Documentation TYPO3 par Ameos


00001 <?php
00002 /***************************************************************
00003 *  Copyright notice
00004 *  
00005 *  (c) 1999-2004 Kasper Skaarhoj (
00006 *  All rights reserved
00007 *
00008 *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is 
00009 *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00012 *  (at your option) any later version.
00013 * 
00014 *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
00015 *
00016 *  A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
00017 *  from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
00018 *
00019 * 
00020 *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00021 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00023 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00024 *
00025 *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
00026 ***************************************************************/
00033 class freesite_admin {
00035                 // internal
00036         var $data = array();    // Incoming data
00037         var $check = array();   // Tells which fields are still not OK.
00038         var $fieldsArray=array();
00039         var $HIDDEN_FIELDS="";  // Used to accumulate hidden-fields
00040         var $ALL_OK="";                 // This flag is set IF data has been input and they verify OK!
00041         var $verificationOK=""; // If this flag is set, then we're going to create the user!!!
00042         var $verificationCode="";       
00043         var $noDomainURL="";    // noDomainUrl is now the url (without http://) to the site. It's prepended with a slash.
00045                 // Internal - create
00046         var $groupTemplate = "";                // The users own group will be modelled after this group (be a copy)
00047         var $groupGeneral = "";         // The user becomes a member of this group, which should be about general configuration for all users.
00048         var $newsite_page = "";
00049         var $groupData=array();
00050         var $userData=array();
00051         var $user_uid = "";
00052         var $userGroup_uid = "";
00054                 // ***********************
00055                 // Default Configuration:
00056                 // ***********************
00057         var $sysConfig = Array (
00058                 "backendOnly" => 1,                                     // Boolean: If set, then the module will check for a backend login. If false, everyone can create a new site with the module at typo3conf/freesite/
00059                 "emailHeader" => "From: TYPO3 Freesite Creator <>",             // Header data for the emails send from the Freesite module
00060                         // **********************************
00061                         // ENTERING DATA:
00062                         // **********************************
00063                         // Configuration of features and how data is processed.
00064                 "pid_templateArchive" => 0,                     // PID: The PID (pages-uid) of the template archive. If 0 (zero), no template is created for the new site. If archive has no templates in it, the site gets an empty template. The archive folder should be a "sysFolder" -> In the template archive you should put template-records that you want the new websites to be "based on". Templates in subpages in the archive are also selectable. 
00065                 "pid_dummyPagesArchive" => 0,           // PID: The PID of the dummy page archive. If 0 (zero), no dummy pages are created for the new site. REMEMBER that the user MUST have read access to the dummy pages. Any pages, the user cannot read are (of course) not copied! The archive folder should be a "sysFolder" -> In the dummy page archive you should create pages with subpages that represent initial page structures for new sites created. Every page in the root of the dummy page archive represents a page-structure, and only sub- and subsub-pages are copied.
00066                 "exclude_templateSelect" => 0,          // Boolean: If set, you will NOT be able to select a template with this module. The default template however will be the first template found in the archive.
00067                 "exclude_dummyPages" => 0,                      // Boolean: If set, you will NOT be able to select a dummy page set with this module. The default dummy page set will be the first set found in the archive.
00068                 "previewData" => 0,                                     // Boolean: If set, the data entered in the module will be displayed for preview first! Previewing the entered data is a state between creation and modification of data, where the data is not editable and presented as ordinary text on the screen before final approval. Preview ENABLES the use of emailVerification... + the label "label_Preview"
00069                 "emailVerification" => 1,                       // Boolean: If set AND if previewData is enabled, the preview state of the module will send an email to the entered email-address with a verification-code. This code must be copy/pasted into a form-field and if the code is correct, the site will be created. This feature provides a way to verify the email-address of the user that is creating a website.
00070                 "emailVerificationSubject" => "Freesite Verification Code",     // String: Subject of the verification code email
00071                 "emailVerificationMessage" => "This is the verification code from the automatic site-creation tool. Just enter this code into the code-field on the website.",  // String: Body of the verification code email
00072                 "virtualDirRequired" => 0,                      // Boolean: If set, virtual directory MUST be entered!
00073                 "defaultLanguage" => "",                        // Default value for the language if not sent with form. Values must be from the current selection of TYPO3 language keys.
00075                 "defaultFormField_sitetitle" => "TITLE",                        // Name of the form-field (eg. "TITLE" for the default field), which content should be made the site-title of the template in case it's not set.
00077                         // Template, HTML-formatting, messages and labels
00078                 "templateFile" => "",                           // Filereference: (relative to sitePath) reference to a custom html-file to use as template. Default is "template.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00079                 "templateFile_selectTemplate" => "",    // Filereference: (relative to sitePath) reference to a custom html-file to use as template for display of template options. Default is "template.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00080                 "templateFile_selectPages" => "",               // Filereference: (relative to sitePath) reference to a custom html-file to use as template for display of page options. Default is "template.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00081                 "inputFieldParams" => 'size=55',        // String: HTML <input>-tag parameters for the form. Primarily used to set the size/max of all the form-fields.
00082                 "notCorrectHTML" => '<BR><img src="../../../t3lib/gfx/icon_fatalerror.gif" width=18 height=16 align=top> ',     // HTML-code that displays a warning that this field has not been correctly filled
00083                 "msgBadUsername" => 'The username is too short or it exists allready. Please enter another one.',
00084                 "msgBadPassword" => 'The password is too short.',
00085                 "msgBadEmail" => 'This is not a valid email address.',
00086                 "msgBadPath" => 'This directory is in use allready (or not allowed).',
00087                 "msgBadDomain" => 'This domain-name is not valid.',
00088                 "msgBadDomain_used" => 'The domain is allready used in TYPO3',
00089                 "msgBadValue" => 'This field is required!',
00090                 "msgEmailVerificationCode" => '<B>EMAIL Verification:</b><BR>A verification code has been send to <i>%s</i>. Read your mail and enter the code in this field in order to continue!<BR>',                // String: The content of this variable is displayed as a message before the field in which the code should be entered.
00091                 "label_Update" => 'Update information',
00092                 "label_Return" => 'Make changes',
00093                 "label_Preview" => 'Freeze information',                
00094                 "label_Create" => 'Create site!',
00096                 "templateFile_selectTemplate" => "",    // Filereference: (relative to sitePath) reference to a custom html-file to use as template for display of template options. Default is "template.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00097                 "templateFile_selectPages" => "",               // Filereference: (relative to sitePath) reference to a custom html-file to use as template for display of page options. Default is "template.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00098                 "templateSelect_noInfoLink" => 0,       // Boolean: If set, there will be NO info-link at each of the templates in the list.
00100                         // **********************************
00101                         // CREATE SITE:
00102                         // **********************************
00103                         // ID's
00104                 "testingOnly" => 0,                                             // Boolean. If set, NOTHING is put in the database and no directories are created. Just testing the submitted values (which are printed with the debug()-function)
00105                 "pid_newsite" => 0,                                             // PID: The pages-uid under which new sites are created! If this is NOT set and valid, users will not get a new site!! (So this affects everything). Users will just be created with their group and any optional user-/groupHomeDir
00106                 "uid_templateGroup" => 0,                               // be_groups-UID, Optional: The user-group to use as a model for the created usergroups! What this means is that certain fields from this groups is directly copied to the created groups! The fields are: (inc_access_lists,non_exclude_fields,pagetypes_select,tables_select,tables_modify,groupMods,db_mountpoints,db_mountpoints,file_mountpoints). See tables.php for further information.
00107                 "uid_generalGroup" => 0,                                // be_groups-UID, Optional: The user-group to use as a secondary group for all created users. New users will be a member of their own group + this group (if it exists). Good trick is to include this general group as a subgroup of the template group. This way new users to the site needs only being members of the template group and not both...
00108                         // Create features:
00109                 "create_lockToDomain" => 1,                             // Boolean: If set, the users and groups are locked to their domains, if domain is entered. LockToDomain is a feature that lets users login (and groups be enabled) only from that domain!
00110                 "create_fileoper_perms_default" => 7,   // Integer/Bits: Default value for the be_users.fileoper_perms field. See the item in tables.php for further details. "7" enables the user to do most basic fileoperations.
