Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 /***************************************************************
00003 *  Copyright notice
00004 *  
00005 *  (c) 1999-2004 Kasper Skaarhoj (
00006 *  All rights reserved
00007 *
00008 *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 
00009 *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012 *  (at your option) any later version.
00013 * 
00014 *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
00015 *
00016 *  A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
00017 *  from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
00018 *
00019 * 
00020 *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00021 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00023 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00024 *
00025 *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
00026 ***************************************************************/
00031 require_once(PATH_t3lib."class.t3lib_extobjbase.php");
00033 class tx_cmsplaintextimport_webfunc extends t3lib_extobjbase {
00034         function modMenu()      {
00035                 return array (
00036                         "import_function" => array(
00037                                 0 => "[ SELECT TYPE ]",
00038                                 "txt" => "Import Plain Text",
00039                         ),
00040                         "import_txt_format" => array(
00041                                 0 => "Plain",
00042                                 1 => htmlspecialchars("---new_page---/---new_section---")
00043                         ),
00044                         "import_source" => array(
00045                                 "direct" => "Direct Input"
00046                         ),
00047                         "import_txt_trimWhiteSpace" => "",
00048                 );      
00049         }
00050         function main() {
00051                 global $SOBE,$BE_USER,$LANG,$BACK_PATH,$TCA_DESCR,$TCA,$CLIENT,$TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
00053                 $extension = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_function"];
00054                 $sourceData = t3lib_div::_GP("directInput");
00055                 if (strcmp(trim($sourceData),""))       {
00056                         $theData = Array();     
00057                         switch($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_format"])  {
00058                                 case 0:
00059                                         if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_trimWhiteSpace"])     {$sourceData = trim($sourceData);}
00060                                         $pageKey=$this->pObj->id;
00061                                         $theData[$pageKey][uniqid("NEW")]["bodytext"]=$sourceData;
00062                                 break;
00063                                 case 1:
00064                                         $pages = split(sql_regcase("---new_page---"), $sourceData);
00066                                         while(list($theKey,$theVal)=each($pages))       {
00067                                                 if (trim($theVal))      {
00068                                                         if ($theKey)    {       // If $theKey, then it's a new page. Otherwise it's the current page
00069                                                                 $pageKey = uniqid("NEW");
00070                                                         } else {
00071                                                                 $pageKey=$this->pObj->id;
00072                                                         }
00073                                                         $sections = split(sql_regcase("---new_section---"), $theVal);
00074                 //                                      debug($sections);
00075                                                         while(list($c,$theContent)=each($sections))     {
00076                                                                 $secId = uniqid("NEW");
00077                                                                 $theContent=$this->cleanEnds($theContent);
00078                                                                 if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_trimWhiteSpace"])     {$theContent = trim($theContent);}
00079                                                                 if ($theKey && !$c)     {       // A new page-header is created.
00080                                                                         $parts = split(chr(10),$theContent,3);
00081                                                                         $theData[$pageKey]["title"]=trim($parts[0]) ? trim($parts[0]) : "[NO TITLE]";
00082                                                                         $theData[$pageKey]["subtitle"]=trim($parts[1]);
00083                                                                                 // If there are more than the two lines, then a new section is created by setting the content-var again
00084                                                                         if (trim($parts[2]))    {
00085                                                                                 $theContent=  $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_trimWhiteSpace"] ? trim($parts[2]) : $parts[2];
00086                                                                                 $theContent= chr(10).$theContent;       // The header is set to "" by adding a single linebreak...
00087                                                                         } else {
00088                                                                                 $theContent="";
00089                                                                         }
00090                                                                 }
00091                                                                 if (trim($theContent)) {
00092                                                                         $parts = split(chr(10),$theContent,2);
00093                                                                                 // If the first line is longer than (80) chars, then it's regarded a part of the content.
00094                                                                         if (strlen($parts[0])>80)       {
00095                                                                                 $parts[1]=$parts[0].chr(10).$parts[1];
00096                                                                                 $parts[0]="";
00097                                                                         }
00098                                                                                         // Prepends "http://" and "mailto:" to all webadresses starting with www and all email-adresses.
00099                                                                         $parts[1]=" ".$parts[1];        // Add space in the beginning (because of the regexes...
00100                                                                         $parts[1]=ereg_replace("([ ".chr(10).chr(13)."])(".sql_regcase("www")."\.)","\\1http://\\2",$parts[1]);
00101                                                                         $parts[1]=ereg_replace("([ ".chr(10).chr(13)."])([^ ]*@)","\\1mailto:\\2",$parts[1]);
00102                                                                         $parts[1]=substr($parts[1],1);  // Strip the space in the beginning.
