Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 if (!defined ('TYPO3_MODE'))    die ('Access denied.');
00008         // tt_content modified
00009 t3lib_div::loadTCA('tt_content');
00010 t3lib_extMgm::addTCAcolumns('tt_content',array(
00011                 'module_sys_dmail_category' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough'))
00012 ));
00014         // tt_address modified
00015 t3lib_div::loadTCA('tt_address');
00016 t3lib_extMgm::addTCAcolumns('tt_address',array(
00017                 'module_sys_dmail_category' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
00018                 'module_sys_dmail_html' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough'))
00019 ));
00020 $TCA['tt_address']['feInterface']['fe_admin_fieldList'].=',module_sys_dmail_category,module_sys_dmail_html';
00022         // fe_users modified
00023 t3lib_div::loadTCA('fe_users');
00024 t3lib_extMgm::addTCAcolumns('fe_users',array(
00025                 'module_sys_dmail_category' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
00026                 'module_sys_dmail_html' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough'))
00027 ));
00028 $TCA['fe_users']['feInterface']['fe_admin_fieldList'].=',module_sys_dmail_category,module_sys_dmail_html';
00031 // ******************************************************************
00032 // sys_dmail
00033 // ******************************************************************
00034 $TCA['sys_dmail'] = Array (
00035         'ctrl' => Array (
00036                 'label' => 'subject',
00037                 'default_sortby' => 'ORDER BY tstamp DESC',
00038                 'tstamp' => 'tstamp',
00039                 'prependAtCopy' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.prependAtCopy',
00040                 'title' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail',
00041                 'iconfile' => 'mail.gif',
00042                 'type' => 'type',
00043                 'useColumnsForDefaultValues' => 'from_email,from_name,replyto_email,replyto_name,organisation,priority,sendOptions,type'
00044         ),
00045         'interface' => Array (
00046                 'showRecordFieldList' => 'type,plainParams,HTMLParams,subject,from_name,from_email,replyto_name,replyto_email,organisation,attachment,priority,sendOptions,issent,renderedsize'
00047         ),
00048         'columns' => Array (    
00049                 'subject' => Array (
00050                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.subject',
00051                         'config' => Array (
00052                                 'type' => 'input',
00053                                 'size' => '30',
00054                                 'max' => '120',
00055                                 'eval' => 'trim,required'
00056                         )
00057                 ),
00058                 'page' => Array (       
00059                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/',
00060                         'config' => Array (
00061                                 'type' => 'group',
00062                                 'internal_type' => 'db',
00063                                 'allowed' => 'pages',
00064                                 'size' => '3',
00065                                 'maxitems' => 1,
00066                                 'minitems' => 0
00067                         )
00068                 ),
00069                 'from_email' => Array (
00070                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.from_email',
00071                         'config' => Array (
00072                                 'type' => 'input',      
00073                                 'size' => '30',
00074                                 'max' => '80',
00075                                 'eval' => 'trim,required'
00076                         )
00077                 ),
00078                 'from_name' => Array (
00079                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.from_name',
00080                         'config' => Array (
00081                                 'type' => 'input',      
00082                                 'size' => '30',
00083                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00084                                 'max' => '80'
00085                         )
00086                 ),
00087                 'replyto_email' => Array (
00088                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.replyto_email',
00089                         'config' => Array (
00090                                 'type' => 'input',      
00091                                 'size' => '30',
00092                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00093                                 'max' => '80'
00094                         )
00095                 ),
00096                 'replyto_name' => Array (
00097                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.replyto_name',
00098                         'config' => Array (
00099                                 'type' => 'input',      
00100                                 'size' => '30',
00101                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00102                                 'max' => '80'
00103                         )
00104                 ),
00105                 'return_path' => Array (
00106                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.return_path',
00107                         'config' => Array (
00108                                 'type' => 'input',      
00109                                 'size' => '30',
00110                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00111                                 'max' => '80'
00112                         )
00113                 ),
00114                 'organisation' => Array (
00115                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.organisation',
00116                         'config' => Array (
00117                                 'type' => 'input',      
00118                                 'size' => '30',
00119                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00120                                 'max' => '80'
00121                         )
00122                 ),
00123                 'priority' => Array (
00124                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.priority',
00125                         'config' => Array (
00126                                 'type' => 'select',             
00127                                 'items' => Array (
00128                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.priority.I.0', '5'),
00129                                         Array('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.normal', '3'),
00130                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.priority.I.2', '1')
00131                                 ),
00132                                 'default' => '3'
00133                         )
00134                 ),
00135                 'sendOptions' => Array (
00136                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.sendOptions',
00137                         'config' => Array (