00111                 "createDomains" => 1,                                   // Boolean. If set, a sys_domain record will be created for the site IF either a domain-name or virtual-directory is given.
00112                 "createVirtualDirs" => 0,                               // Boolean. If set, a virtual-directory in the root of the typo3-site is created. This REQUIRES a domain-record and therefore "createDomains" must be enabled for this feature to work. Does not work on Windows. -> A virtual directory is a directory that consists of softlinks to the majority of files/folders in the root of the typo3-site. This feature provides a way to let "" go to a specific page (site) in the page-structure.
00113                 "createNewGroupDir" => 0,                               // Boolean. If set and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["groupHomePath"] is set and valid, a new directory for the group is created here! (that is a directory with the number "be_groups.uid" of the usergroup)
00114                 "createNewUserDir" => 0,                                // Boolean. If set and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["userHomePath"] is set, a new directory for the user is created here! NORMALLY just create a group-dir. Should be sufficient for most cases. (that is a directory with the number "be_users.uid" of the new user)
00115                         // Messages, template
00116                 "templateFile_created" => "",                   // Filereference: (relative to PATH_site) reference to a custom html-file to use as template after the site has been created. Default is "template_created.html". Look in this file to see how it works... (###.....### marks are substituted)
00117                 "notify_email" => "",                                   // Email-addr: Enter email-adress to be notified when a site is created. (admin notification)
00118                 "notifyUser_email" => 1,                                        // Boolean. Sends username and password to the user when site is created!
00119                 "notifyUser_emailSubject" => 'TYPO3 Freesite Created',
00120                 "notifyUser_emailMessage" => '
00121 The new TYPO3 site has been created for you!
00123 The website is found at: ###WEBSITE_URL###
00125 Username: ###USERNAME###
00126 Password: ###PASSWORD###
00128 You enter the administration site at :
00129 ###LINK_URL###
00131 Kind regards.
00132                                 '
00133         );
00135         var $backPath = "";
00136         var $genTree_HTML = "";
00143         function freesite_admin () {
00144                 $this->backPath = $GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"];
00146                 $extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]["EXT"]["extConf"]["freesite"]);
00147                 if (!is_array($extConf))        {
00148                                 t3lib_BEfunc::typo3PrintError ("Configuration Error","No configuration found written to localconf.php. Please go to the Extension Manager, click the title of the Freesite extension and configure this module with the form in the bottom of the page!",0);
00149                                 exit;
00150                 }
00152                 $this->sysConfig = array_merge($this->sysConfig,$extConf);              // Candidate for t3lib_div::array_merge() if integer-keys will some day make trouble...
00153                 if (!$this->sysConfig["notify_email"])  $this->sysConfig["notify_email"] = $TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["warning_email_addr"];
00156                 // If windows, createVirtualDirs is disabled. Filesystem specific.
00157                 if (TYPO3_OS=="WIN")    {
00158                         $this->sysConfig["createVirtualDirs"]==0;               // Virtual dirs does not work on windows as we're using softlinks (UNIX-thing)
00159                 }
00162                 // ******************************
00163                 // Checking backend user login?
00164                 // ******************************
00165                 if ($this->sysConfig["backendOnly"])    {
00166                         if (!$GLOBALS["BE_USER"]->user["uid"])  {
00167                                 t3lib_BEfunc::typo3PrintError ("Login-error","No user logged in! Sorry, I can't proceed then!",0);
00168                                 exit;
00169                         }
00170                         $GLOBALS["BE_USER"]->modAccess($GLOBALS["MCONF"],1);
00171                 }
00172         }
00178         function genTree($theID, $depthData)    {
00179                 // Generates a list of Page-uid's that corresponds to the tables in the tree. This list should ideally include all records in the pages-table.
00180                 $a=0;
00182                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,title,doktype,hidden,deleted', 'pages', 'pid='.intval($theID).' AND NOT deleted', '', 'sorting');
00183                 $c = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
00184                 while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))      {
00185                         $a++;
00186                         $newID =$row[uid];
00188                         $this->genTree_HTML.="\n<DIV><NOBR>";
00189                         $PM = "join";
00190                         $LN = ($a==$c)?"blank":"line";
00191                         $BTM = ($a==$c)?"bottom":"";
00192                         $this->genTree_HTML.= $depthData.'<IMG src="'.$this->backPath.'t3lib/gfx/ol/'.$PM.$BTM.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top"><IMG src="'.$this->backPath.'gfx/i/pages.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top">'.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(strip_tags($row[title]),50).'</NOBR></DIV>';
00193                         $this->genTree($newID,$this->genTree_HTML ? $depthData.'<IMG src="'.$this->backPath.'t3lib/gfx/ol/'.$LN.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top">'  : '');
00194                 }
00195         }
00200         function doesExist($table,$field,$value)        {
00201                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', $table, $field.'="'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($value, $table).'"');
00202                 if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
00203                         return $row;
00204                 }
00205         }
00210         function getInputData($fieldName,$hsc=0)        {
00211                 $out = $this->data[$fieldName];
00212                 if ($hsc)       {
00213                         $out=htmlspecialchars($out);
00214                 }
00215                 return $out;
00216         }
00221         function isCorrect($fieldName)  {
00222                 if (isset($this->check[$fieldName]))    {
00223                         return $this->sysConfig["notCorrectHTML"].$this->check[$fieldName].'<BR>';
00224                 }
00225         }
00230         function cleanFileName($fileName)       {
00231                 // Returns a string where any character not matching [a-zA-Z0-9_-] is substituted by "_"
00232                 $theNewName = ereg_replace("[^\.[:alnum:]_-]","_",trim($fileName));
00233                 return substr($theNewName,0,50);
00234         }
00239         function rmSlash($string)       {
00240                 return ereg_replace("\/$","",$string);
00241         }
00246         function rmDoubleSlash($string) {
00247                 return str_replace("//","/",$string);
00248         }
00254         function getSubpart($content, $marker)  {
00255                 if ($marker && strstr($content,$marker))        {
00256                         $start = strpos($content, $marker)+strlen($marker);
00257                         $stop = @strpos($content, $marker, $start+1);
00258                         $sub = substr($content, $start, $stop-$start);
00260                         $reg=Array();           
00261                         ereg("^[^<]*-->",$sub,$reg);
00262                         $start+=strlen($reg[0]);
00264                         $reg=Array();           
00265                         ereg("<!--[^>]*$",$sub,$reg);
00266                         $stop-=strlen($reg[0]);
00268                         return substr($content, $start, $stop-$start);
00269                 }
00270         }
00275         function substituteSubpart($content,$marker,$subpartContent,$recursive=1)       {
00276                         // This function substitutes a subpart in $content with the content of $subpartContent.
00277                         // If $recursive is set, the function calls itself with the content set to the remaining part of the content after the second marker. This means that proceding subparts are ALSO substituted!
00278                         // If $subpartContent happens to be an array, it's [0] and [1] elements are wrapped around the content of the subpart (fetched by $this->getSubpart())
00279                 $start = strpos($content, $marker);
00280                 $stop = @strpos($content, $marker, $start+1)+strlen($marker);
00281                 if ($start && $stop>$start)     {
00282                                 // code before
00283                         $before = substr($content, 0, $start);
00284                         $reg=Array();           
00285                         ereg("<!--[^>]*$",$before,$reg);
00286                         $start-=strlen($reg[0]);
00287                         $before = substr($content, 0, $start);
00288                                 // code after
00289                         $after = substr($content, $stop);
00290                         $reg=Array();           
00291                         ereg("^[^<]*-->",$after,$reg);
00292                         $stop+=strlen($reg[0]);
00293                         $after = substr($content, $stop);
00294                                 // replace?
