Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00003 ########################################################################
00004 # Extension Manager/Repository config file for ext: "rte"
00005 # 
00006 # Auto generated 23-05-2005 02:09
00007 # 
00008 # Manual updates:
00009 # Only the data in the array - anything else is removed by next write
00010 ########################################################################
00012 $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = Array (
00013         'title' => 'Rich Text Editor',
00014         'description' => 'Rich Text Editor based on MSIE Active X. This is the one that has been around all the time. Now it\'s just an extension...',
00015         'category' => 'be',
00016         'shy' => 0,
00017         'dependencies' => '',
00018         'conflicts' => '',
00019         'priority' => '',
00020         'loadOrder' => '',
00021         'TYPO3_version' => '3.6.0rc2-0.0.1',
00022         'PHP_version' => '0.0.1-0.0.1',
00023         'module' => 'app',
00024         'state' => 'stable',
00025         'internal' => 1,
00026         'uploadfolder' => 0,
00027         'createDirs' => '',
00028         'modify_tables' => '',
00029         'clearCacheOnLoad' => 0,
00030         'lockType' => 'G',
00031         'author' => 'Kasper Skårhøj',
00032         'author_email' => '',
00033         'author_company' => 'Curby Soft Multimedia',
00034         'CGLcompliance' => '',
00035         'CGLcompliance_note' => '',
00036         'private' => 0,
00037         'download_password' => '',
00038         'version' => '0.0.10',  // Don't modify this! Managed automatically during upload to repository.
00039         '_md5_values_when_last_written' => 'a:22:{s:21:"class.tx_rte_base.php";s:4:"718b";s:17:"ext_localconf.php";s:4:"6fa5";s:13:"app/clear.gif";s:4:"cc11";s:12:"app/conf.php";s:4:"e95b";s:17:"app/locallang.php";s:4:"7598";s:34:"app/locallang_rte_select_image.php";s:4:"5227";s:26:"app/locallang_rte_user.php";s:4:"0886";s:10:"app/rte.js";s:4:"d803";s:11:"app/rte.php";s:4:"2dd1";s:16:"app/rte_bold.gif";s:4:"802d";s:19:"app/rte_cleaner.php";s:4:"8468";s:16:"app/rte_copy.gif";s:4:"11a1";s:15:"app/rte_cut.gif";s:4:"2950";s:15:"app/rte_div.gif";s:4:"d998";s:19:"app/rte_italics.gif";s:4:"1231";s:17:"app/rte_paste.gif";s:4:"083c";s:24:"app/rte_select_image.php";s:4:"9c1d";s:16:"app/rte_tbEN.gif";s:4:"321f";s:17:"app/rte_under.gif";s:4:"b2f0";s:16:"app/rte_user.php";s:4:"c993";s:12:"doc/TODO.txt";s:4:"2851";s:14:"doc/manual.sxw";s:4:"7ec5";}',
00040 );
00042 ?>

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