Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos |
00001 <?php 00002 /* $Id:,v 2.73 2005/07/29 17:03:05 lem9 Exp $ */ 00003 00004 /* 00005 translated by Andreas Pauley <> 00006 00007 Dit lyk nogal snaaks in Afrikaans ;-). 00008 Laat weet my asb. as jy aan beter taalgebruik kan dink. 00009 */ 00010 00011 $charset = 'iso-8859-1'; 00012 $text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left) 00013 $left_font_family = 'verdana, arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif'; 00014 $right_font_family = 'arial, helvetica, geneva, sans-serif'; 00015 $number_thousands_separator = ','; 00016 $number_decimal_separator = '.'; 00017 // shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa 00018 $byteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB'); 00019 00020 $day_of_week = array('So', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'); 00021 $month = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Des'); 00022 // See to define the 00023 // variable below 00024 $datefmt = '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p'; 00025 00026 $strAccessDenied = 'Toegang Geweier'; 00027 $strAction = 'Aksie'; 00028 $strAddDeleteColumn = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Veld Kolomme'; 00029 $strAddDeleteRow = 'Voeg By/Verwyder Kriteria Ry'; 00030 $strAddNewField = 'Voeg \'n nuwe veld by'; 00031 $strAddSearchConditions = 'Voeg soek kriteria by (laaste deel van die "where" in SQL SELECT):'; 00032 $strAddToIndex = 'Voeg by indeks %s kolom(me)'; 00033 $strAddUser = 'Voeg \'n nuwe gebruiker by'; 00034 $strAddUserMessage = 'Jy het \'n nuwe gebruiker bygevoeg.'; 00035 $strAffectedRows = 'Geaffekteerde rye:'; 00036 $strAfter = 'Na %s'; 00037 $strAfterInsertBack = 'Terug na vorige bladsy'; 00038 $strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Voeg \'n nuwe ry by'; 00039 $strAll = 'Alle'; 00040 $strAllTableSameWidth = 'vertoon alle tabelle met dieselfde wydte?'; 00041 $strAlterOrderBy = 'Verander tabel sorteer volgens'; 00042 $strAnalyzeTable = 'Analiseer tabel'; 00043 $strAnd = 'En'; 00044 $strAnIndex = '\'n Indeks is bygevoeg op %s'; 00045 $strAny = 'Enige'; 00046 $strAnyHost = 'Enige gasheer (host)'; 00047 $strAnyUser = 'Enige gebruiker'; 00048 $strAPrimaryKey = '\'n primere sleutel is bygevoeg op %s'; 00049 $strAscending = 'Dalend'; 00050 $strAtBeginningOfTable = 'By Begin van Tabel'; 00051 $strAtEndOfTable = 'By Einde van Tabel'; 00052 $strAttr = 'Kenmerke'; 00053 00054 $strBack = 'Terug'; 00055 $strBeginCut = 'BEGIN UITKNIPSEL'; 00056 $strBeginRaw = 'BEGIN ONVERANDERD (RAW)'; 00057 $strBinary = 'Biner'; 00058 $strBinaryDoNotEdit = 'Biner - moenie verander nie'; 00059 $strBookmarkDeleted = 'Die boekmerk is verwyder.'; 00060 $strBookmarkLabel = 'Etiket'; 00061 $strBookmarkQuery = 'Geboekmerkde SQL-stelling'; 00062 $strBookmarkThis = 'Boekmerk hierdie SQL-stelling'; 00063 $strBookmarkView = 'Kyk slegs'; 00064 $strBrowse = 'Beloer Data'; 00065 $strBzip = '"ge-bzip"'; 00066 00067 $strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv laai nie, of "recode" ekstensie word benodig vir die karakterstel omskakeling, stel PHP op om hierdie ekstensies toe te laat of verwyder karakterstel omskakeling in phpMyAdmin.'; 00068 $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Kannie die indeks hernoem na PRIMARY!'; 00069 $strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Kan nie iconv, libiconv of recode_string funksie gebruik terwyl die extensie homself as gelaai rapporteer nie. Kyk na jou PHP opstelling.'; 00070 $strCardinality = 'Cardinality'; 00071 $strCarriage = 'Carriage return: \\r'; 00072 $strChange = 'Verander'; 00073 $strChangeDisplay = 'Kies \'n Veld om te vertoon'; 00074 $strChangePassword = 'Verander wagwoord'; 00075 $strCharsetOfFile = 'Karakterstel van die leer:'; 00076 $strCheckAll = 'Kies Alles'; 00077 $strCheckTable = 'Kontroleer tabel'; 00078 $strChoosePage = 'Kies asb. \'n bladsy om te verander'; 00079 $strColComFeat = 'Kolom Kommentaar word vertoon'; 00080 $strColumnNames = 'Kolom name'; 00081 $strComments = 'Kommentaar'; 00082 $strCompleteInserts = 'Voltooi invoegings'; 00083 $strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin was nie in staat om jou konfigurasie leer te lees nie!<br />Dit kan moontlik gebeur wanneer PHP \'n fout in die leer vind of die leer sommer glad nie vind nie.<br />Volg asb. die skakel hieronder om die leer direk te roep, en lees dan enige foutboodskappe. In die meeste gevalle is daar net \'n quote of \'n kommapunt weg erens.<br />Indien jy \'n bladsy kry wat leeg is, is alles klopdisselboom.'; 00084 $strConfigureTableCoord = 'Stel asb. die koordinate op van tabel %s'; 00085 $strCookiesRequired = 'HTTP Koekies moet van nou af geaktifeer wees.'; 00086 $strCopyTable = 'Kopieer tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):'; 00087 $strCopyTableOK = 'Tabel %s is gekopieer na %s.'; 00088 $strCreate = 'Skep'; 00089 $strCreateIndex = 'Skep \'n indeks op %s kolomme'; 00090 $strCreateIndexTopic = 'Skep \'n nuwe indeks'; 00091 $strCreateNewDatabase = 'Skep \'n nuwe databasis'; 00092 $strCreateNewTable = 'Skep \'n nuwe tabel op databasis %s'; 00093 $strCreatePage = 'Skep \'n nuwe bladsy'; 00094 $strCreatePdfFeat = 'Skepping van PDF\'s'; 00095 $strCriteria = 'Kriteria'; 00096 00097 $strData = 'Data'; 00098 $strDatabase = 'Databasis'; 00099 $strDatabaseHasBeenDropped = 'Databasis %s is verwyder.'; 00100 $strDatabases = 'databasisse'; 00101 $strDatabasesStats = 'Databasis statistieke'; 00102 $strDataOnly = 'Slegs Data'; 00103 $strDefault = 'Verstekwaarde (default)'; 00104 $strDelete = 'Verwyder'; 00105 $strDeleted = 'Die ry is verwyder'; 00106 $strDeletedRows = 'Verwyderde rye:'; 00107 $strDescending = 'Dalend'; 00108 $strDisabled = 'Onbeskikbaar'; 00109 $strDisplayFeat = 'Vertoon Funksies'; 00110 $strDisplayOrder = 'Vertoon volgorde:'; 00111 $strDisplayPDF = 'Vertoon PDF skema'; 00112 $strDoAQuery = 'Doen \'n "Navraag dmv Voorbeeld" (wildcard: "%")'; 00113 $strDocu = 'Dokumentasie'; 00114 $strDoYouReally = 'Wil jy regtig '; 00115 $strDrop = 'Verwyder'; 00116 $strDumpingData = 'Stort data vir tabel'; 00117 $strDumpXRows = 'Stort %s rye beginnende by rekord # %s.'; 00118 $strDynamic = 'dinamies'; 00119 00120 $strEdit = 'Verander'; 00121 $strEditPDFPages = 'Verander PDF Bladsye'; 00122 $strEditPrivileges = 'Verander Regte'; 00123 $strEffective = 'Effektief'; 00124 $strEmpty = 'Maak Leeg'; 00125 $strEmptyResultSet = 'MySQL het niks teruggegee nie (dus nul rye).'; 00126 $strEnabled = 'Beskikbaar'; 00127 $strEnd = 'Einde'; 00128 $strEndCut = 'EINDE UITKNIPSEL'; 00129 $strEndRaw = 'EINDE ONVERANDERD (RAW)'; 00130 $strEnglishPrivileges = ' Nota: MySQL regte name word in Engels vertoon '; 00131 $strError = 'Fout'; 00132 $strExplain = 'Verduidelik SQL'; 00133 $strExport = 'Export'; 00134 $strExtendedInserts = 'Uitgebreide toevoegings'; 00135 $strExtra = 'Ekstra'; 00136 00137 $strField = 'Veld'; 00138 $strFieldHasBeenDropped = 'Veld %s is verwyder'; 00139 $strFields = 'Velde'; 00140 $strFieldsEmpty = ' Die veld telling is leeg! '; 00141 $strFieldsEnclosedBy = 'Velde omring met'; 00142 $strFieldsEscapedBy = 'Velde ontsnap (escaped) deur'; 00143 $strFieldsTerminatedBy = 'Velde beeindig deur'; 00144 $strFixed = 'vaste (fixed)'; 00145 $strFlushTable = 'Spoel die tabel ("FLUSH")'; 00146 $strFormat = 'Formaat'; 00147 $strFormEmpty = 'Daar ontbreek \'n waarde in die vorm !'; 00148 $strFullText = 'Volle Tekste'; 00149 $strFunction = 'Funksie'; 00150 00151 $strGenBy = 'Voortgebring deur'; 00152 $strGeneralRelationFeat = 'Algemene verwantskap funksies'; 00153 $strGenTime = 'Generasie Tyd'; 00154 $strGo = 'Gaan'; 00155 $strGzip = '"ge-gzip"'; 00156 00157 $strHasBeenAltered = 'is verander.'; 00158 $strHasBeenCreated = 'is geskep.'; 00159 $strHaveToShow = 'Jy moet ten minste een Kolom kies om te vertoon'; 00160 $strHome = 'Tuis'; 00161 $strHomepageOfficial = 'Amptelike phpMyAdmin Tuisblad'; 00162 $strHost = 'Gasheer (host)'; 00163 $strHostEmpty = 'Die gasheer naam is leeg!'; 00164 00165 $strIdxFulltext = 'Volteks'; 00166 $strIfYouWish = 'Indien jy slegs sommige van \'n tabel se kolomme wil laai, spesifiseer \'n komma-geskeide veldlys.'; 00167 $strIgnore = 'Ignoreer'; 00168 $strIndex = 'Indeks'; 00169 $strIndexes = 'Indekse'; 00170 $strIndexHasBeenDropped = 'Indeks %s is verwyder'; 00171 $strIndexName = 'Indeks naam :'; 00172 $strIndexType = 'Indeks tipe :'; 00173 $strInsert = 'Voeg by'; 00174 $strInsertAsNewRow = 'Voeg by as \'n nuwe ry'; 00175 $strInsertedRows = 'Toegevoegde rye:'; 00176 $strInsertNewRow = 'Voeg nuwe ry by'; 00177 $strInsertTextfiles = 'Voeg data vanaf \'n teks leer in die tabel in'; 00178 $strInstructions = 'Instruksies'; 00179 $strInUse = 'in gebruik'; 00180 00181 $strKeepPass = 'Moenie die wagwoord verander nie'; 00182 $strKeyname = 'Sleutelnaam'; 00183 $strKill = 'Vermoor'; 00184 00185 $strLengthSet = 'Lengte/Waardes*'; 00186 $strLimitNumRows = 'Hoeveelheid rye per bladsy'; 00187 $strLineFeed = 'Linefeed: \\n'; 00188 $strLinesTerminatedBy = 'Lyne beeindig deur'; 00189 $strLinkNotFound = 'Skakel nie gevind nie'; 00190 $strLinksTo = 'Skakels na'; 00191 $strLocationTextfile = 'Soek die teksleer'; 00192 $strLogin = 'Teken aan'; 00193 $strLogout = 'Teken uit'; 00194 $strLogPassword = 'Wagwoord:'; 00195 $strLogUsername = 'Gebruiker Naam:'; 00196 00197 $strModifications = 'Veranderinge is gestoor'; 00198 $strModify = 'Verander'; 00199 $strModifyIndexTopic = 'Verander \'n indeks'; 00200 $strMoveTable = 'Skuif tabel na (databasis<b>.</b>tabel):'; 00201 $strMoveTableOK = 'Tabel %s is geskuif na %s.'; 00202 $strMySQLCharset = 'MySQL Karakterstel'; 00203 $strMySQLReloaded = 'MySQL is herlaai.'; 00204 $strMySQLSaid = 'MySQL het gepraat: '; 00205 $strMySQLServerProcess = 'MySQL %pma_s1% hardloop op %pma_s2% as %pma_s3%'; 00206 $strMySQLShowProcess = 'Wys prosesse'; 00207 $strMySQLShowStatus = 'Wys MySQL in-proses informasie'; 00208 $strMySQLShowVars = 'Wys MySQL stelsel veranderlikes'; 00209 00210 $strName = 'Naam'; 00211 $strNext = 'Volgende'; 00212 $strNo = 'Nee'; 00213 $strNoDatabases = 'Geen databasisse'; 00214 $strNoDescription = 'geen Beskrywing'; 00215 $strNoDropDatabases = '"DROP DATABASE" stellings word nie toegelaat nie.'; 00216 $strNoExplain = 'Ignoreer SQL Verduideliking'; 00217 $strNoFrames = 'phpMyAdmin verkies \'n <b>frames-kapabele</b> blaaier.'; 00218 $strNoIndex = 'Geen indeks gedefinieer!'; 00219 $strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Geen indeks dele gedefinieer!'; 00220 $strNoModification = 'Geen verandering'; 00221 $strNone = 'Geen'; 00222 $strNoPassword = 'Geen Wagwoord'; 00223 $strNoPhp = 'Sonder PHP Kode'; 00224 $strNoPrivileges = 'Geen Regte'; 00225 $strNoQuery = 'Geen SQL stelling!'; 00226 $strNoRights = 'Jy het nie genoeg regte om nou hier te wees nie!'; 00227 $strNoTablesFound = 'Geen tabelle in databasis gevind nie.'; 00228 $strNotNumber = 'Hierdie is nie \'n nommer nie'; 00229 $strNotOK = 'nie OK'; 00230 $strNotSet = '<b>%s</b> tabel nie gevind nie of nie gesetel in %s'; 00231 $strNoUsersFound = 'Geen gebruiker(s) gevind nie.'; 00232 $strNoValidateSQL = 'Ignoreer SQL Validasie'; 00233 $strNull = 'Null'; 00234 $strNumSearchResultsInTable = '%s resultate binne tabel <i>%s</i>'; 00235 $strNumSearchResultsTotal = '<b>Totaal:</b> <i>%s</i> ooreenkomste'; 00236 00237 $strOftenQuotation = 'Dikwels kwotasie-karakters. OPSIONEEL beteken dat slegs char en varchar velde ingeslote is binne die "enclosed by"-character.'; 00238 $strOK = 'OK'; 00239 $strOperations = 'Operasies'; 00240 $strOptimizeTable = 'Optimaliseer tabel'; 00241 $strOptionalControls = 'Opsioneel. Kontroleer hoe om spesiale karakters te lees en skryf.'; 00242 $strOptionally = 'OPSIONEEL'; 00243 $strOr = 'Of'; 00244 $strOverhead = 'Overhead'; 00245 00246 $strPageNumber = 'Bladsy nommer:'; 00247 $strPartialText = 'Gedeeltelike Tekste'; 00248 $strPassword = 'Wagwoord'; 00249 $strPasswordEmpty = 'Die wagwoord is leeg!'; 00250 $strPasswordNotSame = 'Die wagwoorde is verskillend!'; 00251 $strPdfDbSchema = 'Skema van die "%s" databasis - Bladsy %s'; 00252 $strPdfInvalidTblName = 'Die "%s" databasis bestaan nie!'; 00253 $strPdfNoTables = 'Geen tabelle'; 00254 $strPhp = 'Skep PHP Kode'; 00255 $strPHPVersion = 'PHP Version'; 00256 $strPmaDocumentation = 'phpMyAdmin dokumentasie'; 00257 $strPmaUriError = 'Die <tt>$cfg[\'PmaAbsoluteUri\']</tt> veranderlike MOET gestel wees in jou konfigurasie leer!'; 00258 $strPos1 = 'Begin'; 00259 $strPrevious = 'Vorige'; 00260 $strPrimary = 'Primere'; 00261 $strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'Die primere sleutel is verwyder'; 00262 $strPrimaryKeyName = 'Die naam van die primere sleutel moet PRIMARY wees!'; 00263 $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>moet</b> die naam wees van die primere sleutel, en <b>slegs</b> van die primere sleutel!)'; 00264 $strPrintView = 'Drukker mooi (print view)'; 00265 $strPrivileges = 'Regte'; 00266 00267 $strQBE = 'Navraag dmv Voorbeeld'; 00268 $strQBEDel = 'Del'; 00269 $strQBEIns = 'Ins'; 00270 $strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-navraag op databasis <b>%s</b>:'; 00271 00272 $strRecords = 'Rekords'; 00273 $strReferentialIntegrity = 'Toets referential integrity:'; 00274 $strRelationNotWorking = 'Die addisionele funksies om met geskakelde tabelle te werk is ge deaktiveer. Om uit te vind hoekom kliek %shier%s.'; 00275 $strRelationView = 'Relasie uitsig'; 00276 $strReloadFailed = 'MySQL herlaai het misluk.'; 00277 $strReloadMySQL = 