00295                         if (is_array($subpartContent))  {
00296                                 $substContent=$subpartContent[0].$this->getSubpart($content,$marker).$subpartContent[1];
00297                         } else {
00298                                 $substContent=$subpartContent;
00299                         }
00301                         if ($recursive && strpos($after, $marker))      {
00302                                 return $before.$substContent.$this->substituteSubpart($after,$marker,$subpartContent);
00303                         } else {
00304                                 return $before.$substContent.$after;
00305                         }
00306                 } else {
00307                         return $content;
00308                 }
00309         }
00314         function insertInDatabase($table,$data,$uid=0)  {
00315                 if ($table && is_array($data))  {
00316                         unset($data["uid"]);
00318                         if (count($data))       {
00319                                 if ($this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])    {
00320                                         debug($table);
00321                                         debug($data);
00323                                         if ($uid)       {
00324                                                 $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), $data);
00325                                         } else {
00326                                                 $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->INSERTquery($table, $data);
00327                                         }
00328                                         debug($query,1);
00330                                         return "99999";
00331                                 } else {
00332                                         if ($uid)       {
00333                                                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), $data);
00334                                         } else {
00335                                                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery($table, $data);
00336                                         }
00337                                         $err = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error();
00338                                         if ($err)       {
00339                                                 debug($err,1);
00340                                                 debug($table,1);
00341                                                 debug($query,1);
00343                                                 exit;
00344                                         }
00345                                         return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
00346                                 }
00347                         }
00348                 }
00349                 die("The record could not be inserted or updated! ".$table);
00350         }
00368         function main() {
00370                 $this->data = t3lib_div::_POST("data");
00371                 $this->verifyData();
00372                 $this->isReady();
00374                 // ***********************
00375                 // Enter/Check data:
00376                 // ***********************
00377                 if (!$this->verificationOK)     {                       // That is, we're still entering data... opposed to creating the site and records.
00378                         $templateCode = $this->enteringData();
00379                 } else {        
00380                         $templateCode = $this->creatingData();
00381                 }
00383                 echo $templateCode;
00385                 if ($this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])    {
00386                         echo "<HR>";
00387                         debug("DATA:");
00388                         debug($this->data);
00389                 }
00390         }
00395         function verifyData()   {
00396                         // *********************************************
00397                         // Processing Incoming data:
00398                         // 
00399                         // If there has been some incoming data:
00400                         // Stripslashes + check the content!
00401                         // **********************************************
00402                 if (is_array($this->data))      {
00403                         reset($this->data);
00404                         while(list($k,$v)=each($this->data))    {
00405                                 $v=trim($v);
00406                                 $ok=0;  // flag that if set allows a field to be blank.
00407                                 switch($k)      {
00408                                         case "FIELD_username":
00409                                                 $v=strtolower($v);                      // Lowercase
00410                                                 $v=$this->cleanFileName($v);    // No space
00411                                                 $v=substr($v,0,20);
00412                                                 if (strlen($v)<5 || $this->doesExist("be_users","username",$v)) {
00413                                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadUsername"];
00414                                                 }
00415                                         break;
00416                                         case "FIELD_email":
00417                                                 if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z0-9\._-]*[@][A-Za-z0-9\._-]*[\.].[A-Za-z0-9]*$",$v)) {
00418                                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadEmail"];
00419                                                 }
00420                                         break;
00421                                         case "FIELD_password":
00422                                                 if (strlen($v)<5)       {
00423                                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadPassword"];
00424                                                 }
00425                                         break;
00426                                         case "FIELD_lang":
00427                                                 if (!$v)        {
00428                                                         $v=$this->sysConfig["defaultLanguage"];
00429                                                 }
00430                                         break;
00431                                         case "TEMPLATE":
00432                                         case "DUMMY_PAGES":
00433                                                 $v=intval($v);
00434                                                 $ok=1;
00435                                         break;  
00436                                         case "FOLDER":
00437                                                 $v=str_replace("å","aa",$v);
00438                                                 $v=str_replace("Å","AA",$v);
00439                                                 $v=strtr($v, "áéúíâêûôîæøÁÉÚÍÄËÜÖÏÆØ", "aeuiaeuoieoAEUIAEUOIEO");
00441                                                 $v=$this->cleanFileName($v);
00442                                                 if ($v && (@file_exists(PATH_site.$v) || ereg("^typo|file|upload|media|t3lib|tslib",$v)))       {
00443                                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadPath"];
00444                                                 }
00445                                                 if (!$this->sysConfig["virtualDirRequired"])    {
00446                                                         $ok=1;
00447                                                 }
00448                                         break;          
00449                                         case "DOMAIN":
00450                                                 $v=strtolower($v);
00451                                                 if ($v) {
00452                                                         if (ereg("[^\.a-z0-9_-]",$v) || !strstr($v,"."))        {
00453                                                                 $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadDomain"];
00454                                                         } else {
00455                                                                 if ($this->doesExist("sys_domain","domainName",$v))     {
00456                                                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadDomain_used"];
00457                                                                 }
00458                                                         }
00459                                                 }
00460                                                 $ok=1;
00461                                         break;  
00462                                         CASE "TITLE":
00463                                                 $ok=1;
00464                                         break;                          
00465                                         default:
00466                                         break;
00467                                 }
00468                                 $this->data[$k]=$v;
00469                                 if (!$this->data[$k] && !$ok)   {
00470                                         $this->check[$k]=$this->sysConfig["msgBadValue"];
00471                                 }
00472                         }
00473                 }
00474         }       
00479         function isReady()      {
00480                 // *******************************************************
00481                 // Verifying if data entering is done
00482                 // If $this->verificationOK is set, then the site is created
00483                 // *******************************************************
00484                 $this->ALL_OK= (is_array($this->data) && !count($this->check));         // This flag is set IF data has been input and they verify OK!
00485                         // Verification code is calculated
00486                 $this->verificationOK="";               // If this flag is set, then we're going to create the user!!!
00487                 if ($this->ALL_OK)      {
00488                         ksort($this->data);
00489                         $this->verificationCode = strtoupper(substr(md5(serialize($this->data)),0,10));
00491                         $VERIFICATION_CODE = strtoupper(trim(t3lib_div::_POST("VERIFICATION_CODE")));           // The sent ver-code
00492                         if (t3lib_div::_POST("createButton"))           {       // Must press the createButton!
00493                                 $this->verificationOK = ($VERIFICATION_CODE && !strcmp($VERIFICATION_CODE,$this->verificationCode));
00494                         }
00495                 }
00496         }
00505         // **************************
00506         // 
00507         // ENTERING DATA
00508         // 
00509         // **************************
00515         function enteringData() {
00516                 // ****************
00517                 // Get the template file
00518                 // ****************
00519                 $templateFile= $this->sysConfig["templateFile"] ? PATH_site.$this->sysConfig["templateFile"] : "template.html";
00520                 $templateCode = t3lib_div::getURL($templateFile);
00521                 if (!$templateCode)     die("No template file!! (".$templateFile.")");
00524                 $this->fieldsArray["BACK_PATH"]=$this->backPath."../";
00526                 // ************************************
00527                 // Preview of template and page set