00138                                 'type' => 'check',
00139                                 'items' => Array (
00140                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.sendOptions.I.0', ''),
00141                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.sendOptions.I.1', '')
00142                                 ),
00143                                 'default' => '3'
00144                         )
00145                 ),
00146                 'HTMLParams' => Array (
00147                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.HTMLParams',
00148                         'config' => Array (
00149                                 'type' => 'input',      
00150                                 'size' => '15',
00151                                 'max' => '80',
00152                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00153                                 'default' => ''
00154                         )
00155                 ),
00156                 'plainParams' => Array (
00157                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.plainParams',
00158                         'config' => Array (
00159                                 'type' => 'input',      
00160                                 'size' => '15',
00161                                 'max' => '80',
00162                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00163                                 'default' => '&type=99'
00164                         )
00165                 ),
00166                 'issent' => Array (     
00167                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.issent',
00168                         'config' => Array (
00169                                 'type' => 'none'
00170                         )
00171                 ),
00172                 'long_link_rdct_url' => Array (
00173                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.long_link_rdct_url',
00174                         'config' => Array (
00175                                 'type' => 'input',      
00176                                 'size' => '15',
00177                                 'max' => '80',
00178                                 'eval' => 'trim',
00179                                 'default' => ''
00180                         )
00181                 ),
00182                 'long_link_mode' => Array (     
00183                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.long_link_mode',
00184                         'config' => Array (
00185                                 'type' => 'check'
00186                         )
00187                 ),
00188                 'renderedsize' => Array (       
00189                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.renderedsize',
00190                         'config' => Array (
00191                                 'type' => 'none'
00192                         )
00193                 ),
00194                 'attachment' => Array (
00195                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.attachment',
00196                         'config' => Array (
00197                                 'type' => 'group',
00198                                 'internal_type' => 'file',
00199                                 'allowed' => '',        // Must be empty for disallowed to work.
00200                                 'disallowed' => 'php,php3',
00201                                 'max_size' => '500',
00202                                 'uploadfolder' => 'uploads/dmail_att',
00203                                 'show_thumbs' => '0',
00204                                 'size' => '3',
00205                                 'maxitems' => '5',
00206                                 'minitems' => '0'
00207                         )
00208                 ),
00209                 'type' => Array (
00210                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.type',
00211                         'config' => Array (
00212                                 'type' => 'select',     
00213                                 'items' => Array (      
00214                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.type.I.0', '0'),
00215                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.type.I.1', '1')
00216                                 ),
00217                                 'default' => '0'
00218                         )
00219                 )
00220         ),
00221         'types' => Array (      
00222                 '0' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, page, plainParams, HTMLParams, --div--, subject;;;;3-3-3, from_email, from_name, replyto_email, replyto_name, return_path, organisation, attachment;;;;4-4-4, priority;;;;5-5-5, sendOptions, issent, renderedsize, long_link_rdct_url, long_link_mode'),
00223                 '1' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, 
00224                         plainParams;LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.plainParams.ALT.1,
00225                         HTMLParams;LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail.HTMLParams.ALT.1,
00226                         --div--, subject;;;;3-3-3, from_email, from_name, replyto_email, replyto_name, return_path, organisation, attachment;;;;4-4-4, priority;;;;5-5-5, sendOptions, issent, renderedsize, long_link_rdct_url, long_link_mode')
00227         )
00228 );
00230 // ******************************************************************
00231 // sys_dmail_group
00232 // ******************************************************************
00233 $TCA['sys_dmail_group'] = Array (
00234         'ctrl' => Array (
00235                 'label' => 'title',
00236                 'default_sortby' => 'ORDER BY title',
00237                 'tstamp' => 'tstamp',
00238                 'prependAtCopy' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.prependAtCopy',
00239                 'title' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group',
00240                 'delete' => 'deleted',
00241                 'iconfile' => 'mailgroup.gif',
00242                 'type' => 'type'
00243         ),
00244         'interface' => Array (
00245                 'showRecordFieldList' => 'type,title,description'
00246         ),
00247         'columns' => Array (    
00248                 'title' => Array (
00249                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.title',
00250                         'config' => Array (
00251                                 'type' => 'input',
00252                                 'size' => '30',
00253                                 'max' => '120',
00254                                 'eval' => 'trim,required'
00255                         )
00256                 ),
00257                 'description' => Array (
00258                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.description',
00259                         'config' => Array (
00260                                 'type' => 'text',
00261                                 'cols' => '40', 
00262                                 'rows' => '3'
00263                         )
00264                 ),
00265                 'type' => Array (
00266                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.type',