'Herlaai MySQL'; 00278 $strRenameTable = 'Hernoem tabel na'; 00279 $strRenameTableOK = 'Tabel %s is vernoem na %s'; 00280 $strRepairTable = 'Herstel tabel'; 00281 $strReplace = 'Vervang'; 00282 $strReplaceTable = 'Vervang tabel data met leer (file)'; 00283 $strReset = 'Herstel'; 00284 $strReType = 'Tik weer'; 00285 $strRevoke = 'Herroep'; 00286 $strRevokeMessage = 'Jy het die regte herroep vir %s'; 00287 $strRowLength = 'Ry lengte'; 00288 $strRows = 'Rye'; 00289 $strRowsFrom = 'ry(e) beginnende vanaf rekord #'; 00290 $strRowSize = ' Ry grootte '; 00291 $strRowsModeHorizontal = 'horisontale'; 00292 $strRowsModeOptions = 'in %s formaat en herhaal opskrifte na %s selle'; 00293 $strRowsModeVertical = 'vertikale'; 00294 $strRowsStatistic = 'Ry Statistiek'; 00295 $strRunning = 'op bediener %s'; 00296 $strRunQuery = 'Doen Navraag'; 00297 $strRunSQLQuery = 'Hardloop SQL stellings op databasis %s'; 00298 00299 $strSave = 'Stoor'; 00300 $strScaleFactorSmall = 'Die skaal faktor is te klein om die skema op een bladsy te pas'; 00301 $strSearch = 'Soek'; 00302 $strSearchFormTitle = 'Soek in databasis'; 00303 $strSearchInTables = 'Binne tabel(le):'; 00304 $strSearchNeedle = 'Woord(e) of waarde(s) om voor te soek (wildcard: "%"):'; 00305 $strSearchOption1 = 'ten minste een van die woorde'; 00306 $strSearchOption2 = 'alle woorde'; 00307 $strSearchOption3 = 'die presiese frase'; 00308 $strSearchOption4 = 'as \'n regular expression'; 00309 $strSearchResultsFor = 'Soek resultate vir "<i>%s</i>" %s:'; 00310 $strSearchType = 'Vind:'; 00311 $strSelectADb = 'Kies asb. \'n databasis'; 00312 $strSelectAll = 'Kies Alles'; 00313 $strSelectFields = 'Kies Velde (ten minste een):'; 00314 $strSelectNumRows = 'in navraag'; 00315 $strSelectTables = 'Kies Tabelle'; 00316 $strSend = 'Stoor as leer (file)'; 00317 $strServerChoice = 'Bediener Keuse'; 00318 $strServerVersion = 'Bediener weergawe'; 00319 $strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').'; 00320 $strShow = 'Wys'; 00321 $strShowAll = 'Wys alles'; 00322 $strShowColor = 'Wys kleur'; 00323 $strShowGrid = 'Wys ruitgebied'; 00324 $strShowingRecords = 'Vertoon rye'; 00325 $strShowPHPInfo = 'Wys PHP informasie'; 00326 $strShowTableDimension = 'Wys dimensie van tabelle'; 00327 $strShowTables = 'Wys tabelle'; 00328 $strShowThisQuery = ' Wys hierdie navraag weer hier '; 00329 $strSingly = '(afsonderlik)'; 00330 $strSize = 'Grootte'; 00331 $strSort = 'Sorteer'; 00332 $strSpaceUsage = 'Spasie verbruik'; 00333 $strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'Woorde is geskei dmv \'n spasie karakter (" ").'; 00334 $strSQL = 'SQL'; 00335 $strSQLParserBugMessage = 'Jy het moontlik \'n fout in die SQL interpreteerder ontdek. Ondersoek asb. jou stelling deeglik, en maak seker dat jou kwotasies korrek en gebalanseerd is. Ander moontlike oorsake vir die fout mag wees dat jy probeer om \'n leer in te laai met binere data buite \'n gekwoteerde teks area. Jy kan jou SQL stelling ook probeer direk in die MySQL opdrag-raakvlak (command line interface). Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer. As jy dan nog steeds probleme het, of as die interpreteerder fouteer waar die opdrag-raakvlak slaag, verminder asb. jou SQL stelling toevoer na die enkele stelling wat die probleem veroorsaak, en rapporteer \'n fout met die data stuk in die UITKNIPSEL seksie hieronder:'; 00336 $strSQLParserUserError = 'Dit lyk of daar \'n fout is in jou SQL stelling. Die MySQL bediener se foutboodskap hieronder (indien enige) kan jou ook help om die probleem te diagnoseer'; 00337 $strSQLQuery = 'SQL-stelling'; 00338 $strSQLResult = 'SQL resultaat'; 00339 $strSQPBugInvalidIdentifer = 'Ongeldige Identifiseerder'; 00340 $strSQPBugUnclosedQuote = 'Ongebalanseerde kwotasie-teken'; 00341 $strSQPBugUnknownPunctuation = 'Onbekende Punktuasie String'; 00342 $strStatement = 'Stellings'; 00343 $strStrucCSV = 'CSV data'; 00344 $strStrucData = 'Struktuur en data'; 00345 $strStrucDrop = 'Voeg DROP TABLE by'; 00346 $strStrucExcelCSV = 'CSV vir M$ Excel data'; 00347 $strStrucOnly = 'Slegs struktuur'; 00348 $strStructPropose = 'Stel tabel struktuur voor'; 00349 $strStructure = 'Struktuur'; 00350 $strSubmit = 'Stuur'; 00351 $strSuccess = 'Jou SQL-navraag is suksesvol uitgevoer'; 00352 $strSum = 'Som'; 00353 00354 $strTable = 'Tabel'; 00355 $strTableComments = 'Tabel kommentaar'; 00356 $strTableEmpty = 'Die tabel naam is leeg!'; 00357 $strTableHasBeenDropped = 'Tabel %s is verwyder'; 00358 $strTableHasBeenEmptied = 'Tabel %s is leeg gemaak'; 00359 $strTableHasBeenFlushed = 'Tabel %s is geflush'; 00360 $strTableMaintenance = 'Tabel instandhouding'; 00361 $strTables = '%s tabel(le)'; 00362 $strTableStructure = 'Tabel struktuur vir tabel'; 00363 $strTableType = 'Tabel tipe'; 00364 $strTextAreaLength = ' Omrede sy lengte,<br /> is hierdie veld moontlik nie veranderbaar nie '; 00365 $strTheContent = 'Die inhoud van jou leer is ingevoeg.'; 00366 $strTheContents = 'Die inhoud van die leer vervang die inhoud van die geselekteerde tabel vir rye met \'n identiese primere of unieke sleutel.'; 00367 $strTheTerminator = 'Die beeindiger (terminator) van die velde.'; 00368 $strTotal = 'totaal'; 00369 $strType = 'Tipe'; 00370 00371 $strUncheckAll = 'Kies Niks'; 00372 $strUnique = 'Uniek'; 00373 $strUnselectAll = 'Selekteer Niks'; 00374 $strUpdatePrivMessage = 'Jy het die regte opgedateer vir %s.'; 00375 $strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Die profiel is opgedateer.'; 00376 $strUpdateQuery = 'Verander Navraag'; 00377 $strUsage = 'Gebruik'; 00378 $strUseBackquotes = 'Omring tabel en veldname met backquotes'; 00379 $strUser = 'Gebruiker'; 00380 $strUserEmpty = 'Die gebruiker naam ontbreek!'; 00381 $strUserName = 'Gebruiker naam'; 00382 $strUseTables = 'Gebruik Tabelle'; 00383 00384 $strValidateSQL = 'Valideer SQL'; 00385 $strValue = 'Waarde'; 00386 $strViewDump = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die tabel'; 00387 $strViewDumpDB = 'Sien die storting (skema) van die databasis'; 00388 00389 $strWelcome = 'Welkom by %s'; 00390 $strWithChecked = 'Met gekose:'; 00391 $strWrongUser = 'Verkeerde gebruikernaam/wagwoord. Toegang geweier.'; 00392 00393 $strYes = 'Ja'; 00394 00395 $strZip = '"ge-zip"'; 00396 00397 $strInsecureMySQL = 'Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole.'; //to translate 00398 $strWebServerUploadDirectory = 'web-server upload directory'; //to translate 00399 $strWebServerUploadDirectoryError = 'The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached'; //to translate 00400 $strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate 00401 $strServer = 'Server'; //to translate 00402 $strPutColNames = 'Put fields names at first row'; //to translate 00403 $strImportDocSQL = 'Import