00528                 // ************************************
00529                 $this->fieldsArray["TEMPLATE_VIEW"]="";
00530                 if ($this->data["TEMPLATE"] && !$this->check["TEMPLATE"])       {
00531                         $fN="tmplimages/".$this->data["TEMPLATE"];
00532                         $file="";
00533                         if (@is_file($fN.".gif"))       {
00534                                 $file=$fN.".gif";
00535                         } elseif (@is_file($fN.".jpg")) {
00536                                 $file=$fN.".jpg";
00537                         }
00538                         if (@is_file($file))    {
00539                                 $fI = @getimagesize($file);
00540                                 if (is_array($fI))      {
00541                                         $this->fieldsArray["TEMPLATE_VIEW"]='<BR><img src="'.$file.'" '.$fI[3].'><BR>';
00542                                 }
00543                         }
00544                 }
00545                 $this->fieldsArray["DUMMY_PAGES_VIEW"]="";
00546                 if ($this->data["DUMMY_PAGES"] && !$this->check["DUMMY_PAGES"]) {
00547                         $this->genTree($this->data["DUMMY_PAGES"],"");
00548                         $this->fieldsArray["DUMMY_PAGES_VIEW"]="<BR><BR>".$this->genTree_HTML."<BR>";
00549                 }
00553                 if (!$this->ALL_OK || t3lib_div::_POST("updateButton")) {
00554                                 // If everything is NOT OK or if the updateButton is still pushed:
00555                         $this->displayDataForms();
00556                 } else {
00557                                 // If everything is OK and createButton is pushed:
00558                         $this->previewData();
00559                 }
00563                 // *****************************
00564                 // Substitute template markers
00565                 // *****************************
00566                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].=$this->HIDDEN_FIELDS;
00567                 reset($this->fieldsArray);
00568                 while(list($key,$content)=each($this->fieldsArray))     {
00569                         $templateCode = str_replace("###".$key."###",$content,$templateCode);
00570                 }
00571                 return $templateCode;
00572         }       
00577         function displayDataForms()     {
00578                 global $TCA;
00579                         // *****************************
00580                         // Getting language array
00581                         // *****************************
00582                 $languages=array();
00583                 t3lib_div::loadTCA("be_users");
00584                 if ($TCA["be_users"]["columns"]["lang"])                {
00585                         reset($TCA["be_users"]["columns"]["lang"]["config"]["items"]);
00586                         while(list(,$k)=each($TCA["be_users"]["columns"]["lang"]["config"]["items"]))   {
00587                                 $theK = $k[1] ? $k[1] : "default";
00588                                 $languages[$theK]=$GLOBALS["LANG"]->sL($k[0]);
00589                         }
00590                 }
00592                         // *****************************
00593                         // Setting form-field extras    
00594                         // *****************************
00595                 $params=($this->sysConfig["inputFieldParams"] ? " ".$this->sysConfig["inputFieldParams"] : "") ;
00597                         // *****************************
00598                         // Personal information
00599                         // *****************************
00600                 $this->fieldsArray["FIELD_realName"]='<input type="Text" name="data[FIELD_realName]" value="'.$this->getInputData("FIELD_realName",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("FIELD_realName");
00601                 $this->fieldsArray["FIELD_email"]='<input type="Text" name="data[FIELD_email]" value="'.$this->getInputData("FIELD_email",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("FIELD_email");
00602                 $this->fieldsArray["FIELD_username"]='<input type="Text" name="data[FIELD_username]" value="'.$this->getInputData("FIELD_username",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("FIELD_username");
00603                 $this->fieldsArray["FIELD_password"]='<input type="Text" name="data[FIELD_password]" value="'.$this->getInputData("FIELD_password",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("FIELD_password");
00605                 $oTags="";
00606                 reset($languages);
00607                 $cmpValue = $this->getInputData("FIELD_lang") ? $this->getInputData("FIELD_lang") : $this->sysConfig["defaultLanguage"];
00608                 while(list($key,$val)=each($languages)) {
00609                         $oTags.='<option value="'.$key.'"'.($key==$cmpValue?' selected':'').'>'.$val.'</option>';
00610                 }
00611                 $this->fieldsArray["FIELD_lang"]='<select name="data[FIELD_lang]">'.$oTags.'</select>'.$this->isCorrect("FIELD_lang");
00613                         // *****************************
00614                         // Website specific:
00615                         // *****************************
00616                 $this->fieldsArray["TITLE"]='<input type="Text" name="data[TITLE]" value="'.$this->getInputData("TITLE",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("TITLE");
00617                 $this->fieldsArray["FOLDER"]='<input type="Text" name="data[FOLDER]" value="'.$this->getInputData("FOLDER",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("FOLDER");
00618                 $this->fieldsArray["DOMAIN"]='<input type="Text" name="data[DOMAIN]" value="'.$this->getInputData("DOMAIN",1).'"'.$params.'>'.$this->isCorrect("DOMAIN");
00621                         // *****************************
00622                         // Template
00623                         // *****************************
00624                 $pid = intval($this->sysConfig["pid_templateArchive"]);
00625                 $oTags="";
00626                 $firstUID=0;
00627                 if ($pid)       {
00628                                 // Select templates in root
00629                         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime', '', 'sorting');
00630                         while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
00631                                 if (!$firstUID) $firstUID=$row[uid];
00632                                 $key=$row["uid"];
00633                                 $val=$row["title"];
00634                                 $oTags.='<option value="'.$key.'"'.($key==$this->getInputData("TEMPLATE")?' selected':'').'>'.$val.'</option>';
00635                         }
00636                                 // Select subcategories of template folder.
00637                         $page_res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'pages', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime AND NOT fe_group', '', 'sorting');
00638                         while($page_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($page_res))     {
00639                                         // Subcategory templates
00640                                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($page_row['uid']).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime', '', 'sorting');
00641                                 while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
00642                                         if (!$firstUID) $firstUID=$row[uid];
00643                                         $key=$row["uid"];
00644                                         $val=$page_row["title"]." / ".$row["title"];
00645                                         $oTags.='<option value="'.$key.'"'.($key==$this->getInputData("TEMPLATE")?' selected':'').'>'.$val.'</option>';
00646                                 }
00647                         }
00648                         $this->fieldsArray["TEMPLATE"]='<select name="data[TEMPLATE]">'.$oTags.'</select>'.$this->isCorrect("TEMPLATE");
00649                         if ($this->sysConfig["exclude_templateSelect"]) {
00650                                 $this->fieldsArray["TEMPLATE"]="";
00651                                 $this->HIDDEN_FIELDS.='<input type="hidden" name="data[TEMPLATE]" value="'.$firstUID.'">';
00652                         }
00653                 } else {
00654                         $this->fieldsArray["TEMPLATE"]="";
00655                 }
00657                         // *****************************
00658                         // Dummy Pages
00659                         // *****************************
00660                 $pid = intval($this->sysConfig["pid_dummyPagesArchive"]);
00661                 $oTags="";
00662                 $firstUID=0;
00663                 if ($pid)       {
00664                         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'pages', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime AND NOT fe_group', '', 'sorting');
00665                         while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
00666                                 if (!$firstUID) $firstUID=$row[uid];
00667                                 $key=$row["uid"];
00668                                 $val=$row["title"];
00669                                 $oTags.='<option value="'.$key.'"'.($key==$this->getInputData("DUMMY_PAGES")?' selected':'').'>'.$val.'</option>';
00670                         }
00671                         $this->fieldsArray["DUMMY_PAGES"]='<select name="data[DUMMY_PAGES]">'.$oTags.'</select>'.$this->isCorrect("DUMMY_PAGES");
00672                         if ($this->sysConfig["exclude_dummyPages"])     {
00673                                 $this->fieldsArray["DUMMY_PAGES"]='';
00674                                 $this->HIDDEN_FIELDS.='<input type="Hidden" name="data[DUMMY_PAGES]" value="'.$firstUID.'">';
00675                         }
00676                 } else {
00677                         $this->fieldsArray["DUMMY_PAGES"]='';
00678                 }
00680                         // *****************************
00681                         // UPDATE_CREATE
00682                         // *****************************
00683                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"]='<input type="Submit" name="updateButton" value="'.$this->sysConfig["label_Update"].'">';
00684                 if ($this->ALL_OK)      {               // If every thing  is OK!
00685                         if ($this->sysConfig["previewData"])    {
00686                                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].=' <input type="Submit" name="previewButton" value="'.$this->sysConfig["label_Preview"].'">';
00687                         } else {
00688                                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].=' <input type="Submit" name="createButton" value="'.$this->sysConfig["label_Create"].'">';
00689                                 $this->HIDDEN_FIELDS.='<input type="Hidden" name="VERIFICATION_CODE" value="'.$this->verificationCode.'">'.chr(10);
00690                         }
00691                 }
00692         }
00697         function previewData()  {
00698                 $fields=explode(",","FIELD_realName,FIELD_email,FIELD_username,FIELD_password,FIELD_lang,TITLE,FOLDER,DOMAIN,DUMMY_PAGES,TEMPLATE");
00699                 while(list(,$v)=each($fields))  {
00700                         switch($v)      {
00701                                 case "DOMAIN":
00702                                         if ($this->data["FOLDER"] && !$this->data["DOMAIN"])    {               // If the folder is given, but the domain is not...
