Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
Public Member Functions | |
init ($show_hidden) | |
getPage ($uid, $disableGroupAccessCheck=FALSE) | |
getPage_noCheck ($uid) | |
getFirstWebPage ($uid) | |
getPageIdFromAlias ($alias) | |
getPageOverlay ($pageInput, $lUid=-1) | |
getRecordOverlay ($table, $row, $sys_language_content, $OLmode='') | |
getMenu ($uid, $fields='*', $sortField='sorting', $addWhere='') | |
getDomainStartPage ($domain, $path='', $request_uri='') | |
getRootLine ($uid, $MP='', $ignoreMPerrors=FALSE) | |
getPathFromRootline ($rl, $len=20) | |
getExtURL ($pagerow, $disable=0) | |
getMountPointInfo ($pageId, $pageRec=FALSE, $prevMountPids=array(), $firstPageUid=0) | |
checkRecord ($table, $uid, $checkPage=0) | |
getRawRecord ($table, $uid, $fields='*') | |
getRecordsByField ($theTable, $theField, $theValue, $whereClause='', $groupBy='', $orderBy='', $limit='') | |
getHash ($hash, $expTime=0) | |
storeHash ($hash, $data, $ident) | |
deleteClause ($table) | |
enableFields ($table, $show_hidden=-1, $ignore_array=array()) | |
fixVersioningPid ($table, &$rr) | |
versionOL ($table, &$row) | |
Public Attributes | |
$urltypes = Array('','http://','ftp://','mailto:') | |
$where_hid_del = ' AND pages.deleted=0' | |
$where_groupAccess = '' | |
$sys_language_uid = 0 | |
$versioningPreview = FALSE | |
$versionPreviewMap | |
$error_getRootLine = '' | |
$error_getRootLine_failPid = 0 |
Definition at line 107 of file class.t3lib_page.php.
Checks if a record exists and is accessible. The row is returned if everything's OK.
Definition at line 722 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Returns the "AND NOT deleted" clause for the tablename given IF $TCA configuration points to such a field.
Definition at line 870 of file class.t3lib_page.php. Referenced by getPage_noCheck(), getRawRecord(), and getRecordsByField(). |
Returns a part of a WHERE clause which will filter out records with start/end times or hidden/fe_groups fields set to values that should de-select them according to the current time, preview settings or user login. Definitely a frontend function. Is using the $TCA arrays "ctrl" part where the key "enablefields" determines for each table which of these features applies to that table.
Definition at line 889 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References t3lib_div::callUserFunction(). Referenced by t3lib_tsfeBeUserAuth::extEditAction(), mod_web_dmail::getMailGroups(), getPageOverlay(), getRecordOverlay(), mod_web_dmail::makePidListQuery(), and mod_web_dmail::makeStaticListQuery(). |
Find page-tree PID for versionized record Will look if the "pid" value of the input record is -1 and if the table supports versioning - if so, it will translate the -1 PID into the PID of the original record
Definition at line 971 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Will find the page carrying the domain record matching the input domain. Might exit after sending a redirect-header IF a found domain record instructs to do so.
Definition at line 434 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Returns the URL type for the input page row IF the doktype is 3 and not disabled.
Definition at line 621 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Returns the $row of the first web-page in the tree (for the default menu...)
Definition at line 206 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References getPageOverlay(). |
Returns string value stored for the hash string in the table "cache_hash" Can be used to retrieved a cached value Can be used from your frontend plugins if you like. Is also used to store the parsed TypoScript template structures. You can call it directly like t3lib_pageSelect::getHash()
Definition at line 829 of file class.t3lib_page.php. Referenced by t3lib_TStemplate::start(). |
Returns an array with pagerows for subpages with pid=$uid (which is pid here!). This is used for menus. If there are mount points in overlay mode the _MP_PARAM field is set to the corret MPvar. If the $uid being input does in itself require MPvars to define a correct rootline these must be handled externally to this function.
Definition at line 399 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References getMountPointInfo(), getPage(), and getPageOverlay(). |
Returns MountPoint id for page Does a recursive search if the mounted page should be a mount page itself. It has a run-away break so it can't go into infinite loops.
Definition at line 645 of file class.t3lib_page.php. Referenced by getMenu(). |
Returns the $row for the page with uid = $uid (observing ->where_hid_del) Any pages_language_overlay will be applied before the result is returned. If no page is found an empty array is returned.
Definition at line 174 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References getPageOverlay(). Referenced by getMenu(). |
Return the $row for the page with uid = $uid WITHOUT checking for ->where_hid_del (start- and endtime or hidden). Only "deleted" is checked!
Definition at line 190 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References deleteClause(), and getPageOverlay(). |
Returns a pagerow for the page with alias $alias
Definition at line 224 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Returns the relevant page overlay record fields
Definition at line 240 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References enableFields(), and versionOL(). Referenced by getFirstWebPage(), getMenu(), getPage(), and getPage_noCheck(). |
Creates a "path" string for the input root line array titles. Used for writing statistics.
Definition at line 600 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Returns record no matter what - except if record is deleted
Definition at line 753 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References deleteClause(). |
Creates language-overlay for records in general (where translation is found in records from the same table)
Definition at line 303 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References enableFields(), and versionOL(). |
Selects records based on matching a field (ei. other than UID) with a value
Definition at line 777 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References deleteClause(). |
Returns array with fields of the pages from here ($uid) and back to the root NOTICE: This function only takes deleted pages into account! So hidden, starttime and endtime restricted pages are included no matter what. Further: If any "recycler" page is found (doktype=255) then it will also block for the rootline) If you want more fields in the rootline records than default such can be added by listing them in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['addRootLineFields']
Definition at line 482 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
init() MUST be run directly after creating a new template-object This sets the internal variable $this->where_hid_del to the correct where clause for page records taking deleted/hidden/starttime/endtime into account
Definition at line 133 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |
Stores a string value in the cache_hash table identified by $hash. Can be used from your frontend plugins if you like. You can call it directly like t3lib_pageSelect::storeHash()
Definition at line 852 of file class.t3lib_page.php. Referenced by t3lib_TStemplate::start(). |
Versioning Preview Overlay ONLY active when backend user is previewing records. MUST NEVER affect a site served which is not previewed by backend users!!!
Definition at line 1003 of file class.t3lib_page.php. References t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule(). Referenced by getPageOverlay(), and getRecordOverlay(). |
Initial value: array( # EXAMPLE: 'tt_content:421' => 427 ) Definition at line 115 of file class.t3lib_page.php. |