .= "\n";
02227 */
02228             $str .= $before . ($mode=='color' ? PMA_SQP_formatHTML_colorize($arr[$i]) : $arr[$i]['data']). $after;
02229         } // end for
02230         if ($mode=='color') {
02231             $str .= '</span>';
02232         }
02234         return $str;
02235     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_formatHtml()" function
02236 }
02251 function PMA_SQP_buildCssRule($classname, $property, $value)
02252 {
02253     $str     = '.' . $classname . ' {';
02254     if ($value != '') {
02255         $str .= $property . ': ' . $value . ';';
02256     }
02257     $str     .= '}' . "\n";
02259     return $str;
02260 } // end of the "PMA_SQP_buildCssRule()" function
02274 function PMA_SQP_buildCssData()
02275 {
02276     global $cfg;
02278     $css_string     = '';
02279     foreach ($cfg['SQP']['fmtColor'] AS $key => $col) {
02280         $css_string .= PMA_SQP_buildCssRule('syntax_' . $key, 'color', $col);
02281     }
02283     for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
02284         $css_string .= PMA_SQP_buildCssRule('syntax_indent' . $i, 'margin-left', ($i * $cfg['SQP']['fmtInd']) . $cfg['SQP']['fmtIndUnit']);
02285     }
02287     return $css_string;
02288 } // end of the "PMA_SQP_buildCssData()" function
02290 if ($is_minimum_common == FALSE) {
02300     function PMA_SQP_formatNone($arr)
02301     {
02302         $formatted_sql = htmlspecialchars($arr['raw']);
02303         $formatted_sql = preg_replace("@((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)){3,}@", "\n\n", $formatted_sql);
02305         return $formatted_sql;
02306     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_formatNone()" function
02318     function PMA_SQP_formatText($arr)
02319     {
02323          return PMA_SQP_formatNone($arr);
02324     } // end of the "PMA_SQP_formatText()" function
02325 } // end if: minimal common.lib needed?
02327 ?>

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