00703                                                 $p=parse_url(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv("TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT"));
00704                                                 $dir=dirname($p["path"]);       // Strip file
00705                                                 $path=dirname(dirname($dir));   // strip the ../../ dirs
00706                                                 $this->fieldsArray[$v]="<b>".$path."</b>";
00707                                         } else {
00708                                                 $this->fieldsArray[$v]="<b>".$this->data[$v]."</b>";
00709                                         }
00710                                 break;                  
00711                                 default:
00712                                         $this->fieldsArray[$v]="<b>".$this->data[$v]."</b>";
00713                                 break;
00714                         }
00715                         $this->HIDDEN_FIELDS.='<input type="Hidden" name="data['.$v.']" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->data[$v]).'">'.chr(10);
00716                 }
00718                         // **************************   
00719                         // UPDATE_CREATE
00720                         // **************************   
00721                 if ($this->sysConfig["emailVerification"] && $this->sysConfig["previewData"])   {
00722                         $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"]=sprintf($this->sysConfig["msgEmailVerificationCode"],$this->data["FIELD_email"]);
00723                         $msg=$this->sysConfig["emailVerificationMessage"];
00725 //                      if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
00726                                 mail ($this->data["FIELD_email"], 
00727                                         $this->sysConfig["emailVerificationSubject"],
00728                                         $msg.chr(10).chr(10).$this->verificationCode,
00729                                         $this->sysConfig["emailHeader"]);
00730 //                      }
00731                         $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].='<input type="Text" name="VERIFICATION_CODE" value=""><BR><BR>'.chr(10);
00732                 } else {
00733                         $this->HIDDEN_FIELDS.='<input type="Hidden" name="VERIFICATION_CODE" value="'.$this->verificationCode.'">'.chr(10);
00734                 }
00736                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].='<input type="Submit" name="updateButton" value="'.$this->sysConfig["label_Return"].'">';
00737                 $this->fieldsArray["UPDATE_CREATE"].=' <input type="Submit" name="createButton" value="'.$this->sysConfig["label_Create"].'">';
00738         }
00744         // ********************************
00745         //
00746         // Creating the template
00747         //
00748         // ********************************
00749         function creatingData ()        {
00751                 // *********************************************************
00752                 // Get template, general group, newsite page.
00753                 // *********************************************************
00754                 $this->groupTemplate = $this->doesExist("be_groups","uid",$this->sysConfig["uid_templateGroup"]);               // The users own group will be modelled after this group (be a copy)
00755                 $this->groupGeneral = $this->doesExist("be_groups","uid",$this->sysConfig["uid_generalGroup"]);         // The user becomes a member of this group, which should be about general configuration for all users.
00756                 $this->newsite_page = $this->doesExist("pages","uid",$this->sysConfig["pid_newsite"]);
00759                 // ***************************
00760                 // Setting new group defaults
00761                 // ***************************
00762                         // Standard data.
00763                 $this->groupData=array();
00764                 $this->groupData["pid"]=0;
00765                 $this->groupData["tstamp"]=time();
00766                 $this->groupData["hidden"]=0;
00767                 $this->groupData["crdate"]=time();
00768                 $this->groupData["cruser_id"]=0;
00769                 $this->groupData["deleted"]=0;
00770                 //      $this->groupData["starttime"]=0;
00771                 //      $this->groupData["endtime"]=0;
00773                         // User specific
00774                 $this->groupData["title"]=$this->data["FIELD_username"];
00775                 $this->groupData["description"]=
00776                         "Sitetitle: ".$this->data["TITLE"].chr(10).
00777                         "Name: ".$this->data["FIELD_realName"].chr(10).
00778                         "Domain: ".$this->data["DOMAIN"].chr(10).
00779                         "Folder: ".$this->data["FOLDER"].chr(10);
00781                         // From template group:         
00782                 $this->groupData["inc_access_lists"]=           $this->groupTemplate["inc_access_lists"];
00783                 $this->groupData["non_exclude_fields"]= $this->groupTemplate["non_exclude_fields"];
00784                 $this->groupData["pagetypes_select"]=           $this->groupTemplate["pagetypes_select"];
00785                 $this->groupData["tables_select"]=              $this->groupTemplate["tables_select"];
00786                 $this->groupData["tables_modify"]=              $this->groupTemplate["tables_modify"];
00787                 $this->groupData["groupMods"]=                  $this->groupTemplate["groupMods"];
00788                 $this->groupData["db_mountpoints"]=             $this->groupTemplate["db_mountpoints"];         // The newsite pid is added to this!
00789                 $this->groupData["file_mountpoints"]=           $this->groupTemplate["file_mountpoints"];
00790                 $this->groupData["subgroup"]=           $this->groupTemplate["subgroup"];
00792                         // Lock To Domain?      
00793                 if ($this->sysConfig["create_lockToDomain"])    {
00794                         $this->groupData["lockToDomain"]=$this->data["DOMAIN"];
00795                 } else {
00796                         $this->groupData["lockToDomain"]="";
00797                 }
00802                 // ***************************
00803                 // Setting new user defaults
00804                 // ***************************
00805                         // standard data.
00806                 $this->userData=array();
00807                 $this->userData["pid"]=0;
00808                 $this->userData["tstamp"]=time();
00809                 $this->userData["admin"]=0;
00810                 $this->userData["disable"]=0;
00811                 $this->userData["starttime"]=0;
00812                 $this->userData["endtime"]=0;
00813                 $this->userData["crdate"]=time();
00814                 $this->userData["cruser_id"]=0;
00815                 $this->userData["deleted"]=0;
00817                         // user specific
00818                 $this->userData["username"]=$this->data["FIELD_username"];
00819                 $this->userData["password"]=md5($this->data["FIELD_password"]);
00820                 $this->userData["email"]=$this->data["FIELD_email"];
00821                 $this->userData["realName"]=$this->data["FIELD_realName"];
00823                 $this->data["FIELD_lang"] = $this->data["FIELD_lang"] ? $this->data["FIELD_lang"] : $this->sysConfig["defaultLanguage"];
00824                 $this->userData["lang"]=$this->data["FIELD_lang"]=="default" ? "" : $this->data["FIELD_lang"];
00826                         // This sets the mountpoints of the user to empty. Also it's configure (options) that the user should get his mountpoints from the groups.
00827                 $this->userData["db_mountpoints"]="";
00828                 $this->userData["file_mountpoints"]="";
00829                 $this->userData["options"]=3;
00831                         // Lock To Domain?
00832                 if ($this->sysConfig["create_lockToDomain"])    {
00833                         $this->userData["lockToDomain"]=$this->data["DOMAIN"];
00834                 } else {
00835                         $this->userData["lockToDomain"]="";
00836                 }
00838                         // Other options                
00839                 $this->userData["uc"]="";                       // No preconfiguration for the user.
00840                 $this->userData["userMods"]=""; // No special modules for the user.
00841                 $this->userData["fileoper_perms"]=$this->sysConfig["create_fileoper_perms_default"];
00843                 // ************************************************************************
00844                 // Checking (again) if the username is valid (that is, not used already)
00845                 // ************************************************************************
00846                 if (!$this->doesExist("be_users","username",$this->userData["username"]))       {
00847                         return $this->startCreate();
00848                 } else {
00849                         // SOMETHING WENT WRONG, probably the user did suddenly exist.
00850                         die("Some error occurred! (the user did exist for some reason!)");
00851                 }
00853         }               
00858         function startCreate()  {
00859                 $this->setNoDomainUrl();                // Setting the no domain url
00860                 $this->notifyAdmin();                   // Notify admin of this creation
00861                 $this->addUserAndGroup();
00862                 $this->createDirs();    
00864                         // ***************************************
00865                         // Create a user-object with the new user
00866                         // ***************************************
00867                 $new_BE_USER = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_beUserAuth");     // New backend user object
00868                 $new_BE_USER->OS = TYPO3_OS;
00869                 if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
00870                         $new_BE_USER->setBeUserByUid($this->user_uid);
00871                         $new_BE_USER->fetchGroupData();
00872                 }
00874                         // ********************************************************************************
00875                         // If the newsite_pid existed, the whole process of setting up the site is begun.
00876                         // ********************************************************************************
00877                 if (($new_BE_USER->user["uid"] || $this->sysConfig["testingOnly"]) && is_array($this->newsite_page))            {
00878                                 // copy pages...
