Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

tx_sysworkflows_executor Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 createNewRecord ($table, $pid)
 createNewVersionOfRecord ($table, $uid)
 publishNewRecord ($table, $uid, $newPid=null, $doNotUnhide=false, $workflowRecord=Array())
 publishNewVersion ($table, $t3ver_oid, $uid)
 callTCE ($dataArr, $cmdArr, $return=null)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Christian Jul Jensen <christian(at)jul(dot)net>

Definition at line 32 of file class.tx_sysworkflows_executor.php.

Member Function Documentation

tx_sysworkflows_executor::publishNewRecord table,
newPid = null,
doNotUnhide = false,
workflowRecord = Array()

workflowrecord should not be passed here it somehow be encapsulated in the definition class

Definition at line 54 of file class.tx_sysworkflows_executor.php.

References t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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