00103                                                                                         // If a paragraph starts with "-" then it's regarded as a quote and set in italics
00104                                                                         $lines = explode(chr(10),$parts[1]);
00105                                                                         while(list($a,$b)=each($lines)) {
00106                                                                                 if (substr(trim($b),0,1)=="-")  {
00107                                                                                         $lines[$a]='<i>'.$lines[$a].'</i>';
00108                                                                                 }
00109                                                                         }
00110                                                                         $parts[1]=implode($lines,chr(10));
00111                                                                                         // putting the content
00112                                                                         $theData[$pageKey][$secId]["header"]=$parts[0];
00113                                                                         $theData[$pageKey][$secId]["bodytext"]=$parts[1];
00114                                                                 }
00115                                                         }
00116                                                 }
00117                                         }
00118                                 break;
00119                         }
00121                         $output = "";
00122                         reset($theData);
00123                         while(list($key,$val)=each($theData))   {
00124                                 $output.="<HR><b>PAGE: ".$key."</b><BR>";
00125                                 if (!t3lib_div::testInt($key))  {
00126                                         $output.='<input type="hidden" name="data[pages]['.$key.'][pid]" value="'.$this->pObj->pageinfo["uid"].'">';
00127                                         $output.='<input type="hidden" name="data[pages]['.$key.'][hidden]" value="0">';
00128                                         $output.='Title:<BR><input type="text" size=50 name="data[pages]['.$key.'][title]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($val["title"]).'"><BR>';
00129                                         $output.='Subtitle:<BR><input type="text"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth().' name="data[pages]['.$key.'][subtitle]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($val["subtitle"]).'"><BR>';
00130                                 }
00131                                 while(list($theSectionKey,$theSectionVal)=each($val))   {
00132                                         if (strstr($theSectionKey,"NEW"))       {
00133                                                 $output.='<input type="hidden" name="data[tt_content]['.$theSectionKey.'][pid]" value="'.$key.'">';
00134                                                 $output.='Header:<BR><input type="text"'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidth().' name="data[tt_content]['.$theSectionKey.'][header]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($theSectionVal["header"]).'"><BR>';
00135                                                 $output.='Bodytext:<BR><textarea'.$GLOBALS["TBE_TEMPLATE"]->formWidthText().' rows=6 name="data[tt_content]['.$theSectionKey.'][bodytext]">'.t3lib_div::formatForTextarea($theSectionVal["bodytext"]).'</textarea><BR>';
00136                                         }
00137                                 }
00138                         }
00140                         $output='</form><form action="'.$BACK_PATH.'tce_db.php" method="POST" name="editform">'.$output;
00141                         $output.='<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="SAVE"><input type="hidden" name="flags[reverseOrder]" value="1">';
00142                         $output.='<input type="Hidden" name="redirect" value="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::linkThisUrl(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv("REQUEST_URI"),array("id"=>$this->pObj->id))).'">';
00143                         $output.='&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="Submit" value="Abort" onClick="jumpToUrl(\'index.php?id='.$this->pObj->id.'\'); return false;">';
00145                         $theOutput.=$this->pObj->doc->section("Edit:",$output); 
00146                 } else {
00147                         if (!$extension)        $extension="txt";
00148                         switch($extension)      {
00149                                 case "txt":
00150                                         $Nmenu=array();
00151                                         $Nmenu[]= array(fw("Format:"), t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncMenu($this->pObj->id,"SET[import_txt_format]",$this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_format"],$this->pObj->MOD_MENU["import_txt_format"]));
00153                                         $Nmenu[]= array(fw("Trim whitespace:"),t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($this->pObj->id,"SET[import_txt_trimWhiteSpace]",$this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_txt_trimWhiteSpace"]));
00155                                         $theOutput.=$this->pObj->doc->section("Select options:",$this->pObj->doc->menuTable($Nmenu));
00156                                         $theOutput.=$this->pObj->doc->divider(5);
00157                                 break;
00158                                 default:
00159                                         $extension = "";
00160                                 break;
00161                         }
00162                         if ($extension) {
00163                                 $Nmenu= "Source: ".t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncMenu($this->pObj->id,"SET[import_source]",$this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_source"],$this->pObj->MOD_MENU["import_source"]);
00164                                 $theOutput.=$this->pObj->doc->section("Select file source:",'<NOBR>'.$Nmenu.'</NOBR><BR><BR>'.$this->printMenu($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS["import_source"],$extension));
00165                         }
00166                 }
00167                 return $theOutput;
00168         }
00169         function cleanEnds($string)     {
00170                 $parts = explode(chr(10),$string);
00171                 if (!trim($parts[(count($parts)-1)]))   unset($parts[(count($parts)-1)]);
00172                 if (!trim($parts[0]))   unset($parts[0]);
00173                 return implode($parts,chr(10));
00174         }
00175         function printMenu($kind, $ext) {
00176                 $content = "";          // If set, then this function returns content and not a menu
00178                 switch($kind)   {
00179                         case "direct":
00180                                         // Direct Input
00181                                 $output.= '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=460>';
00182                                 $output.= '<tr><td class="bgColor5"><b>'.fw('Direct Input').'</b></td></tr>';
00183                                 $output.= '<tr><td><textarea name="directInput"'.$this->pObj->doc->formWidthText().' rows=20 ></textarea><BR><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Send Direct Input"></td></tr>';
00184                                 $output.= '</table>';                   
00185                         break;
00186                 }
00188                 return $output;
00189         }
00190 }
00192 if (defined("TYPO3_MODE") && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/cms_plaintext_import/class.tx_cmsplaintextimport_webfunc.php"])        {
00193         include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/cms_plaintext_import/class.tx_cmsplaintextimport_webfunc.php"]);
00194 }
00196 ?>

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