00879                         $dummyPage_row=$this->doesExist("pages","uid",$this->data["DUMMY_PAGES"]);
00880                         if ($this->sysConfig["pid_dummyPagesArchive"] && is_array($dummyPage_row) && $this->sysConfig["pid_dummyPagesArchive"]==$dummyPage_row["pid"])  {
00881                                 $root_page_pid = $this->copyDummyPages($dummyPage_row["uid"],$new_BE_USER);
00882                                 if ($root_page_pid)     {
00883                                         $this->setGroupMountPoint($root_page_pid);
00884                                         $this->setRootPageProperties($root_page_pid);
00885                                         $virtualDir = $this->createVirtualDir();
00886                                         $domainData = $this->createDomainRecord($root_page_pid,$virtualDir);
00887                                         $this->createTemplateRecord($root_page_pid,$this->getRootPageTitle());
00888                                 } else die ("No pages copied");
00889                         } else die("no dummy page archive.");
00890                 } else die ("new_BE_USER did not exist OR newsite_page didn't exist");
00892                 $out = $this->createdOutput($domainData);       
00893                 $this->sendNotifyEmailToUser();
00894                 return $out;
00895         }
00900         function setNoDomainUrl()       {
00901                 $p=parse_url(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv("TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT"));            // Url of this script
00902                 $dir=dirname($p["path"]);       // Strip file
00903                 $sitedirname = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($dir))));        
00904                 if (substr($sitedirname,-1)!="/")       {
00905                         $sitedirname.="/";
00906                 }
00907                 $this->noDomainURL=$this->rmDoubleSlash($p["host"].$sitedirname);       // strip the dir of this tool
00908         }
00913         function notifyAdmin() {
00914                 $subject=$this->sysConfig["notifyUser_emailSubject"];
00915                 if ($this->sysConfig["notify_email"])   {
00916                         mail ($this->sysConfig["notify_email"], 
00917                                 $subject." (admin-note)",
00918                                 "New site is created by ".$this->data["FIELD_realName"]." (".$this->data["FIELD_email"].") at http://".$this->noDomainURL.chr(10).chr(10).
00919                                 "Username: ".$this->userData["username"].chr(10).
00920                                 "Password: ".$this->data["FIELD_password"].chr(10),
00921                                 $this->sysConfig["emailHeader"]);
00922                 }
00923         }
00928         function addUserAndGroup()      {
00929                         // Save the new usergroup to database
00930                 $this->testHeader("Add group");
00931                 $this->userGroup_uid=$this->insertInDatabase("be_groups",$this->groupData);
00933                         // Save the new user to database
00934                         // If there is a generalGroup, put it in the list
00935                 $this->userData["usergroup"]=$this->userGroup_uid;
00936                 if      ($this->groupGeneral) {
00937                         $this->userData["usergroup"].=",".$this->groupGeneral["uid"];
00938                 }
00939                 $this->testHeader("Add user");
00940                 $this->user_uid = $this->insertInDatabase("be_users",$this->userData);
00941         }       
00946         function createDirs()   {
00947                 global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
00948                         // *****************************************************************
00949                         // Create USER and GROUP directories, if required
00950                         // *****************************************************************
00951                 if ($this->sysConfig["createNewUserDir"] 
00952                         && t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["userHomePath"],$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["lockRootPath"])
00953                         && @is_dir($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["userHomePath"]))     {
00954                                 $folder=$this->rmDoubleSlash($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["userHomePath"]."/".$this->user_uid);
00955                                 if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
00956                                         mkdir ($folder, 0700);
00957                                         mkdir ($folder."/_temp_", 0700);
00958                                 } else {
00959                                         debug("CREATE user home dir: ".$folder,1);
00960                                 }
00961                 }
00962                 if ($this->sysConfig["createNewGroupDir"] 
00963                         && t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["groupHomePath"],$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["lockRootPath"])
00964                         && @is_dir($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["groupHomePath"]))    {
00965                                 $folder=$this->rmDoubleSlash($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["BE"]["groupHomePath"]."/".$this->userGroup_uid);
00966                                 if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
00967                                         mkdir ($folder, 0700);
00968                                         mkdir ($folder."/_temp_", 0700);
00969                                 } else {
00970                                         debug("CREATE group home dir: ".$folder,1);
00971                                 }
00972                 }
00973         }       
00978         function createVirtualDir()     {
00979                 $virtualDir=0;          // Boolean flag, that indicates if a folder has been created
00980                 $newFolder=PATH_site.$this->data["FOLDER"];
00982                 if (TYPO3_OS!="WIN" && $this->sysConfig["createVirtualDirs"] && $this->sysConfig["createDomains"] && $this->data["FOLDER"])     {
00983                         if (!@file_exists($newFolder))  {
00984                                 if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
00985                                         mkdir ($newFolder, 0700);
00986                                         $thelinks=explode(",","clear.gif,.htaccess,fileadmin,index.php,media,showpic.php,typo3,t3lib,tslib,typo3conf,typo3temp,uploads");
00987                                         while(list(,$target)=each($thelinks))   {
00988                                                 $dest=$newFolder."/".$target;
00989                                                 $target=PATH_site.$target;
00990                                                 if (@file_exists($target))      {
00991                                                         symlink ($target,$dest);
00992                                                 }
00993                                         }
00994                                 } else {
00995                                         debug("CREATE VIRTUAL FOLDER: ".$newFolder,1);
00996                                 }
00997                                 $virtualDir=1;
00998                         } else {
00999                                 die("This folder did exist allready! ".$newFolder);
01000                         }
01001                 }
01002                 return $virtualDir;
01003         }
01008         function copyDummyPages($src_uid,$new_BE_USER)  {
01009                 if (!$this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])   {
01010                         $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_TCEmain");
01011                         $tce->stripslashes_values=0;
01012                         $tce->copyTree=2;
01013                         $tce->neverHideAtCopy=1;
01015                                 // setting the user to admin rights temporarily during copy. The reason is that everything must be copied fully!
01016                         $new_BE_USER->user["admin"]=1;
01018                                 // Making copy-command
01019                         $cmd=array();
01020                         $cmd["pages"][$src_uid]["copy"]=$this->sysConfig["pid_newsite"];
01021                         $tce->start(array(),$cmd,$new_BE_USER);
01022                         $tce->process_cmdmap();
01024                                 // Unsetting the user.
01025                         unset($new_BE_USER);
01027                                 // Getting the new root page id.
01028                         $root_page_pid = $tce->copyMappingArray["pages"][$src_uid];
01029                         return $root_page_pid;
01030                 } else {
01031                         debug("COPY page structure: pid=".$src_uid,1);
01032                         return 99999;
01033                 }
01034         }       
01039         function setGroupMountPoint($root_page_pid)     {
01040                 $groupUpdate=array();
01041                 if ($this->groupData["db_mountpoints"]) {
01042                         $groupUpdate["db_mountpoints"] = $root_page_pid.",".$this->groupData["db_mountpoints"];
01043                 } else {
01044                         $groupUpdate["db_mountpoints"]=$root_page_pid;
01045                 }
01047                 $this->testHeader("Group Update");
01048                 $this->insertInDatabase("be_groups",$groupUpdate,$this->userGroup_uid);
01049         }
01054         function setRootPageProperties($root_page_pid)  {
01055                 $pageData=array();
01056                 $pageData["alias"]=$this->data["FIELD_username"];
01057                 $pageData["title"]= $this->getRootPageTitle();
01058                 $pageData["perms_userid"]=0;    // The root page should not be owned (and thereby deleteable) by the user
01060                 $this->testHeader("page Data update");
01061                 $this->insertInDatabase("pages",$pageData,$root_page_pid);
01062         }
01067         function getRootPageTitle()     {
01068                 return $this->data["TITLE"]?$this->data["TITLE"]:($this->data["DOMAIN"]?$this->data["DOMAIN"]:($this->data["FOLDER"]?$this->data["FOLDER"]:$this->data["FIELD_username"]));
01069         }
01074         function createDomainRecord($root_page_pid,$virtualDir) {
01075                 if (($virtualDir || $this->data["DOMAIN"]) && $this->sysConfig["createDomains"])        {
01076                         if (!$this->data["DOMAIN"])     {
01077                                 $path=$this->noDomainURL;
01078                         } else {
01079                                 $path=$this->data["DOMAIN"]."/";
01080                         }
01081                         if ($virtualDir)        {       // Only prepend virtual dir if it's set!
01082                                 $path.=$this->data["FOLDER"];
01083                         }
01084                         $path = $this->rmSlash($path);          // In any case, remove the last slash of the string.
