Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 if (!defined ('TYPO3_MODE'))    die ('Access denied.');
00005 if (TYPO3_MODE=='BE')   {
00009         $TBE_STYLES = array(
00010                 'colorschemes' => Array (
00011                         '0' => '#F7F7F3,#E3E3DF,#EDEDE9',       // Default. Always used on main-palettes in the bottom of the forms
00012                         '1' => '#94A19A,#7C8D84,#7C8D84',       // Typically hidden, type and other primary 'meta' fields
00013                         '2' => '#E4D69E,#E7DBA8,#E9DEAF',       // For headers
00014                         '3' => '#C2BFC0,#C7C5C5,#C7C5C5',       // For main content
00015                         '4' => '#B2B5C3,#C4C6D1,#D5D7DE',       // For extra content, like images, files etc.
00016                         '5' => '#C3B2B5,#D1C4C6,#DED5D7'        // For special content
00017                 ),
00018                 'styleschemes' => Array (
00019                         '0' => array('all'=>'background-color: #F7F7F3;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00020                         '1' => array('all'=>'background-color: #94A19A;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00021                         '2' => array('all'=>'background-color: #E4D69E;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00022                         '3' => array('all'=>'background-color: #C2BFC0;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00023                         '4' => array('all'=>'background-color: #B2B5C3;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00024                         '5' => array('all'=>'background-color: #C3B2B5;border:#7C8D84 solid 1px;', 'check'=>''),
00025                 ),
00026                 'borderschemes' => Array (
00027                         '0' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5),
00028                         '1' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5),
00029                         '2' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5),
00030                         '3' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5),
00031                         '4' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5),
00032                         '5' => array('border:solid 1px black;',5)
00033                 ),
00034                 'mainColors' => Array ( // Always use #xxxxxx color definitions!
00035                         'bgColor' => '#F7F7F3',         // Light background color
00036                         'bgColor2' => '#7F9080',                // Steel-blue
00037                         'bgColor3' => '#F0EDDE',                // dok.color
00038                         'bgColor4' => '#E5E5DB',                // light tablerow background, brownish
00039                         'bgColor5' => '#CBCAC3',                // light tablerow background, greenish
00040                         'bgColor6' => '#E1D5B3',                // light tablerow background, yellowish, for section headers. Light.
00041                         'hoverColor' => '#800000'
00042                 ),
00043                 'background' => t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath($_EXTKEY).'background.gif',    // Background image generally in the backend
00044                 'logo' => t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath($_EXTKEY).'the_logo_image.gif',      // Logo in alternative backend, top left: 129x32 pixels
00045                 'logo_login' => t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath($_EXTKEY).'login_logo_image.gif'       // Login-logo: 333x63 pixels
00046         );
00047 }
00048 ?>

Généré par Les experts TYPO3 avec  doxygen 1.4.6