docSQL Files'; //to translate 00404 $strDataDict = 'Data Dictionary'; //to translate 00405 $strPrint = 'Print'; //to translate 00406 $strPHP40203 = 'You are using PHP 4.2.3, which has a serious bug with multi-byte strings (mbstring). See PHP bug report 19404. This version of PHP is not recommended for use with phpMyAdmin.'; //to translate 00407 $strCompression = 'Compression'; //to translate 00408 $strNumTables = 'Tables'; //to translate 00409 $strTotalUC = 'Total'; //to translate 00410 $strRelationalSchema = 'Relational schema'; //to translate 00411 $strTableOfContents = 'Table of contents'; //to translate 00412 $strCannotLogin = 'Cannot login to MySQL server'; //to translate 00413 $strShowDatadictAs = 'Data Dictionary Format'; //to translate 00414 $strLandscape = 'Landscape'; //to translate 00415 $strPortrait = 'Portrait'; //to translate 00416 00417 $timespanfmt = '%s days, %s hours, %s minutes and %s seconds'; //to translate 00418 00419 $strAbortedClients = 'Aborted'; //to translate 00420 $strConnections = 'Connections'; //to translate 00421 $strFailedAttempts = 'Failed attempts'; //to translate 00422 $strGlobalValue = 'Global value'; //to translate 00423 $strMoreStatusVars = 'More status variables'; //to translate 00424 $strPerHour = 'per hour'; //to translate 00425 $strQueryStatistics = '<b>Query statistics</b>: Since its startup, %s queries have been sent to the server.'; 00426 $strQueryType = 'Query type'; //to translate 00427 $strReceived = 'Received'; //to translate 00428 $strSent = 'Sent'; //to translate 00429 $strServerStatus = 'Runtime Information'; //to translate 00430 $strServerStatusUptime = 'This MySQL server has been running for %s. It started up on %s.'; //to translate 00431 $strServerTabVariables = 'Variables'; //to translate 00432 $strServerTabProcesslist = 'Processes'; //to translate 00433 $strServerTrafficNotes = '<b>Server traffic</b>: These tables show the network traffic statistics of this MySQL server since its startup.'; 00434 $strServerVars = 'Server variables and settings'; //to translate 00435 $strSessionValue = 'Session value'; //to translate 00436 $strTraffic = 'Traffic'; //to translate 00437 $strVar = 'Variable'; //to translate 00438 00439 $strCommand = 'Command'; //to translate 00440 $strCouldNotKill = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to kill thread %s. It probably has already been closed.'; //to translate 00441 $strId = 'ID'; //to translate 00442 $strProcesslist = 'Process list'; //to translate 00443 $strStatus = 'Status'; //to translate 00444 $strTime = 'Time'; //to translate 00445 $strThreadSuccessfullyKilled = 'Thread %s was successfully killed.'; //to translate 00446 00447 $strBzError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to compress the dump because of a broken Bz2 extension in this php version. It is strongly recommended to set the <code>$cfg[\'BZipDump\']</code> directive in your phpMyAdmin configuration file to <code>FALSE</code>. If you want to use the Bz2 compression features, you should upgrade to a later php version. See php bug report %s for details.'; //to translate 00448 $strLaTeX = 'LaTeX'; //to translate 00449 00450 $strAdministration = 'Administration'; //to translate 00451 $strFlushPrivilegesNote = 'Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users\' privileges directly from MySQL\'s privilege tables. The content of this tables may differ from the privileges the server uses if manual changes have made to it. In this case, you should %sreload the privileges%s before you continue.'; //to translate 00452 $strGlobalPrivileges = 'Global privileges'; //to translate 00453 $strGrantOption = 'Grant'; //to translate 00454 $strPrivDescAllPrivileges = 'Includes all privileges except GRANT.'; //to translate 00455 $strPrivDescAlter = 'Allows altering the structure of existing tables.'; //to translate 00456 $strPrivDescCreateDb = 'Allows creating new databases and tables.'; //to translate 00457 $strPrivDescCreateTbl = 'Allows creating new tables.'; //to translate 00458 $strPrivDescCreateTmpTable = 'Allows creating temporary tables.'; //to translate 00459 $strPrivDescDelete = 'Allows deleting data.'; //to translate 00460 $strPrivDescDropDb = 'Allows dropping databases and tables.'; //to translate 00461 $strPrivDescDropTbl = 'Allows dropping tables.'; //to translate 00462 $strPrivDescExecute = 'Allows running stored procedures; Has no effect in this MySQL version.'; //to translate 00463 $strPrivDescFile = 'Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.'; //to translate 00464 $strPrivDescGrant = 'Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.'; //to translate 00465 $strPrivDescIndex = 'Allows creating and dropping indexes.'; //to translate 00466 $strPrivDescInsert = 'Allows inserting and replacing data.'; //to translate 00467 $strPrivDescLockTables = 'Allows locking tables for the current thread.'; //to translate 00468 $strPrivDescMaxConnections = 'Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.'; 00469 $strPrivDescMaxQuestions = 'Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.'; 00470 $strPrivDescMaxUpdates = 'Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour.'; 00471 $strPrivDescProcess3 = 'Allows killing processes of other users.'; //to translate 00472 $strPrivDescProcess4 = 'Allows viewing the complete queries in the process list.'; //to translate 00473 $strPrivDescReferences = 'Has no effect in this MySQL version.'; //to translate 00474 $strPrivDescReplClient = 'Gives the right to the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.'; //to translate 00475 $strPrivDescReplSlave = 'Needed for the replication slaves.'; //to translate 00476 $strPrivDescReload = 'Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.'; //to translate 00477 $strPrivDescSelect = 'Allows reading data.'; //to translate 00478 $strPrivDescShowDb = 'Gives access to the complete list of databases.'; //to translate 00479 $strPrivDescShutdown = 'Allows shutting down the server.'; //to translate 00480 $strPrivDescSuper = 'Allows connectiong, even if maximum number of connections is reached; Required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.'; //to translate 00481 $strPrivDescUpdate = 'Allows changing data.'; //to translate 00482 $strPrivDescUsage = 'No privileges.'; //to translate 00483 $strPrivilegesReloaded = 'The privileges were reloaded successfully.'; //to translate 00484 $strResourceLimits = 'Resource limits'; //to translate 00485 $strUserOverview = 'User overview'; //to translate 00486 $strZeroRemovesTheLimit = 'Note: Setting these options to 0 (zero) removes the limit.'; //to translate 00487 00488 $strPasswordChanged = 'The Password for %s was changed successfully.'; // to translate 00489 00490 $strDeleteAndFlush = 'Delete the users and reload the privileges afterwards.'; //to translate 00491 $strDeleteAndFlushDescr = 'This is the cleanest way, but reloading the privileges may take a while.'; //to translate 00492 $strDeleting = 'Deleting %s'; //to translate 00493 $strJustDelete = 'Just delete the users from the privilege tables.'; //to translate 00494 $strJustDeleteDescr = 'The "deleted" users will still be able to access the server as usual until the privileges are reloaded.'; //to translate 00495 $strReloadingThePrivileges = 'Reloading the privileges'; //to translate 00496 $strRemoveSelectedUsers = 'Remove selected users'; //to translate 00497 $strRevokeAndDelete = 'Revoke all active privileges from the users and delete them afterwards.'; //to translate 00498 $strRevokeAndDeleteDescr = 'The users will still have the USAGE privilege until the privileges are reloaded.'; //to translate 00499 $strUsersDeleted = 'The selected users have been deleted successfully.'; //to translate 00500 00501 $strAddPrivilegesOnDb = 'Add privileges on the following database'; //to translate 00502 $strAddPrivilegesOnTbl = 'Add privileges on the following table'; //to translate 00503 $strColumnPrivileges = 'Column-specific privileges'; //to translate 00504 $strDbPrivileges = 'Database-specific privileges'; //to translate 00505 $strLocalhost = 'Local'; 00506 $strLoginInformation = 'Login Information'; //to translate 00507 $strTblPrivileges = 'Table-specific privileges'; //to translate 00508 $strThisHost = 'This Host'; //to translate 00509 $strUserNotFound = 'The selected user was not found in the privilege table.'; //to translate 00510 $strUserAlreadyExists = 'The user %s already exists!'; //to translate 00511 $strUseTextField = 'Use text field'; //to translate 00512 00513 $strDropUsersDb = 'Drop the databases that have the same names as the users.'; //to translate 00514 $strAddedColumnComment = 'Added comment for column'; //to translate 00515 $strWritingCommentNotPossible = 'Writing of comment not possible'; //to translate 00516 $strAddedColumnRelation = 'Added relation for column'; //to translate 00517 $strWritingRelationNotPossible = 'Writing of relation not possible'; //to translate 00518 $strImportFinished = 'Import finished'; //to translate 00519 $strFileCouldNotBeRead = 'File could not be read'; //to translate 00520 $strIgnoringFile = 'Ignoring file %s'; //to translate 00521 $strThisNotDirectory = 'This was not a directory'; //to translate 00522 $strAbsolutePathToDocSqlDir = 'Please enter the absolute path on webserver to docSQL directory'; //to translate 00523 $strImportFiles = 'Import files'; //to translate 00524 $strDBGModule = 'Module'; //to translate 00525 $strDBGLine = 'Line'; //to translate 00526 $strDBGHits = 'Hits'; //to translate 00527 $strDBGTimePerHitMs = 'Time/Hit, ms'; //to translate 00528 $strDBGTotalTimeMs = 'Total time, ms'; //to translate 00529 $strDBGMinTimeMs = 'Min time, ms'; //to translate 00530 $strDBGMaxTimeMs = 'Max time, ms'; //to translate 00531 $strDBGContextID = 'Context ID'; //to translate 00532 $strDBGContext = 'Context'; //to translate 00533 $strCantLoad = 'cannot load %s extension,<br />please check PHP Configuration'; //to translate 00534 $strDefaultValueHelp = 'For default values, please enter just a single value, without backslash escaping or quotes, using this format: a'; //to translate 00535 $strCheckPrivs = 'Check Privileges'; //to translate 00536 $strCheckPrivsLong = 'Check privileges for database "%s".'; //to translate 00537 $strDatabasesStatsHeavyTraffic = 'Note: Enabling the Database statistics here might cause heavy traffic between the webserver and the MySQL one.'; //to translate 00538 $strDatabasesStatsDisable = 'Disable Statistics'; //to translate 00539 $strDatabasesStatsEnable = 'Enable Statistics'; //to translate 00540 $strJumpToDB = 'Jump to database "%s".'; //to translate 00541 $strDropSelectedDatabases = 'Drop Selected Databases'; //to translate 00542 $strNoDatabasesSelected = 'No databases selected.'; //to translate 00543 $strDatabasesDropped = '%s databases have been dropped successfully.'; //to translate 00544 $strGlobal = 'global'; //to translate 00545 $strDbSpecific = 'database-specific'; //to translate 00546 $strUsersHavingAccessToDb = 'Users having access to "%s"'; //to translate 00547 $strChangeCopyUser = 'Change Login Information / Copy User'; //to translate 00548 $strChangeCopyMode = 'Create a new user with the same privileges and ...'; //to translate 00549 $strChangeCopyModeCopy = '... keep the old one.'; //to translate 00550 $strChangeCopyModeJustDelete = ' ... delete the old one from the user tables.'; //to translate 00551 $strChangeCopyModeRevoke = ' ... revoke all active privileges from the old one and delete it afterwards.'; //to translate 00552 $strChangeCopyModeDeleteAndReload = ' ... delete the old one from the user tables and reload the privileges afterwards.'; //to translate 00553 $strWildcard = 'wildcard'; //to translate 00554 $strRowsModeFlippedHorizontal = 'horizontal (rotated headers)';//to translate 00555 $strQueryTime = 'Query took %01.4f sec';//to translate 00556 $strDBComment = 'Database comment: ';//to translate 00557 $strQueryFrame = 'Query window';//to translate 00558 $strQuerySQLHistory = 'SQL-history';//to translate 00559 $strMIME_MIMEtype = 'MIME-type';//to translate 00560 $strMIME_transformation = 'Browser transformation';//to translate 00561 $strMIME_transformation_options = 'Transformation options';//to translate 00562 $strMIME_transformation_options_note = 'Please enter the values for transformation options using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';//to translate 00563 $strMIME_transformation_note = 'For a list of available transformation options and their MIME-type transformations, click on %stransformation descriptions%s';//to translate 00564 $strMIME_available_mime = 'Available MIME-types';//to translate 00565 $strMIME_available_transform = 'Available transformations';//to translate 00566 $strMIME_without = 'MIME-types printed in italics do not have a seperate transformation function';//to translate 00567 $strMIME_description = 'Description';//to translate 00568 $strMIME_nodescription = 'No Description is available for this transformation.