01086                         $domainData=array();
01087                         $domainData["pid"]=$root_page_pid;
01088                         $domainData["tstamp"]=time();
01089                         $domainData["hidden"]=0;
01090                         $domainData["domainName"]=$path;
01091                         $domainData["redirectTo"]="";
01093                         if (!$this->doesExist("sys_domain","domainName",$path)) {
01094                                 $this->testHeader("sys_domain record");
01095                                 $this->insertInDatabase("sys_domain",$domainData);
01096                         }
01097                 }
01098                 return $domainData;
01099         }
01104         function createTemplateRecord($root_page_pid,$title)    {
01105                 if ($this->sysConfig["pid_templateArchive"])            {
01106                         // ************************
01107                         // Template data
01108                         // ************************
01109                         $templateData=array();
01110                                 // standard data
01111                         $templateData["pid"]=$root_page_pid;
01112                         $templateData["tstamp"]=time();
01113                         $templateData["sorting"]=0;
01114                         $templateData["crdate"]=time();
01115                         $templateData["cruser_id"]=0;
01116                         $templateData["deleted"]=0;
01117                         $templateData["hidden"]=0;
01118                         $templateData["starttime"]=0;
01119                         $templateData["endtime"]=0;
01121                                 // standard config
01122                         $templateData["root"]=1;
01123                         $templateData["clear"]=3;
01124                         $templateData["include_static"]="";
01125                         $templateData["constants"]="";
01126                         $templateData["config"]="";
01127                         $templateData["resources"]="";
01128                         $templateData["nextLevel"]="";
01129                         $templateData["description"]="[AUTO-GENERATED TEMPLATE - ".date("d-m-Y")."]".chr(10);
01131                                 // User specific:
01132                         $templateData["title"]=$title;
01133                         $templateData["sitetitle"]=$this->data[$this->sysConfig["defaultFormField_sitetitle"]];         
01134                         $templateData["basedOn"]=intval($this->data["TEMPLATE"]);
01136                         $this->testHeader("sys_template");
01137                         $this->insertInDatabase("sys_template",$templateData);
01138                 }
01139         }       
01144         function createdOutput($domainData)     {
01145                         // Get the template file
01146                 $templateFile= $this->sysConfig["templateFile_created"] ? PATH_site.$this->sysConfig["templateFile_created"] : "template_created.html";
01147                 $templateCode = t3lib_div::getURL($templateFile);
01148                 if (!$templateCode)     die("No template file!! (".$templateFile.")");
01150                         // ************************************************
01151                         // Output congratulation text:
01152                         // ************************************************
01153                 $this->fieldsArray["USERNAME"]=$this->userData["username"];
01154                 $this->fieldsArray["PASSWORD"]=$this->data["FIELD_password"];
01155                 $this->fieldsArray["WEBSITE_URL"]="http://".$this->rmSlash($domainData["domainName"]?$domainData["domainName"]:$this->noDomainURL)."/";
01156                 $this->fieldsArray["ADMIN_URL"]=$this->fieldsArray["WEBSITE_URL"].TYPO3_mainDir;
01157                 $this->fieldsArray["LINK_URL"]=$this->fieldsArray["ADMIN_URL"]."index.php?u=".rawurlencode($this->fieldsArray["USERNAME"])."&p=".rawurlencode($this->fieldsArray["PASSWORD"]);
01158                 $this->fieldsArray["EMAIL"]=$this->data["FIELD_email"];
01159                 if (!$domainData["domainName"]) {$this->fieldsArray["WEBSITE_URL"].='?'.$this->data["FIELD_username"];}         // Add alias for frontpage if not domain is set.
01161                 reset($this->fieldsArray);
01162                 while(list($key,$content)=each($this->fieldsArray))     {
01163                         $templateCode = str_replace("###".$key."###",$content,$templateCode);
01164                 }
01165                 return $templateCode;
01166         }
01171         function sendNotifyEmailToUser()        {
01172                 $msg=$this->sysConfig["notifyUser_emailMessage"];
01173                 $subject=$this->sysConfig["notifyUser_emailSubject"];
01174                 reset($this->fieldsArray);
01175                 while(list($key,$content)=each($this->fieldsArray))     {
01176                         $msg = str_replace("###".$key."###",$content,$msg);
01177                 }
01178                 if ($this->sysConfig["notifyUser_email"])       {
01179                         mail ($this->data["FIELD_email"], 
01180                                 $subject,
01181                                 $msg,
01182                                 $this->sysConfig["emailHeader"]);
01183                 }
01184         }
01189         function testHeader($label)     {
01190                 if ($this->sysConfig["testingOnly"])    {
01191                         echo '<HR>';
01192                         debug($label,1);
01193                 }
01194         }
01198         // ******************************
01199         //
01201         // 
01202         // ******************************
01204         function getTemplateHTML($uid,$title,$template) {
01205                 $fN="tmplimages/".$uid;
01206                 $file="";
01207                 if (@is_file($fN.".gif"))       {
01208                         $file=$fN.".gif";
01209                 } elseif (@is_file($fN.".jpg")) {
01210                         $file=$fN.".jpg";
01211                 }
01212                 if (@is_file($file))    {
01213                         $fI = @getimagesize($file);
01214                         if (is_array($fI))      {
01215                                 $image='<img src="'.$file.'" '.$fI[3].' border=0>';
01216                                 $image='<a href="#" onClick="select('.$uid.'); return false;">'.$image.'</a>';
01217                         }
01218                 }
01220                 $msg = $template;
01221                 $msg = str_replace("###TITLE###",$title,$msg);
01222                 $msg = str_replace("###IMAGE###",$image,$msg);
01223                 return $msg;
01224         }
01225         function getPagesHTML($uid,$title,$template)    {
01226                 $admin = t3lib_div::makeInstance("freesite_admin");
01227                 $admin->genTree($uid,"");
01229                 $pages=$admin->genTree_HTML;
01230                 $title='<a href="#" onClick="select('.$uid.'); return false;">'.$title.'</a>';
01232                 $msg = $template;
01233                 $msg = str_replace("###TITLE###",$title,$msg);
01234                 $msg = str_replace("###PAGES###",$pages,$msg);
01235                 return $msg;
01236         }       
01241                 // ************************************
01242                 // Get the list of templates or pages:
01243                 // ************************************
01245         function printSelect($theType)  {
01246                         // Get the template file
01247                 $theKey = "templateFile_".$theType;
01248                 $templateFile= $this->sysConfig[$theKey] ? PATH_site.$this->sysConfig[$theKey] : "template_".$theType.".html";
01249                 $templateCode = t3lib_div::getURL($templateFile);
01250                 if (!$templateCode)     die("No template file!! (".$templateFile.")");
01253                 $itemPart = $this->getSubpart($templateCode, "###TEMPLATE_ITEM###");
01254                 $out="";
01256                 switch($theType)        {
01257                         case "selectTemplate":
01258                                         // Template
01259                                 $infoUid = t3lib_div::_GP("infoUid");
01260                                 if ($infoUid && !$GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]["BE"]["EXTERNAL"]["FREESITE"]["templateSelect_noInfoLink"])        {
01261                                                 // Get template record:
01262                                         $tRec = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord("sys_template",$infoUid);
01263                                         if (is_array($tRec))    {
01264                                                 $existTemplate = $this->initialize_editor($tRec["pid"],$tRec["uid"]);           // initialize
01265                                                 $out.="<HR><h3>Template Information:</h3>";
01266                                                 $out.='<a href="index.php?script=template&infoUid='.$infoUid.'&allDetails=1">Show all categories</a><BR>';
01267                                                 $out.=$this->displayExample("");
01268                                         }
01269 //                                      $out.='<HR><a href="index.php?script=template#T'.$infoUid.'">BACK</a>';
01270                                 } else {
01271                                         $pid = intval($this->sysConfig["pid_templateArchive"]);
01272                                         $oTags="";
01273                                         $firstUID=0;
01274                                         if ($pid)       {
01275                                                         // Select templates in root
01276                                                 $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime', '', 'sorting');
01277                                                 while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
01278                                                         if (!$firstUID) $firstUID=$row[uid];
01279                                                         $key=$row["uid"];
01280                                                         $val=$row["title"];
01281                                                         $out.=$this->getTemplateHTML($key,$val,$itemPart);
01282                                                 }
01283                                                         // Select subcategories of template folder.
