Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos

FPDF Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for FPDF:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FPDF ($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $format='A4')
 SetMargins ($left, $top, $right=-1)
 SetLeftMargin ($margin)
 SetTopMargin ($margin)
 SetRightMargin ($margin)
 SetAutoPageBreak ($auto, $margin=0)
 SetDisplayMode ($zoom, $layout='continuous')
 SetCompression ($compress)
 SetTitle ($title)
 SetSubject ($subject)
 SetAuthor ($author)
 SetKeywords ($keywords)
 SetCreator ($creator)
 AliasNbPages ($alias='{nb}')
 Error ($msg)
 Open ()
 Close ()
 AddPage ($orientation='')
 Header ()
 Footer ()
 PageNo ()
 SetDrawColor ($r, $g=-1, $b=-1)
 SetFillColor ($r, $g=-1, $b=-1)
 SetTextColor ($r, $g=-1, $b=-1)
 GetStringWidth ($s)
 SetLineWidth ($width)
 Line ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 Rect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $style='')
 AddFont ($family, $style='', $file='')
 SetFont ($family, $style='', $size=0)
 SetFontSize ($size)
 AddLink ()
 SetLink ($link, $y=0, $page=-1)
 Link ($x, $y, $w, $h, $link)
 Text ($x, $y, $txt)
 AcceptPageBreak ()
 Cell ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=0, $link='')
 MultiCell ($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=0)
 Write ($h, $txt, $link='')
 Image ($file, $x, $y, $w=0, $h=0, $type='', $link='')
 Ln ($h='')
 GetX ()
 SetX ($x)
 GetY ()
 SetY ($y)
 SetXY ($x, $y)
 Output ($name='', $dest='')
 _dochecks ()
 _begindoc ()
 _strreplace ($what, $to, $where)
 _putpages ()
 _putfonts ()
 _putimages ()
 _putresources ()
 _putinfo ()
 _putcatalog ()
 _puttrailer ()
 _enddoc ()
 _beginpage ($orientation)
 _endpage ()
 _newobj ()
 _dounderline ($x, $y, $txt)
 _parsejpg ($file)
 _parsepng ($file)
 _freadint ($f)
 _textstring ($s)
 _escape ($s)
 _putstream ($s)
 _out ($s)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file fpdf.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Généré par Le spécialiste TYPO3 avec  doxygen 1.4.6