<br />Please ask the author, what %s does.';//to translate 00569 $strTransformation_text_plain__formatted = 'Preserves original formatting of the field. No Escaping is done.';//to translate 00570 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__link = 'Displays a link to this image (direct blob download, i.e.).';//to translate 00571 $strInnodbStat = 'InnoDB Status'; //to translate 00572 $strUpdComTab = 'Please see Documentation on how to update your Column_comments Table'; //to translate 00573 $strTransformation_image_jpeg__inline = 'Displays a clickable thumbnail; options: width,height in pixels (keeps the original ratio)'; //to translate 00574 $strTransformation_image_png__inline = 'See image/jpeg: inline'; //to translate 00575 $strSQLOptions = 'SQL options';//to translate 00576 $strXML = 'XML';//to translate 00577 $strCSVOptions = 'CSV options';//to translate 00578 $strNoOptions = 'This format has no options';//to translate 00579 $strStatCreateTime = 'Creation';//to translate 00580 $strStatUpdateTime = 'Last update';//to translate 00581 $strStatCheckTime = 'Last check';//to translate 00582 $strPerMinute = 'per minute';//to translate 00583 $strPerSecond = 'per second';//to translate 00584 $strAutomaticLayout = 'Automatic layout'; //to translate 00585 $strDelOld = 'The current Page has References to Tables that no longer exist. Would you like to delete those References?'; //to translate 00586 $strFileNameTemplate = 'File name template';//to translate 00587 $strFileNameTemplateRemember = 'remember template';//to translate 00588 $strFileNameTemplateHelp = 'Use __DB__ for database name, __TABLE__ for table name and %sany strftime%s options for time specification, extension will be automagically added. Any other text will be preserved.';//to translate 00589 $strTransformation_text_plain__dateformat = 'Takes a TIME, TIMESTAMP or DATETIME field and formats it using your local dateformat. First option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Second option is a different dateformat according to the parameters available for PHPs strftime().';//to translate 00590 $strTransformation_text_plain__substr = 'Only shows part of a string. First option is an offset to define where the output of your text starts (Default 0). Second option is an offset how much text is returned. If empty, returns all the remaining text. The third option defines which chars will be appended to the output when a substring is returned (Default: ...) .';//to translate 00591 $strTransformation_text_plain__external = 'LINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds the fielddata via standard input. Returns standard output of the application. Default is Tidy, to pretty print HTML code. For security reasons, you have to manually edit the file libraries/transformations/ and insert the tools you allow to be run. The first option is then the number of the program you want to use and the second option are the parameters for the program. The third parameter, if set to 1 will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() (Default is 1). A fourth parameter, if set to 1 will put a NOWRAP to the content cell so that the whole output will be shown without reformatting (Default 1)';//to translate 00592 $strAutodetect = 'Autodetect'; //to translate 00593 $strTransformation_text_plain__imagelink = 'Displays an image and a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is the width in pixels, third is the height.'; //to translate 00594 $strTransformation_text_plain__link = 'Displays a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "", second option is a title for the link.'; //to translate 00595 $strUseHostTable = 'Use Host Table'; //to translate 00596 $strShowFullQueries = 'Show Full Queries'; //to translate 00597 $strTruncateQueries = 'Truncate Shown Queries'; //to translate 00598 $strSwitchToTable = 'Switch to copied table'; //to translate 00599 $strCharset = 'Charset'; //to translate 00600 $strLaTeXOptions = 'LaTeX options'; //to translate 00601 $strRelations = 'Relations'; //to translate 00602 $strMoveTableSameNames = 'Can\'t move table to same one!'; //to translate 00603 $strCopyTableSameNames = 'Can\'t copy table to same one!'; //to translate 00604 $strMustSelectFile = 'You should select file which you want to insert.'; //to translate 00605 $strSaveOnServer = 'Save on server in %s directory'; //to translate 00606 $strOverwriteExisting = 'Overwrite existing file(s)'; //to translate 00607 $strFileAlreadyExists = 'File %s already exists on server, change filename or check overwrite option.'; //to translate 00608 $strDumpSaved = 'Dump has been saved to file %s.'; //to translate 00609 $strNoPermission = 'The web server does not have permission to save the file %s.'; //to translate 00610 $strNoSpace = 'Insufficient space to save the file %s.'; //to translate 00611 $strInsertedRowId = 'Inserted row id:'; //to translate 00612 $strLoadMethod = 'LOAD method'; //to translate 00613 $strLoadExplanation = 'The best method is checked by default, but you can change if it fails.'; //to translate 00614 $strExecuteBookmarked = 'Execute bookmarked query'; //to translate 00615 $strExcelOptions = 'Excel options'; //to translate 00616 $strReplaceNULLBy = 'Replace NULL by'; //to translate 00617 $strQueryWindowLock = 'Do not overwrite this query from outside the window'; //to translate 00618 $strPaperSize = 'Paper size'; //to translate 00619 $strDatabaseNoTable = 'This database contains no table!';//to translate 00620 $strViewDumpDatabases = 'View dump (schema) of databases';//to translate 00621 $strAddIntoComments = 'Add into comments';//to translate 00622 $strDatabaseExportOptions = 'Database export options';//to translate 00623 $strAddDropDatabase = 'Add DROP DATABASE';//to translate 00624 $strToggleScratchboard = 'toggle scratchboard'; //to translate 00625 $strTableOptions = 'Table options'; //to translate 00626 $strSecretRequired = 'The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).'; //to translate 00627 $strAccessDeniedExplanation = 'phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.'; //to translate 00628 $strAddAutoIncrement = 'Add AUTO_INCREMENT value'; //to translate 00629 $strCharsets = 'Charsets'; //to translate 00630 $strDescription = 'Description'; //to translate 00631 $strCharsetsAndCollations = 'Character Sets and Collations'; //to translate 00632 $strCollation = 'Collation'; //to translate 00633 $strMultilingual = 'multilingual'; //to translate 00634 $strGerman = 'German'; //to translate 00635 $strPhoneBook = 'phone book'; //to translate 00636 $strDictionary = 'dictionary'; //to translate 00637 $strSwedish = 'Swedish'; //to translate 00638 $strDanish = 'Danish'; //to translate 00639 $strCzech = 'Czech'; //to translate 00640 $strTurkish = 'Turkish'; //to translate 00641 $strEnglish = 'English'; //to translate 00642 $strHungarian = 'Hungarian'; //to translate 00643 $strCroatian = 'Croatian'; //to translate 00644 $strBulgarian = 'Bulgarian'; //to translate 00645 $strLithuanian = 'Lithuanian'; //to translate 00646 $strEstonian = 'Estonian'; //to translate 00647 $strCaseInsensitive = 'case-insensitive'; //to translate 00648 $strCaseSensitive = 'case-sensitive'; //to translate 00649 $strUkrainian = 