01284                                                 $page_res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'pages', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime AND NOT fe_group', '', 'sorting');
01285                                                 while($page_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($page_res))     {
01286                                                                 // Subcategory templates
01287                                                         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($page_row['uid']).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime', '', 'sorting');
01288                                                         while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
01289                                                                 if (!$firstUID) $firstUID=$row[uid];
01290                                                                 $key=$row['uid'];
01291                                                                 $val=$page_row['title'].' / '.$row['title'];
01292                                                                 if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['EXTERNAL']['FREESITE']['templateSelect_noInfoLink'])    {
01293                                                                         $out.='<a name="T'.$key.'"></a>';
01294                                                                         $out.='<a href="index.php?script=template&infoUid='.$key.'" target="template_infowindow"><img src="'.$GLOBALS["BACK_PATH"].'t3lib/gfx/icon_note.gif" class="absmiddle" width=18 height=16 border=0></a>';
01295                                                                 }
01296                                                                 $out.=$this->getTemplateHTML($key,$val,$itemPart);
01297                                                         }
01298                                                 }
01299                                         }
01300                                 }
01301                         break;
01302                         case "selectPages":
01303                                         // Dummy Pages
01304                                 $pid = intval($this->sysConfig["pid_dummyPagesArchive"]);
01305                                 $oTags="";
01306                                 $firstUID=0;
01307                                 if ($pid)       {
01308                                         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'pages', 'pid='.intval($pid).' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden AND NOT starttime AND NOT endtime AND NOT fe_group', '', 'sorting');
01309                                         while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))       {
01310                                                 if (!$firstUID) $firstUID = $row[uid];
01311                                                 $key = $row["uid"];
01312                                                 $val = $row["title"];
01313                                                 $out.= $this->getPagesHTML($key,$val,$itemPart);
01314                                         }
01315                                 }
01316                         break;
01317                 }
01318                 echo $this->substituteSubpart($templateCode, "###TEMPLATE_ITEM###", $out);
01319         }       
01322                 // USED TO DISPLAY TEMPLATE DETAILS:
01323         function displayExample($theOutput)     {
01324                 global $tmpl,$theConstants;
01325                 $categories = $tmpl->ext_getCategoryLabelArray();
01326                 $allDetails = t3lib_div::_GP("allDetails");
01327                 if (is_array($categories))      {
01328 //                      debug($categories);
01329 //                      debug($tmpl->categories);
01330                         reset($categories);
01331                         $tmpl->ext_localGfxPrefix=t3lib_extMgm::extPath("tstemplate_ceditor");
01332                         $tmpl->ext_localWebGfxPrefix=$this->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath("tstemplate_ceditor");
01333                         while(list($category,$label)=each($categories)) {
01334                                 $tmpl->helpConfig=array();
01335                                 $tmpl->ext_getTSCE_config($category);
01336 //                              debug($tmpl->helpConfig);
01337                                 $detailFlag = $tmpl->helpConfig["imagetag"] || $tmpl->helpConfig["description"] || $tmpl->helpConfig["header"];
01338                                 if ($allDetails || $detailFlag) {
01339                                         $theOutput.="<HR>";
01340                                         $theOutput.="<h3>".$label.": ".$tmpl->helpConfig["header"]."</h3>";
01341                                 }
01342                                 if ($detailFlag)        {
01343                                         $theOutput.='<div align="center">'.$tmpl->helpConfig["imagetag"].'</div><BR>'.
01344                                                 ($tmpl->helpConfig["description"] ? implode(explode("//",$tmpl->helpConfig["description"]),"<BR>")."<BR>" : "").
01345                                                 ($tmpl->helpConfig["bulletlist"] ? "<ul><li>".implode(explode("//",$tmpl->helpConfig["bulletlist"]),"<li>")."</ul>" : "<BR>");
01346                                 }
01347                                 if ($allDetails || $detailFlag) {
01348                                         $theOutput.=$this->getTemplateDetails($category);
01349                                 }
01350                         }
01351                 }
01353                 return $theOutput;
01354         }
01355         function getTemplateDetails($category)  {
01356                 global $tmpl,$theConstants;
01358                 // Details:
01359                 $subcat="";
01360                 $subcat_name="";
01361                 asort($tmpl->categories[$category]);
01362                 while(list($name,$type)=each($tmpl->categories[$category]))     {
01363                         $params = $theConstants[$name];
01364                         if (is_array($params))  {
01365                                 if ($subcat!=$params["subcat_name"])    {
01366                                         $subcat=$params["subcat_name"];
01367                                         $subcat_name = $params["subcat_name"] ? $tmpl->subCategories[$params["subcat_name"]][0] : "Others";
01369                                         $out.='<tr><td colspan=3><img src=clear.gif height=10 width=1></td></tr>';
01370                                         $out.='<tr><td colspan=3 bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>'.fw(strtoupper(htmlspecialchars($subcat_name))).'</strong></td></tr>';
01371                                 }
01373                                 list($label)=explode("|",$params["label"]);
01374                                 $label_parts = explode(":",$label,2);
01375                                 if (count($label_parts)==2)     {
01376                                         $head=trim($label_parts[0]);
01377                                         $body=trim($label_parts[1]);
01378                                 } else {
01379                                         $head=trim($label_parts[0]);
01380                                         $body="";
01381                                 }
01382                                 if (strlen($head)>35)   {
01383                                         if (!$body) {$body=$head;}
01384                                         $head=t3lib_div::fixed_lgd($head,35);
01385                                 }
01386                                 $typeDat=$tmpl->ext_getTypeData($params["type"]);
01388                                 $p_name = '<font color="#666666">['.$params["name"].']</font><BR>';
01389                                 $p_dlabel='<font color="#666666"><b>Default:</b> '.htmlspecialchars($params["default_value"]).'</font><BR>';                    
01390                                 $p_label = '<b>'.htmlspecialchars($head).'</b>';
01391                                 $p_descrip = $body ? htmlspecialchars($body)."<BR>" : "";
01392 //                              debug($typeDat);
01394                                 $out.='<tr><td nowrap valign=top>'.fw($tmpl->helpConfig["constants"][$params["name"]].$p_label).'<BR><font color="#666666">'.fw(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd(htmlspecialchars($params["type"]),20)).'</font></td><td><img src=clear.gif width=10 height=1></td><td valign=top>'.fw($p_descrip).'</td></tr>';
01395 //                              debug($typeDat);
01396                         }
01397                 }
01398                 $out='<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'.$out.'</table>';
01399                 return $out;
01400         }
01401         function initialize_editor($pageId,$template_uid=0)     {
01402                         // Initializes the module. Done in this function because we may need to re-initialize if data is submitted!
01403                 global $tmpl,$tplRow,$theConstants;
01405                 $tmpl = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_tsparser_ext");  // Defined global here!
01406                 $tmpl->tt_track = 0;    // Do not log time-performance information
01407                 $tmpl->init();
01408                 $tmpl->fieldCompensation = (($GLOBALS["CLIENT"]["BROWSER"]=="net") ? "1" : "1.15");
01410                 $tplRow = $tmpl->ext_getFirstTemplate($pageId,$template_uid);   // Get the row of the first VISIBLE template of the page. whereclause like the frontend.
01411                 if (is_array($tplRow))  {       // IF there was a template...
01412                                 // Gets the rootLine
01413                         $sys_page = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_pageSelect");
01414                         $rootLine = $sys_page->getRootLine($pageId);
01415                         $tmpl->runThroughTemplates($rootLine,$template_uid);    // This generates the constants/config + hierarchy info for the template.
01416                         $theConstants = $tmpl->generateConfig_constants();      // The editable constants are returned in an array.
01417                         $tmpl->ext_categorizeEditableConstants($theConstants);  // The returned constants are sorted in categories, that goes into the $tmpl->categories array
01418                         $tmpl->ext_regObjectPositions($tplRow["constants"]);            // This array will contain key=[expanded constantname], value=linenumber in template. (after edit_divider, if any)
01419                         return 1;
01420                 }
01421         }
01422 }
01425 // Include extension?
01426 if (defined("TYPO3_MODE") && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/freesite/mod/class.freesite.php"])     {
01427         include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/freesite/mod/class.freesite.php"]);
01428 }
01431 ?>

Généré par Les spécialistes TYPO3 avec  doxygen 1.4.6