00267                         'config' => Array (
00268                                 'type' => 'select',     
00269                                 'items' => Array (      
00270                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.type.I.0', '0'),
00271                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.type.I.1', '1'),
00272                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.type.I.2', '2'),
00273                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.type.I.3', '3'),
00274                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.type.I.4', '4')
00275                                 ),
00276                                 'default' => '0'
00277                         )
00278                 ),
00279                 'static_list' => Array (
00280                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.static_list',
00281                         'config' => Array (
00282                                 'type' => 'group',
00283                                 'internal_type' => 'db',
00284                                         'allowed' => 'tt_address,fe_users',
00285                                         'MM' => 'sys_dmail_group_mm',
00286                                 'size' => '20',
00287                                 'maxitems' => '100000',
00288                                 'minitems' => '0',
00289                                 'show_thumbs' => '1'
00290                         )
00291                 ),
00292                 'pages' => Array (
00293                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.startingpoint',
00294                         'config' => Array (
00295                                 'type' => 'group',
00296                                 'internal_type' => 'db',
00297                                         'allowed' => 'pages',
00298                                 'size' => '3',
00299                                 'maxitems' => '22',
00300                                 'minitems' => '0',
00301                                 'show_thumbs' => '1'
00302                         )
00303                 ),
00304                 'mail_groups' => Array (
00305                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.mail_groups',
00306                         'config' => Array (
00307                                 'type' => 'group',
00308                                 'internal_type' => 'db',
00309                                         'allowed' => 'sys_dmail_group',
00310                                 'size' => '3',
00311                                 'maxitems' => '22',
00312                                 'minitems' => '0',
00313                                 'show_thumbs' => '1'
00314                         )
00315                 ),
00316                 'recursive' => Array (
00317                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.recursive',
00318                         'config' => Array (
00319                                 'type' => 'check'
00320                         )
00321                 ),
00322                 'whichtables' => Array (
00323                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.whichtables',
00324                         'config' => Array (
00325                                 'type' => 'check',
00326                                 'items' => Array (      
00327                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.whichtables.I.0', ''),
00328                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.whichtables.I.1', ''),
00329                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.whichtables.I.2', ''),
00330                                 ),
00331                                 'cols' => 3,
00332                                 'default' => 1
00333                         )
00334                 ),
00335                 'list' => Array (
00336                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.list',
00337                         'config' => Array (
00338                                 'type' => 'text',
00339                                 'cols' => '48', 
00340                                 'rows' => '10'
00341                         )
00342                 ),
00343                 'csv' => Array (
00344                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.type',
00345                         'config' => Array (
00346                                 'type' => 'select',     
00347                                 'items' => Array (
00348                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.csv.I.0', '0'),
00349                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.csv.I.1', '1')
00350                                 ),
00351                                 'default' => '0'
00352                         )
00353                 ),
00354                 'select_categories' => Array (
00355                         'label' => 'LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories',
00356                         'config' => Array (
00357                                 'type' => 'check',
00358                                 'items' => Array (      
00359                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.0',0),
00360                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.1',1),
00361                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.2',2),
00362                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.3',3),
00363                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.4',4),
00364                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.5',5),
00365                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.6',6),
00366                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.7',7),
00367                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.8',8),
00368                                         Array('LLL:EXT:direct_mail/locallang_tca.php:sys_dmail_group.select_categories.I.9',9)
00369                                 ),
00370                                 'cols' => 5
00371                         )
00372                 )
00373         ),
00374         'types' => Array (      
00375                 '0' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, description, --div--,pages;;;;5-5-5,recursive,whichtables,select_categories'),
00376                 '1' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, description, --div--,list;;;;5-5-5,csv'),
00377                 '2' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, description, --div--,static_list;;;;5-5-5'),
00378                 '3' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, description'),
00379                 '4' => Array('showitem' => 'type;;;;1-1-1, title;;;;3-3-3, description, --div--,mail_groups;;;;5-5-5')
00380         )
00381 );
00384 t3lib_extMgm::addLLrefForTCAdescr('sys_dmail','EXT:direct_mail/locallang_csh_sysdmail.php');
00385 t3lib_extMgm::addLLrefForTCAdescr('sys_dmail_group','EXT:direct_mail/locallang_csh_sysdmailg.php');
00387 ?>

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