'Ukrainian'; //to translate 00650 $strHebrew = 'Hebrew'; //to translate 00651 $strWestEuropean = 'West European'; //to translate 00652 $strCentralEuropean = 'Central European'; //to translate 00653 $strTraditionalChinese = 'Traditional Chinese'; //to translate 00654 $strCyrillic = 'Cyrillic'; //to translate 00655 $strArmenian = 'Armenian'; //to translate 00656 $strArabic = 'Arabic'; //to translate 00657 $strRussian = 'Russian'; //to translate 00658 $strUnknown = 'unknown'; //to translate 00659 $strBaltic = 'Baltic'; //to translate 00660 $strUnicode = 'Unicode'; //to translate 00661 $strSimplifiedChinese = 'Simplified Chinese'; //to translate 00662 $strKorean = 'Korean'; //to translate 00663 $strGreek = 'Greek'; //to translate 00664 $strJapanese = 'Japanese'; //to translate 00665 $strThai = 'Thai'; //to translate 00666 $strUseThisValue = 'Use this value'; //to translate 00667 $strWindowNotFound = 'The target browser window could not be updated. Maybe you have closed the parent window or your browser is blocking cross-window updates of your security settings'; //to translate 00668 $strBrowseForeignValues = 'Browse foreign values'; //to translate 00669 $strInternalRelations = 'Internal relations'; //to translate 00670 $strInternalNotNecessary = '* An internal relation is not necessary when it exists also in InnoDB.'; //to translate 00671 $strUpgrade = 'You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'; //to translate 00672 $strLatexStructure = 'Structure of table __TABLE__';//to translate 00673 $strLatexContinued = '(continued)';//to translate 00674 $strLatexContent = 'Content of table __TABLE__';//to translate 00675 $strLatexIncludeCaption = 'Include table caption';//to translate 00676 $strLatexCaption = 'Table caption';//to translate 00677 $strLatexLabel = 'Label key';//to translate 00678 $strLatexContinuedCaption = 'Continued table caption';//to translate 00679 00680 $strPrintViewFull = 'Print view (with full texts)'; //to translate 00681 $strLogServer = 'Server'; //to translate 00682 $strSortByKey = 'Sort by key'; //to translate 00683 $strBookmarkAllUsers = 'Let every user access this bookmark'; //to translate 00684 $strConstraintsForDumped = 'Constraints for dumped tables'; //to translate 00685 $strConstraintsForTable = 'Constraints for table'; //to translate 00686 $strBookmarkOptions = 'Bookmark options'; //to translate 00687 $strCreationDates = 'Creation/Update/Check dates'; //to translate 00688 $strCheckOverhead = 'Check tables with overhead'; //to translate 00689 $strExcelEdition = 'Excel edition'; //to translate 00690 $strDelayedInserts = 'Use delayed inserts'; //to translate 00691 $strSQLExportType = 'Export type'; //to translate 00692 $strAddConstraints = 'Add constraints'; //to translate 00693 $strGeorgian = 'Georgian'; //to translate 00694 $strCzechSlovak = 'Czech-Slovak'; //to translate 00695 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__download = 'Display a link to download the binary data of a field. First option is the filename of the binary file. Second option is a possible fieldname of a table row containing the filename. If you provide a second option you need to have the first option set to an empty string'; //to translate 00696 $strMaximumSize = 'Maximum size: %s%s'; //to translate 00697 $strConnectionError = 'Cannot connect: invalid settings.'; //to translate 00698 $strDropDatabaseStrongWarning = 'You are about to DESTROY a complete database!'; //to translate 00699 $strAddHeaderComment = 'Add custom comment into header (\\n splits lines)'; //to translate 00700 $strNeedPrimaryKey = 'You should define a primary key for this table.'; //to translate 00701 $strIgnoreInserts = 'Use ignore inserts'; //to translate 00702 $strAddIfNotExists = 'Add IF NOT EXISTS'; //to translate 00703 $strCommentsForTable = 'COMMENTS FOR TABLE'; //to translate 00704 $strMIMETypesForTable = 'MIME TYPES FOR TABLE'; //to translate 00705 $strRelationsForTable = 'RELATIONS FOR TABLE'; //to translate 00706 $strAfterInsertSame = 'Go back to this page'; //to translate 00707 $strRenameDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been renamed to %s'; //to translate 00708 $strDatabaseEmpty = 'The database name is empty!'; //to translate 00709 $strDBRename = 'Rename database to'; //to translate 00710 $strOperator = 'Operator'; //to translate 00711 $strEncloseInTransaction = 'Enclose export in a transaction'; //to translate 00712 $strCalendar = 'Calendar'; //to translate 00713 $strRefresh = 'Refresh'; //to translate 00714 $strDefragment = 'Defragment table'; //to translate 00715 $strNoRowsSelected = 'No rows selected'; //to translate 00716 $strSpanish = 'Spanish'; //to translate 00717 $strStrucNativeExcel = 'Native MS Excel data'; //to translate 00718 $strDisableForeignChecks = 'Disable foreign key checks'; //to translate 00719 $strServerNotResponding = 'The server is not responding'; //to translate 00720 $strTheme = 'Theme / Style'; //to translate 00721 $strTakeIt = 'take it'; //to translate 00722 $strHexForBinary = 'Use hexadecimal for binary fields'; //to translate 00723 $strIcelandic = 'Icelandic'; //to translate 00724 $strLatvian = 'Latvian'; //to translate 00725 $strPolish = 'Polish'; //to translate 00726 $strRomanian = 'Romanian'; //to translate 00727 $strSlovenian = 'Slovenian'; //to translate 00728 $strTraditionalSpanish = 'Traditional Spanish'; //to translate 00729 $strSlovak = 'Slovak'; //to translate 00730 $strMySQLConnectionCollation = 'MySQL connection collation'; //to translate 00731 $strPersian = 'Persian'; //to translate 00732 $strAddFields = 'Add %s field(s)'; //to translate 00733 $strInsertBookmarkTitle = 'Please insert bookmark title'; //to translate 00734 $strNoThemeSupport = 'No themes support, please check your configuration and/or your themes in directory %s.'; //to translate 00735 $strUseTabKey = 'Use TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere'; //to translate 00736 $strEscapeWildcards = 'Wildcards _ and % should be escaped with a \ to use them literally'; //to translate 00737 $strBinLogName = 'Log name'; //to translate 00738 $strBinLogPosition = 'Position'; //to translate 00739 $strBinLogEventType = 'Event type'; //to translate 00740 $strBinLogServerId = 'Server ID'; //to translate 00741 $strBinLogOriginalPosition = 'Original position'; //to translate 00742 $strBinLogInfo = 'Information'; //to translate 00743 $strBinaryLog = 'Binary log'; //to translate 00744 $strSelectBinaryLog = 'Select binary log to view'; //to translate 00745 $strDBCopy = 'Copy database to'; //to translate 00746 $strCopyDatabaseOK = 'Database %s has been copied to %s'; //to translate 00747 $strSwitchToDatabase = 'Switch to copied database'; //to translate 00748 $strPasswordHashing = 'Password Hashing'; //to translate 00749 $strCompatibleHashing = 'MySQL 4.0 compatible'; //to translate 00750 $strIndexWarningPrimary = 'PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `%s`';//to translate 00751 $strIndexWarningUnique = 'UNIQUE and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `%s`';//to translate 00752 $strIndexWarningMultiple = 'More than one %s key was created for column `%s`';//to translate 00753 $strIndexWarningTable = 'Problems with indexes of table `%s`';//to translate 00754 $strNoActivity = 'No activity since %s seconds or more, please login again'; //to translate 00755 $strApproximateCount = 'May be approximate. See FAQ 3.11'; //to translate 00756 $strSQLExportCompatibility = 'SQL export compatibility'; //to translate 00757 $strMbOverloadWarning = 'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause breaking of some data!'; //to translate 00758 $strMbExtensionMissing = 'The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.'; //to translate 00759 $strAfterInsertNext = 'Edit next row'; //to translate 00760 $strView = 'View'; //to translate 00761 $strViewHasBeenDropped = 'View %s has been dropped'; //to translate 00762 $strEngines = 'Engines'; //to translate 00763 $strStorageEngines = 'Storage Engines'; //to translate 00764 $strStorageEngine = 'Storage Engine'; //to translate 00765 $strNoDetailsForEngine = 'There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.'; //to translate 00766 $strDefaultEngine = '%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server.'; //to translate 00767 $strEngineAvailable = '%s is available on this MySQL server.'; //to translate 00768 $strEngineUnsupported = 'This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.'; //to translate 00769 $strEngineDisabled = '%s has been disabled for this MySQL server.'; //to translate 00770 $strMyISAMSortBufferSize = 'Sort buffer size'; //to translate 00771 $strMyISAMSortBufferSizeDesc = 'The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.'; //to translate 00772 $strMyISAMDataPointerSize = 'Data pointer size'; //to translate 00773 $strMyISAMDataPointerSizeDesc = 'The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.'; //to translate 00774 $strMyISAMRecoverOptions = 'Automatic recovery mode'; //to translate 00775 $strMyISAMRecoverOptionsDesc = 'The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.'; //to translate 00776 $strMyISAMRepairThreads = 'Repair threads'; //to translate 00777 $strMyISAMRepairThreadsDesc = 'If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting process.'; //to translate 00778 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary sort files'; //to translate 00779 $strMyISAMMaxSortFileSizeDesc = 'The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).'; //to translate 00780 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSize = 'Maximum size for temporary files on index creation'; //to translate 00781 $strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSizeDesc = 'If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.'; //to translate 00782 $strLongOperation = 'This operation could be long. Proceed anyway?'; //to translate 00783 $strVersionInformation = 'Version information'; //to translate 00784 $strInnoDBDataHomeDir = 'Data home directory'; //to translate 00785 $strInnoDBDataHomeDirDesc = 'The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.'; //to translate 00786 $strInnoDBDataFilePath = 'Data files'; //to translate 00787 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrement = 'Autoextend increment'; //to translate 00788 $strInnoDBAutoextendIncrementDesc = ' The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.'; //to translate 00789 $strBufferPool = 'Buffer Pool'; //to translate 00790 $strBufferPoolUsage = 'Buffer Pool Usage'; //to translate 00791 $strDataPages = 'Pages containing data'; //to translate 00792 $strFreePages = 'Free pages'; //to translate 00793 $strBusyPages = 'Busy pages'; //to translate 00794 $strDirtyPages = 'Dirty pages'; //to translate 00795 $strPagesToBeFlushed = 'Pages to be flushed'; //to translate 00796 $strLatchedPages = 'Latched pages'; //to translate 00797 $strBufferPoolActivity = 'Buffer Pool Activity'; //to translate 00798 $strReadRequests = 'Read requests'; //to translate 00799 $strWriteRequests = 'Write requests'; //to translate 00800 $strBufferReadMisses = 'Read misses'; //to translate 00801 $strBufferReadMissesInPercent = 'Read misses in %'; //to translate 00802 $strBufferWriteWaits = 'Write waits'; //to translate 00803 $strBufferWriteWaitsInPercent = 'Write waits in %'; //to translate 00804 $strHTMLExcel = 'Microsoft Excel 2000'; //to translate 00805 $strHTMLExcelOptions = 'Microsoft Excel 2000 export options'; //to translate 00806 $strHTMLWord = 'Microsoft Word 2000'; //to translate 00807 $strHTMLWordOptions = 'Microsoft Word 2000 export options'; //to translate 00808 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSizeDesc = 'The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.'; //to translate 00809 $strInnoDBBufferPoolSize = 'Buffer pool size'; //to translate 00810 $strInnoDBPages = 'pages'; //to translate 00811 $strSocketProblem = '(or the local MySQL server\'s socket is not correctly configured)'; //to translate 00812 $strPrivDescCreateView = 'Allows creating new views.'; //to translate 00813 $strPrivDescAlterDb = 'Allows altering the structure of existing tables as well as changing the default charset and collation of databases.'; //to translate 00814 $strPrivDescCreateUser = 'Allows creating, dropping and renaming unser accounts.'; //to translate 00815 $strPrivDescCreateRoutine = 'Allows creating stored routines.'; //to translate 00816 $strPrivDescAlterRoutine = 'Allows altering and dropping stored routines.'; //to translate 00817 $strRoutines = 'Routines'; //to translate 00818 $strPrivDescShowView = 'Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.'; //to translate 00819 $strPrivDescExecute5 = 'Allows executing stored routines.'; //to translate 00820 $strCreateDatabaseBeforeCopying = 'CREATE DATABASE before copying'; //to translate 00821 $strGeneratePassword = 'Generate Password'; //to translate 00822 $strGenerate = 'Generate'; //to translate 00823 $strCopy = 'Copy'; //to translate 00824 $strTransformation_application_octetstream__hex = 'Displays hexadecimal representation of data.'; //to translate 00825 $strInvalidFieldCount = 'Table must have at least one field.'; //to translate 00826 $strInvalidRowNumber = '%d is not valid row number.'; //to translate 00827 $strInvalidColumnCount = 'Column count has to be larger than zero.'; //to translate 00828 $strInvalidFieldAddCount = 'You have to add at least one field.'; //to translate 00829 $strAndThen = 'and then'; //to translate 00830 ?>